Saturday, July 31, 2021

The Signs of 'Al Abrar'- II


Divine Revelations of 24 July 2021

Imam- Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam Hazrat Khalifatullah Munir Ahmed Azim (aba) of Mauritius received this Revelation from ALLAH Almighty around 6:10am, on Saturday, 24 July 2021 (after his Tahajjud with long Duah and then Fajr prayer, Duah and Dhikr felt a pain over his neck and then closed his eyes then he heard this voice):

"And you gave food, for the love of Allah, to the poor, to the orphans and to the prisoners."

"We gave you food simply to see the Face of Allah. We never seek from you neither reward nor thanks."

"We fear, from our Master, that Day when people will come frowned and very nervous."

"So Allah will protect them against all misfortune on that Day and will shower an illuminous light and joy upon you"

"And to reward you for your patience with paradise and silk garments."

"Allah's Shadow will descend very low upon them and also His fruits will be  at their reach."

Friday, July 30, 2021

The Signs of ‘Al Abrar’


Rituals of prayer and rites of sacrifice are a part of every Faith. Indeed, those aspects of Faith are its unique markings and as such representative of the very distinct identity of a community- like the anthems and flags of a nation proud in its independent existence. For Islam, the external forms of ‘identity-markers’ of a Muslim includes: performing ‘Namaz’, fasting on Ramadan; feasting on Eid, etc. Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa) stated: ‘Whoever prays like us and faces our Qibla and eats our slaughtered animals is a Muslim.’ 

Yet, Faith is much more than just doing religious ceremonies in a mechanical fashion. In Islam, mere physical compliance to rites and rituals does not meet the requirements of piety. Even while explaining God’s sacred rites of animal sacrifice on the occasion of the great pilgrimage, the Qur’an states: It is neither their meat nor their blood that reaches God but your piety’. (22:37). The Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa) said, “God does not look at your bodies or at your forms, but looks at your hearts”.

Thursday, July 29, 2021

'Sham': The Holy Land

Alhamdulillah Summa Alhamdulillah, today is the third day of Eid [in the context of the Eid’-ul Adha] and an Eid’-ul Jummah. The sacrifice of Abraham and his son will remain forever engraved in the history of mankind, because let us all remember that Abraham (as) as mentioned in the Qu’ran was the father of two nations: The Ishmaelites [that is, the biological as well as spiritual children of Isma’il (as), i.e., the Muslims] and the children of Issac, and consequently those of Israel [i.e., Jacob (as) who are better known as Jews as well as Christians]. 

In these dark times of history, we see the descendants and followers of the two prophets: Ishmael and Issac, fighting among them to dispute a land which since the dawn of time has been a holy land. Although this land came under the responsibility of Muslims, but other countries have widened the chasm of hatred and strife to make this sacred land a land of war and dread.

Friday, July 23, 2021

Eid-ul-Adha Retreat 2021


In the clear light of Divine revelations ahead of the Eid-ul-Adha this year, Imam-Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam Hazrat Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim Saheb (aba) of Mauritius recently instructed his disciples /Jamaat members to converge at their area-Masjids and other designated places of prayer for five days and “celebrate the three days of Eid-ul-Adha together and partake of this golden and blessed opportunity to stay as one congregation, as one family and maximize not only the spiritual food [in terms of the Eid-ul-Adha Khutba, the spiritual programmes and Zikrullah], but also partake of your daily food together [breakfast, lunch and dinner]. And on the day of Eid [and for the Sacrifice of Ibrahim (as)], like Allah has instructed me, there will be the Zaba [Sacrifice] of an animal and all of you join together for the Eid prayer and animal sacrifice [Qurbani/ Udhiya]…and you enjoy this exceptional and blessed moment together as one blessed spiritual family and you all sit together and eat from the sacrificed animal [Qurbani]. 

In obedience to Allah and His Khalifatullah’s instructions, the members of the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam in Mauritius, Madagascar, Comoros, Mayotte, and India recently came together to partake of the Divine blessings in the company of fellow brothers and sisters, in their own respective places. In India alone, Eid-ul-Adha Retreats were organized at the Siraj-um-Munir Masjid in Tamil Nadu, as well as at the Noor’ul Islam Masjid at Mathra, Kerala. Likewise, members of the Jamaat in distant places within the country organized programmes of devotional worship and remembrance of the Divine with family and friends in their own local settings in these Holy and Blessed Days of Dhul Hijjah, experiencing the joy of togetherness and spiritual upliftment, Alhamdulillah, Summa Alhamdulillah.

Thursday, July 22, 2021

Israel: A Racist Bully


Israel & U.S under Fire 

Israel’s attempt to justify its recent brutal assault on Gaza rings hollow to anybody familiar with events in Israel, where the government of Israel, backed by anti-Arab racists, has systematically, cruelly, and persistently violated the basic human rights of the Arab population. Like I told you last week in my sermon, Human Rights Watch, a global NGO with many Jewish leaders, has condemned Israel for crimes against humanity. 

Israel behaviour puts US President Joe Biden’s administration, which professes a foreign policy based on human rights, under the spotlight. If that commitment is genuine, the administration should support an independent UN investigation of Israeli human rights violations against the Arab population and suspend military aid to Israel until the inquiry is completed and the human rights of the Palestinians are secured. 

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Eid-ul-Adha Sermon 2021

The Sacrifice of the Self

“Here I am, O Allah, here I am, Here I am, You have no partner, here I am. Verily all praise and thanks and all blessings and all sovereignty are Yours. You have no partner.” 

Pilgrims chant this prayer during their pilgrimage, from within the boundaries of the Ka’aba to the plains of Arafat; A prayer that elegantly underlines the process of this enterprise- total devotion after a complete renunciation of worldly desires. 

There are perhaps about sixty thousand pilgrims participating in the Hajj this year. Faced with the Covid-19 pandemic, it is people of different nationalities who already live in Saudi Arabia who are making the pilgrimage this year. This is the second time in this century [the 21st century], as well as since the founding of Saudi Arabia [in 1932] that the Hajj has not taken place under normal conditions due to the Covid-19 pandemic and its variants. Last year for the first time in Saudi Arabian history, Hajj was performed by just about a thousand people in Saudi Arabia. Pilgrims from other countries did not receive visas to perform Hajj during these two years as a precaution and to preserve the health and life of the pilgrims. 

So in this century of divine manifestation, the Hajj, which usually attracts over a million pilgrims from dozens of countries, has not taken place under normal conditions.

All Muslims around the world cherish the desire to one day perform these sacred rites of Hajj - one of the five pillars of Islam. With this pandemic that has changed a lot of human behaviour, as well as the systems of the world, Hajj is no exception. Despite the Hajj taking place, but its normality is abruptly interrupted. 

For the hundreds of millions of Muslims who stay at home, and who mourn this loss of non-observance of Hajj, because of this restriction, there is Eid-ul-Adha, celebrated on the tenth day of the month of Hajj [Dhul-Hijjah] when, in Mecca, the pilgrimage ends. Devotees usually go to the mosque for prayers, after which they slaughter animals as sacrifices. In these days how necessary it is for every believer to remember his duties towards his Creator as well as towards his fellow men!

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Divine Revelations of 17 July 2021

The Sign of ‘Surah Al Munafiqun’

One of the most astonishing ways in which Allah (swt) revives and renews the message of Islam in this era is through inspiring His devoted servant and chosen messenger Hazrat Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim Saheb (aba) of Mauritius with the pure revelations of the Holy Qur’an- the Divine book of wisdom and guidance for all humankind. Hence, on countless occasions in the last two decades, Hazrat Khalifatullah (aba) has been bestowed in revelation many of the phrases, ideas, and even entire texts of the Qur’an in original. These revelations have come not just when the Khalifatullah (aba) is ‘Alone with the Alone’, in the chamber of his utter devotions and soulful worship of the Divine; but also in the company of his humble disciples and followers (like many of us in India have witnessed during his visit to the Noor’ul Islam Masjid, at Mathra in December 2018).

Indeed, as early as 24 December 2000, when Mr Mohammad Ameen Jowahir of the Mauritius Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya trumped up charges for the expulsion of Hazrat Munir from their Nizam for being a recipient of Divine mercy, inter alia, it was, however, acknowledged that ‘on occasion Mr. Munir received as revelation Surah Ibrahim in its entirety’. Two decades later, the verdict of time is pretty-much Chrystal-clear: Hazrat Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim Saheb (aba) of Mauritius continues to be immersed in Divine waters and remains a recipient of sublime revelations for the benefit of true believers.  

On 17 July 2021, Hazrat Khalifatullah (aba) received the message of Surah Al Munafiqun almost in its entirety, in Divine revelations vouchsafed to him, Alhamdulillah, Allah-u-Akbar. The revelations underscore the need for believers to guard against the problem of Hypocrisy. The Munafiqun (Hypocrites) hide behind the facade of religiosity- by adopting pietical pretences- in order to create impediments in the cause of the Divine Way. They remain among the believers to sow the seeds of doubts and disputes concerning the Divine cause, and try to deviate people by making them afraid of mundane losses- of their material riches and resources, of dominance and sovereignty in the land, social esteem and public prestige- by obeying God's messenger through caring for, and sharing with the humble followers. Instead of active engagement to benefit the poor, the Hypocrites would try to break the chain of social linkages in the new community so as to retain their own prestige and esteem. On the other hand, the Divine revelations remind us that all treasures and honours of this world and the world to come ultimately belongs to God, and hence, to the Messenger and the believers, and that unlike what the Hypocrites are calling to, it is through God-consciousness, prayer and selfless good deeds such as charitable giving and service to others that the bliss of Divine pleasure and mercy need to be sought. Indeed, it is for the believers to be mindful of these teachings so as to benefit from them in life's complex social settings, Insha Allah, Aameen. 

Monday, July 12, 2021

‘Dawah’ Magazine 2021


The Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam International (Mauritius) has just unveiled a new publication, entitled ‘Sahih Al Islam Photo Magazine: Basking in the Light of Memories Past, 2015-2020.’  Originally published in January 2021, the Book is a solemn tribute to Imam- Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam Hazrat Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim Saheb (aba) on the happy occasion of his 60th (Janam Din) Birthday. Indeed, this year also marks the completion of the first two decades of steadfast preaching of the Divine Manifestation in Mauritius. Compiled by the dedicated Jamaat team in Mauritius and edited by Hazrat Ummul Mu’mineen Sadr Saheba International Fazli Amena Varsally, the book captures stunning images from the last half a decade of Jamaat activities, chronicling historic moments, International Dawah Missions and other social events of Hazrat Khalifatullah (aba) along with his disciples, both at home (Mauritius), and abroad.

The present Book, in many ways, carries forward the work already done by the Jamaat team when “Light-Giving Moon” was published in 2016, providing an accessible glimpse into the family and spiritual background and important Dawah missions of Hazrat Saheb (aba) through Photo Essays for the period up to 2015. During the last five years, Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam activities have increased exponentially, and the record of very important activities indeed needed to be preserved for posterity, and the present Book goes a long way in celebrating some of the historical events of the Jamaat during this period, Alhamdulillah, Summa Alhamdulillah. 

Sunday, July 11, 2021

Balancing 'Freedom'


The modern concept of human freedoms and individual rights emerged in the long, complex struggle for a new, social contract between the people and the State in actually-existing social conditions of slavery and serfdom in pre-modern Europe and elsewhere. Against the backdrop of the great struggles for independence from colonial subjugation and imperial practices of racial segregation and social discrimination, people looked upon Constitutionally-guaranteed and legally-defined freedoms as the bulwark against potential oppression and highhandedness of the ruling elites operating in the name of the State.  In Rule of Law theory, it is expected that the provision of separation of powers and the presence of an independent judiciary will facilitate the freedoms of individuals in society.  The proper functioning of the social wheel requires that everyone works within the functional work of personal responsibility and moderation of interests so as to respect the similar rights of others.  

In his Friday Sermon of 25 June 2021~13 Dhul-Qaddah 1442 AH, Imam-Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam Hazrat Khalifatullah Munir A. Azim (aba)of Mauritius initiates a probing discussion on the abuse of 'freedom' in our times by those who reject any limitations and restrictions on their concept of freedom. As Hazrat Khalifatullah (aba) notes, such a context-free 'freedom' can have very negative implications: Hate speech, Islamophobia, racial and communal prejudice, bigotry and defamation; capitalist ownership of, and monopoly over Natural Resources, etc. 

The Shariah, or the Islamic Way of Life, contains a framework of ideas for shaping norms based on a true conception of individual freedom blended with social responsibility. Avoiding or evading Divine regulations in the name of 'freedoms' may unsettle the delicate 'balance' the Shariah seeks to achieve among competing public interests in a pragmatic way. While libertarians and anarchists call for freedom and rights for the sake of rights without any restraints and regardless of context; in reality, many nations are passing laws that severely restrict even the freedoms that people have reason to value. Sometimes, the laws made in the Assemblies and Parliaments of the people in various States do not get the balance right as they often 'lean' on the State's need to keep regulatory control and authority firmly in place, and when these man-made laws fail to gain the balance right in their regulations and policies, it invariably impacts peoples' freedoms and the  society's true progress, warns Hazrat Khalifatullah (aba).

Read the Friday Sermon Below:

Saturday, July 10, 2021

The Agony of Palestine

'When they enter a country as conquerors, they destroy it and disgrace and humiliate its elite citizens. And these (people) too will do the same'.   (27:35)

The Zionist entity's military conquest of Palestine and the establishment of the Jewish State of Israel in 1948 created profound consequences for the over a millennium-old Arab way of life in the land. The 'Nakba' (the Palestinian Catastrophe or the destruction of the Palestinian society in 1948) forced millions to leave their homelands and live in exile as refugees or stateless migrants. With the 1967 war, more Arab territory came under Israeli occupation, and the Arabs living in their own lands became a subject people at the hands of the occupying forces (the State of Israel), and the humiliating political, religious  and national conditions continue to engulf the people even after half a century. It is manifestly unacceptable that a State (Israel) perpetrates racist/apartheid policies under their administration. Under international law, the right to national self-determination is a fundamental right of all enslaved peoples who are either under colonial subjugation or foreign occupation. Indeed, the Palestinian people deserve their freedom from slavery and national liberation. [Inset: Israeli soldiers stand guard as Palestinian demonstrators gather during a protest against Israeli settlements in Beita town near Nablus [Mohamad Torokman/Reuters/Al Jazeera]

The recent explosive political situation obtaining in the Occupied Territories of Palestine- Gaza, the West Bank and East Jerusalem -is indicative of the widespread distress the Israeli policies anchored on the dispossession of the Palestinian peoples of their land are causing. While Israeli security and well being is being privileged in media bytes from influential leaders, the everyday struggle of the Palestinian people for dignity and rights and freedom continues to be ignored and trampled upon with impunity. In his Friday Sermon of 09 July 2021~27 Dhul-Qaddah 1442 AH, Imam- Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam Hazrat Khalifatullah Munir A. Azim (aba) of Mauritius speaks movingly about the precarious situation of the Palestinian people and the need for the international community, especially the United Nations, to "force Israel to end the occupation and find a solution to the endless acts of violence which claim innocent lives on both sides [Muslims-Jews – Palestinians-Israelites]."

Read the Friday Sermon Below:  

Friday, July 9, 2021

Become 'Khayrah Ummah'


The duty to enjoin virtue, and to forbid evil is among the Qur'anic characteristics and qualities of a true believer in society. Indeed, true devotees of God remain a dynamic force for promoting good among the public. In his Friday Sermon of 18 June 2021~06 Dhul-Qaddah 1442 AH, Imam-Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam Hazrat Khalifatullah Munir A. Azim (aba) of Mauritius spoke about this vital duty on all: both the common man as well as on the social elites: the intellectual class, and the community leaders. Drawing on Qur'anic teachings, Hazrat Khalifatullah (aba) underlines that lasting Divine Blessings and Favours on a community are conditional upon their righteous living through sincere obedience to His commandments, and that when a people spoil their chances in leadership and eminence by wrongdoing and negligence, they lose out on Divine mercy, and the quagmire of schisms and strife engulf them as a reflection of their misdeeds, a manifestation of Divine Anger and Wrath. It is by transforming oneself by obedience and submission to Divine commandments and by recognizing the guidance on offer through His chosen messenger- the Khalifatullah (aba) of this era- that individual believers can collectively aspire to become the 'Khayrah Ummah' of the Qur'an.  

Read the Friday Sermon Below:

Thursday, July 8, 2021

The Leaders We Follow

In shaping the destiny of nations and communities, whether in secular matters or in religious affairs, the nature and quality of leadership plays a vital role. Good leadership leads to the progress and wellbeing, whereas arrogant and unscrupulous leaders preside over the gradual destruction of nations. Leaders and scholars, the chiefs and the priests, the caliphs and the Ulema- they are the influential groups in every society as they are the literal embodiment of prudence, wisdom and sagacity, as it were: when they go in the right direction, nations flourish and when they go wrong, communities stare at wholesale decadence and ruin. Indeed, the Holy Qur'an contains profound observations on the fate and fortune of people linking it directly with the choices they/we make in life, in deciding to follow the 'leaders' we encounter and accept. In his Friday Sermon of 11 June 2021 ~29 Shawwal 1442 AH, Imam-Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam Hazrat Khalifatullah Munir A. Azim (aba) of Mauritius underscores the need for caution and prudence in following 'leaders'. Drawing on Qur'anic warnings against keeping blind faith in misguiding leaders who will lead their followers to Hell-fire, and also the exemplary sociological insights of the Holy Prophet (sa) and his wise second Caliph Hazrat Umar (ra) on the future of leadership within the community, Hazrat Khalifatullah (aba) recommends Taqwah for everyone in choosing/following leaders and scholars as good leadership is central for social and national progress. Read the Friday Sermon Below:

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

A Message on Recent Divine Signs

In the course of his Friday Sermon of 04 June 2021~ 22 Shawwal 1442 AH, Imam- Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam Hazrat Khalifatullah Munir A. Azim (aba) of Mauritius made certain observations on recent mystical incidents, spiritual experiences and Divine Signs received by Hadhrat Saheb (aba) himself, and also by some of his humble disciples in India. Read the Special Announcement Below: 

Dreams, Signs & Revelations

Yesterday Thursday 03 June 2021, before Tahajjud prayer, in my sleep I recited Surah Yasin; then I woke up for Tahajjud prayer (as if someone put an alarm near my ears to make me know “it’s time for you to wake up for Tahajjud” and my eyes were still close and I woke up and sat for a few minutes on my bed and continued to recite the Surah Yasin. Afterwards, I got up and after cleaning myself, made my Wa’zu (ablutions) and came to the Musallah to pray Tahajjud [Tahajjud prayer]. After the Surah Al-Fatiha I continued to recite the Surah Yasin and after the Tahajjud prayer, I don’t feel well and got anxiety. I read many times: “Hasbiyal-laahu wa ni’mal wakeelu” [Allah is sufficient for me and what an excellent patron He is]

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

'Khalifatullah' and Spiritual Revolution


In his Friday Sermon of 04 June 2021~ 22 Shawwal 1442 AH, Imam- Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam Hazrat Khalifatullah Munir A. Azim (aba) of Mauritius continued the theme of the previous week: the purpose of spiritual missions in the times of a Khalifatullah. 

Elects of God come with a mandate to preach pure religion, the clear path to a purposeful and rewarding life in obedience to Divine commandments. Such men of God challenge evil and unfair dealings as well as the unjust ways of the prevailing powers and rulers of the day- leading to an inevitable clash between the bad and the good. The struggle for the establishment of a new order calls for patience, perseverance, steadfastness and  courage on the part of the humble believers, and when they develop supreme reliance and trust on their Lord, and work wholeheartedly to transform the existing centres of power in alliance with other like-minded peoples, it can bring about the impossible transformations.  It is Allah and His messenger and the believers indeed who shall eventually prevail in those searing battles between Islam and all other ideologies in every era, Insha Allah, Aameen. 

Noting the current afflictions and convulsions of a degrading earth with its devastating consequences visible all around the world, Hazrat Khalifatullah (aba) exhorts everyone to return to the true worship of God. It is by rejecting the Satanic impulses and influences, and by embracing the noble path of the prophets that believers can seek forgiveness,  mercy and blessings of God in transforming every obstacle into an opportunity for the onward march of the Faith. 

Read the Extracts from the Sermon Below: 

'Khalifatullah' and Revolution

Man's duty on earth is to recognize the station of our Unique Lord and worship Him through righteous living. We are Divinely-ordained to serve fellow beings like family, and also the other creatures on the face of earth, and not to indulge in excesses, nor seek to domineer over other peoples- as all are the children of the same Creator, with similar freedoms and rights like us. This is the message of the Prophets and other Elects of God who appear among the people from time to time and they speak with the help of Roohil Quddus (Holy Spirit),  sharing Divine revelations containing glad tidings for good deeds in service of fellow beings, and also warnings against evil, or the Satanic impulses. Put differently, the men of God appear with the purpose of teaching the Law of true life and the Way of Divine favours. 

Yet, the treacherous terrain of Satanic impulses divert man to the aggressive pursuit of material glory and honour, of  pride and riches, of power and pelf. When a people or a nation is drunk on the evil and injustice of dominance and of total control, enslavement and oppression of another people inevitably follows. Such a vicious and decadent socio-political-religious order is bound to bite the dust through its internal contradictions when a new, superior order emerges to replace it. This is the law of the rise and fall of nations in the world.  

The coming of a Khalifatullah in this context represents a transformative moment when an old order crumples to dust and a new spiritual order takes its place in the world. In the spiritual history of human kind, High representatives of Allah have always been raised amongst almost all nations and peoples. Indeed,  It is the pierce light of Divine commandments that help the messengers to guide their people with wisdom and prudence against all odds. It is by obeying Allah and following in the footsteps of the messenger of God that small bands of Divinely-inspired groups outsmart their much larger opponent groups, relying completely upon the Exalted Might of the Lord, and in their own readiness to sacrifice everything in His way. The revolutionary transformation in the spiritual outlook of such wo/men comes about due to the sublime teachings and noble example of the Divine savant in their midst. The larger purpose of the establishment of the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam in this era, with the advent of the Khalifatullah Hazrat Munir Ahmad Azim Saheb (aba) of Mauritius, is indicative of the continued vitality and application of the time-tested Divine Law of spiritual revolution, Alhamdulillah, Summa Alhamdulillah. 

Reproduced Below are extracts from the Friday Sermon of 28 May 2021 ~15 Shawwal 1442 AH delivered by Imam- Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam Hazrat Khalifatullah Munir A. Azim (aba) of Mauritius.

The Objectives of the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam- 1

The goal of Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam in this world is revolution in governance (This is - one of the meanings of: Arise and Create a New World’)