Friday, March 17, 2023

Interview: Jamaat @ 15

The Muslims of our times, especially the new generation of spiritually-inquisitive minds, search for pure role models in Faith. As against the self-serving leaders and myopic scholars of traditional religion who merely trade in the external symbols and rituals of their specific community, the changing times and dismal fortunes of the wider Ummah requires a renewal of the Divine Way of Islam: yes, what we need is an exemplary reflection of the original spirit of the Faith as taught and practiced by the Holy Prophet of Islam (sa); someone who can teach and preach the holy principles of the lofty Book of revelations in this era. Most certainly, the appearance of spiritual savants in every era of Islam is a deeply-held, sanctified belief among the Muslims around the world as the Holy Prophet of Islam (sa) famously foretold this perpetual path of purified guidance as a great Divine favour on the Ummah. That is why devout Muslims eagerly await the advent of a Mujaddid [Divinely-appointed spiritual reformer and exemplar of the Faith] in every century of Islam to revive and renew the days of the Prophet (sa) among the believers.


A special Divine Manifestation takes place in an era when a servant of God who follow in the enlightened footsteps of the Holy Prophet (sa), experience pure Divine communion in the depths of his heart and soul, and share the Divine communications that he receives on matters of faith and practice for the benefit of the community at large. Over the centuries, devout Muslims have welcomed the appearance of ‘Muhyiuddin’ among them with much spiritual fervour- indeed it is as though they are witnessing the very return of the Holy Prophet (sa) in the new era of Islam! Hence, the appearance of a Khalifatullah- a Divinely-imbued soul who speaks with the help of Roohul Qudus- is the greatest spiritual gift for a community of believers in any era.


Women and men of faith, we are living in such an exceptional era! We have amongst us a servant of God who He affectionately likes to call by different names and spiritual titles at different points of time over the last two decades: MuhyiuddinMujaddid, Khalifatullah, MassihullahKhwajah Nooruddin, Musleh Maoud, Qamarun Munira; a humble man of exceptional faith and remarkable wisdom who teaches purified scriptures in the footsteps of the great prophets of humanity, especially the great Master Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa), Alhamdulillah, Summa Alhamdulillah!


This month, as the Divine Manifestation of Mauritius in the person of Hazrat Imam Al Muhyiuddin Al Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim (aba) of Mauritius enters its twenty-third year of Divine communion and sanctified communications in perfect accordance with the finest traditions of Islamic spirituality; it is a living, thriving example of the vitality of Islam as a religion and way of life. 

An Elect of God appears with the message of pure Tawheed. Hazrat Saheb (aba) does not seek any reward from us, nor does he claim what he is not. Those who do not forget the Day of Reckoning will not follow Iblis, the original rebel, nor follow the bad examples of the previous generations that were steeped in arrogance and hostility against Divine messengers. Those who remember the Day of Decision, they will sincerely believe in the subtle blessings and great favours of God in raising an Elect among them and do good deeds by following his lead, even if they are few in the beginning. It is for people to decide how they respond to the Divine Mandate and Divine Mission in their midst, whether they wish to obtain Divine forgiveness, mercy and pleasure, or do they seek to inherit Divine wrath and vengeance as a reward of their record?  

This month also marks the 15th anniversary of the establishment of the spiritual circle of the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam International. As Hazrat Khalifatullah (aba) and the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam look beyond this important milestone of the 15 years of Dawah, it is our prayers that as time goes by, may Allah (swt) continue to bless his august self with good health, long life, great energy and meaningful initiatives to establish the momentum and sustain the reach of the Divine Mission among ever-widening circles of peoples around the world, Insha Allah, Aameen.