Showing posts with label Pravind Jugnauth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pravind Jugnauth. Show all posts

Sunday, July 31, 2022

Internet Sniffing Scandal in Mauritius


[Has the Prime Minister of Mauritius compromised national security by permitting a Third Party to conduct internet sniffing operations in the country? Will his shady actions also have wider strategic and international  ramifications, escalating big-power military rivalry in the region and impacting the peace and tranquility of the Indian Ocean peoples in the neighbourhood of Mauritius? These are serious issues of import for the Mauritian people to deliberate upon today. In his Friday Sermon of 29 July 2022 ~29 Dhul Hijjah 1443 AH Imam- Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam Hazrat Khalifatullah Munir A. Azim (aba) of Mauritius took note of these recent developments, especially the huge scandal involving the Prime Minister's ever-shifting statements on the events and issues at the center of the present controversy].   

Read the Extracts from the Friday Sermon Below:

'Allah says in the Holy Quran: “Do not mix truth with falsehood or hide the truth knowingly.” (Al-Baqara 2: 43).


With the accusation of high treason brought against the Prime Minister, Pravind Jugnauth in the case of Illegal Access to the SAFE Landing Station in Baie-du-Jacotet, the Government House is betting on a double or quits as an outcome. On the side of the parliamentary and extra-parliamentary opposition, the pressure is increasing to demand the departure of the Prime Minister, Pravind Jugnauth, at the head of the government. Circles close to the top chefs, nicknamed members of “The Kitchen”, i.e. the Prime Minister’s Office argue that the recent low profile of Pravind Jugnauth is part of the perspective of a scenario likely to lead to a diplomatic and political Gamble in the process of development. In principle, high-level negotiations between Port-Louis and New Delhi have been initiated with a view to obtain the return to Mauritius of one of the members of the “Mr. Moustache” mission in mid-April to develop “a parade in the offensive” led vigorously by the former Chief Executive Officer of Mauritius Telecom, Sherry Singh, since Friday the first of July.

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Whither Mauritius ?


Allah (swt) is Al Jabbaar, the real and only supreme authority in the world, and men should not play God on earth! And when ruling men manifest themselves as tyrants over a land, they create havoc in, and precipitate the destruction of such a social order altogether, as often forewarned by Divine servants in history. The Holy Qur’an preserves several examples of lost nations as an enduring lesson for men in every era.

Indeed, power and authority entail responsibility to office and accountability before God. As the ruler for a period, you have the duty to care for the people; to be just and fair in your dealings; show respect to the dignity and rights of fellow beings, and not to abuse the position to promote wrongdoing in the land, for you shall be held accountable before God on how best you discharged your trust. Yet, in these morally darkened times, when fear of God is virtually absent among powerful politicians, our world is in a permanent state of crisis, almost on the brink of an abyss!

In his Friday Sermon of 15 July 2022 ~15 Dhul Hijjah 1443 AH, Imam- Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam International Hazrat Muhyiuddin Al Khalifatullah Munir A. Azim (aba) of Mauritius reflects on the contemporary political, economic and social developments in Mauritius against the wider global backdrop of abuse of power by ruling elites and their tyrannical handling of fellow humans. A man inspired by  Roohul Quddus [Holy Spirit] to share Divine messages on His behalf in our times, Hazrat Khalifatullah (aba) cautions against the dire situation being obtained as a consequence of  administrative excesses, and reminds about forthcoming accountability before God.  A well-wisher and sincere counsellor of people; Hazrat Saheb (aba) warns about the moment of Divine reckoning that awaits all, encouraging them to shun hubris and excesses so as not to attract Divine anger and punishment for their egregious deeds. 

Read the Friday Sermon Below:

Monday, June 15, 2020

The Attributes of Allah- VIII

“He is God: there is no god other than Him, the Sovereign, the Supreme-In-Holiness, Source of Peace, Granter of Security, Guardian over all, the Almighty, the Compeller, the Majestic (Al-Mutakabbir) …” (Al-Hashar 59 : 24).

Al-Mutakabbir is The Majestic, Conscious of His greatness. Allah alone has the right to know and to proclaim His greatness and omnipotence over everything and everyone. He magnifies Himself and sees grandeur and superbness only for Him. All greatness belongs to Him. This attitude is completely justified because it is true.

Allah is distinguished by an exclusive greatness just for Him and by an absolute Royalty. He controls everything. He is the one who shows His greatness in all things and by all means.

Know well [what will follow], O my brothers and sisters! Do not be fooled by the simple verbal intention that you give to the meaning of your life, because God hopes to see a radical transformation [in you which] change this.

He demands that you inflict a kind of death on yourselves, after which He will breathe new life into you. Make haste to promote peace among yourselves, to forgive your brothers and sisters their weaknesses, because the one who is not inclined to make peace with his brother is mean, and he risks being excluded [from the proximity of Allah] because he is a source of dissension.

Give up your base desires and don’t cultivate resentment. Even if you are right, behave humbly as if you were wrong, so that forgiveness is reserved for you. Eliminate obesity from your ego, because narrow is the door you have to go through. So eliminate your ego and pride so that you can go through that door.

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Covid-19: Towards A 'New Normal'

With the Covid-19 pandemic severely disrupting life as we knew it, millions of people around the world face uncertain times.  Indeed, whole nations are in the midst of difficult transitions, adjusting to the 'new normal' in public health, economy and polity. An existential imperative for the nations caught up in the cauldron of the 'invisible enemy'; rebuilding shattered lives through re-energizing decimated economies require governments to adopt prudence and wisdom in national policies. Protecting the most vulnerable social groups in these turbulent circumstances, especially the poor and the indigent, is a collective responsibility. Social and economic plans need to be inclusive in character, and not just cater to the elites in the corporate sector! Unfortunately, around the world, many governments have lopsided priorities. In the name of fighting the pandemic / dealing with public health emergency, democracies are witnessing 'power games': usurping excessive powers way beyond what they actually possess, 'authoritarians' are undermining democratic processes of institutional checks and balances. Transparency, accountability and good governance are all stake in these extraordinary times. Moreover, almost all the time, the real beneficiaries of State policies are the big business/ corporate sector, and not the labour class, or the hungry masses. Indeed, the pandemic is testing national elites as to 'reveal' the strength of resilience of their core values and principles: whether they can 'arise and create a new world'- addressing the problems and challenges in an equitable and just way, respecting the rights and interests of the underclass- the fellow humans among them. In his Friday Sermon of 29 May 2020 ~ 06 Shawwal 1441 AH, Imam- Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam Hadhrat Khalifatullah Munir A. Azim (aba) of Mauritius speaks about this vital issue of contemporary concern. Articulated against the backdrop of recent national initiatives in Mauritius on responding to Covid-19, Hadhrat Saheb's perspective and guidance on dealing with the 'new world' would be of considerable interest to thoughtful people everywhere. 

Read the Extracts from the Friday Sermon: 


Now I’ll talk a little bit about the news in our country, especially regarding the new “Covid-19 & Quarantine Acts” that were passed recently.

As a Mauritian citizen, I too have the right to say a few words on the “Covid-19 Bill” and the presentation of the 2020-2021 Budget which will take place on Thursday 4th June 2020. All Mauritians know very well the “Covid- 19 Bill” and the “Quarantine Bill” because these subjects were at the heart of the news of the National Assembly.

However, the measures presented by the government do not seem to be unanimous in parliament and in the country. Personally, I see that there was no consultation or dialogue before their presentation. Yet they affect the freedom of our citizens, labour rights, and the reserves of the Central Bank [among many]. And government can use public funds without transparency, governance and accountability [without being accountable to anyone].

The “Covid-19 Bill” also includes the creation of funds never seen before and draconian measures that affect our democracy.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Elections 2019: Whither Mauritius?

On the Forthcoming General Elections

As you know, Sunday, 06 October 2019, the Prime Minister Pravind Jugnauth announced as a Breaking News the dissolution of the parliament and fixed the date of the general elections on 07 November 2019. He made this announcement after he made the launch of the Metro Express on Thursday, 03 October 2019 which was funded by the Government of India, and after a live speech from India by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. It is right after the launch that Pravind Jugnauth - according to the instructions from his Gurus and counsellors - without thinking, on Sunday the 06 October 2019 in the afternoon made this announcement. By doing so, he applied his authority with such arrogance and announced the political registration for 3 days: Wednesday, 09 October to Friday, 11 October, and the Nomination Day on 22 October, and he fixed the date of the general elections on Thursday, 07 November 2019. He had plenty of time to announce the general election until March or April of next year.

He ignored dates such as 01 and 02 November which are public holidays, as well as the 03 November that falls on a Sunday, but instead, he chooses another day [in the middle of the week]. A panic and great fear took hold of him, lest he loses in the upcoming election, thus losing this power, especially with so many scandals in his government. So, on 06 October he announced the elections for the 7th day of November. He only gave a delay of one month to hold the general elections. He does not give the other political parties time to prepare themselves properly. It is true that after five years (2014-2019) the National Assembly must be dissolved by the end of December 2019. I do not want to go into details on this subject, but what is deplorable is that the date chosen for the elections falls on a Thursday where there are exams that will take place on that day for the School Certificate (SC) and Higher School Certificate (HSC) students. So, on 06 October, the day of the announcement, the Election Commission officials had to find alternative places so as not to disturb the conduct of these examinations.

So, out of 9,41,719 voters, 104,903 voters will have to vote on 07 November in a different place from where they are used to. These are tactics that he [the current Prime Minister] is using so that young students of the SC and HSC do not have time to think about which political party they are going to vote for because they have to focus on their final exams which are very important.

Students who have exams scheduled will be very worried on election day where there will be a lot of traffic jams and so they may be late in their exam rooms. The vagueness persists a lot on this case. Young students of voting age show their disagreement and anger and say that the government has not thought about all this and then everyone will not have the chance to vote and that’s a shame.

In addition, traffic jams will certainly affect the candidates [students]. All of this will have a negative effect on their schedule. Other candidates say that it is a bad choice to hold the elections the same day as the exams, because the votes of the young people are very important.

For me (the Khalifatullah) the right to vote is to have the future of Mauritius in hand so that it does not fall into wrong hands. So all voters must make good choices, without the slightest trace of communalism. They have to go to the polls, they have to fulfill their civic right to elect people who are honest, and who are not corrupt and who are respectable, so as to have a better future, a better Mauritius, a clean Mauritius for our future generations.

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

The Future of Chagos and Agalega

The sovereignty of, and territorial rights over, the Chagos Archipelago is a matter of contention between Mauritius and the United Kingdom for more than half a century now. Before granting national independence to Mauritius in 1968, the retreating colonial power played shady games to retain its strategic interests in the Indian Ocean region. As it happened, two years before the granting of Independence, the colonial power decided to retain a land foothold in the region for the longer term and hence excised the Chagos Archipelago from Mauritius. During the pre-independence political negotiations between Mauritius national leaders and the British government, the continued British-control over the Islands was legitimated through questionable deals- thanks to the obvious unequal bargaining power between the parties- the Conquerors leveraging their heft of power and their political subjects on the negotiating table desperately seeking freedom from colonial yoke. Through offering best relations beyond independence, paying 'peanuts' as immediate compensation and a vague promise of returning the Islands to Mauritius at an unspecified future date when the facility at the Islands would no longer be needed for 'defence purposes', Britain sought to retain its control over the Chagos Archipelago for the indefinite future. 

Responding to global shifts in power and the emerging equation with the US in the post-second World War/ Cold War  scenario, the UK later through a bilateral agreement, leased the strategic Islands to the United States for establishing its grand military base in the heart of the Indian Ocean- the Diego Garcia Naval Base. Almost in parallel, within a decade (1967-1973), Britain ensured that Chagossian villagers were systematically and stealthily ousted from their homes and lands permanently, without any opportunity of returning to their homeland forever! British national security and strategic interests trumped over the rights of poor and vulnerable islanders. Even as the Big Powers- the United States and the United Kingdom- consolidated their strategic interests and military control of the region, the hapless Chagossian people were left to languish in the wilderness of their own catastrophe- in mainland Mauritius, Seychelles,  the UK and elsewhere. No wonder, the British colonial excesses in the region continue to scar the national spirit of the formerly subjugated people, the Chagossians in particular.