Sunday, June 13, 2021

'Ya Ilaahi': Revealed Poems

Spiritual Healing

O my dear God, my Protector, my Loving One

My dear Friend - Always Living One

Always powerful and Merciful One.

Please shower Your blessings with Your help

And guidance.

O my dear God, every single thing is in Your control

And as Your servant please protect me and Help me.

O my dear God, please do not ever leave me alone

O my dear God, I shall not ever forget You

O my dear God, do not ever forget me

O dear, the Perfect Healer

Only You are sufficient for me 

Please heal me (only You suffice for me)


O my dear Love, I Love You too much.

I can not live without You, I Love You.

O my dear Lord, come down, come down, O my God

I am in pain, I am very weak. Please heal me

Please forgive me and forgive all my sins.

If You will not forgive me I will be lost. (Loser)


Please heal me perfectly. Please listen and accept all my prayers



All About God


Everything belongs to your Dear God 

This is all about my Dear God

My Life and your Life are really for God

This is all about my Dear God


This life is a chance, spend for God 

Take a chance, change it for God 

Do some thing good for sake of God 

Save your World for yourself and for God

Enjoy your life for yourself and for God


Create in this heaven for yourself and for God 

Remember your God here, Dear God will remember you here and there


This Life is image, about Afterlife over there 

Everything Belongs to your Dear God 

This is all about my Lord


Be beneficial for whole creation of God 

Like Beneficially of Beneficial God

Be a Servant, serve the creation of God

I' am your true Servant came to serve from God 

I' am your real Servant and we are all servant of God

Serve all the creation and save the World for the sake of God


In the end your Dear God created all this Universe 

To be better just for you to create unity for the End.

Stand for unique unity before the end of time for yourself and for God



Enjoy your life; Have full Fun in your life 

But eat and drink Halal and take Halal and be Halal 

Keep your pride and personality alive

Don't ruin your life 

Your life is a gift, keep it alive.

This life is image for after forever life

Have fun, but, please do not ruin your life 

Reality is this life, max is 100 years test for after forever life 

Just imagine: if we don't ruin this life

And get forever life after this life

If we create Heaven in this life and get forever life

 In Heaven after this little temporary life-

Is it worth?


[Note: Inspired by Divine revelations, these poems were written by Imam-Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam International Hazrat Munir Ahmad Azim (aba) of Mauritius on 26 Ramadan 1442 AH ~ 09 May 2021.]