Sunday, June 30, 2024

Tarbiyyat Lessons-10

Five qualities of a Muslim Wife

1.     Faith (‘Imaan’)

A wife who is strong in her faith and devotion to Allah is considered attractive in Islam as she is supportive, and encourages her husband in his religious journey.

2.     Obedience (‘Taha’)

A wife who is obedient to her husband and respects him is considered attractive, as she will be a supportive partner, and helps to maintain a harmonious household.

3.     Modesty (‘Haya’).

A wife who is modest and chaste in her behaviour, in her dress, is considered attractive as she will preserve her dignity and the honour of her family.

4.     Hospitality (‘Diafa’)

         A wife who is hospitable and welcoming to guests is considered attractive as she will create a warm and welcoming environment for her family and community.

5.     Gratitude [‘Shukr’]

         A wife who is grateful and content with what Allah has provided is considered attractive.


Relationship Advice 

Never allow your heart to be given to someone. People have a ‘crush’ sometimes when they're young- 10,11,12,15,18. Sometimes it's a crush: it's someone you ‘see’ (and develop) infatuation. You know, you're excited: wow, I'd love this person as a husband (/wife). And you don't know a thing about him/her. You've probably seen them online. Those marriages are very tough.


You need to find out much about them (the person of your special interest) without attachment [objectively]. When you find out about someone with attachment to them, you're going to ignore the red flags and the negative (aspects). But when you find out about someone before you're even attached to him/her, you immediately are able to navigate through what's a red flag, and (judge for yourself) what is not worth going into, and what is worth pursuing to the next level. So be careful as you grow up. You might like this one and like that one; not everyone you like is worth getting married to. You need to focus on who is fit to be the parent of your child.

True Love & Sacrifice 

True love is the love that is prepared to sacrifice. True love is the love that is prepared to compromise a little bit. True love is the love that is prepared to understand. True love is the love that is prepared to communicate. True love is the love that is prepared to sacrifice for the broader good. That is genuine love.


Today people pass on a statement that ‘I love you’, in a second he sees you. Subhan Allah, they are saying ‘I love you’, I love what you look like. But they’ve just dropped the other part of it, okay. And it’s not only about what you look like.


Are they prepared- and, are you prepared to sacrifice? For indeed love can be very painful as well. Are you prepared to endure a little bit of the pain in order to see that humanity continues in the way that will be filled with growth, rather than with negativity? True love is indeed the love that is prepared to sacrifice.


Over-thinking is from Shaytan. Whatever happened in our life, it was the ‘Qadr’ of Allah. And it was best for us. You just have to keep living, and not stress over what you can't control. Don't waste your time worrying. When Allah is the controller of everything, ask Allah to constantly guide you.


                                            A Duah for Pure Living


Allahumma abdil qalaqi sakinah

O Allah, replace my anxiety with serenity

Wa hammi inshirahan

and (replace) my worries with relief 

Wa-sakhti ridhan

and my anger with contentment

     Wa khawfi tamaanina

and my fears with tranquility.



Allahumma abdil ajzi qudrah

O Allah, replace my weakness with strength

    Wa deeqi farahan wa'usri yusra

My distress with happiness, and my hardships with ease

Wa da'fi quwwah

transform my incapacity into capacity.


Allahumma ayyaman kama nuhibb

O Allah, grant us days as we love them

     Wa halan afdal

and better circumstances than now

      Wa hamman bi-qudratika yarhal

and by Your power, the departure of our worries and distress


Allahhuma la taj'alni utruq baban laysa li

O Allah, do not make me knock on a door that isn't mine

     Wa la tasmah li-hubbin naqis an yadkhul hayati

and do not allow incomplete love to enter my life

    Wa la ta'alliq ruhi bima laysa laha

and do not attach my soul to what does not belong to it.

    Allahumma farhatan la huzna ba'daha

O Allah, grant me happiness with no sorrow after it

     Wa karamatan wa huriyah la qayda yamna uha

and honor, and freedom with no restraint

     Wa izzata nafsin la insana wa la mawqif yuza'zi uha

and the dignity of a soul that no person or situation can shake


Allahumma rahatal bal

O Allah, (grant me) peace of mind

      Wa-ba'dan an al-qili wal-qal

and distance from gossip and idle talk

     Wa-ba'dan an hawan al-hajati wal-su'al

and to be far from the humiliation of neediness and begging!

Aameen, Summa Aameen.


Seven Levels of Hell


Do you know about the seven levels of Jahannum, or Hell? Muslims believe that there are seven levels of Jahannum Just like seven levels of Jannah, or Heaven; Jahannum is divided into seven levels. Those are situated below each levels based on the gravity of the sins/crimes of the sinners.


A Duah for Jannah

‘Ya Allah, forgive me and make me among Your righteous servants; when the time of my death comes take my soul as a righteous servant. On the Day of Judgement and Resurrection, take me as a righteous servant, and put me in Jannah with Your righteous servants, Aameen.’   

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[Adapted from Tarbiyyat lessons compiled and shared by the office of Imam- Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam International Hazrat Muhyiuddin Al Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim (aba) of Mauritius in a recent series of communications with disciples and followers around the world].   
