Saturday, August 24, 2024

God's Prophets


'The Messenger believes in what has been revealed to him from his Lord, and so do the believers. They believe in Allah, His angels, His Books, and His messengers. (They proclaim) “We make no distinction between any of His messengers.” And they say, “We hear and obey. (We seek) Your forgiveness, our Lord! And to You (alone) is the final return.” (Al-Baqara 2: 286)

Alhamdulillah, Summa Alhamdulillah, Allah has done a great favour to mankind, and in the past to every nation of the world, whereby sometimes He sends one, two or sometimes even four prophets at the same time with the same message, i.e., to preach: “Laa Ilaaha Illallah” (There is no one to worship but Allah).


Even today, Allah continues to pour down His favours and has chosen you, in this century to witness the advent of one of His Elects and Messengers, this humble servant to show and guide you to Allah, and to manifest such positives changes in you to enable you to see the divine light.


It is now more than 23 years of the Islamic (lunar) Calendar, to be more exact, 25 years (since the year) 2001, that Allah has raised this humble servant for His mission, and this mission has become clearer in 2003 when Allah officially raised me as an Amir’ul Mumineen and then His Muhyiuddin, and also granted me the title of ‘Hazrat’ (Honourable). The year 2003 was an exceptional year, where many events in the history of Divine Manifestation happened, including the creation of the Jamaat Ahmadiyya Al Mouslemeen, which Allah has revealed to this humble servant. Today, you are fortunate, all those who were with me in the beginning - from the beginning of the Divine Manifestation, and also all those who have recognized the manifestations and signs of Allah in this century and have joined the ranks of the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam with me for the spread of Islam and Tawheed (the Oneness of Allah) in the world. I tell you: Mubarak Ho! (Congratulations), for you have not hesitated to go through trial after trial as tests of your faith and you have strengthened your faith firmly on Allah and this humble servant, the Khalifatullah of this century.

I feel happy that all those who are sincere with me work day and night for the spread of the Deen in the world, and despite their limited means, they make many efforts towards the success of Islam in the world. May Allah continue to give you the Tawfeeq to work with dedication and sincerity so that the party of Allah [Hizbullah] wins in the world.


So, I continue my Friday Sermon on the same subject as last week on the Prophets and Messengers of Allah. Of the more than 124,000 prophets who came to this earth, Allah has mentioned only a few in the Holy Quran, some by name and the others have mentioned them without mentioning their names. So, who are those prophets?


Like in the Holy Quran Allah says, that He has sent a Warner and Guide to every nation. We must remember that before the creation of our common ancestor, Adam (as), there were people on earth. These people were not like Adam (as) whom Allah created with His hands and breathed in His breath [the divine breath] into Him. These people were of another level, and it was with the creation of our Adam (as) that Allah created a New Spiritual and Material World for us even though the Earth already existed.


So our Adam is not the first man on earth, but he is definitely the first man that Allah has established on earth with His breath and free will, and where He has given him, this new Adam the faculty to communicate with Him, and receive divine revelation.


So, we are fortunate that Allah has created us in the best physical and spiritual form where He has granted us the blessing of communication with Him, where He speaks to us, whether ordinary people or/and prophets of Allah. Allah manifests His presence in many ways, whether in a dream, inspiration, vision, or even revelation.


So, blessed are we the children of the new perfected Adam that despite our human weaknesses, but Allah loves us so much, and has created us so that we know Him personally, to establish a relationship of love and intense closeness with Him, where we can say/ state, “Well, this person, he has Allah with him; Allah is in him and manifests Himself through him”.


Allah has shown us in the Holy Quran in Surah Al-Baqara, Verse 31, where the angels ask Allah: “Will You place in it someone who will spread corruption there and shed blood while we glorify Your praises and proclaim Your holiness?” What did Allah reply? “I know what you do not know.”


Here, in this verse, and we understand it better in this Ruku of Surah Al-Baqara, that the people before the creation of Allah’s chosen man had a primal character, where they did not know how to judge between good and evil. The angels did not concern themselves with these kinds of people before, but with the creation of Adam, they too became curious to know why Allah was creating such a being, whom they, in their minds, believed would be like the people on earth who existed before the creation of the Khalifatullah. That is why they said: “O Allah, why are You creating such a being, when we praise and glorify You?”


The nature of the angels is always good, and they never show any disobedience towards Allah. That is why they submitted to Allah’s will when Allah made them understand that they, the angels, did not have the necessary knowledge to understand why He created this perfect man. I say the perfect man because, despite the human weaknesses that exist in each person, some among the new type of human race have received the divine faculty to connect with Allah. However, due to the plans of the satans, most people do not cultivate this divine essence within them, and they lose this faculty to draw closer to Allah. Therefore, this purity is gradually replaced by the darkness of Shaytan (i.e. Satan).


So, with the creation of Adam, Allah showed the angels that He knows what He is doing. This is another level of test that Allah is conducting with humans at that moment. Not just with humans, but with the angels and the Jinns as well. While the angels submitted to the divine will, the leader of the Jinns, represented here by Iblis, refused to submit. Here, we understand that the spirit of Iblis, of Shaytan, continues to spread everywhere, as long as there are descendants of our father Adam on earth. Certainly, Iblis has the curse of Allah upon him, but he also has permission from Allah to mislead as many people as he can. This is the challenge between Allah and Iblis. But Allah has clearly made Iblis understand that those who seek Allah, who establish a solid connection with Allah, especially His prophets and messengers and all those who sincerely believe in these messengers, then Allah has promised that Iblis and his army will not be able to harm them. Yes, he may try to tempt them with bad ideas, doubts, jealousy, etc., but he will not be able to lead them astray from the right path. These qualities of Allah’s servants make them fortunate, because they go through their trials with confidence in Allah, and it is they who will cross the finish line in the race towards Allah and His eternal Benevolence.


Iblis tried to mislead Adam, but he did not expect that Allah would forgive Adam. For him, how could Allah forgive Adam for his mistake, his disobedience, while he, Iblis, also disobeyed Allah by not agreeing with Adam’s superiority over himself [Iblis] and refused to submit to the divine will when Allah commanded him to prostrate before Adam, and to accept His decree of Adam’s superiority over the angels and even the Jinns?


So, Iblis could not digest this. He received Allah’s curse, while Adam received Allah’s forgiveness. But as Allah told the angels: "I know what you do not know." Allah knows the spiritual capacity of man, to whom He has given the gift to come closer to Him through acts of worship (Ibaadat), through Salat, and Zikrullah (the remembrance of Allah). The more a person’s tongue is immersed in Zikrullah, the closer he becomes to Allah. And Adam received this faculty from Allah because he was created from the divine essence itself. Just as I received at the beginning of the Divine Manifestation, Allah said: “Man arafa nafsahu, faqad arafa Rabbahu” (He who knows his ‘self’ (nafs), knows his Lord). Some scholars say that it was Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) who said this at the beginning, while others say it came from another source, but for me, by Allah’s immense grace, Allah revealed these words directly to me, confirming their authenticity, that when a person delves into his own self, seeking deep within, he will definitely find his Creator.


So, Allah knows Adam, while the angels and even Iblis do not know Adam. Allah protects Adam because he is from Allah, and for Allah to know Himself (i.e. his own essence in man), while no one knows Allah. Common people do not know Allah until they discover Allah within themselves. The one who succeeds in knowing his Sirr (his intimate secret) will know Allah. He discovers Allah in one of His manifestations while it is in Paradise that he will see Allah in His true form.


So, although the story of Adam might make us, his children, his descendants, say: “Oh! if only Adam had obeyed Allah, we would have been in a better place now,” but do you realize that perhaps we might not have even existed, and that it is through this divine wisdom, the supreme forgiveness of Allah, that today He has given us the ability to know this world, this universe that He has created so that we may worship Him and recognize His mighty greatness?


So, this world is a stage of our existence that makes us reflect on the Majesty of Allah, and where we gain the ability, despite satanic attacks, to fight against them by seeking help directly from Allah Himself. If a fish belongs to water and needs to return to water to survive, if a bird flies and needs air to stay in the air, then imagine that we humans, created from the essence of Allah, will definitely need to return to Him one day. Blessed is the one who does not wait for final death to meet his Creator, who seeks his Lord in this temporary world itself and develops his spiritual capacity to such a level that he succeeds in finding his Lord, his Allah with him, where Allah manifests Himself in that person.


I will stop here. Insha-Allah, I intend to speak on the same subject next week. May Allah grant me the ability to share His spiritual treasures with you. Insha-Allah, Ameen.

----Friday Sermon of 26 July 2024~19 Muharram 1446 AH delivered by  Imam- Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam Hazrat Khalifatullah Al Mahdi Munir A. Azim (aba) of Mauritius.