By the grace of Allah, Allah (swt) in His infinite
wisdom and grace has given me again the Tawfiq
to continue my sermon today on the subject of: “The Harmful Effects of Television”.
Indeed the time that you lose watching TV is a time which you cannot gain back
again, and verily you are in no position to know the exact remaining days which
you have before you, before you leave this world. Therefore, maximize what time
remains for you in the worship of Allah (Ibaadat),
and the seeking of His forgiveness and mercy (Istigfaar). Spend all your time in the path of Allah by doing the
works of religion and spend your money also for the propagation of the unity of
Allah. Do not spend your money in useless preoccupations wherein there is no
divine reward or pleasure.
Islam teaches us that despite all that which we
possess (on earth), we verily have no right to use it in the way we want for
all these things verily belong to Allah alone: our body, our strength, our
time, our money and knowledge, etc. As for TV, it makes us waste our time and money in the
disobedience of Allah and it makes us become lazy. With each second that you
spend before TV you waste your existence, and verily you shall one day have to
account for all that before your Creator. Your TV set plays day and night to
such an extent that your electricity bill becomes enormous. It is verily wastage
of your money, for apart from (national) television, you get to subscribe to
other private channels and you have to pay for all that every month.
Bear in
mind that you have to account for all wealth/ money which Allah has given you
before Him one day. Therefore, instead of wasting money, put the money to good
use in the treasury of the Jamaat, to spend for the cause of Allah. This shall
verily be a blessing for you for Allah shall put His blessings in your money
and home and Insha-Allah, you shall have
a great reward for it in the hereafter. What you sow in this world, you shall
reap it in the hereafter. When you sow good deeds solely for the cause of
Allah, therefore you shall reap an infinite reward both in this world and the
hereafter. Verily the reward in the hereafter shall be much better and grand.