Showing posts with label healing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label healing. Show all posts

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Follow 'Sunnah', Avoid 'Shirk'


Ashhadu alla ilaha illallahu wa ashhadu anna Muhammadan ‘abduhu wa rasuluh.

I bear witness that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah, and I bear witness that Muhammad (pbuh) is His servant and Messenger. 

In our proclamation of faith, as Allah says in Surah Al-Baqara, Chapter 2, Verse 286: “The Messenger believes in what has been revealed to him from his Lord, and so do the believers. All of them have faith in Allah, His Angels, His Books, and His Messengers. [And they say] ‘We make no distinction between any of His Messengers.’ And they also say: ‘We hear and we obey. Forgive us, our Lord, for to You is the final return.’”


When a Messenger of Allah comes, especially a Messenger and Prophet who comes after the Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), his role is to hold firmly to the Quran and ensures that he guides people to the commandments of this best Book. The Quran is special because it represents the total sum of laws that Allah has ordained for humanity. It is not applicable only to a particular era but applies at all times, as long as there are people on earth. People have been given a perfect guide in the person of Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh), whom Allah made a representation of the Quran on earth.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

'Duah' for Healing

Tarbiyyat Lessons-16: 

Duah for Prevention of Cancer 

'Start reciting this powerful verse from the Qur'an, for yourself, and for your loved ones, and Allah will protect you from cancer developing in your body.

You must be always in a state of wudu (ablution). Recite every day, especially after Salah:


‘Rabbi qad aataitanee minal mulki wa allamtanee min taaweelil ahaadees, faati ras samaawaati wal ardi anta waliyyee fid Dunyaa wal Aakhirati tawaffanee Muslimanw wa alhiqnee bissaaliheen.’


‘My Lord! You have given me authority; You have taught me something about the interpretation of dreams; Creator of the heavens and the earth, You are my protector in this world and in the Hereafter. Let me die in true devotion to You. Join me with the righteous.’



Thursday, February 29, 2024

Qur'an, Prayer and Healing


‘He who cures me when I am ill’ (26:81)

‘He will heal the believers’ feelings’. (9:14)

Several verses testify to the fact that the Quran is a mercy to those who are receptive to its message. It's teachings act as a cure for various ailments of the heart, including ignorance, doubt, hypocrisy, rancour, hatred, and enmity. For a true believer, the Book of God enables one to acquire virtue and perfection of character, adorning him/her with the gifts of knowledge and wisdom. Indeed, those who seek cure from the Qur’an, it is God Who will cure them: 

‘People, a teaching from your Lord has come to you, a healing for what is in [your] hearts, and guidance and mercy for the believers.(10:58)


‘We send down the Quran as a healing and mercy for the believers’. (17:82)


‘Say, ‘It is guidance and healing for those who have faith’. (41:45) 

Saturday, April 22, 2023

Healthy Habits for Good Life


Moderation in Eating & Self-Care


In the time of the Prophet (pbuh) in Medina, a great Byzantine physician arrived to treat people for free. He asked permission to open his Clinic in the city. Every day, he went to the Clinic to treat illnesses but no one came to consult him. In the afternoon he closed shop and returned home without having been able to treat anyone. It lasted at least a month. Every day, he went to the Clinic and then came home empty-handed in the evening. Finally, he went to see the Holy Prophet (saw) to inform him that he was closing his clinic to go home but he still wanted to know why Muslims did not come to consult him. The answer was quite obvious - no one was getting sick. The Holy Prophet (pbuh) explained to him that he had taught his disciples that all illness has its roots in the stomach. And since the people of Medina followed the advice of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) to the letter and ate frugally, they never fell ill.


According to a Hadith narrated by Al-Miqdam Ibn Ma’di Karib (ra): “The son of Adam does not fill a vessel worse than his stomach. It is enough for him to take only a few mouthfuls to straighten his back, but if he has to eat his fill, let him fill his stomach with one-third food, one-third drink and one-third air.” (Ibn Majah)

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Milk: The Elixir of Life


‘In livestock, too, you have a lesson– We give you a drink from the contents of their bellies, between waste matter and blood, pure milk, sweet to the drinker’. (16:67)

‘There is a lesson for you in livestock: We produce milk for you to drink from their bellies. And they have many other benefits: you eat them and you ride on them, as you do in ships.’ (23: 22-23)

‘Can they not see how, among the things made by Our hands, We have created livestock they control, and made them obedient, so that some can be used for riding, some for food, some for other benefits, and some for drink? Will they not give thanks?’ (36:72-74)

Divine Blessings abound in this world. It is the extraordinary convergence of so many beneficial elements that make life possible on planet earth. The Holy Qur'an calls attention to the grand creations of God Almighty that sustain life: the Sun, the Moon, the stars and their orbital sojourns; the wind and the clouds; the rain and the seasons, the mountains and the rivers; the oceans and the giant ships, the plants and the fruits, the insects and the animals, etc. For instance, as mentioned in the aforesaid Qur'anic verses, cattle provides many benefits for the human beings: beauty,  warmth, clothing and furnishings, riding and transporting goods, food and the milk. In the Islamic tradition, apart from the benefits in this world, milk is one of the four rivers of the Garden in the Hereafter. Moreover, it is mentioned in the traditions that the Holy Prophet of Islam (sa) chose milk during his Night Journey when he was offered a choice between milk and wine. Indeed, milk is the symbol of the drink of primordial purity, the drink of Fitra in Islam.   

All these blessings and benefits of a life-time should make man reflect on his utter dependence on the Almighty for everything. Indeed, man should recognize the wisdom and incomparable kindness of the Lord in assembling all those benefits, and remain grateful to His Lord, submitting to the Divine commands, the will and wisdom of the Creator and Sustainer of the worlds; he should reject Satanic temptations that make him forget his true condition and feel 'self-sufficient' and ignore God, betraying arrogance and hubris. Remaining a true servant of God on earth, all believers should be thankful and grateful for all the blessings of this world that come their way by the sheer kindness and mercy of the True Master and Lord of All the worlds.   

Reproduced Below is a fascinating essay written by Imam- Jamaat Ul sahih Al Islam International Hazrat Muhyiuddin Al Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim (aba) of Mauritius on the significance of Milk and Milk products for humanity; the very many benefits of milk consumption for human beings, for their health and well-being, as a medicine and elixir of life:   

Saturday, September 10, 2022

'Nafs': Body Rights in Islam


Fulfilling the Rights of Fellow Muslims (Part 5)


Alhamdulillah, Summa Alhamdulillah, I continue today the series of sermons on the rights of fellow Muslims, and today I will talk about the rights of one’s own self [Nafs].


Life on earth is a God-given temporary trust [i.e. Amanat] to the human race. We are all the property of Allah (twt) and all that we are belong exclusively to Allah. And while belonging to Allah, contrary to His other creatures, He has bestowed upon us freewill and rights that we have to both respect and implement.


So, it is therefore incumbent for us to use and guard this trust according to the Divine command. Among the rights incumbent on us in respect of our lives are:


1.     The protection of its health and strength.

    2.     The guarding of its peace.


This means to refrain from any such activity which unnecessarily imposes strain and frustration. Neglect in these rights results in interference with one’s Deen. Peace of mind and courage are destroyed and in consequence one will fail to render service to others. At times, due to the frustration and weakness, one’s condition aggravates to the degree where one’s very faith [i.e. Iman ] is in danger of elimination. This grievous state is manifested due to the impatience and ingratitude fostered by frustration and depression which overtakes man who has failed in fulfilling the rights of his own body and soul.

Friday, April 15, 2022

Ramadan & Fasting- 2


O you who believe! Fasting is prescribed for you, as it was prescribed for those before you, so that you may guard (against evil). (Al-Baqara 2: 184)

Alhamdulillah, Summa Alhamdulillah, we have entered the blessed month of Ramadan, and today I continue the second part of my Friday sermon that I started last Friday.


Hadith: Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) has said: “Fasting is a protection and a powerful fortress.” (Ahmad, Baihaqi).


As I have mentioned last week, the month of Ramadan is a month wherein a Mumin (believer) must make a lot of sacrifice. The sacrifice he has to make is that he has to get up early in the morning to do the Salaat-ul-Tahajjud and take the Sehri. In my last week’s sermon I quoted this Hadith which shows the importance of Sehri. I also said that Roza [fasting] keeps us healthy. Hazrat Abu Hurairah (ra) reported that Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) said: “Keep the fast and you will stay healthy.” (Tibrani).

Sunday, June 13, 2021

'Ya Ilaahi': Revealed Poems

Spiritual Healing

O my dear God, my Protector, my Loving One

My dear Friend - Always Living One

Always powerful and Merciful One.

Please shower Your blessings with Your help

And guidance.

O my dear God, every single thing is in Your control

And as Your servant please protect me and Help me.

O my dear God, please do not ever leave me alone

O my dear God, I shall not ever forget You

O my dear God, do not ever forget me

O dear, the Perfect Healer

Only You are sufficient for me 

Please heal me (only You suffice for me)

Thursday, January 28, 2021

Poem: 'The Wondrous Qur'an'


Listen dear people! Without the Quran,

Man never reaches God.


Whoever is unaware of this light,

Is not fit for the eyes of the Friend.


The Furqan [the Holy Quran] has a wonderful effect,

In that it makes one a lover of the true Beloved.


It gives us authentic tidings of the One,

Whose name is the Greatest, the Almighty.

It draws man towards the abode of the Beloved,

And then it shows him signs beyond his ken.


It fills the heart with light divine,

And cleanses the breast thoroughly.


What more of its excellences should I describe,

Suffice it to say that it gives a new life to life.

Sunday, September 13, 2020

'Duah' : Invocations to Allah- X

'Massih Maoud' @ 10

Alhamdulillah, Summa Alhamdulillah, [yesterday] September 10 marked 10 years of my official proclamation as the Promised Messiah of this era and the Mujaddid of the 15th century of the Hegira (September 10, 2010- 2020). Certainly, when an honour comes from Allah, He proclaims it in the heavens and on the earth in an exhilarating way, and the faithful and the seekers of truth are those who come forward because Allah opens their hearts to recognize and accept this truth.

All glory belongs to Allah Who has raised me as His Chosen Servant and Messenger in this century and bestowed upon me the honour/ title/ mantle of Messiah and Reformer for the benefit of mankind.

It is my humble prayer that Allah may guide the people who have the fear of Allah in their hearts and direct them to His Divine Manifestation of this century and to the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam so that Islam and humanity as a whole be welded once again under the banner of Tawheed (the oneness of God). Ameen.

Today the world is in the grip of multiple degradations, both on the material and spiritual front. We can say that the world is very sick, the people are in extreme pain. Our little Mauritius is also not spared from the dangers that lie in wait [and which have already gripped it], especially with the doubtful and worrying events which have occurred in recent months with the entry of the Japanese bulk carrier “Wakashio” into our territory at Pointe d’Esny and the drama that followed with the leak of tons of diesel and fuel oil making the coast of Mauritius unrecognizable and killing sea creatures. 

After this event, many events took place, but Insha-Allah, if Allah give me the Tawfiq, I will speak to you a little more about this in another speech. 

What I want you to understand is that humanity is in danger [like I have since the beginning told you and keep repeating to you], the conscience of man is in danger because this conscience is threatened by malicious troubles which make him choose the world over the spiritual [Allah]. He prefers to race for money and vain pleasures instead of seeking true spiritual pleasure, the pleasure of Allah which is eternal.

Therefore, prayer is essential in our daily life. Without prayer to the One God [Allah] and without His remembrance (Zikr), we will achieve nothing. Remembering Allah is to guarantee a strong bond with Him, to guarantee His pleasure for us and His help in all circumstances of our life.

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

The Attributes of Allah-XI

By the grace of Allah and the Tawfiq bestowed by Him, I have yet again the opportunity to continue to expound on the attributes of Allah (twa).

Hazrat Abu Huraira (ra) reported Allah’s Messenger (pbuh) as saying: “There are ninety-nine names of Allah; he who commits them to memory would get into paradise. Verily, Allah is odd [He is one, and it is an odd number] and He loves odd numbers.” (Muslim).

In the Hadith compilation, Sahih Al-Bukhari, it has been recorded concerning the beautiful names of Allah that they are ninety-nine, i.e. one hundred minus one, and whoever believes in their meanings and acts accordingly, will enter paradise; and Allah is Witr (One, which is an odd number) and loves ‘the witr’ (i.e. odd numbers).

Allah is the Creator (Al-Khaliq); the Formidable Creator. This attribute points to the complex and astonishingly beautiful organization of constituent parts of the universe with their complete dependence on an underlying order [that is fundamental and very precise] that is found both in the cosmic universe and each atom or microscopic element.

Man’s part in this lies in acquiring in his soul not only knowledge of the whole and the minutiae of the parts of the physical universe but in knowing generically, and in detail, the arrangements of the spiritual universe – things such as the role and rank of the different angels, as well as the advent of the messengers and prophets of Allah and their ranks in the divine order.