Thursday, June 27, 2024

God, and the Veils of Light


‘God has seventy thousand veils of light and darkness; if He were to remove them, the radiant splendours of His Face would burn up whoever (or ‘whatever creature’) was reached by His Gaze.’Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa), [reported in Ibnu Majah].

‘My Lord, grant me complete severance of my relations with everything else and total submission to You. Enlighten the eyes of our hearts with the light of their looking at You to the extent that they penetrate the veils of light and reach the Source of Grandeur, and let our souls get suspended by the glory of Your sanctity.’ [Duah of Hazrat Ali (ra)]

A Muslim brother [Mr. Abdul Nazir Qureshi Sahib from Pakistan] recently sought an exposition on this famous Hadith: ‘God has seventy thousand veils of light and darkness’. Responding to this question, Imam-Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam Hazrat Muhyiuddin Al Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim (aba) of Mauritius shared the following statement:

'Inna lillahi la-sabina alfa hijabin min nurin wa zulmatim'


The number, 70,000, varies in different versions, and is not by way of definite enumeration, but rather to denote some indefinitely great quantity. There are three classes of men who are veiled from the ineffably glorious Light of God:

(1) Those veiled by Pure Darkness;

(2) Those veiled by mixed Light and Darkness; and

(3) Those veiled by Pure Light.


In each class there are numerous sub-divisions. (When we take account of all these, we may well speak of 70,000 veils.)

Those veiled by Pure Darkness are such as are atheists, or such as take something else, which is not God, for God. For example, they take nature or self for God.

But there are numerous varieties of such men: the sort of men that confess with their tongues the creed of Islam, but are probably urged to it by fear alone, or the desire to beg from the Muslims, or to curry favour with them, or to get financial or other assistance out of them, and so on.

If the Creed fails to impel them to good works, it will not secure their elevation from the dark sphere to Light.

Rather are their Patron-saints devils, who lead them from the light into the darkness.

But he whom the Creed so touches that evil disgusts him and good gives him pleasure, has passed from pure darkness even though he be a great sinner still.


Those veiled by mixed Light and Darkness may be:

(1) Those veiled by the darkness of the Senses; they are above those who worship Self, but they give God's attributes of Majesty and Beauty to sense-perceived bodies, or to Nature, or the force/s of nature.

(2) Those veiled by mixed Light and Darkness of the imagination; they have got above the senses, but they allow their imagination to govern their ideas of God, Who is above anything that the imagination of man can conceive; and (3) those veiled by Light Divine, mixed with the darkness of Intelligence; they fall into anthropomorphism in their ideas of God (and fail to perceive that the Soul is above the intellect).


Those veiled by Pure Light are those who have perceived spiritual truths up to a certain point, but whose eyes have been so dazzled by the light itself that there is a Veil between them and the Light. But these are only the Few of the Few whom  "the splendours of the Countenance Sublime consume," and the majesty of takes in the information brought by the senses; (2) the imaginative spirit, which records the information conveyed by the senses and presents it to the intelligential spirit above it, when required; (3) the transcendental prophetic spirit, which is possessed by prophets and the reviver of faith; by it the unseen tables and statutes of the Law are revealed from the other world, together with several of the sciences of the Realms Celestial and Terrestrial, and pre-eminently Theology, the science of Deity, which the intelligential and discursive spirits cannot compass. All of these are Lights, for it is through them that every kind of existing thing is manifested, including objects of sense or imagination.

So, Mr. Abdul Nazir Qureshi Sahib, hope you understand my explanation and you got the reply of your question, Jazak-Allah Khair.