Showing posts with label Ka'baa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ka'baa. Show all posts

Friday, July 7, 2023

Virtues of the Houses of Allah


The Houses of Allah: Part 2


Alhamdulillah Summa Alhamdulillah, after talking about the Holy Ka’aba, the House of Humanity on the occasion of Eid-ul-Adha, today I will talk with you about the Houses of Allah - the Masaajid of Allah (the places of prayer for the worship of the One True God) in general.


In a Hadith, it is reported that Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) said: “Verily, the Houses of Allah on earth are the Mosques (Masaajid/ Masjids).”


The honour of a property (i.e. an extent of land), a building or a place depends on the honour of the person to whom the property, building or place belongs. What a Muslim needs to understand or that he needs to try to understand is the degree of honour he owes to Allah. No building or place on earth will be able to equal the Masjid that Allah has proclaimed as “His House” in honour and sanctity.


Therefore, when you visit a Masjid, you are visiting Allah. When you honour a Masjid, you are honouring Allah. And how will you honour the House of Allah? The Islamic Law (Shariah) teaches us how we can honour the Masjids of Allah.

Wednesday, July 5, 2023

The Houses of Allah- I

The Holy Ka'aba: The House of Humanity


“And (remember) when We pointed out for Ibrahim the place of the House (Haram Shariff) saying, “Do not associate anything with Me as My partner, and purify My House for those who make Tawaaf (circumambulation around it), and those who perform Qiyaam (standing up in worship) and those who perform Ruku (bowing down) and Sujuud (prostration). Proclaim the Pilgrimage to all people. They will come to you on foot and on every kind of mount turned lean, emerging from every deep mountain pass to gain benefits for themselves, and to mention Allah’s name on appointed days over such heads of livestock (that they sacrifice) as He has provided them with. “So, eat thereof and feed the distressed, the poor.” (Al-Hajj 22: 27-29).


My House, the Holy House, the Sacred Mosque, the House, the Ancient House, the First House, etc., there are so many descriptions used by the Holy Quran to name the cultural structure at Mecca – the Holy Ka’aba. Allah wanted to describe how priceless that monument was, and He did do through the verses of the Holy Quran whereby He gave enough indications and descriptions to show people how it’s value is very high and it has a very lofty distinction in the eyes of Allah because it is the place for the worship of the Unique God (for whole mankind).


Allah has already indicated that the location of that House is an honourable place as these words indicate: We pointed out for Ibrahim the place of the House (Haram Shariff)(Al-Hajj 22: 27).


So through these words, we come to know that this House existed well before the time of Hazrat Ibrahim (as). As I told you in my Eid Sermon, it was built by the prophet Adam (as), and then it became the first centre of the divine religion that has graced this earth, the first place of worship – for the worship of Allah, because it is much later on, after its first erection that many other Temples or Masjids for the glorification of Allah were built.

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Hajj: Pathway to Salvation


[In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. As the world of Islam enters the Month of Hajj [Dhul Hijjah], Imam- Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam International Hazrat Muhyiuddin Al Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim (aba) of Mauritius profoundly explains the larger, inner meaning and spiritual significance of this ultimate voyage to the House of God in Makkah that the Muslim pilgrim undertakes in quest of Divine pleasure and salvation]. 


The pathway to salvation 


‘The Hajj, being the fifth and last of the five pillars of Islam, it represents the readiness of the Muslim pilgrim to let go of all worldly attractions and desires, and to make the firm intention for a purified reform in his self and soul, to tread the pathway to Salvation, like a submitted soul offering his whole life and being to Allah, promising a complete reform within himself and seeking the help of Allah to achieve it.’

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Poem: 'Bon Voyage, O Hajjis'


The Beautiful Days are approaching,

When you will be in the Holy Land, O Muslims,

In the garb of pilgrims,

You will get to taste the elixir of life,

Which purifies one from all sins

And brings one to the pinnacle of submission,

To the Lord’s Will;

This fortune has been opened for you,

O you travellers to Arabia,

Let the sight of the Holy Ka’aba bedazzle you

Into submission to the Almighty;

Monday, May 2, 2022

Keys of the Ka’aba: A Dream


Ka’aba is the first spiritual home of human kind. From Hazrat Adam (as) through Hazrat Ibrahim (as) and Hazrat Ismail (as), the grand legacy of Tawheed, the mantle of sublime worshipful practices in utter devotion to the Unique Lord of the worlds, reached its religious perfection and ethical permanence with the advent of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa) and the establishment of Islam. The unique history of that ancient spiritual space in Arabia is commemorated, through the long, thriving spiritual traditions of Tawaf in Makkah, the great Hajj, as well as Umrah. As the Baitullah is in the spiritual heart of the Muslim world, the pilgrims flock to the place from around the world, literally, every day and year.  


Indeed, circumambulation at the ancient House of God is emblematic of true spirituality in Islam. In the Islamic tradition, it is recorded that several Adams have performed their Tawaf around the Ka’aba over countless ages. Noble souls, Elects of God in particular, will be eager to perform their Tawaf. Consider the Islamic traditions that preserve glad tidings concerning the advent of Divinely-raised souls to restore Islamic teachings in every era. It is also foretold that such an inspired soul, the Islamic Messiah of the Later Days, will perform Tawaf around Makkah, perform Umrah or Hajj, or both.

By the immense grace and blessings of Allah, the prophecy about the Islamic Messiah entering Makkah to perform Tawaf stands literally fulfilled in our times with the Muhyi-ud-din Al Khalifatullah Hazrat Munir Ahmad Azim (aba) of Mauritius, accompanied by members of the holy family, performing Umrah in February 2018, Alhamdulillah, Summa Alhamdulillah. 

A recent, beautiful dream made by Hazrat Saheb (aba) in this blessed month of Ramadan foretells glad tidings for the Jamaat’s future, especially about the continuation of the holy trusteeship of the Divine mission, with a future Khalifa along with countless followers also performing the Tawaf, holding the keys of the Ka’aba in a mystical or literal way, Insha Allah. The dream of the Khalifatullah (aba) on the 22nd of April 2022 also reminds old members of the Jamaat about a remarkable Kashaf (spiritual visions) made by Hazrat Ummul Mu'mineen Fazli Amena Varsally on 20- 21 April 2018 on the larger theme of preservation of Ka'baa keys- a metaphor for the safeguarding of enduring Islamic teachings as taught by the Holy Prophet (sa). For the spiritual benefit of everyone, the extracts from Jamaat communications sent by Hazrat Tayyeba Shaheeda Aliah Nasrine on the two different occasions, narrating these spiritual experiences, are reproduced below:  

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Ka’bah: The Qiblah of Islam


Divine Commandments- 7

Surely, the first House founded for mankind is that at Becca, abounding in blessings and a guidance for all peoples. (3:97)

‘Allah has made the Ka‘bah, the inviolable House, as a means of support and uplift for mankind’ (5:98). They should worship the Lord of this House, Who has fed them against hunger, and has given them security against fear (106: 4-5).

Say, ‘I am commanded only to serve the Lord of this city which He has made sacred, and to Him belong all things; and I am commanded to be of those who submit to God (27:92).  


Every religion has its place of origin; rites of sacrifice, modes of worship and direction of ritual prayer. Consider for instance: whereas the Jews organize their rituals of worship in the direction of Jerusalem, the ancient city of the Prophets of Israel; the Christian denominational groups orient their churches to usually face the East. At the dawn of Islam, the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa) used to stand up for prayer at the Ka’bah in Makkah, yet in a way that also acknowledged the direction of Jerusalem as the city of God. 

The recognition of the sanctity of Ka’bah as the sole Qiblah (Al- Qiblah) of Islam came through divine revelations vouchsafed to the Holy Prophet (sa) and the verses are found in the Holy Qur’an itself. The recognition of the Ka’bah, and the rejection of Jerusalem as the Qiblah of ritual prayer, in a way marks a break-out from the cultural milieu-of the advent of Islam as a distinct spiritual community among other monotheistic faiths. Through the teaching on turning towards Makkah when offering prayers, Islam sought to distinguish and differentiate the new community of believers from the adherents and followers of other faiths in an important way.

Friday, January 1, 2021

Dues of God and Our Attitudes

'Be Truly Muslim'

Who can be guilty of a greater wrong than one who forbids Allah’s name being glorified in His mosques and seeks to bring about their ruin? It behoves not such to enter therein except in fear of Allah. For them is disgrace in this world and a great chastisement in the next. (Al-Baqara 2: 115)

This has reference to the misconduct and disorderliness of the Christians who failed in the matter of due veneration of the Holy City and brought about its ruin in arrogant pride. For those who were guilty of such arrogance, disgrace in this life and a severe chastisement in the hereafter is pronounced. 

Allah says in the Holy Quran: “To Allah belong the East, and the West; whether so ever you turn, there is the countenance of Allah. Surely, Allah is All-Pervading, All-Knowing.” (Al-Baqara 2: 116). 

“Never will the Jews be pleased with you, (O Prophet), nor the Christians until you follow their way. Say: ‘Surely Allah’s guidance, is the [true] guidance.’ Should you follow their desires disregarding the knowledge which has come to you, you shall have no protector or helper against Allah.” (Al-Baqara 2: 121). 

The only true guidance is the guidance sent by Allah. 

Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Ka'aba as a Sign of God

The story of the Ka'aba

Mecca, the Holy City is the busiest city in Saudi Arabia. The Holy Mosque (Masjid al Haram) is located in Mecca. It is a city in the Arabian Peninsula 350 meters above the sea. The Ka’aba is in the middle of the Sacred Mosque. This mosque is located in a space called Bakka.

The date of its foundation goes back to the time of Hazrat Ibrahim (as), the Prophet (Nabi) and the Friend (Khalil) of Allah. It is in this city that the Holy Prophet of Islam was born. It is also the cradle of the revelation that welcomed the light of Islam and it is there that springs the Sacred Mosque, the first installed on earth for the men by virtue as it is evident from the words of the Most High (Allah): “The first House that was built for the people is that of Bakka (Mecca), blessed and a good direction for the universe.” (Al-Imran 3: 97)

It has been safely reported from Abu Dharr that he said, “I asked the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) about the first mosque on earth? He said, ‘The Holy Mosque’ and then I said to him, ‘Which one afterwards?’ He said, ‘The Al-Aqsa Mosque.’ I told him, ‘How much time has passed between the two?’ He said, ‘40 years old.’”

The Ka’aba towards which the Muslims of the East and West (all Muslims) turn for their prayers (to worship the Unique Lord of the Ka’aba), is approximately found at the centre of the Sacred Mosque. It has a height of 15 metres and takes the form of a large cube almost square. It was built by Hazrat Ibrahim (as) on the command of Allah the Most High. Allah the Almighty and Majestic says: “And when We appointed for Ibrahim the place of the House (the Ka’aba) saying to Him, ‘Do not associate Me with anything; and cleanse My House for those who circle around it, for those who stand up in prayer, and for those who bow and make prostration.’” (Al-Hajj 22: 27).

The term “bawwa’na” means: We directed it and made it available to it and gave it permission to build. In this regard, Allah the Almighty says: “And when Abraham and Ishmael raised the foundation of the House, [saying], ‘O our Lord, accept this from us! For You are the Hearing, the Knowing.’ (Al-Baqara 2: 128).

Thursday, August 1, 2019

A Dear Prayer for All Hajjis

O Allah, the call has been given,
And Your servants are coming to You,
To Your Glorious & Holy House,
To accomplish that very deed which represents
The Ultimate proof of their love and submission to You. 
Submission to You in all humility is what You seek,
And Forgiveness and Your Love and Mercy
Is what we seek;
Rush to Your servants, O Allah
And accept their Hajj;
Inspire their hearts to remain true to the promise of
Reform throughout the rest of their lives,
And O Allah open my way to You,
So that the treasures of Your Kingdom may be
Always at my reach,
To distribute to Your sincere and devoted servants.
May they also accede to Your nearness,
And taste Your Love and
Give them the ability,
To communicate with You,
Their hearts connected with You,
And Yours with them,
And enlighten them, O Allah
To be truly submissive to You,
In all aspects of the word;
A Muslim am I, O Allah,
By Your Grace and Mercy;
Bless my Muslim brothers, sisters and children,
Who have forsaken everything to come to
Your Holy Ka’aba,
To accomplish the fifth pillar of Islam,
To accomplish such a worship,
Which shall Insha-Allah see to their
Glorious elevation in Your Sight and Paradise,
Be it in this world and the hereafter,
O Allah, accept this plea,
And bless us all in Your way,
Under Your righteous Guidance,
And cherished in Your everlasting love,
And protect us always from the accursed Satan,
And all forms of evils which exist within us,
And all around us. Ameen.

.....By Hazrat  Muhyi-ud-Din 
Munir A. Azim, Imam- Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam, 24 July 2019. First appeared in Le Mauricien and can be viewed here

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

A Prayer at the Ka'baa Shareef

The first House (of worship) to be established for all mankind was the one at Bakka. It's a blessed place; a source of guidance for all people; there were clear signs in it; it is the place where Abraham stood to pray; whoever enters it is safe. Pilgrimage to the House is a duty owed to God by people who are able to undertake it’. (3:97) 

Remember the time when Abraham and Ishmael raised the foundations of the House, praying, ‘Our Lord, accept this from us; for You are the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing. Our Lord, make us devoted to You; make our descendants into a community devoted to You. Show us how to worship and accept our repentance, for You are the Ever Relenting, the Most Merciful’. (2:128-129) 

The Promised Messiah, Al Imam Al Mahdi, Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) of Qadian (1835-1908 AD) never had the chance during his lifetime to visit Makkah to offer his obeisance at the holy Ka’baa Sanctuary. Yet, some of his disciples could make that sublime spiritual journey during his time, and one of them was Pir Munshi Ahmad Jan. When the Pir Saheb was about to go on Hajj pilgrimage in the year 1302 AH/ 1902 AD, Hadhrat Massih Mauod (as) gave him several instructions on fervent prayers to be invoked on his own behalf while at the Ka’baa Sheriff in Makkah. In this context, when the journey for Hajj pilgrimage was to take place, the Promised Messiah (as) wrote to Pir Saheb in a letter:

Remember the request of my humble and unworthy being that when by the grace of Allah the Almighty you are granted the honour of visiting the House of Allah, please pray on behalf of this humblest of Allah’s servants with great humility and submission at that praiseworthy and blessed place in the following words:

‘O Most Merciful of all the mercifuls, a servant of yours –humble, unworthy, full of shortcomings, and unskilled—Ghulam Ahmad, who resides in the country of India, prays that:

O Most Merciful, be pleased with me.

Forgive my faults and sins, as You are Most Forgiving and Merciful.

Grant me the ability to do what pleases you greatly.

Create a separation between me and my self as East is separated from the West.

Let my life and my death and all my capacities be an offering in Your way.

Grant me life in Your love, and let me die in Your love.