The Signs of Qiyamah- 7
Life after death will be a reckoning. This is a certainty. There is no doubt about it.
The Signs of Qiyamah- 7
Life after death will be a reckoning. This is a certainty. There is no doubt about it.
The Signs of Qiyamah- 6
It is by the wisdom of Allah that man was
created. The universe was created, and the system of habitation for man on
earth was established so that Allah’s beloved creation could learn to find
their way on this earth and seek Him, Allah, their Creator. With the
intelligence that Allah endowed the new Adam, our common ancestor, we have seen
how Allah sought to protect the human race so that it would not fall into Satan’s
traps. Where there is light, there is also darkness. While darkness is a
blessing from Allah for mankind to find rest, it is also the ideal time for Satan
to carry out his work.
Allah created man to worship Him alone, without associating anyone with Him. All the souls that Allah created from His divine breath, and which He decreed to be born from the creation of the first Adam until the Day of Judgement, have all received guidance to show them the path to Allah. This guidance, the guides of Allah, are the prophets and messengers of Allah, and in times when there are no prophets and messengers, it is the reformers and pious people who carry out this work, guiding their people towards the worship of Allah alone, without associating anyone with Him.
The Signs of Qiyamah- 4
“But man desires to persist in his evil ways. He asks, “When will be this Day of Resurrection?” When eyes are dazzled and the moon is buried in darkness, and the sun and the moon are joined together, on that day man will say, “Where to escape?” Alas! There will be no refuge.” (Al-Qiyamah, 75: 6-12)
The situation in the world is becoming
increasingly serious. We see corruption everywhere now, at all levels. Those in
power are doing whatever they want to stay in power and to subject people to
their will.
Among the Hadiths where our beloved Prophet speaks about the approach of the Hour, meaning the moments before the Day of Judgement takes place, he says: “Near the establishment of the Hour there will be days during which Religious ignorance will spread, knowledge will be taken away (vanish) and there will be much Al-Harj, and Al-Harj means killing [Al-Qatal] (murders, assassinations, etc.).” (Bukhari)
The Advent of the Seal
of all Prophets, Muhammad (pbuh)
'O Prophet, We have sent you as a witness, a bearer of good
tidings, and a warner, calling people to Allah by His grace, and as a
light-giving lamp.' (Al-Ahzab
33: 46-47).
Alhamdulillah, Summa
Alhamdulillah, today, I
continue to speak on our beloved Master, Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh), and his status
as the greatest prophet among all prophets. As I mentioned last week, while
Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) is the greatest prophet and the last law-bearing
prophet, it does not mean there will be no prophets after him. Prophets and
Messengers of Allah will continue to come, but only from his own Ummah
(community), and not from the communities that have rejected him (pbuh). This
forms a chain of belief, where one Messenger confirms the other, and the new
Messenger is born from the community and faith of the previous Messenger of
Allah who has passed away.
Qur'an on Night Prayer
‘Proclaim His praise in the night’ (50:41)
‘Glorify Him at night and at the fading of the stars.’ (52: 50)
‘Keep up the prayer at both ends of the day, and during parts of the night, for good things drive bad away– this is a reminder for those who are aware.’ (11: 115)
‘Celebrate the praise of your Lord, before the rising and setting of the sun, celebrate His praise during the night, and at the beginning and end of the day, so that you may find contentment.’ (20:131)
‘Night prayer makes a deeper impression and sharpens words–– you are kept busy for long periods of the day–– so celebrate the name of your Lord and devote yourself wholeheartedly to Him.’ (73:7-9)
‘And during the night wake up and pray, as an extra offering of your own, so that your Lord may raise you to a [highly] praised status.’ (17:80)
'The Messenger believes in what has been revealed to him from his Lord, and so do the believers. They believe in Allah, His angels, His Books, and His messengers. (They proclaim) “We make no distinction between any of His messengers.” And they say, “We hear and obey. (We seek) Your forgiveness, our Lord! And to You (alone) is the final return.” (Al-Baqara 2: 286)
Alhamdulillah, Summa
Alhamdulillah, Allah has done a
great favour to mankind, and in the past to every nation of the world, whereby
sometimes He sends one, two or sometimes even four prophets at the same time
with the same message, i.e., to preach: “Laa Ilaaha Illallah” (There is
no one to worship but Allah).
Even today, Allah continues to pour down His favours and has chosen you, in this century to witness the advent of one of His Elects and Messengers, this humble servant to show and guide you to Allah, and to manifest such positives changes in you to enable you to see the divine light.
‘Salah’: Five Times A Day
have prayers been prescribed for Muslims five times a day? It may be asked:
would not once or twice, or whenever one happens to feel like it, be
In response to this set of questions from Mr. Louis Babel
Christopher from Algeria, Hazrat Imam Muhyiuddin Al Khalifatullah Al Mahdi Munir Ahmad Azim (aba) of
Mauritius states:
In answering these questions, it must first be
pointed out that the Islamic prayers (salat) are somewhat different from
"prayer" as used in the Christian sense, although personal
supplication and glorification of God (known as Duah) are also a very important
part of the Muslim's worship.
Basically, Islamic prayers consist of recitations from the Holy Quran and glorification of God accompanied by various bodily postures. The five times of worship correspond to the five periods of the day: daybreak, noon, afternoon, the close of day and night, corresponding to the organization of Man's time around various activities.
Tawheed & Shirk- 3
Alhamdulillah, Summa
Alhamdulillah, I continue the
series of sermons which I began elaborating on the subject of Tawheed
and Shirk.
Today, I want to draw your attention to something: every day we say we will do something but we end up not doing it. And Allah is not pleased at all that you do not do what you have said you will do.
Whenever we start praying (Salat) and anytime we read the Holy Quran, we start by saying: Aouzubillahi Minash Shaytaan-ir-Rajim. This simply means that we seek protection with Allah against Satan the Cursed, the one whom Allah rejected. But many times people don’t reflect upon those words: What am I saying? Where is that Shaytan (Satan)? And where does he stay? They think: In what way will Satan come to me so that I can repel him?
The System of Divine Punishments & Rewards
“It may be that your
Lord will have mercy on you, but if you repeat (your crime) We shall repeat
(the punishment), and remember that We have made hell a prison for the
disbelievers.” (Bani Isra’il 17:
There is disgrace,
humiliation for those who cause trouble in this temporal life and in the
Hereafter; this humiliation as well as the punishment that Allah will give to
these types of people will be much more humiliating and painful than all the
earthly punishments that you can ever think of.
The Message of the Holy Quran is addressed to all of you. Those who have faith and demonstrate this faith in their intentions and actions, they will surely get their spiritual reward which is a reward that is beyond any earthly reward that a person can ever conceive.
Recently, attributing certain contemporary deeds of a man who once associated himself with the ranks of the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam (and later disassociated himself with it for reasons best known to him); some bigoted and ignorant Ahmadi Mullahs have sought to insinuate and sully the image of the Jamaat of Allah. Due to their inbuilt biases and prejudices against the Elect of Allah of this era and His mission in their midst, these Mullahs from other Muslim denominations speak as if they are willfully “dumb, deaf, and blind”- unable or unwilling to distinguish between right and wrong. In a recent Jamaat communication, Imam- Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam Hazrat Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim Saheb (aba) of Mauritius explains the true perspective on belief and disbelief in Islamic precepts.
The Family & The Youth
A question that is generally asked at the level of all generations and even among the young people of today: What good can a family bring? Of course, there will be different ways of thinking, of reasoning, of answering this question which torments the minds of many parents within the Ummah itself. And we can cite so many other cases where the parent-child relationship does not seem to be cordial. Why?
Yet according to a Hadith from Bukhari, the Holy Prophet (pbuh) explains that the family brings stability and ensures security. The family is the first place where we socialize, where we learn the rules of life in society. It allows you not to live alone, to become a parent, and to live with those whom you love, to strengthen community bonds through alliances [marriages].
But the most important thing about the family - for believers of the Ummah - is that it is the first place to learn about the existence of Allah (twt) as the Unique Creator, and the value of Islam.
In the light of this verse of the Holy Quran, so far as Allah makes me understand His verses and ordains me to present this to all of you - all humanity and all my dear disciples around the world, therefore try to listen to the message of this Friday Sermon carefully and pray to Allah (twt) that He may give you the ilm (knowledge) to understand it deeply and remove you from the darkness of this world, and bring each of you to His light [i.e. the light of Allah (twt)], Insha-Allah.
Please bear in mind that this sermon will be like a mirror in which you will be able to see yourselves, whether you are my disciples in Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam, or even the other Muslims from other Jamaat around the world, and even if you are from any other religion, so this sermon concerns all of us, every human being - not only my Muslims brothers, sisters and children or not even my disciples around the world but ALL HUMANITY from the four corners of the world.
In his Friday Sermon of 04 June 2021~ 22 Shawwal 1442 AH, Imam- Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam Hazrat Khalifatullah Munir A. Azim (aba) of Mauritius continued the theme of the previous week: the purpose of spiritual missions in the times of a Khalifatullah.
Noting the current afflictions and convulsions of a degrading earth with its devastating consequences visible all around the world, Hazrat Khalifatullah (aba) exhorts everyone to return to the true worship of God. It is by rejecting the Satanic impulses and influences, and by embracing the noble path of the prophets that believers can seek forgiveness, mercy and blessings of God in transforming every obstacle into an opportunity for the onward march of the Faith.
Read the Extracts from the Sermon Below: