Showing posts with label Sirat Allah. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sirat Allah. Show all posts

Sunday, January 19, 2025

The Pathway to Allah - 2


Today, I want to continue last week's sermon about how Allah wants us to get closer to Him through prayers, both the obligatory and additional ones. Among the billions of people in the world, especially Muslims, everyone reaches different levels of closeness with Allah. Some people, because they work hard to maintain their connection with Allah through prayers, Duahs (supplications), Zikr (remembrance of Allah), and Quranic recitations, achieve a much higher status and closeness with Him.


Those who reach an elevated level in the eyes of Allah, and whom Allah grants to see many things, including matters of the unseen (Ghayb) that others without such a connection do not experience, find it difficult to accurately describe their spiritual experiences in ordinary language. These experiences are so profound that they cannot be expressed in everyday words.

Sunday, December 10, 2023

'The world is not our Home'


'Everyone on earth perishes; all that remains is the Face of your Lord, full of majesty, bestowing honour'. (55: 27-28) 

'Do not call out to any other god beside God, for there is no god but Him. Everything will perish except His face. His is the judgement and to Him you shall all be brought back.' (28:89)

People love the fleeting life: family and children, wealth and riches, power and authority, fame and grandeur, etc. They forget God and ignore His commandments when they chase transient pleasures here at the cost of enduring blessings in the Hereafter. Hence, elects of God appear with a mission- to call our individual and collective attention to the true purpose and correct values of life; inviting us to choose wisely in our time in this transient world; urging us in the strongest terms to do good and resist evil, and recognize the impermanence of earthly life, so as to benefit us in the world to come. 


As the Divine Manifestation of our times in the person of Imam- Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam International Hazrat Muhyiuddin Al Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim (aba) of Mauritius completes 23 years this month, the Divinely-inspired messages shared with the world by the Mujaddid of the 15th Century of Islam renews the enduring Highway to God, providing spiritual guidance and enlightenment to seekers of higher wisdom and true values of life.  Reproduced Below is such a Divinely-inspired message received by Hazrat Munir A. Azim (aba) on 14 May 2002 at 8.45 pm (Zikr Time):  


This universe is unstable and perishable. It is continually changing. It will not be tomorrow as it is today. There is no stability in this world and in Jamaat-Ahmadiyya worldwide. It is the land of death, and like a house of sand it can be destroyed at any time.

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Poem: 'The Successor'


The Rise of the Sun & the Moon of Islam


The World may be cut Asunder,

But not my Love for You,

Your Essence fills me,

And grants me the elixir of Unity,

In Your pure Divinity;


You say to let go of the filth of this world,

And come in Your embrace,

Devoid of the temporalities of temporalities;


You crafted a Being,

And breathed in Your Soul,

The Divine Soul will see through,

The Trials of this world;


In the Glow of a Setting World,

The Sun will rise again,

To give a Last Ray of Hope to the Universe,

The cry, out of this world

Will fill Your Universe,

With submission to Your Will;

Thursday, December 3, 2020

Qur’an: Guiding Souls

Our life on earth is a gift from God, the Lord and Master of the Universe. It is our solemn duty to learn and recognize the Way of Life ordained by our Sustainer. For, His laws and commandments throw clear light on life’s complex crossroads so that we  find right directions and always remain on the correct path, the Way of the Righteous (Muttaqin). Indeed, a Muttaqi, even when bruised by the complicated trajectories of earthly trials, in submitting to the Divine expectations and regulations, will invariably find sprouting signs of  mercy, grace and infinite kindness of God around her. 

Moreover, to help and guide the deeply-flawed and evil-prone humans in every day life, our Creator and True Friend has sent down the Book of revelations (Kitaab) with practical wisdom (Hikmah) through the sublime blessing of Prophecy (Nubuwwah). Likewise, Sunnat Allah has established Wilayah/ Khilafa -the Divine practice of  raising holy men as an unbroken chain in every age in the Ummah to preserve, sustain and to renew the spiritual highway for all times. It is by accepting the Divine revelations and messages as well as by following in the noble footsteps of the Divinely-inspired men when they arrive that we can remain on the Way of Divine Pleasure, so as not to be lost or drowned, or be confused, in the difficult journey of earthly life. The ringing words of the Qur'an is as follows:  ‘When guidance comes to you from Me, as it certainly will, there will be no fear for those  who follow My guidance, nor will they grieve’----(2:39)