Showing posts with label God. Show all posts
Showing posts with label God. Show all posts

Thursday, February 1, 2024

Poem: ‘Supplication to Allah’


O You, for Whom I would sacrifice my life,

My heart, and every particle of my being!

With Your mercy, open for me

All the paths to recognizing You.


The philosopher who seeks You

Through reason, is insane;

The hidden path that leads to You

Lies far from reason’s domain.


None of them ever found

Your Holy Abode;

Only through Your limitless Grace

Has anyone ever found the Road.

Saturday, December 16, 2023

On the Inner 'Shaytan'


Tawheed & Shirk- 3

Alhamdulillah, Summa Alhamdulillah, I continue the series of sermons which I began elaborating on the subject of Tawheed and Shirk.


Today, I want to draw your attention to something: every day we say we will do something but we end up not doing it. And Allah is not pleased at all that you do not do what you have said you will do. 

Whenever we start praying (Salat) and anytime we read the Holy Quran, we start by saying: Aouzubillahi Minash Shaytaan-ir-Rajim. This simply means that we seek protection with Allah against Satan the Cursed, the one whom Allah rejected. But many times people don’t reflect upon those words: What am I saying? Where is that Shaytan (Satan)? And where does he stay? They think: In what way will Satan come to me so that I can repel him?

Sunday, May 7, 2023

The Realm of Divine Revelations- I


The Mysterious & Wonderful Realm of Divine Revelations and the Advent of a Messenger of Allah 

'It is not granted to any mortal that Allah should speak to him except through revelation or from behind a veil, or by sending a messenger (angel) to reveal by His command what He wills: He is Exalted and Wise.' (Ash-Shuraa, 42: 52)

Since the dawn of time, it has been Sunnatullah, i.e. the practice of Allah to guide His servants through His revelations and inspirations. These divine signs are manifested in many forms on the Chosen Servants of Allah, especially the prophets and those very near and dear to Him, those to whom He grants such blessings to reinforce their faith, and which also serves to increase the faith of others.


In this era of Divine Manifestation like the previous eras of Divine Light, in the Darkened Night of Despair, Allah has sent to you all a Messenger, His Own Caliph and Representative to act on His behalf to all mankind, to bring you all to Him with a purified soul.


The Messenger of Allah is such a recipient which is empty of himself and filled instead with Allah’s Will. The ego, the passion disappears to reflect the Will of Allah. While being humane and weak, yet Allah couples his weaknesses with His might, grants him the treasures of heart to heart communication with Him.

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Knowledge of God in Our Souls

'On earth there are signs for those with sure faith- and in yourselves too, do you not see?' (51:21) Regardless of our social and cultural background, each of us as humans are programmed as it were with inbuilt faculties for an innate recognition of the existence of a Higher Being. Whereas idolatry defy reason and logic and has no leg to stand on the rational disposition of any human being, God's Oneness and Lordship is intuitively understood by every human soul. Embedded in human nature is an original consciousness of God's Oneness; a natural disposition to recognizing and worshipping God and toward accepting the Prophets and the messages that they bring as 'reminders' of what they already intuitively 'know' to be the Truth in their latent consciousness. Being true to our inner disposition as a  sincere and morally uncorrupted soul, one can only adapt one's choices in tune with His ordinances in this world. Indeed, knowledge of God's Lordship enable us to care for the higher values of life, rather than incline towards selfish desires and worldly things- the greed for which debases man, turning him away from the path of God's messengers, and lead him to the misfortune of being held accountable as a disbeliever, or a hypocrite (God forbid). 

Recently, a Lady from Canada raised a question: 'How can people with diverse backgrounds, societies and cultures, believe in the one true God'? Based on Qur'anic teachings and Prophetic traditions, Imam- Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam Hazrat Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim (aba) of Mauritius provides a considered response to the question. 

Reproduced below is the Extracts from the Response: 

'...So for people to be held responsible for worshipping the one true God, they all need to have access to knowledge of Him. The final revelation teaches that all human beings have the recognition of the one true God imprinted on their souls as a part of their very nature with which they are created.