Monday, June 10, 2024

On Life Lessons- 5

On Marriage:

To every man, the Day you marry your wife, is the day Allah places a trust and responsibility on you to give her the rights as a wife, and she becomes your family, your comforter, the mother of your children, so fear Allah as in regards to your duties as husband.

To every woman, when you marry your husband you leave your birth home and you become a real woman. Your husband becomes your family, your maintainer and protector, the father of your children, your friend and lover so treat him well and follow him to the ends of the earth, fear Allah in regards to how you treat him.

Marriage in Islam completes half of your Deen. Do not be swayed by good looks, or money as these will come and go; marry a man who truly fears and loves Allah, who puts Islam first before anything. 


Learn and walk in Deen together. Go in a marriage to get closer to Allah, and Insha Allah, it will be a blessed marriage!

Marriage is not easy, but with Allah's help, it can be the best time ever! May Allah bless all couples and those who are seeking. Ameen, Summah Ameen Ya Rabbul Alameen.


'Always respect one another. No matter what, never look down on anyone. Never judge people who have little to nothing, as [who knows, after having had everything], one day you may find yourself having nothing at all.'


Nobody is perfect.

We all make mistakes.

We say wrong things,

We do wrong things,

We fall, We get up,

We learn, We grow,

We move on, We live

and We thank Allah

for always giving us another chance.



When Allah is angry with you,

He won't stop oxygen for you;

He won't stop giving food to you;

But, He will seal your heart;

He will take away His Hidayah from you;

He will take away Salah from you;

You think it is you who is not praying to Allah,

No, is Allah who has taken away

The privilege of Sujjud from you.


May Allah protect and guide us;

May Allah forgive us:

For what we do, and we don't do anyway;

May He open our eyes, and grant us Hidayah,

Ameen, Summah Ameen Ya Rabb’il Aalameen.



                                             Do Dhikr  Everyday

Imagine how happy Allah would be if you reminded someone to do Dhikr every day.

Astaghfirullah [5 times]

Subhaan-Allah [5 times]

Allah-u-Akbar [5 times]

Laa-Ilaaha-Ill-Allah [3 times]

Subhaan-Allah-i Wa-bi-Hamdi-hi [3 times]

Subhaan-Allah-al-Azim [3 times]

Laa-hawla-wala-khuwata-illa-billah [3 times]

Allahumma-Inni-as'aluka-al-Jannah [3 times]

Allahumma-Aj'arni-Mina-Naar [3 times]

Allahumma-Maghfir-Lil-Muslimina-wal-Muslimati [3 times]

Wal-Mu'minina-wal- Mu'minati [3 times]

Allahumma-Inni-As'aluka-al-Afiyah [3 times]

Allahumma-Inni-As'aluka-al-Aakhirah [3 times]

Allahumma-Inni-As'aluka-al-Shahada [3 times]

Allahumma-Inni-As'aluka-al-Husnal-qhatima [3 times]


[Adapted from Tarbiyyat lessons shared by Imam- Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam International Hazrat Muhyiuddin Al Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim (aba) of Mauritius with his disciples and followers in a recent series of communications].