Showing posts with label duah. Show all posts
Showing posts with label duah. Show all posts

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Follow 'Sunnah', Avoid 'Shirk'


Ashhadu alla ilaha illallahu wa ashhadu anna Muhammadan ‘abduhu wa rasuluh.

I bear witness that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah, and I bear witness that Muhammad (pbuh) is His servant and Messenger. 

In our proclamation of faith, as Allah says in Surah Al-Baqara, Chapter 2, Verse 286: “The Messenger believes in what has been revealed to him from his Lord, and so do the believers. All of them have faith in Allah, His Angels, His Books, and His Messengers. [And they say] ‘We make no distinction between any of His Messengers.’ And they also say: ‘We hear and we obey. Forgive us, our Lord, for to You is the final return.’”


When a Messenger of Allah comes, especially a Messenger and Prophet who comes after the Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), his role is to hold firmly to the Quran and ensures that he guides people to the commandments of this best Book. The Quran is special because it represents the total sum of laws that Allah has ordained for humanity. It is not applicable only to a particular era but applies at all times, as long as there are people on earth. People have been given a perfect guide in the person of Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh), whom Allah made a representation of the Quran on earth.

Sunday, January 19, 2025

The Pathway to Allah - 2


Today, I want to continue last week's sermon about how Allah wants us to get closer to Him through prayers, both the obligatory and additional ones. Among the billions of people in the world, especially Muslims, everyone reaches different levels of closeness with Allah. Some people, because they work hard to maintain their connection with Allah through prayers, Duahs (supplications), Zikr (remembrance of Allah), and Quranic recitations, achieve a much higher status and closeness with Him.


Those who reach an elevated level in the eyes of Allah, and whom Allah grants to see many things, including matters of the unseen (Ghayb) that others without such a connection do not experience, find it difficult to accurately describe their spiritual experiences in ordinary language. These experiences are so profound that they cannot be expressed in everyday words.

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

'Salah': The Pathway to Allah

Among all religious practices, Salah (prayer) is the most profound experience, an unparalleled means of establishing a connection between a believer and his Creator. 

Throughout the ages, humankind has found a path to Allah through Salah (prayer). This path has always been open to those who seek Allah. Before Islam was established as the perfected religion of Allah, Salah (prayer) was performed in various forms, but what was common in each Salah (prayer) was bowing and prostrating before Allah. For example, the original Salah (prayer) of the Jews before Islam was almost similar to how Muslims perform Salah (prayer) today. However, with the establishment of Islam as a Way of Life and Faith, the Jews changed their way of praying to differentiate themselves from Muslims.


This example highlights the true value of Salah (prayer) in the life of a true believer. When a believer stands, bows, and prostrates before his Creator with sincerity and humility of heart (Khushu), his Salah (prayer) brings tranquillity and comfort to his soul, body, and spirit. This Salah (prayer) provides true solace to a troubled mind, elevating the believer from a miserable state to one of peace and extraordinary tranquillity. Through Salat (prayers), one can attain high spiritual levels in the eyes of Allah, levels not experienced by those who lack this true connection with their Creator. Therefore, a believer who perfects his Salat (prayers) can achieve a higher spiritual status than other Muslims who have not unlocked the true potential of Salah (prayer).

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Duahs for Divine Shade




Ya Allah,

Have mercy on our weak souls

We claim to love you so much,

But we disobey You so often.


Ya Rahman,

Do not punish us for our actions;

We are weak and forgetful.

Ameen Summah Ameen

Ya Rabbul Aalameen




Duah for the Purification of the Soul


Allahumma Ati Nafsi Taqwaha Wa-Zakkiha

Anta Khayru Man Zakkana Anta Waliyuha Wa-Mawlaha.


'O Allah,

Give my soul (Nafs)

It's God - fearing righteousness (Taqwah)

And purify it.

For You are the Best to purify it.

You are its Protector And its Guardian.'

(Sahih Muslim 2722).

Saturday, October 12, 2024

'Stay Humble for Divine Mercy'


No matter how successful you are,

No matter how big your house,

No matter how new your car, or

How big your bank balances is,

Your grave will be the same size

As everyone else's


No matter how high up you get,

Never forget where you came from.

So keep your feet firmly on the ground

And stay humble.




When life is good, pray

When life is hard, pray

Never forget to pray,

 Jazak-Allah Khair

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Muhammad: 'Khatam-an-Nabiyyin'


The Advent of the Seal of all Prophets, Muhammad (pbuh)


'O our Lord, send among them a Messenger from among themselves, who will recite to them Your Verses [revelations], teach them Your Book and Wisdom, and purify them. Indeed, You are the Exalted in Might, the Wise.'  (Al-Baqara 2: 130)


Hazrat Ibrahim (as) and Hazrat Isma’il (as) made a profound supplication, which Allah has mentioned in the Holy Quran, to endure until the Day of Judgement, and which gives the good news of the advent of Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) as an answer to their prayer.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

'Preach Islam through Good Deeds'


The Duahs of the Holy Prophet (sa) & The Promise of Allah- Part 5

'O you who believe! Remember Allah with much remembrance. And glorify Him morning and evening. It is He Who blesses you, as do His angels, to get you out of darkness into light, and He has always been Merciful to the believers. Their greeting on the Day they meet Him will be, “Peace!” And He has prepared for them an honourable reward. O Prophet, We have sent you as a Witness and a Bearer of glad tidings and a Warner, as one who calls people to Allah by His leave, and as a light-giving lamp. Give good news to the believers that they will have a great bounty from Allah. Do not obey the disbelievers and the hypocrites. Overlook their annoyances, and put your trust in Allah. For Allah is sufficient to take care of all matters.'  (Surah Al-Ahzab 33: 42-49)

Alhamdulillah, Summa Alhamdulillah, I am continuing the fifth part of my Friday sermon concerning the invocations of our beloved Prophet and the promises that Allah has made to us through him.

Saturday, August 31, 2024

Bedtime Ethics in Islam

Qur'an on Night Prayer



‘Remember the name of your Lord at dawn and in the evening; bow down before Him, and glorify Him at length by night’. (76: 26-27)

‘Proclaim His praise in the night’ (50:41)


‘Glorify Him at night and at the fading of the stars.’ (52: 50) 


‘Keep up the prayer at both ends of the day, and during parts of the night, for good things drive bad away– this is a reminder for those who are aware.’ (11: 115)


‘Celebrate the praise of your Lord, before the rising and setting of the sun, celebrate His praise during the night, and at the beginning and end of the day, so that you may find contentment.’ (20:131)


‘Night prayer makes a deeper impression and sharpens words–– you are kept busy for long periods of the day–– so celebrate the name of your Lord and devote yourself wholeheartedly to Him.’ (73:7-9)


‘And during the night wake up and pray, as an extra offering of your own, so that your Lord may raise you to a [highly] praised status.’ (17:80)

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Signs of True Muslims


Tarbiyyat Lessons- 21

Islamic teachings empower individuals in their everyday lives. Divine commands in the Holy Qur’an guide our souls and minds to distinguish between what is right and wrong so as to truly prosper through a God-centric life of pure devotion, clean habits, justice-orientation, and spirit of kinship and service to all humanity. If we hold true Faith and sincere allegiance to the Way of Life practiced by the Holy Prophet of Islam (sa), it will enable us to form personal habits and preferences that will reflect the true wisdom of the same values he preached. When we embrace Islam in our inner temperament and behaviour, we will be intuitively guided to good deeds and productive habits; we will also move away from frivolity and wastage and bad habits, and truly prioritize that which will benefit the individual person, her family and friends and the society at large, both in this world and in the world to come, Insha Allah.



‘The servants of the Lord of Mercy are those who walk humbly on the earth, and who, when the foolish address them, reply, ‘Peace’; those who spend the night bowed down or standing, worshipping their Lord, who plead, ‘Our Lord, turn away from us the suffering of Hell, for it is a dreadful torment to suffer! It is an evil home, a foul resting place!’


They are those who are neither wasteful nor niggardly when they spend, but keep to a just balance; those who never invoke any other deity beside God, nor take a life, which God has made sacred, except in the pursuit of justice, nor commit adultery.

Friday, July 26, 2024

Tarbiyyat Lessons-19


Life is yours...

So you have to choose

whom you want to in your life.


Surround yourself with

People who know your worth


You don't need

too many in your life:

Just the real ones

who appreciate you

for exactly who you are



If you want good results,

Then meet with good people

Good people always give you

Positive vibration and real happiness.


Thursday, July 18, 2024

Tarbiyyat Lessons- 18


‘Salah’: Five Times A Day


‘Why have prayers been prescribed for Muslims five times a day? It may be asked: would not once or twice, or whenever one happens to feel like it, be sufficient?’ 



In response to this set of questions from Mr. Louis Babel Christopher from Algeria, Hazrat Imam Muhyiuddin Al Khalifatullah Al Mahdi Munir Ahmad Azim (aba) of Mauritius states:


In answering these questions, it must first be pointed out that the Islamic prayers (salat) are somewhat different from "prayer" as used in the Christian sense, although personal supplication and glorification of God (known as Duah) are also a very important part of the Muslim's worship.


Basically, Islamic prayers consist of recitations from the Holy Quran and glorification of God accompanied by various bodily postures. The five times of worship correspond to the five periods of the day: daybreak, noon, afternoon, the close of day and night, corresponding to the organization of Man's time around various activities.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

'Duah' for Healing

Tarbiyyat Lessons-16: 

Duah for Prevention of Cancer 

'Start reciting this powerful verse from the Qur'an, for yourself, and for your loved ones, and Allah will protect you from cancer developing in your body.

You must be always in a state of wudu (ablution). Recite every day, especially after Salah:


‘Rabbi qad aataitanee minal mulki wa allamtanee min taaweelil ahaadees, faati ras samaawaati wal ardi anta waliyyee fid Dunyaa wal Aakhirati tawaffanee Muslimanw wa alhiqnee bissaaliheen.’


‘My Lord! You have given me authority; You have taught me something about the interpretation of dreams; Creator of the heavens and the earth, You are my protector in this world and in the Hereafter. Let me die in true devotion to You. Join me with the righteous.’



Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Tarbiyyat Lessons- 15


If you're reading this, then, say:


‘Allahumma Inni As-alukal Afiyah!’


This is Afiyah. You have now made Duah to save yourself from affliction, to be healthy, to have enough money, to live, to have your children protected and to be granted forgiveness with no punishment.




About ‘Surah Al Ikhlas’,

the Holy Prophet (sa) states:

‘By the one in whose hand is my soul,

 it is equal to a third of the Qur’an.’ (Bukhari 4726).


Read this Surah to gain benefits.


Monday, July 8, 2024

Hijri 1446: New Year

Allah (swt) says in the Qur’an: ‘Indeed, the number of months with Allah is twelve (lunar) months in the register of Allah (from) the day He created the heavens and the earth; of these, four are sacred (that is to say, Dhul-Qaddah, Dhul-Hijjah, Muharram and Rajab): That is the correct religion, so do not wrong yourselves during them.’ (9: 36)


‘O Allah, bring this [month or year] upon us with security, Imaan, safety, Islam, protection from Shaytan, and Your pleasure.’ ---- (Mu’jamus Sahabah of Baghawi, & Al-Mu’jamul Awsat of Tabarani, Hadith: 6237)

'With the arrival of Muharram, it is recommended to observe the first day in fasting and also to perform two cycles (Rakaat) of voluntary prayers (during the day). This protects from worries and problems during the year. As for the month of Muharram, which marks the beginning of a new year, the moral reason is that the best way to start a new year is precisely to refrain from doing sins, hence the name given to this month.' [---Imam- Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam International Hazrat Muhyiuddin Al Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim (aba) of Mauritius, Special Sermon of 10 October 2015~ 02 Muharram 1437 AH].   

The coming of a New Year, with the coming of Muharram, is an occasion for soul searching reflections and Duah, for turning a new page in the book of life. The time has come for everybody to purify their hearts, for us to let all mistakes be forgiven. Let us pray that it will be a year with peace, happiness, and abundance of all. May Allah bless all of you throughout the New Year 1446. Muharram Mubarak.

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Tarbiyyat Lessons- 14


The Bravest Heart:

One that stays close to Allah

even when it's in pain".


‘Ya Allah,

I put everything in Your Hands today:

My family, my health, my home, my security, and my fears;

You’re the only One

I trust with all l have and all I am,



Thursday, July 4, 2024

Tarbiyyat Lessons- 11


Do you ever get emotional when Allah accepts your Duah?

It's not really the acceptance of the Duah that makes you tear up, but the fact that Allah, the King of all Kings, the Greatest, the Creator of everything in this universe and beyond, listens to you...! 

[Standing before God, I feel like], I'm just a tiny little human, insignificant compared to what You have created out there; yet You heard my Duahs, Ya Allah?! Goosebumps!!



Duah to Remove Worry


HasbiyAllahu la illaha illa Huwa

Allah is sufficient for me.

There is none worthy of worship but Him


Alayhi Tawakkaltu

I have placed my trust in Him


Wa Huwa Rabbul Arshil Azeem

He is the Lord of the Majestic Throne.
