The outbreak of the Coronavirus over the last year or so, and its devastating impact on people around the world, is a powerful reminder on the dire state of our world. In his Friday Sermon of 12 March 2021~28 Rajab 1442 AH, Imam- Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam Hazrat Khalifatullah Munir A. Azim (aba) of Mauritius speaks about the Covid- 19 situation in the country and beyond. At many different levels, the Coronavirus outbreak is a remarkable metaphor for the hidden realities and silent forces that exist and which can make or break the fate and future of man in this world with the Will and decision of God. As the world is seeking to cope with the new situation by turning to available medicines and emerging vaccines, Hazrat Khalifatullah (aba) underscores the need for everyone to turn to the true Master and Lord of the Universe who alone is the Healer and the Cure. It is in abiding by the true and enduring values of life taught by God through His Prophets that humans can find real protection and security from the afflictions of our times. In this context, Hazrat Saheb (aba) explains the sacred traditions of the Holy Prophet of Islam (sa) concerning the significance of health and hygiene- the need for keeping away from harmful substances and the circle of evil and also the benefits of remaining in a state of inner and outer purity for secular and spiritual well being.
Read the Friday Sermon Below:
Everyone knows very well how
the coronavirus has wreaked havoc in every country in the world where there
have been more than two million deaths and millions and millions who are
contaminated with the virus. The economies of many countries are on their knees; even the countries that claim to be super-powered cannot do anything. With Covid-19, countries are deserted, confined. During containment, everyone except essential services like the police, pharmacies, hospitals remain open to help the people of their respective countries, to maintain order and to treat the sick. These confinement times are essential in order not to spread the virus and to better detect those who are suffering from it. During confinement, the borders are closed. All shops, supermarkets, markets etc. are closed except under special conditions. Everyone stays at home and takes precautions, wears masks and unfortunately many people are also losing their jobs. The situation is certainly critical.
Last week, when starting
the first part of my sermon on the signs of Allah, the hypocrites and infidels,
as well as interest (Riba), Covid-19 and a call for unity, I did not
know what which would follow. [Huzur said that every
time before he prepares his sermon, he always seek divine help on which subject
to address and Allah even inspired him to talk on this subject by directing him
to the verse 27 of the Chapter 2 – Al-Baqara, which he began expounding since
last week.] That same day [05 March 2021], our small Mauritius
contracted a new local case of Covid-19, and from Wednesday 10th of March,
a national containment was implemented to thwart the virus. And today is the 12th
of March, and it’s Independence Day of our little island [53 years of
Independence and 29 years of Republic], and today, officially speaking, we have
99 local cases of Covid-19. So, all of us as one people, one nation, we must be
united and do all we can within our very limited means to keep ourselves and
our neighbours and the citizens of our country safe from this virus and its
spread. If this situation continues in this way, it is quite possible that
there will be a State of Emergency in Mauritius where no one will have the
right to circulate and this would be for the well-being of the population in
order to protect those who are not infected by this virus from those who are
infected with it. The regions of the Central Plateau such as Vacoas, Phoenix,
Curepipe, etc. have become Red Zones because there are more cases of Covid-19
than once during the course of his sermon, Huzur (atba) warned the believers,
the people of Mauritius and whole humanity to return to the worship of the sole
Creator of the Heavens and Earth and to maintain distance with the satans of
this world and all satanic attractions just like one is maintaining social
distancing with others in order not to contract the virus. He
said, beware lest another virus, more virulent and deadly than the Covid-19
appears, and will be so dangerous that one would not even have time to go in