Saturday, June 29, 2024

Tarbiyyat Lessons- 9


Love All, Hate No One

Hate no one, no matter how much they've wronged you.

Live humbly, no matter how wealthy you become.

Think positively, no matter how hard life is.

Give much, even if you've been given little.

Forgive all, especially yourself, and never stop praying for the best for everyone.



Everyone makes mistakes in life, but that doesn't mean they have to pay for them the rest of their life.

Sometimes good people make bad choices. It's doesn't mean they are bad. It means they are Human.



When someone puts you down and treats you badly- Just remember there is something wrong with them, not you.

Decent people will not go around destroying other human beings because they will respect others’ feelings.


Feed a dog for three days they will remember for three years. Feed a human for three years they will forget you in three days.


Don't judge people by where they live. Sometimes there is more LOVE in that LITTLE HOME than you would find in a mansion...


Walk away from arguments that lead to anger, from people who put you down, from anyone who doesn't see your worth. Walk away from mistakes and fears, they don't determine your fate. The more you walk away from the things that poison your soul the healthier and happier you will be. And you will have love for all and hate for none.


Life is full of surprises, so always have hope. Anything can happen tomorrow.

Always be ready to survive alone, some people suddenly change. Today you're important to them, tomorrow you're nothing to them and that's real life.

Life is very complicated, so don't try to find out answers. Because when you find answers Life changes the questions.


Things that aren't Haram (But some people might think they're):

1.   Loving someone (But don't commit the Zina and make it halal).

         2. Choosing not to have kids. (Remember having kids is Sunnah).

         3. Men doing Chores (Instead it's a Sunnah).


A meaningful life is not being rich, being popular, or being perfect; it’s about being real, being humble, being able to share ourselves and touch the lives of others.


No matter how much you have sinned, remember that Allah is Ghaffoorul Raheem: Allah loves it when somebody returns back to Him.

Even if you have sinned all your life no matter what you think, remember from the forgiveness, mercy of Allah.  


[Adapted from Tarbiyyat lessons compiled and shared by the office of Imam- Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam International Hazrat Muhyiuddin Al Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim (aba) of Mauritius in a recent series of communications with disciples and followers around the world].