Friday, March 7, 2025
The Spring of Revelations @ 25
Sunday, September 1, 2024
Mystical Visions in Islam
In a recent Question and Answer session with the Sahih Al Islam YouTube Channel, Imam- Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam International Hazrat Muhyiuddin Al Khalifatullah Munir A. Azim (aba) of Mauritius explains the nature of Visions, Dreams & Revelations as spiritual phenomena. In this conversation with Hazrat Tayyiba Nasrine Aliah, Hazrat Khalifatullah (aba) describes the Islamic perspective with copious references to Qur’anic teachings as well as the Holy Prophet’s mystical experiences, especially focussing on the Miraj (Ascension) of the Holy Prophet (sa). Furthermore, drawing on his own personal, mystical experiences, Hazrat Saheb (aba) gives a fascinating glimpse into the world of spiritual visions and revelations in this era, SubhaanAllah, Alhamdulillah, Allah-u-Akbar!
For the Text of the Interview, click here.
Wednesday, March 20, 2024
Water: A Divine Sign
‘Do they not see the sky above them––how
We have built and adorned it, with no rifts in it; how We spread out the earth
and put solid mountains on it, and caused every kind of joyous plant to grow in
it, as a lesson and reminder for every servant who turns to God; and how We
send blessed water down from the sky and grow with it gardens, the harvest
grain, and tall palm trees laden with clusters of dates, as a provision for
everyone; how with water We give [new] life to a land that is dead? This is how
the dead will emerge [from their graves].’ (50: 7-12)
‘It is He who sends the winds as heralds of good news
before His Mercy. We send down pure
water from the sky, so that We can revive a dead land with it, and We give it
as a drink to many animals and people We have created.’ [25: 49-50]
Say, ‘Just think: if all your water were to sink deep into the earth who could give you flowing water in its place?’ (67: 31)
Sunday, April 16, 2023
Ramadan: Dreams and Visions- I
is a special month in the devotional calendar of the Muslim. This month of fasting is characterized by an atmosphere of
spiritual contemplations, special invocations and other supererogatory acts of
worship and remembrance of God whereby the Muslim seeks nearness to his/her
Lord. Members of the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam in India have reported several pure
dreams and pious visions of a mystical nature that clearly points to Divine
Light and Pleasure on the Jamaat of Allah (twt) in this blessed month of Ramadan,
Alhamdulillah, Summa Alhamdulillah.
Wednesday, March 1, 2023
2023: New Books
1. Al-Azim Tafsir'ul Quran Series: Volume 3
Hazrat Munir Ahmad Azim, Al-Azim Tafsir’ul Quran, Vol.3: English Commentary of the Holy Quran, pp. 785, Mauritius: Jamaat U; Sahih Al Islam International, 2023 edn.
Excerpts from the Blurb:
'By the grace of God Almighty, this is the third instalment in the Al-Azim Tafsir'ul Quran Series (#3) authored by Hazrat Khalifatullah Munir A. Azim (atba) through Divine Inspiration and compiled, edited and published by Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam International through for the benefit of mankind.'
To buy the Book on the Amazon, Click Here.
Friday, February 17, 2023
Calamities and Divine Commands
The devastating earthquake in Turkiye and Syria earlier this month has resulted in a great humanitarian catastrophe in the region, with thousands of lives being lost enmass, and millions facing acute crisis of existence with displacement-induced shortage of access to basic resources and services. Looking at the sheer scale of the human and material loss at the earthquake, the media and the experts agree that Turkiye is reeling under ‘the disaster of a century’.
And yet looking further around our small world, it appears as though destructive calamities are now a recurring phenomena, with different nations witnessing a range of extreme weather events such as floods, cyclones, droughts, land-sliding and earthquakes, etc. The outbreak of viruses and related public health emergencies are a major concern, long before Covid-19 struck the world with horrific consequences. All these are in addition to the several man-made disasters destroying societies around the world: consider the human cost and material devastation of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, and other violent ethnic/racist campaigns creating havoc in many lands.
humans can truly worship God, and make real progress in social life by relying
on the Divine principle of compassion and benevolence. Instead of abusing
God-gifted resources and faculties of the ‘self’, we ought to use the
opportunities to serve the interests of our common humanity and thereby
privilege the collective benefit in a spirit of solidarity and compassion for
all. Indeed, nations inherit Divine mercy and blessings when they follow the
correct and straight path of pure wisdom as taught by the Prophets and the
A believer does not agree with the materialist view that God is indifferent to human destiny and social fortunes. On the other hand, to a believer, Allah (swt) is not only aware of even the whisperings of the human soul, but He also comes to the aid of the one who seeks and prays for His help and assistance in times of need. For a believer, God’s grace and blessings are available to everyone. At the same time, His punishment is also very severe, especially to those ignore Divine commands and promote disorder in society. All that is happening around us is a reflection of the Divine Signs and manifestations involving both Divine Grace and Divine Wrath.
Friday, July 22, 2022
‘Al Mubashirat’: An Explanation
1. Allah's Messenger (sa) said: 'Nothing is left of Nubuwwah except Al-Mubashirat.' They asked, "What are Al-Mubashirat?" He replied, 'The true good dreams (that conveys glad tidings).'
2. Allah's Messenger (sa) said:
"A good dream (that comes true) of a righteous man is one of forty-six
parts of Nubuwwah."
Saturday, June 18, 2022
Khalifatullah's Dream
Hindustan, the ancient land of India, was the historical abode of many prophets and saints and other Avtaars from time immemorial. Despite the tumultuous torrents of time and the inevitable corruption of the original mores of religion as taught by the pious ancestors, the core of Divine teachings left behind by those holy men and women remain in the sacred memory of the people. Thoughtful Indians, however, now acknowledge that the value systems are all in disarray in the country. Indeed, the tentacles of power and pelf, or the prevalence of injustice and unfair takings, viciously threaten the very moral fabric of the social order. Moreover, India's ancient scriptures testify that when Dharma ( righteousness) disappears from society in the Last Days, a Divine Elect or an Avtaar will appear among the people to remind and restore the higher and truer values of life.
Secondly, despite belonging to different races and tribes, all humans are from one another, the children of Adam; like one family, as it were. Indeed, prophets and messengers of God are linked to one another, across generations, through their absolute faith in, and preaching about, the Uniqueness and Lordship of Allah (swt). To guide human communities around the world, Allah (swt) raised many prophets in the line of Hazrat Nuh (as) and Hazrat Ibrahim (as), including our beloved Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa). Alhamdulillah, Summa Alhamdulillah, the present dream contains glad tidings relating to the holy ancestry of the Elect of God in our times, the Muhyiuddin Al Khalifatullah of this era Hazrat Munir Ahmad Azim (aba) of Mauritius, and the dream as well foretells the brilliant future that awaits the Divine Manifestation in the days to come, Insha Allah, Aameen.
Saturday, May 7, 2022
Khalifatullah's Dream- 2
this context, we have recently published a very important dream made by Hazrat
Khalifatullah (aba) in the holy and blessed days of the Ramadan concerning a great duty
on true believers. The dream heralds that sincere souls in the Jamaat Ul Sahih
Al Islam shall strive earnestly for safeguarding
the sanctity of Islamic teachings- as the dream foretells, with their efforts at preservation of the Keys
of Ka’aba as well as the entering of Makkah by a future high representative of
Allah, by a Sahih Muslim, Insha
Allah, Aameen.
Read the Dream (as narrated by Hazrat Tayyeba Shaheeda Aliah Nasrine) Below:
Saturday, August 21, 2021
A 'Bisharat' on Rasulullah (sa)
[On Saturaday, 14th August 2021; before Tahajjud prayer, Imam-Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam Hazrat Khalifatullah Al Mahdi Munir Ahmad Azim Saheb (aba) of Mauritius saw a Bisharat (true dream). The Bisharat runs as follows]:
"I am near a tall building, on top of which was fixed an MTA Dish Antenna [at roof top]. I heard a voice from the sky; it is the voice of the Late Mother of Mr. Moosa Taujoo as well as the daughter of Late Hafeez Jamal Ahmad - Third Missionary of AMJ Mauritius [i.e. Marhoom Amina Sahiba]. She told me to remove this antenna from this building. I asked her, “Why?” She told me that this is not useful now. I am thinking [in myself], “Why should I remove it?” And then I told myself that AMJ has failed now, No more Noor-e-Ilahi and no guidance from Allah (twt).Then she repeatedly told me to remove that antenna. I told her that it is not in my capacity to remove this as it is fixed at the roof top. So, she [the voice] told me that she will send someone to remove the antenna.
Then, I said that this is the time of prayer and found no one in this big/ large building, no one was there to give the Azaan. So, I gave the Azaan. When I said: Hayya alas-Salah, Hayya alal-Falah then I found many people started to gather. And then at the time of prayer, I asked them: “Who is going to lead the prayer?” The people told me: “You are the one to lead the prayer for you are the Imam of this era.” I said: “Ok, No problem.” I recited Surah Al-Fatiha, I forgot what Surah I recited after the Surah Al-Fatiha.
After leading the prayer, my niece (my sister’s elder daughter Zeenath Rizwan Sahiba) came to me with a white paper and told me: “Mamu (maternal uncle)! Look at this paper. I am very proud of you.” The paper is white in colour and the message therein was written with black Ink – in bold letters: MUNIR AHMAD AZIM IS THE REPRESENTATIVE AND THE SECOND COMING OF HAZRAT MOHAMMAD RASOOLULLAH (PBUH).
Wednesday, July 7, 2021
A Message on Recent Divine Signs
In the course of his Friday Sermon of 04 June 2021~ 22 Shawwal 1442 AH, Imam- Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam Hazrat Khalifatullah Munir A. Azim (aba) of Mauritius made certain observations on recent mystical incidents, spiritual experiences and Divine Signs received by Hadhrat Saheb (aba) himself, and also by some of his humble disciples in India. Read the Special Announcement Below:
Dreams, Signs & Revelations
Yesterday Thursday 03 June 2021, before Tahajjud prayer, in my sleep I recited Surah Yasin; then I woke up for Tahajjud prayer (as if someone put an alarm near my ears to make me know “it’s time for you to wake up for Tahajjud” and my eyes were still close and I woke up and sat for a few minutes on my bed and continued to recite the Surah Yasin. Afterwards, I got up and after cleaning myself, made my Wa’zu (ablutions) and came to the Musallah to pray Tahajjud [Tahajjud prayer]. After the Surah Al-Fatiha I continued to recite the Surah Yasin and after the Tahajjud prayer, I don’t feel well and got anxiety. I read many times: “Hasbiyal-laahu wa ni’mal wakeelu” [Allah is sufficient for me and what an excellent patron He is].
Friday, August 21, 2020
'Duah': Invocations to Allah- V
Thursday, July 23, 2020
Living Signs of Divine Favours
'...I tell you about an amazing dream that one of my followers in Kerala, Sulfikar Ali Sahib saw last week.
This dream is based on the importance of duahs and trust in Allah that Allah will grant [realise] these duahs, and it is an extraordinary sign that this dear disciple saw this dream on 05 July 2020, and since a long time, Allah had already helped me to prepare these series of sermons on the theme of duahs, and last week Allah inspired me to start my Friday sermons on the subject of invocations, without me being aware of this dream. It was not until after the sermon last Friday that I learned of this dream. So this is by no means a coincidence. The ways of Allah are truly extraordinary.
Wednesday, April 1, 2020
The Truth about 'Isra-Miraj'
Although rooted in events indicated in the Qur'an, with a range of details described also in scores of sacred traditions attributed to the Holy Prophet (sa); there is, however, much confusion and misunderstanding prevails among the masses concerning the true nature and meaning of the 'Isra-Miraj' journeys. Whether both the Night Journey and the Heavenly Ascension were physical occurrences? Where these journeys point to one incident with two different names, or, are, in reality, two entirely-different incidents, or were they two-stages of one mystic experience? What is the meaning and significance of the 'Isra-Miraj' journeys for devout Muslims- those who aspire to the Divine Presence in the fashion of the blessed Prophet of Islam? On the occasion of the Miraj Shareef- Saturday, 21 March 2020~ 27 Rajab 1441 AH, Imam-Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam Muhyi-ud-Din Al Khalifatullah Hadhrat Munir A. Azim (atba) of Mauritius made a well-rounded speech after the Salat-ul-Esha to explain concerning the 'Miraj and Isra'.
Here is the Text of the Speech:
Monday, February 24, 2020
Divine Revelations of 08 February 2020
Saturday, December 16, 2017
The Beauty of Patience: Yusuf (as) in the Qur'an
Saturday, December 31, 2016
The many forms of Divine revelation
Sunday, February 15, 2015
The Arrest of Navin Ramgoolam
You will recall my dear disciples that since 2010, I and some of our members have gone from circumscription to circumscription to pray that Allah overturns such a leader and political party whose agenda is to finish Mauritius, bringing Mauritians to a state of poverty and tight economic state. And you will recall that recently in the midst of the general elections 2014, I told you about a dream in which Sir Aneerood Jugnauth was not condemning Paul Berenger, but instead praising him for the strategies that he has (to clean Mauritius and the Labour Party also).
Sunday, March 2, 2014
Musleh Maoud: Declaration of 20 February 1944
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Experiences of Divine Revelation: Then & Now
It is astonishing to note that there are remarkable similarities between the Promised Massih Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) of Qadian and his spiritual progeny, the Khalifatullah Hadhrat Munir Ahmad Azim Sahib (atba) of Mauritius, although their times are separated by a century or so. In this article, we discuss one such similarity.