Showing posts with label zikr. Show all posts
Showing posts with label zikr. Show all posts

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Follow 'Sunnah', Avoid 'Shirk'


Ashhadu alla ilaha illallahu wa ashhadu anna Muhammadan ‘abduhu wa rasuluh.

I bear witness that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah, and I bear witness that Muhammad (pbuh) is His servant and Messenger. 

In our proclamation of faith, as Allah says in Surah Al-Baqara, Chapter 2, Verse 286: “The Messenger believes in what has been revealed to him from his Lord, and so do the believers. All of them have faith in Allah, His Angels, His Books, and His Messengers. [And they say] ‘We make no distinction between any of His Messengers.’ And they also say: ‘We hear and we obey. Forgive us, our Lord, for to You is the final return.’”


When a Messenger of Allah comes, especially a Messenger and Prophet who comes after the Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), his role is to hold firmly to the Quran and ensures that he guides people to the commandments of this best Book. The Quran is special because it represents the total sum of laws that Allah has ordained for humanity. It is not applicable only to a particular era but applies at all times, as long as there are people on earth. People have been given a perfect guide in the person of Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh), whom Allah made a representation of the Quran on earth.

Sunday, January 5, 2025

The riches of 'Sabr'


Alhamdulillah, on the blessed occasion of the 8th Jalsa Salana of Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam- Tamil Nadu (India), International Sadr of the Siraj Makin [- the women’s wing of the Jamaat] Hazrat Ummul Mu’mineen Fazli Amena Varsally Saheba of Mauritius addressed the spiritual gathering at the historic Sirajum Munir Masjid through a special message on 29 December 2024. For the benefit of our readers, we reproduce below the Text of the Speech:


‘My dear Spiritual Children,


Assalamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullah Wa Barakaatuhu.


You all need to bear in mind the riches of Sabr (Patience). Life on earth is a temporary abode which only the Sabereen (those endowed with patience) know how to tread upon and live it.


Allah says in the Holy Quran: 'And be patient, for indeed, Allah does not allow to be lost the reward of those who do good.' (Surah Hud,  11, Verse 116)


A true believer makes countless efforts to remain on the right path. The right path is not an easy path. It is filled with all kinds of turns and obstacles and trials, but it is only those who persevere and remain true and sincere to Allah and strive through steadfastness and trust in Allah to continue on their way shall be victorious.

Monday, June 10, 2024

On Life Lessons- 5

On Marriage:

To every man, the Day you marry your wife, is the day Allah places a trust and responsibility on you to give her the rights as a wife, and she becomes your family, your comforter, the mother of your children, so fear Allah as in regards to your duties as husband.

To every woman, when you marry your husband you leave your birth home and you become a real woman. Your husband becomes your family, your maintainer and protector, the father of your children, your friend and lover so treat him well and follow him to the ends of the earth, fear Allah in regards to how you treat him.

Marriage in Islam completes half of your Deen. Do not be swayed by good looks, or money as these will come and go; marry a man who truly fears and loves Allah, who puts Islam first before anything. 

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

The remembrance of God- 7


Allah states in the Holy Qur'an: 'In houses which Allah has allowed to be raised up, and His name to be remembered therein, in the morning and evening are men who glorify him therein, whom neither trade nor sale can divert from the remembrance of Allah, and (they) establish the prayers, and pay the Zakaat; fearing a day when hearts and eyes shall be turned about, that Allah will recompense them for the finest deeds they did and increase them from His bounty. Allah provides without measure to whom He will.' (24:37-39)


The above verses stipulates that there are such houses in which there reside true servants of Allah who day and night they glory Allah and they have made their house become a Masjid (Mosque), a pure sanctuary for the remembrance of Allah. They are so close to Allah and have recognised the eternal essence and truthfulness of Allah that they are ever ready to offer their submission to Allah in every way. They are those people who do not let their houses become cemeteries! They do not let Satan enter their houses. They do their best to inculcate in themselves the right examples for people, and they first start with their house, with their family members, educating them, giving them the right lessons to submit to One God (Allah Tabarak Wa Ta’ala) and follow the path of His prophets and if it happens that they are living in an era of a prophet of Allah, they encourage their children to “Obey Allah and Obey His prophet”. They are ever conscious of their duties to Allah, and they opt to correct their way of living to fit the commandments of Allah (found in the Holy Qur'an).


These believers are such ones whom Allah loves for they sacrifice their time in His worship, attaching themselves to Him and making every possible effort to please Allah. Nothing of the attractions of this world distracts these believers from the remembrance of Allah. They have made their houses, their homes become a haven of peace, a haven where only the words of Allah are recited. Such houses are blessed by Allah, for in such houses where the name of Allah is glorified, thousands of angels descend to bless the occupants of the house for their devotion to Allah.

Friday, July 7, 2023

Virtues of the Houses of Allah


The Houses of Allah: Part 2


Alhamdulillah Summa Alhamdulillah, after talking about the Holy Ka’aba, the House of Humanity on the occasion of Eid-ul-Adha, today I will talk with you about the Houses of Allah - the Masaajid of Allah (the places of prayer for the worship of the One True God) in general.


In a Hadith, it is reported that Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) said: “Verily, the Houses of Allah on earth are the Mosques (Masaajid/ Masjids).”


The honour of a property (i.e. an extent of land), a building or a place depends on the honour of the person to whom the property, building or place belongs. What a Muslim needs to understand or that he needs to try to understand is the degree of honour he owes to Allah. No building or place on earth will be able to equal the Masjid that Allah has proclaimed as “His House” in honour and sanctity.


Therefore, when you visit a Masjid, you are visiting Allah. When you honour a Masjid, you are honouring Allah. And how will you honour the House of Allah? The Islamic Law (Shariah) teaches us how we can honour the Masjids of Allah.

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Revelations of 17 October 2022


‘O you who believe! When you hold secret counsels do not confer to promote sin, transgression and disobedience to the Messenger. Rather confer (to promote) piety, and righteousness and restraint from evil. And take Allâh as a shield, (Allâh) before Whom you shall be gathered together. Holding secret counsels (with evil intentions) is (the work) of satan (who does it) to cause unrest and distress to those who believe. Yet he can do them no harm at all except by the leave of Allâh. Therefore let the believers repose their trust in Allâh.(58:10-11)

On Monday, 17 October 2022 at 11.45 am, Imam- Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam Hazrat Muhyiuddin Al Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim (aba) of Mauritius received Divine revelations during Duah and Zikr. These revelations, along with a brief commentary provided by Hazrat Saheb (aba) while announcing the same, contain pure guidance that can benefit all true devotees of God in this era- an era of stealth and subterfuge, of secret plots and dark deeds. 

Indeed, true believers need to be aware of the secret, black deeds of the Hypocrites who seek to deviate people who joins the Divine Elect of their times, by sowing the seeds of doubt and suspicion in their minds by spreading false accusations. The Holy Qur'an emphatically states that the good and the bad are not alike, and that the believers have to be vigilant against Satanic impulses that lead to secret plots, sin and transgression at all times, and in all contexts, they should be ready to fight along with the Elects of God for establishing equity and justice on earth by promoting good and righteous causes. 

Thursday, August 6, 2020

'Duah': Invocations to Allah- IV

It is purely by the grace of Allah that I continue my sermon on the subject of duahs today. Alhamdulillah, Summa Alhamdulillah. And it is purely by His grace that He confirms my truthfulness and consolidates the faith (Iman) of my disciples whereby He gives them inspirations, dreams, visions and revelations.

Alhamdulillah, within the framework of these series of Friday Sermons that I have been presenting on the subject of duahs, Allah has manifested in many ways to my disciples to show them the value of duahs and also to strengthen their faith in the Divine Manifestation of this century. 

Last Friday July 24, 2020, a very important spiritual event took place when my dear disciple Naib Amir Saleem Sahib from Tamil Nadu was reciting the Friday Sermon and he was reading the Friday Sermon that I had given on July 17, 2020 on the subject of duahs.

During the Friday Sermon, his wife Fatima Jasmine Sahiba saw in a state of vision (Kashaf) an imposing figure who was standing exactly behind Saleem Sahib. He was very tall with a lot of hair on his head. Jasmine Sahiba was very surprised to see him, but this being was very pleasant. Then she felt her soul (Ruh) asking this being: “Who are you?” He replied to her: “Allah sent me. I am a Malaq (angel) whom Allah sent to protect you all.”

So she was very amazed by this and her son shook her and then she no longer saw the angel. She believed that was her imagination. But after that, she heard that voice once more saying the same thing to her. So, she was reassured that all that she experienced was not her imagination. Afterwards, her children also reported that they too saw the angel. Alhamdulillah. It was a very great spiritual experience that they had. Masha-Allah. Allahu Akbar…

In truth, Allah’s promise is always true. I have always pleaded with Allah to grant His protection to all my sincere followers, who have strong faith (Iman) in Allah and His Khalifatullah of this century. May Allah continue to manifest Himself to give courage and strengthen the faith of my dear disciples and ensure that they do not lose heart in difficult times, and that they always thank Him, whether in times of difficulty, and moments of joy too.

Saturday, September 23, 2017

'Seek Refuge in God from All Evils'

 Holy Qur'an, Ch. 113- Surah Al-Falaq : A Commentary

1. In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful
2. Say: I seek refuge with the Lord of the Dawn, 3. From the evil of that which He created; 4. From the mischief of Darkness as it overspreads; 5. And from the evil of those who spit on the knots, (i.e., perform malignant witchcraft).
6. And from the evil of the envious when he envies.

This chapter (surah) was revealed at Mecca at the beginning of Islam and it gives us an antidote, a solution to fight against the works of the satans (i.e. evil works), superstition, and fear; for it teaches us to seek refuge in Allah against all kinds of evils which may exist on earth, visible or invisible. One example is the plots which people can make to harm others. Thus this surah is also a remedy against the envy and jealousy of other people.

It is Allah Who drives away all obscurity/ darkness when He sends His light, and it is Him Who gives life to people and make them feel that they are truly alive, be it physically and spiritually also, after having gone through a spiritual death. Life and death forms part of a cycle which is in the control of Allah, in the Hands of Allah. It is Allah Who has the capacity to annul all satanic works, and all fears which people use to make you fearful, and this materialises when He sends His spiritual light. Man needs to repel his fear and put his complete trust in Allah. No harm shall befall him when he is found in the protection of Allah, and when he has Allah with him, as his Mighty Help, then no Satan can ever deviate him with its falsehoods to make him and other people become fearful and to lose their trust in Allah.

This surah is a duah (prayer/ supplication) addressed to Allah to ask Him for His help and protection against the evil/ wickedness of ignorant people and those who plot to harm others with their tongues, hands, scheming and backbiting. Man need to seek divine help and protection against jealous hearts because a jealous heart is indeed very dangerous. Why? Because jealousy is found therein and this jealousy eats away that heart little by little and makes it become dark. It works silently as a harmful device to strike physically or morally at that jealous person.

Saturday, February 18, 2017

'Reclaim Your Spiritual Self'

My Friday sermon is addressed to members of the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam and also to everyone. 

Each one of you must exhort to mutual love, generosity, the practice of Islam and the knowledge of oneself.

The Paradoxes in the 'Muslim'Condition

The one for whom the word Allah was a viaticum (that is, the Muslim) is now under the control of attachment to material goods and the fear of death. Drunkenness (in favour of Spirituality/ to lose oneself in Spirituality), fervour and joy have deserted him: His religion is found in the book, and he is himself in the grave. The soul has left the body of fasting and prayer and other pillars of Islam; And as the soul has left prayer and fasting, the individual is without harmony and people without discipline, hearts being empty of the warmth of the Quran. How can we hope for an improvement from such men? 

O Allah! The Muslim has abandoned the self, hold out Your hand to him, for the water covers him higher than the head. The prostration (in Salaat) that makes the earth tremble has the power to make the sun and the moon turn according to its desire. If it were to seek the meaning of this prostration, the stone would vanish in the air like smoke! But now the Muslim no longer knows humility, there is nothing else in him but the weakness of old age. Who still realizes the majesty of the words spoken during the prostration: "My Lord (Allah) is Most High" (Allahu Akbar)? Is all this due to our fault, or is it believed that there is some weakness (may Allah preserve us from this thought) in these words? 

Everyone moves quickly on his own path. Only our mount is without bridle and roams endlessly without a goal. Possessing the Quran and having no ardour for research is a very strange thing. If the Lord has endowed you with vision, look at the coming times: rash reasons and hearts without ardour, eyes without shame and drowned in illusion, science and art, religion and politics, intelligence and sensibility, everything revolves around material things. Young people have thirsty lips, but their cup is empty; The faces are well washed, but the soul is black; The intelligence is luminous but has only a weak vision, it is devoid of certainty and hope. The young people's eyes have seen nothing in the world: They are poor beings, denying themselves, believing others.

Acquire Knowledge of the Self

O my disciples, be always sincere in all your actions; Free yourself from the fear of kings, so-called superpowers and potentates. Do not renounce justice in anger or contentment; Keep moderation, whether you are rich or poor. The precept is difficult, do not ingeniously try to interpret it.

Do not look for a torch except in your own hearts. The support of the souls is the Zikr and the Fikr, and as for the support of the bodies, it is in the respect of oneself during youth. In this world as in the other, power is acquired only by the maintenance of the soul and the body. The purpose of the journey is the joy of contemplation (i.e. contemplation of Allah as the Unique Creator). The secret of religion consists in saying truthful words and abstaining from forbidden food. Solitude and companionship is to contemplate the Divine Beauty. In the way of religion, be unbreakable like the diamond. Bind your hearts to Allah, and live without vain scruples.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

'Zikrullah' for Inner Happiness

“Those who believe and whose hearts find rest in the remembrance of Allah: 
Verily, in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest.” (Ar-Rad, 13: 29).

Zikrullah (Remembrance of Allah) is the true nourishment of the hearts. The heart, mind and soul of man thrive on Zikrullah and shrink without it. Zikrullah is not difficult. It is indeed a most simple duty and the reward and significance of Zikrullah are indeed great. One who is neglectful of such an important, yet simple and most rewarding practice is most unfortunate. Indifference to Zikrullah is an invitation to calamity upon oneself.

Allah describes in the Holy Quran those who have let go of Zikrullah and relegated it to oblivion:

“Satan has gained the mastery over them, so he has caused them to forget the remembrance of Allah. They are the party of Satan. Verily, it is the party of Satan that will be the losers.” (Al-Mujadila, 58: 20).

Therefore, we Muslims should strive to remain in the remembrance of Allah (swt) even if it becomes increasingly hard when we engage ourselves in our worldly activities. Zikrullah is a powerful weapon against Satan’s whispers which slowly try to overtake our hearts and lead us to self-deception. Today we notice how even though technology is supposed to help people gain extra time and better quality of life, people are more and more restless, sad, stressed and anxious. This is because Satan is winning them over by distracting their attention from Allah (swt) and misleading them in their decisions. Staying in constant Zikrullah makes us fear Allah (swt), always allowing us to put life matters into perspective by rearranging priorities accordingly to Allah’s commands in order to maintain individual, social as well as environmental harmony. Consequently, evil deeds are wiped out by sincerity of the heart to enjoin what is good and forbid evil acts, permitting us to find tranquillity of heart.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Remedies for the Diseases of the Heart

I don’t know how to thank My Creator, for He keeps increasing my knowledge on this subject and today, Alhamdulillah Summa Alhamdulillah I continue my Friday Sermon, on the remedies for the diseases of the heart, and I start first of all with how to guard one’s heart against the attack of the Satan (Shaytan)Shaytan creates doubts in the heart, therefore believing men should distant these doubts with the Zikr (remembrance) of Allah Ta’ala. They should not pay any attention to these doubts and distractions. Doubts and distractions are the talks of the Satan which he instills in the hearts of the believers.

It is reported in a Hadith that Shaytan will come to one of you and say to you: “Who created you?” 

The person will reply “Allah has created me”Shaytan will then ask:“Who has created Allah?” 

Thus if this question arises in anyone’s heart, he should say:“I have brought faith in Allah and His Messenger (pbuh). This thought will then go away”. (Musnad Ahmad)

The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) is reported to have said: “Two causes take effect on the heart. One, the effect by the angels in the form of truth and virtue, this is from Allah Ta’ala. One should thank Allah Ta’ala for such effect. The other is from our enemy in the form of rejecting the truth and avoiding virtuous acts. One who experiences these effects should seek Allah’s protection from the accursed Satan.” The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) then recited the following verse in a way of supporting this Hadith: “Satan threatens you with poverty and orders you to immorality, while Allah promises you forgiveness from Him and bounty. And Allah is All-Embracing, All-Knowing.” (2: 269).” (Musnad Ahmad)