Showing posts with label corruption. Show all posts
Showing posts with label corruption. Show all posts

Thursday, November 14, 2024

Dishonesty & Corruption


The Signs of Qiyamah- 5

“Do not consume one another’s wealth unjustly, nor deliberately bribe authorities in order to devour a portion of others’ property, knowing that it is a sin.” (Al-Baqara 2: 189)


As we observe the current times, we are living in societies where corruption has infiltrated every sector. In the context of the signs of the Hour, we see that what our beloved Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) foretold is manifesting more frequently and in greater numbers than before.


In a Hadith reported by Hazrat Abu Huraira (ra) and recorded in Sahih Bukhari, the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said: “When honesty is lost, then wait for the Hour (As-Sa’at).” He (pbuh) was asked: “How will honesty be lost, O Messenger of Allah?” He (pbuh) replied: “When authority is given to those who do not deserve it, then wait for the Hour (As-Sa’at).”

Sunday, November 10, 2024

When Evil Spreads Everywhere

The Signs of Qiyamah- 4


“But man desires to persist in his evil ways. He asks, “When will be this Day of Resurrection?” When eyes are dazzled and the moon is buried in darkness, and the sun and the moon are joined together, on that day man will say, “Where to escape?” Alas! There will be no refuge.” (Al-Qiyamah, 75: 6-12) 

The situation in the world is becoming increasingly serious. We see corruption everywhere now, at all levels. Those in power are doing whatever they want to stay in power and to subject people to their will.


Among the Hadiths where our beloved Prophet speaks about the approach of the Hour, meaning the moments before the Day of Judgement takes place, he says: “Near the establishment of the Hour there will be days during which Religious ignorance will spread, knowledge will be taken away (vanish) and there will be much Al-Harj, and Al-Harj means killing [Al-Qatal] (murders, assassinations, etc.).” (Bukhari)

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Whither Mauritius ?


Allah (swt) is Al Jabbaar, the real and only supreme authority in the world, and men should not play God on earth! And when ruling men manifest themselves as tyrants over a land, they create havoc in, and precipitate the destruction of such a social order altogether, as often forewarned by Divine servants in history. The Holy Qur’an preserves several examples of lost nations as an enduring lesson for men in every era.

Indeed, power and authority entail responsibility to office and accountability before God. As the ruler for a period, you have the duty to care for the people; to be just and fair in your dealings; show respect to the dignity and rights of fellow beings, and not to abuse the position to promote wrongdoing in the land, for you shall be held accountable before God on how best you discharged your trust. Yet, in these morally darkened times, when fear of God is virtually absent among powerful politicians, our world is in a permanent state of crisis, almost on the brink of an abyss!

In his Friday Sermon of 15 July 2022 ~15 Dhul Hijjah 1443 AH, Imam- Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam International Hazrat Muhyiuddin Al Khalifatullah Munir A. Azim (aba) of Mauritius reflects on the contemporary political, economic and social developments in Mauritius against the wider global backdrop of abuse of power by ruling elites and their tyrannical handling of fellow humans. A man inspired by  Roohul Quddus [Holy Spirit] to share Divine messages on His behalf in our times, Hazrat Khalifatullah (aba) cautions against the dire situation being obtained as a consequence of  administrative excesses, and reminds about forthcoming accountability before God.  A well-wisher and sincere counsellor of people; Hazrat Saheb (aba) warns about the moment of Divine reckoning that awaits all, encouraging them to shun hubris and excesses so as not to attract Divine anger and punishment for their egregious deeds. 

Read the Friday Sermon Below:

Monday, January 25, 2021

Fixing Our Broken Politics

Towards a Political Revivification-III

Alhamdulillah, Summa Alhamdulillah, I continue my Friday Sermon today on the subject of fraud and corruption in politics. I still take Mauritius as an example, for in the world today, Mauritius has exceeded all limits [as the last straw which breaks the camel’s back]. With its entry into the blacklist, thus revealing a very large black hole in the management of the country as a whole, Mauritians have realized that our beautiful island is now the prey of power-thirsty sharks, who instead of watching over the welfare of the people and the good reputation of the country, they insist on becoming notorious for their mismanagement by placing incompetent people in key positions in the country, those who are the protected people and even the puppets of the present government. And this practice has existed all the time, not only during the mandate of this government. We all know that as soon as a government [of several countries and even Mauritius] takes charge of the country, it puts [in key positions] the people who are in its favour, and these people become puppets in its hand.


All Mauritians know very well that the proceedings of the elections of November 07, 2019 are unheard of [have never occurred before in the country]. Never before has the vote count continued until the wee hours of the morning (the next day) - going until 3.00-4.00 a.m. Many misdemeanours took place where original ballot papers were found in sugarcane fields and many Mauritians found themselves off the electoral list, thus unable to vote. Instead of the Mauritians, there are foreign workers who have received the approval of the authorities (the government - since its first term) to vote. In light of recent evidence [which has made the news], election expenses for some political parties have exceeded allowable limits.


There are a lot of frustrations expressed by the Mauritian people. Mauritians revolted against these injustices, not only in Mauritius but in other countries as well.


I cite a few examples of the tragedies that took place in Mauritius during the COVID-19 containment. There is too much to say, but I will only name a few that have made a strong impression on Mauritians and Mauritius’s reputation at the global level.

Sunday, January 17, 2021

Plunder and Apathy in Covid Times

Towards a Political Revivification- II

Alhamdulillah, Summa Alhamdulillah,  continue on the subject of fraud and corruption in politics, in a national and even international society that calls itself democratic and liberated, especially in terms of freedom of expression. Much has happened since the discovery of the new type of coronavirus, COVID-19 [and quite recently another type which appeared in England] which has wreaked havoc in terms of contamination and deaths since December 2019. The economy of the world, that of large super powered countries and even small islands like Mauritius have found themselves affected by this virus not only in terms of human physical health, but also in terms of the economic health of our island and the world in general.


This is no secret for us members of the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam because Allah has already made us understand how man destroys himself by doing experiments, whether biological or atomic [or even nuclear etc.] to conquer territories or as a means of revenge on others by starting wars of this kind. COVID-19 is certainly a divine punishment, for Allah uses the demonic inventions of man and turns them against him. But at the same time many innocent lives find themselves touched by the calamity, like a scene from Doomsday. Therefore, all men will be raised [after death] and will be accountable to Allah for the actions they have committed. The innocent and the pious will be saved from eternal punishment while the guilty will be condemned for eternity or for as long as Allah wants them to suffer punishment.


In my previous sermons we saw how divine vengeance comes to save believers and cleanse the world of the impious [those who goes against/ blaspheme the religion of Allah], and to revive this same world and give men the opportunity to seriously reflect on whatever comes across them. We have seen how Muslims, because of their faith in Islam, in Allah the Unique, in Muhammad (pbuh) and in all the chosen prophets of Allah, as well as in the book of Allah - the Holy Quran, have been trampled on, whether, in Palestine, Iraq, France, the United States, Burma and even China. The atrocities committed against the pure religion of Allah - Islam and the persecutions of innocent believers [such as the Palestinians, as well as the Royingyas, and Uyghur Muslims, and Islam as a whole] are the last straw that broke the camel’s back. Allah is neither deaf nor dumb. He listens and sees everything and He is not indifferent to what is going on in the world He created with His own hands. He certainly hears the cry of the innocent and that of His Khalifatullah.

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Qur'anic Commandments- 3

In times like ours, the world of ‘religion’ resembles every other arena of human affairs: a fertile field full of thieves, scamsters, fraudsters, scoundrels and speculators! Wishful thinking, metaphysical speculation and theological conjecture seem to ‘thrive’ on the bazaar of religions today. For instance, in our country (India) today, countless ‘godmen’ (and ‘godwomen’) literally capitalize on the ignorance and stupidity of gullible masses. Out to exploit the emotions and devotional sentiments of the people who flock to them, the religious fraudsters confuse and deviate the ignorant folks who come to seek respite from their everyday problems. Through deceitfully claiming nearness to God or presenting themselves as no less than 'Avtaar', promising welfare and spiritual salvation; the religious thugs rob the poor of their precious financial savings, and what not! It is as though a Qur’anic warning has come alive: “many rabbis and monks wrongfully consume people’s possessions and turn people away from God’s path.” (9:35). In South Asia and elsewhere, the moral decadence and corruption among the chiefs and the priests is found widely among all communities of the land- Hindus, Buddhists, Christians, and the Muslims- today. 

Fortunately, Islam has a way  for reclaiming its original spiritual moorings even when its true legacy is twisted and corrupted at the hands of lesser men who "consume people’s possessions and turn people away from God’s path” (9:35). Muslims could go back and rediscover the spiritual treasures of their religion by seeking to know and understand the framework of Qur'anic ethics. To put at rest the metaphysical speculations and theological conjectures widely seen among other peoples- practices that have deviated the peoples from the correct appreciation of their own true spiritual doctrines-, the Qur'an emphatically declares that in ‘religion’, true guidance is the guidance of God. Whenever men interpret religion to suit their own whims and vanities (Bid'ah), as they will in every generation, there is a need for a stream of Divine Elects, to teach the Scripture and wisdom, and to purify the people morally and spiritually, through their own exemplary lives. The roots of the Islamic concepts of spiritual renewal, moral awakening of the Ummah, true succession to the Prophetic heritage, etc.- represented in the august spiritual office of 'Mujaddid', 'Muhyi-ud-Din', 'Khalifatullah', etc. claimed by Divine savants throughout the history of Islam-  can be traced back to the very philosophy of religion that Islam espouses. Whenever corruption and evil stalk the land, believers can be reassured by the fact that Allah (swt) will raise High representatives (24:56) to reclaim the True Legacy of Divine worship among the humans.

Indeed, the Book of Revelations, sent by God Almighty through His chosen messenger(s), set the criterion for distinguishing between good and evil. Inspired by the Holy Spirit (Roohul Quddus), the Heavenly-imbued souls who teach the Holy Book to their own people after their Prophet(s), strive to illumine the correct and straight path of life for the benefit of all around them. Most certainly, Divine guidance is built on solid foundations, and the Arc of the Prophets is firmly anchored on Divine waters. It is the obligation of the believers, individually and collectively, to implement the spirit of the Divinely-ordained code of conduct in their everyday life- be it in private and family spaces; in professional and social life; in community and national practices; in the rules and regulations a people abide by in the global comity of nations. Hence, it is important for the believers to be aware of Divine commandments and expectations so as to guard against evil, and to remain on the path of God- consciousness and prudence in life. 

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Elections 2019: Whither Mauritius?

On the Forthcoming General Elections

As you know, Sunday, 06 October 2019, the Prime Minister Pravind Jugnauth announced as a Breaking News the dissolution of the parliament and fixed the date of the general elections on 07 November 2019. He made this announcement after he made the launch of the Metro Express on Thursday, 03 October 2019 which was funded by the Government of India, and after a live speech from India by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. It is right after the launch that Pravind Jugnauth - according to the instructions from his Gurus and counsellors - without thinking, on Sunday the 06 October 2019 in the afternoon made this announcement. By doing so, he applied his authority with such arrogance and announced the political registration for 3 days: Wednesday, 09 October to Friday, 11 October, and the Nomination Day on 22 October, and he fixed the date of the general elections on Thursday, 07 November 2019. He had plenty of time to announce the general election until March or April of next year.

He ignored dates such as 01 and 02 November which are public holidays, as well as the 03 November that falls on a Sunday, but instead, he chooses another day [in the middle of the week]. A panic and great fear took hold of him, lest he loses in the upcoming election, thus losing this power, especially with so many scandals in his government. So, on 06 October he announced the elections for the 7th day of November. He only gave a delay of one month to hold the general elections. He does not give the other political parties time to prepare themselves properly. It is true that after five years (2014-2019) the National Assembly must be dissolved by the end of December 2019. I do not want to go into details on this subject, but what is deplorable is that the date chosen for the elections falls on a Thursday where there are exams that will take place on that day for the School Certificate (SC) and Higher School Certificate (HSC) students. So, on 06 October, the day of the announcement, the Election Commission officials had to find alternative places so as not to disturb the conduct of these examinations.

So, out of 9,41,719 voters, 104,903 voters will have to vote on 07 November in a different place from where they are used to. These are tactics that he [the current Prime Minister] is using so that young students of the SC and HSC do not have time to think about which political party they are going to vote for because they have to focus on their final exams which are very important.

Students who have exams scheduled will be very worried on election day where there will be a lot of traffic jams and so they may be late in their exam rooms. The vagueness persists a lot on this case. Young students of voting age show their disagreement and anger and say that the government has not thought about all this and then everyone will not have the chance to vote and that’s a shame.

In addition, traffic jams will certainly affect the candidates [students]. All of this will have a negative effect on their schedule. Other candidates say that it is a bad choice to hold the elections the same day as the exams, because the votes of the young people are very important.

For me (the Khalifatullah) the right to vote is to have the future of Mauritius in hand so that it does not fall into wrong hands. So all voters must make good choices, without the slightest trace of communalism. They have to go to the polls, they have to fulfill their civic right to elect people who are honest, and who are not corrupt and who are respectable, so as to have a better future, a better Mauritius, a clean Mauritius for our future generations.

Saturday, July 2, 2016

The Quest for 'Laila-tul-Qadr'

The Night of Decree

If the Night of Destiny, which is found in the last ten days of Ramadan is different from the other nights of this blessed month or even the other nights of the year, it is due to its preeminence as mentioned in a chapter of the Holy Quran which has been revealed on its very subject, i.e. Chapter 97, Verses 1-6:

“In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful. 
Surely We revealed it on the Night of Majesty; 
And what will make you understand what the Night of Majesty is? 
The Night of Majesty is better than a thousand months. 
The angels and the Spirit descend therein by the permission of their Lord for every matter. 
Peace it is until the emergence of dawn.” (Al-Qadr, 97: 1-6).

Traditions report that the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa) was on his way to inform Muslims of the date of the Night of Destiny, when because of a quarrel between two people the knowledge thereof was taken from him. He expressed the wish that it was (indeed) good for the Muslims (that the specific date of this Night has been made to be forgotten).

Hazrat Aisha (ra), the wife of the Messenger of Allah (sa) informed us: “The Messenger of Allah (sa) used to retreat in the Mosque during the last ten days of Ramadan, in the odd days of the last ten days of Ramadan.” (Bukhari & Muslim).

Therefore, the possible nights are the 21st, 23rd, 25th, 27th & 29th.

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Global Corruption and Political Ferment

“Let Go of Corruption & Embrace True Devotion!

“Corruption has spread on land and sea of what men’s hands have wrought, that He may make them taste (the fruits) of some of their doings, so that they may turn back (from evil).” (30: 42)

“The Hour has drawn nigh, and the moon is rent asunder.” (54: 2)

The centuries prior to the advent of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) witnessed a steady decline in human affairs. Looking back, worsening political and social conditions are apparent on an international scale in the histories of nations situated in Europe, America, Asia, Africa and the Arabian countries. Such times witnessed also the advent of prophets, reformers and Warners to give an alert to the situations prevailing in religious, human and even political affairs. These days even the islands are not spared from these degradations and sorrowful states. Mauritius, despite being a Paradise Island has also been infected with these kinds of corruption, in every field.

The Holy Quran as a valuable source of information and guidance throws much light on the subject.

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Degradation among Ahmadis

In his Friday Sermon of 29 May 2015, Mirza Masroor Ahmad Sahib stated that every day the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is witnessing many signs and favours and he cited with arrogance that in Germany, the Lajna and Ansar had recently bought a five-storey building for € 1.7 million, and affirms that this was a divine support in favour of (man-elected) Khilafat.  

If money and material progress is really divine support in favour of Ahmadiyya man-elected Khilafat, then the Pope and the Christian World as well as the other ancient religions, including the other non-Ahmadi Muslims shall be doubly and even trebly jubilant in stating that it is them who have divine support because they are far more advanced in both number and wealth than the Ahmadiyya Community worldwide. According to them, despite the man-made idols which they (the other religions) cherish, and the closing of the door of prophethood (for the Muslims), they are well-off and are confident that they have divine support for them and their beliefs. 

If the Khalifat-ul-Massih is measuring progress in terms of material possessions instead of spiritual growth (and/or declination) then he is taking an absolutely wrong route. Verily, the worst fears of both Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) and Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) were that a time shall come when Islam will be so rich in material means that people will give that more importance and be blinded by them rather than staying true to the true divinely-sent faith. They knew that victory shall come for their followers and they did not worry for their current meagre financial situations for they knew also that those empty treasuries shall be filled one day. What they feared is the corruption and fraud that shall ensued after the large amount of money come to ornate the treasury of the community (Islam as a whole, and the Jamaat Ahmadiyya in particular).

Food for thought: The more there is material growth within a community, be it secular or spiritual, the more there is degradation. If the moral and spiritual values of the people are not secured, the spiritual community falls prey to the allures of the Satan, and the common people, as well as the high priests and heads fall prey to the lust for temporal power and authority.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Navin Ramgoolam: Deeds on Trial

In a Special Speech on 17 May 2012, the Khalifatullah Hadhrat Munir Ahmad Azim Saheb (atba) of Mauritius spoke succinctly on a range of world and national issues, and religious and political developments. The Speech was made in the backdrop of recurring Divine Revelations received by the Khalifatullah (atba) and it included many comments that were prescient and prophetic, waiting to be unveiled in the fullness of time.

Almost three years down the timeline from that Speech, it is astonishing to reflect on the extraordinary Light of Truth the short document represents in many ways. In this essay, we shall seek to illustrate in this article the truthfulness of the Divine words which Allah made the Khalifatullah (atba) to pronounce on the Special Sermon vis-a-vis the then Prime Minister of the country, Mr. Navin Ramgoolam.

It is instructive and striking to note that the Speech that was made in May 2012 began its assessment of the national issues with a frontal attack on the wily character of the then actual Prime Minister Navin Ramgoolam and his rampant, corrupt business practices, seeking to defraud the national exchequer by millions of rupees and his hypocritical duplicities and strategies to remain in power even beyond his term of office (ending in 2015). The Khalifatullah (atba) goes on to state: “If a profound investigation is made on his activities, then there is prison involved for him, and it is possible that such prison terms be for life!”  

Recently, on 17 March 2015, the journalist James Wan of the Al Jazeera English Network reported the ongoing predicament of the former Prime Minister Navin Ramgoolam and his coterie of people who face the troubling prospect of their ignominious deeds swiftly catching up with them. The long arm of national law and justice system is certainly seeking to put them on trial for their misdeeds and egregious offences.

Extracts from the Report is reproduced below: 

At the start of December 2014, Ramgoolam's future could barely have looked more rosy. 

Sunday, February 15, 2015

The Arrest of Navin Ramgoolam

Before closing my sermon, I would like to say a few words on the Charges and Arrest which the ex-Prime Minister of Mauritius, Navinchandra Ramgoolam had to undergo since last Friday 06 February 2015. It never pays to be arrogant and creating such an atmosphere as to make Mauritius be led by autocratic leadership disguised as a democratic one. 

You will recall my dear disciples that since 2010, I and some of our members have gone from circumscription to circumscription to pray that Allah overturns such a leader and political party whose agenda is to finish Mauritius, bringing Mauritians to a state of poverty and tight economic state. 
And you will recall that recently in the midst of the general elections 2014, I told you about a dream in which Sir Aneerood Jugnauth was not condemning Paul Berenger, but instead praising him for the strategies that he has (to clean Mauritius and the Labour Party also). 

And you are witnessing that since Friday, 06 February, 2015 the former Prime Minister Navin Ramgoolam has been placed under arrest. He even spent a few hours in the Moka detention centre before being brought before the Bail and Remand Court. Last weekend has been hell for him; he was torn between searches and going back and forth to the Central CID to give statements over statements, and counting the millions of money (more than Rs. 185 millions which was seized at his house in two massive safes and suitcases) before the Central CID, the Police Force, Lawyers, representatives of the Bank of Mauritius and the Government officials. He is a suspect of money laundering and being involved in the Roche-Noire Murder case. He was arrested and humiliated amidst thousands of Mauritians who assembled at his house to see the end of his political career, and witnessing his arrest.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Islamic Ethics on Business Transactions

One of the fundamental problems facing the world today is the lack of ethics and fair-dealing. In politics, administration, business, media, academia and public life- virtually everywhere- the tentacles of corruption manifest itself in different ways and forms. So much so that most countries in the world are neck deep in irregularities and corrupt practices. Sadly, Muslims or their countries cannot absolve themselves from blame and shame in this connection. Yet, the teachings of Islam and the noble example of the Holy Prophet of Islam (sa) points to the value of integrity and ethics and fair dealing in all that we do and Islam prescribes a normative code of conduct for economic activities. In his Friday Sermon of April 12, 2013 the Khalifatullah Hadhrat Munir Ahmad Azim Sahib (atba) profoundly expounded on these ethical principles in the backdrop of the high profile-corruption and fraud cases in Mauritius and elsewhere.  

Read the Extracts from the Friday Sermon:

In the Holy Quran Allah says:

“Do not usurp one another by unjust means, nor bribe with it the judges to wrongfully deprive others of their part.”  (Al-Baqara 2: 189)

“… give full measure and weight in justice and do not deprive the people of their due and do not commit abuse on the earth, spreading corruption.” (Hud 11: 86)

Give full measure, when you measure, and weigh with even scales. That is fair and better in the end.” (Ar-Rahman 55:  10)

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Fraud and Corruption in Mauritius

The predictions and warnings issued by the Khalifatullah (atba) in recent months delivered a Divine message to the world, which may be summarized as follows: The synthetic happiness of material pleasures shall have a blinding impact on people. The greed for accumulation of property and resources will lead to the pursuit of unjust enrichment. Bribery and corruption, fraud and embezzlement- all would appear mere ‘ways’ to reach where one wants to go. Ethics and fairness, prudence and caution – all the  ‘values’ shall reach the vanishing point from the mind-space of man, with consequences for his mental peace and physical happiness,  only to find oneself  among the lost at the end of the day! By the Grace of  Allah the Most High, His Chosen Messenger Hadhrat Munir Ahmad Azim Sahib (atba) of Mauritius could comprehend  the national events and understand the shady dealings waiting to unfold among his own people, especially on the great frauds and astounding corruption in society.

Recent weeks have witnessed the unfolding of a spate of corruption cases in Mauritius.  In the tangled web of fraud and deception, duplicity and embezzlement, are the ‘big’ people of society- politicians, corporate honchos and other influence-peddlers such as media-pundits. They have dirtied their hands with ‘shady’ deals and ‘black’ money, or embezzled public funds from the exchequer or defrauded the people by indulging in bribery or corruption. An account of the financial corruption scenario in Mauritius and the fulfilment of the predictions in this regard, emerge from the Friday Sermon of April 12, 2013 delivered by the Khalifatullah (atba).

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Amine Jowaheer: Fall of a Pharoah

The truth has come and the falsehood has vanished; surely, falsehood vanishes quickly”.
                                                                                                            -(HQ, 17:82)
Amine Jowaheer is Knocked Out!

Mr. Amine Jowaheer, National Amir of the Mauritius Ahmadiyya Association, is thrown out from his position by Khalifatul Massih V with effect from April 21, 2011. In articles published here on April 20-21, 2011 on the corruption inside the Ahmadiyya Jamaat, we have specifically noted that the Mauritius Amir was presiding over a corrupt regime.  Beyond his corrupt ways, the Amir was also guilty of many crimes against Islam- it was because of his machinations that Allah’s Messenger of the Era was outsted/expelled from the Nizam-e- Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya.  

For the seekers of truth, it should be of great interest that Khalifatullah Hadhrat Munir Ahmad Azim Sahib (atba) of Mauritius had issued multiple warnings and revelations concerning this fellow long before his current humiliation and official dismissal from his Amir responsibilities! The dismissal and humiliation has visited him in spite of the enormous length to which his coterie was willing to stoop to protect him.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Corruption in the Ahmadiyya Jamaat

“Where will the money come from? And how will such a community be born- a community of people willing to perform heroic feats for their faith? These are not the questions that worry me. I am more concerned that people coming after me may stumble when entrusted with such large amounts of wealth and that they may take to the love of this world”.  

   - Hadhrat Ahmad (as)  [ Al Wassiyat,  p.28, Qadian: Nazarat Nashro Ishaat, (2003) ]

No one would have been happier than the Promised Massih (as) to see that his fears were misplaced and that his Community will always tread in the path of righteousness and moral probity. Yet, the fact that he warned the Community on this ground shows that he knew that in the ebb and flow of time, the ruling elite in the Community will be guilty of financial impropriety and pecuniary misconduct. Some the visions of the Promised Massih (as), recorded in the Thadhkirah, also point to a time of decline of real spiritual fervour in the Community even as material riches and power ambitions engulf the leadership.  In short, the Promised Massih (as) knew that Imaan will desert the hearts of Ahmadis and go back to Pleiades necessitating the coming of other Elects of Allah in the Jamaat.

Khalifatullah Hadhrat Munir Ahmad Azim Sahib (atba) of Mauritius has recently warned the leadership of the Ahmadiyya Community against the tendency to protect and preserve individuals and leaders who abuse their position to play with the hard earned money of common Ahmadis and those who are guilty of pecuniary misconduct and moral irresponsibility. He especially mentioned the case of the so called National Amir of Mauritius who is presiding over a corrupt establishment for many years and is being protected by the coterie around the Khalifatul Massih V.

Read the Extracts from the Friday Sermon of February 11, 2011: