Showing posts with label Sai Baba. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sai Baba. Show all posts

Sunday, May 7, 2023

The Realm of Divine Revelations- I


The Mysterious & Wonderful Realm of Divine Revelations and the Advent of a Messenger of Allah 

'It is not granted to any mortal that Allah should speak to him except through revelation or from behind a veil, or by sending a messenger (angel) to reveal by His command what He wills: He is Exalted and Wise.' (Ash-Shuraa, 42: 52)

Since the dawn of time, it has been Sunnatullah, i.e. the practice of Allah to guide His servants through His revelations and inspirations. These divine signs are manifested in many forms on the Chosen Servants of Allah, especially the prophets and those very near and dear to Him, those to whom He grants such blessings to reinforce their faith, and which also serves to increase the faith of others.


In this era of Divine Manifestation like the previous eras of Divine Light, in the Darkened Night of Despair, Allah has sent to you all a Messenger, His Own Caliph and Representative to act on His behalf to all mankind, to bring you all to Him with a purified soul.


The Messenger of Allah is such a recipient which is empty of himself and filled instead with Allah’s Will. The ego, the passion disappears to reflect the Will of Allah. While being humane and weak, yet Allah couples his weaknesses with His might, grants him the treasures of heart to heart communication with Him.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

An Indian Scientist on Satya Sai Baba

In his Friday Sermon of May 06, 2011, Hadhrat Khalifathullah Munir Ahmad Azim Sahib narrated his encounter with the Indian godman Satya Sai Baba at his den in Puttaparthy in 2005. The Khalifathullah explained how his family and he himself had to escape from mortal danger from the place under extraordinary circumstances- the situation emerging in the backdrop of his daring refusal to condone the worship of the godman as God himself, as others in the place were doing.

The criminal proclivity of the men surrounding the Sai Baba and their history of criminally assaulting inconvenient people is now independently confirmed by the distinguished Indian scientist Dr. Pushpa M. Bhargawa in an article published in the widely-respected national newspaper The Hindu Daily, May 15, 2011.

Read the Article:

The phenomenon of Satya Sai Baba

As the dust after the death of Satya Sai Baba has largely settled, it is time to evaluate him, his work and its implications, objectively and unemotionally, for there is a good deal to be learnt from his life and death.

His rise to fame from an ordinary, even humble background, was based on (i ) his claim that he was the reincarnation of Shirdi Sai Baba ; (ii) his claim that he represented divinity, that is, God himself ; (iii) that, consequently, he had powers that no mortal man had ; (iv) that he could provide succour and mental peace to people who came to him with problems of various kinds ; and (v) that he engaged himself in charitable works like opening hospitals and providing potable water to villagers.

Monday, May 9, 2011

An Encounter with Sai Baba

Allah, the Most High has always been raising His Messengers with a single message: to preach the Unity of God. They come to confront the people’s practices of worshipping false gods- be it images, human beings or nature. Like all messengers before and after them, Hazrat Ibrahim (as), Moses (as),  Jesus (as) and the Holy Prophet of Islam (sa) have  preached their non-negotiable stand on the Unity of God against all odds and that too in the den of polytheistic practices of their times! 

It is spiritually appealing to think that in these times when the Unity of God/Tawheed doctrine is being challenged and undermined through polytheistic practices among the human beings of all religions and fractional groupings in the world, God has raised someone as a renewer of Faiths, the true spirituality of Oneness of God in all traditions of people's beliefs. "Sathya Sai Baba", the Indian godman who died recently, had hundreds of thousands of people who looked upon him as the personification of God Himself. While speaking on the larger theme of the eventual fall of criminals irrespective of their religious identity or sectarian orientation, Khalifatullah Hazrat Munir Ahmad Azim (aba) of Mauritius briefly touched upon the story of his encounter with the Sai Baba in 2005 at his place - Puttaparthy, India.

Read the extracts from the Friday Sermon of May 06, 2011:

Like you are all aware, the Sai Baba died on Sunday 24 April 2011 at the age of 84. Lots of people used to take him as god on earth and there are many of his adherents in Mauritius, whom I know personally, who pray him. There is a quote which says: When you do not believe in one God, then you shall believe in a million gods. By the grace of Allah, here in Mauritius, the devotees of the Sai Baba invite me in their several conferences to address them, and thus, it is on these occasions that I seize the opportunity to talk on the unity of Allah.

A Conference visit to Puttaparthy

In 2005, I was invited in Puttaparthy in India to participate in an inter-faith conference whereby different religious leaders of all communities were present and invited to address the audience. My family and I went there in the month of July (the 11th) 2005. Many of Sai Baba’s devotees all round the world were present at the place of conference.