Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Milk: The Elixir of Life


‘In livestock, too, you have a lesson– We give you a drink from the contents of their bellies, between waste matter and blood, pure milk, sweet to the drinker’. (16:67)

‘There is a lesson for you in livestock: We produce milk for you to drink from their bellies. And they have many other benefits: you eat them and you ride on them, as you do in ships.’ (23: 22-23)

‘Can they not see how, among the things made by Our hands, We have created livestock they control, and made them obedient, so that some can be used for riding, some for food, some for other benefits, and some for drink? Will they not give thanks?’ (36:72-74)

Divine Blessings abound in this world. It is the extraordinary convergence of so many beneficial elements that make life possible on planet earth. The Holy Qur'an calls attention to the grand creations of God Almighty that sustain life: the Sun, the Moon, the stars and their orbital sojourns; the wind and the clouds; the rain and the seasons, the mountains and the rivers; the oceans and the giant ships, the plants and the fruits, the insects and the animals, etc. For instance, as mentioned in the aforesaid Qur'anic verses, cattle provides many benefits for the human beings: beauty,  warmth, clothing and furnishings, riding and transporting goods, food and the milk. In the Islamic tradition, apart from the benefits in this world, milk is one of the four rivers of the Garden in the Hereafter. Moreover, it is mentioned in the traditions that the Holy Prophet of Islam (sa) chose milk during his Night Journey when he was offered a choice between milk and wine. Indeed, milk is the symbol of the drink of primordial purity, the drink of Fitra in Islam.   

All these blessings and benefits of a life-time should make man reflect on his utter dependence on the Almighty for everything. Indeed, man should recognize the wisdom and incomparable kindness of the Lord in assembling all those benefits, and remain grateful to His Lord, submitting to the Divine commands, the will and wisdom of the Creator and Sustainer of the worlds; he should reject Satanic temptations that make him forget his true condition and feel 'self-sufficient' and ignore God, betraying arrogance and hubris. Remaining a true servant of God on earth, all believers should be thankful and grateful for all the blessings of this world that come their way by the sheer kindness and mercy of the True Master and Lord of All the worlds.   

Reproduced Below is a fascinating essay written by Imam- Jamaat Ul sahih Al Islam International Hazrat Muhyiuddin Al Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim (aba) of Mauritius on the significance of Milk and Milk products for humanity; the very many benefits of milk consumption for human beings, for their health and well-being, as a medicine and elixir of life:   




Milk is nectar for the human system. When a child is born, his or her mother automatically has her breasts full of milk to feed the newborn child. Hence milk is the most natural food for human being. One may go anywhere in the world, one would find the status of milk priceless in human diet.


Right from his birth, a human being takes milk as his natural diet. And milk has very many other forms which we use in our diet. Ghee is one of such forms. It can be deemed to be a super-concentrated form of milk only. The ancient people believed that Milk and Ghee are the only elixir available on the earth.

Let us see the varieties of the milks that are available for human consumption:


       i.     Cow’s Milk: It is believed to be the best milk available on the earth. It is full of nutritive qualities and ideal diet for those heart patients who suffer due to excessive cholesterol in their blood. Its regular consumption enhances physical and mental strength, keeps the body healthy and increases the potency of the body.


It is not only nutritive; it helps in also taking out the impurities from the body. It makes eyes bright, muscles and tendons healthy and bones sturdy yet supple. Its taste is also very good.


     ii.     Goat’s Milk: It is sweet in taste with a slightly insipid tinge, light on the human system, cool in effect and easily digestible. For the patients suffering from digestive disorder, it is a very effective potion to rejuvenate their body. For children below ten years and for elderly people beyond 45 of age, for the general maintenance of their body, it is an ideal potion. It can be deemed to be a sort of medicated milk.


  iii.    Buffalo’s Milk: It is more viscous, sweet in taste and very effective to enhance the sexual potency of a man. It is rather a heavy potion and difficult to digest. For those suffering from insomnia, it is more effective than even cow’s milk. To digest this milk one should do a lot of exercises otherwise it would make the person obese.


  iv.       Sheep’s Milk: It is sweet with a slightly salty tinge, heavy and especially effective to cure wind-troubles. It makes the person sexually more potent. The heart patient should avoid consuming this milk. If a person is injured, or has stone problems or diabetes, this milk is ideal for him. It produces more bile and phlegm in the body.




(a) The ideal way to have milk is to have it warm right from the cow’s udders! What people normally do is this: they place a fine cloth having sugar-candy powder on its upper layer. Then the cow is milched. The stream of milk falls on the cloth, and reaches down strained from the sugar-candy mixture. The milk is slightly sweet and a little warm owing to its udder freshness.


The sweetened milk is collected in a bowl and drunk as it is. This milk is ideally hot, sweet and very nutritive. It is the best potion to have early in the morning! This kind of milk gets digested in just two hours while normally fire-heated milk takes 4 to 5 hours for its digestion.

Normally, only cow’s milk can be consumed unheated. Buffalo’s milk should never be consumed this way otherwise it would lead to all sorts of ailments.


(b) Normally milk is to be heated till first boiled and then cooled to make it comfortably potable.

(c) If you are fond of buffalo’s milk, never drink it hot. Boil it, then, cool it before drinking.


(d) Goat’s milk should also not be drunk very hot.

(e) Whatever type of milk you have, first strain it through a fine cloth or a strainer.

(f) Try not to gulp down milk quickly. Rotate it in your mouth, and suck it after you have done so. It is essential that saliva must be properly mixed with milk before you gulp it down. If drunk without the mixture of saliva, it would take longer to be digested and create more wind.

(g) There is an old saying which states to drink water while sitting and drink milk while standing. The reason for saying so is only that when your body accepts milk all your body organs should be in their normal position. If you drink milk while sitting on a chair let your legs hang down.


(h) The quantity of milk one consumes depends very much on the drinker’s capacity. One should consume milk according to one’s liking for it and also one’s height. A one foot tall child should consume a litre of milk as full food. The same way a five feet tall man can have five litres of milk as total food. Normally ladies consume less milk than men.

(i) Never mix mill-refined sugar in milk. Add honey, sugar-candy, jaggery, etc. The mill-refined sugar reduces the nutritive quality of milk. But it is still better if one develops a habit of drinking milk without sweetening it. Nature has already sweetened it adequately.

(j) You may have a cow’s milk as and when you want. But one should have buffalo’s milk only when one retires for the day.


(k) Be careful with what you are having milk over. If you have milk over crab-meat [and there are some people, unfortunately in Islam as well who have fallen in liquor -[alcohol] drinking, and such people if they consume alcoholic drinks along with milk], they might develop rashes over their body.

(l) Drink milk with little of jaggery added to it, if you have any urinary obstruction. This combination is also good for those who have stone in their bladder.

(m) Never consume milk over leafy vegetables alone and never have it as well over radishes.

(o) The young growing children should have Dharoshna milk (i.e. warm milk right from the Cow’s udders) for the speedy growth of their body.


(p) It is advisable to have milk along with light food and not after it. The ideal way is to replace water with milk during your meals.


Milk and ghee cure a variety of ailments like if taken in proper dose and with proper combinations.



Milk & Ghee can be used as Medicine to cure the following ailments: Acidity, Anaemia, Antidote of Poison, Antidote of Drugs (like Bhang, etc.), Asthma, Bilious Irruptions, Boils on the Tongue & Palate, Blood Impurity, Bleeding Dysentery, Burning Sensation in the eyes, Baldness, Constipation, Chronic Cough, Chronic Fever, Common Cold, Chilblains of the Sole, Dark Complexion, Dark Freckles on the face, Diphtheria, Diarrhoea, Diabetes, Ear-pain, Epilepsy, Flatulence, and Gonorrhoea (among others).


1. Acidity: Plain milk of cow also has acidic effect if it mixes with the acidic juices inside the body. To neutralise the acidic effect and the lactic acid present in the milk, add jaggery to it according to taste and have this potion at least 4 to 5 times in a day when cold.


It is the calcium content of milk which will make you urinate frequently and the acidity in the system will be controlled. Stop taking heavy, spiced and hot food till you feel this acidic excess on the body.


2. Anaemia: Have cow’s milk after food or along with it. This milk is easy to digest and forms blood very quickly. It is better to take unsweetened milk with your food and stop taking water along with food. Also, have a glass of warm buffalo’s milk when you retire for the day.


3. Antidote of Poison: Make the sufferer have cow’s milk with a spoonful of cow’s ghee added to it. Add a dash of jiggery, or it can be taken as it is. It is especially effective to neutralise the poisonous effect caused by taking Datura. Whenever the sufferer wants water, give him this potion only. In a couple of hours the adverse effect will vanish.

4. Anti-dote of Drugs (Bhang, etc.): Those who are not habituated to have Bhang [unlike the Hindus etc.] have very adverse affect of it. Normally such persons consume what they call “Thanda-ee” with Bhang around Holi festival. Since Bhang causes extreme dryness in the body, then those who are intoxicated by the Bhang, they should be made to drink cow’s milk with a spoonful of cow’s ghee added to it. The dryness will vanish and the person would sleep comfortably.

5. Asthma: In Asthma and other allied respiratory disorders, the following treatment is very effective. Add the paste of two garlic cloves in cow’s milk and boil the mixture till only half of it remains. Now chew a garlic clove and drink this potion. Continue eating the garlic clove with enhanced number till it is eleven and then reduce in the same order. In 21 days you shall be cured.

6. Bilious Irruptions: These are caused when you have move bile secreted in the body than it is due. During hot season such a malady surfaces more. The most effective cure is taking cow’s milk every four hourly interval. You can have it lukewarm but unsweetened. In a couple of days’ time the irruptions will be cured. Externally apply a paste of fresh cream mixed with a little of lemon juice.


7. Boils on the Tongue and Palate: Add a little of catechu (Kattha) in milk and gargle with this milk. While filling it in your mouth, keep your face skywards, rotate the potion frequently in your mouth and then spit it out. Do so early in the morning and late in the night at least 10 times each time. In a day the boils will subside.


8. Blood Impurity: It normally manifests itself in the form of eruptions on your skin. Stop taking common salt completely for a few days. Add rinds of orange in milk, boil, cool and strain the potion and then drink it. This treatment will set right the imbalance of salts in the body and your skin will be without blemish. Continue the treatment for about a week.


9. Bleeding Dysentery: Take the fresh cream of cow’s milk, add equal amount of pure honey and lick the paste. Another treatment is: Add sugar-candy in the milk of goat and drink it at 8 hourly intervals [i.e. every 8-hour]. Alternatively add 200 gms of water [in a gram measure] in a 100 gms of milk. Boil it, cool and then drink it in the manner of sucking it. This milk-water solution will clear all sort of blood discharge from the anus.


10. Burning Sensation in the Eyes: Just take a little of fresh cream of cow’s milk, and line it on your eyes like you apply collyrium. Do so in the night and by next day morning the burning sensation will vanish. Also, if you apply cow’s butter on and around your eyes at least 15 minutes before you take your bath, your eyes will remain bright.


11. Baldness: Take a hollow stem of the Posth plant and extract all the seeds inside. Rub them to a paste form in cow’s milk to make ‘Malida’ of them. Before at least two hours of your bath, apply this paste on your patch. You would soon have new hair sprouting. However, if you have been bald for a number of years, this treatment won’t be much effective.


12. Constipation: If the constipation has been caused by overeating, then keep fast for a day, have cow’s milk instead of food. If you feel hungry then have 200 gms of Jalebi mixed in half a litre of milk. Since both have alkaline effect, the constipation will be soon cured. But during this period, try to have a lot of water and no heavy food.

13. Chronic Cough: Bring 200 gms of Pippali and add 50 gms of Dalchini and grind them separately. Now add 200 gms of water in 200 gms of milk together with 5 gms of Pippali and 2 gms of Dalchini powder. Boil the lot, when the solution is dry, take out bitter Pippalis and continue munching them. The remainder of milk should be drunk over it. In a fortnight’s time you shall be totally cured.


14. Chronic Fever: Add sugar-candy, dry ginger or honey depending upon the cause of the fever being wind, bile or phlegm. Now whip the milk as much as to have its foam emerging up. Have this foam at 4 hourly intervals [every four hour]. Every time you need it, whip the milk and have its foam only. In a week’s time this fever will vanish.


15. Common Cold: Whenever you have such a trouble, leave food, add honey to cow’s milk and drink it - only this - whenever you feel thirsty or hungry. In about three days’ time the trouble will vanish. Don’t let the oozing liquid from the nose be stopped by taking “Aspro” or “Anacines”. Allow it to pass out. Otherwise the stopped fluid will pollute your blood. Have water at 8 hourly fixed intervals [i.e. every 8-hour].

16. Chilblains on the Sole: Mix a little of salt in cow’s Ghee, apply it on the chilblains in the night, cover it by a bandage and sleep soundly. Do so for about three to four days. Your heels will be shining and all the chilblains will be gone. Normally such chilblains appear in winters only. This treatment is very effective. Don’t be daunted if there be slight pain on the application of this paste.


17. Dark Complexion: (i) Take the dried corners of bread, soak them overnight in the milk of cow and rub the pieces on your face early in the morning. (ii) Take the powdered dried rinds of orange, add a little fresh cream and rub it on your face at least half an hour before you go to take your bath.


18. Dark Freckles on the Face: Massage your face with lukewarm cow’s milk with soft hands. Don’t rub vigorously your hand on the face. From each side of the top of your face move your hands in the clockwise direction (left) and in the anticlockwise direction (right). Leave the unctuous surface as it is for the night and clean it in the morning.

19. Diphtheria: This could be a fatal disease for children if not taken due care quickly. Take about two spoonfuls of lukewarm milk and add half a spoonful of honey. Make the child lick the solution. Externally rub lukewarm ghee of cow on the chest of the child. Since the obstruction in his throat will be cleared by this application, the child will begin to breathe normally.


20. Diarrhoea: Take milk in a large bowl, whip it thoroughly to form foam. Now ‘suck’ this foam gradually. Although there is nothing to suck in this, yet the action would contract the muscles of the stomach and the juices secretion will be activated to digest the undigested material causing this condition. Do so every time you have loose motion. In a couple of hours you will be alright.

21. Diabetes: Stop all the sweets and whenever you feel like having something sweet, add a little of honey and cow’s ghee in the lukewarm milk of cow and drink it. The cream of milk, that is created by the sweetmeat merchants, by mixing flour of Singhara, is very good for such patients if they take it with honey mixed in it.


22. Ear pain: When you clean your ears with hair clip or anything hard, they cause wounds in the ears. Stop doing so and put a few drops of cow’s milk, or a dash of sugarcane juice’s vinegar into each ear. This will melt away the filth, heal up the minor injuries and all the ear-pain, etc. will be cured. If the patient is an infant, the mother should put a few drops of her milk directly to the ears of her infant.


23. Epilepsy: Take the lean roots of the Swallow-wort plant (Aak), grind it in the cow’s milk and make the patient smell it. When the patient becomes conscious, put a large chunk of “Lahori Namak” (a kind of rock salt) in his palm and ask him to press it hard. Till the time the patient has this salt-piece in his hand, he would not get the fit.


24. Flatulence: Warm a bit of cow’s milk and drink it as much as you can easily. Drink after adding a little of honey to it! Externally, rub the juice of garlic on the stomach. Garlic juice has the quality of releasing the trapped wind and help in digestion. The trapped gas or wind will be discharged and you would feel happy.


25. Gonorrhoea: Have raw “lassi” repeatedly. It is made by adding raw milk of cow in a little of curd. Don’t sweeten it. If it is winter season then drink fresh carrot juice sitting in soft sunshine. These treatments will make you urinate frequently and all he trapped heat shall get out of the system. In case the patient refuses to have unsweetened milk then, add only sugar-candy to it. The swelling from the private part will also subside and the patient will feel better.


Besides curing those illnesses, milk and ghee also cure: Gout, General Debility, Gastric Trouble, Heart Ailment, Hysteria, Headache, Indigestion, Jaundice, Liver Ailments, Leucorrhoea, Liquor Hangover, Malaria, Menstrual Disturbance, Migraine, Navel Displacement, Nose Bleeding, Natural Sleep Inducing Tonic, Obesity, Old Wound, Paralysis, Piles, Rashes Due to Biliousness, Sexual Debility (Males), Skin Irritation, Spots of Pimples & Acnes, Small Pox, Swelling in Eyes, Swelling in Testicles, Throat Trouble, Thirstiness, Undue Aging, Whooping Cough, Wheezing, and White Spots, among many other illnesses and defects.


May Allah increase my knowledge and yours so that we may truly treasure the nourishments and cures which Allah has provided us with in our everyday lives. If there are illnesses, there are also cures. May Allah enable us to find the best cures in times of malady. Indeed, He is the Best Curer, and Reliever of Pain. Insha-Allah, Ameen.