Thursday, August 1, 2024

Palestine: 'The Blood of Sacrifice'




Secluded from the World,

I hear the cry of Innocence,

Being stripped of Life,

Heart-wrenchingly calling for Help;


Enough, Enough, Enough!

No more pain, please!


Like animals to Almighty God’s Altar,

Their blood has become

The Blood of Sacrifice;


Martyrs they have become,

For the Love of Truth & Justice;


Enough! Enough! Enough!

No more twisting the Truth please!


I am the Saviour of Palestine,

Through my Call to God Almighty;


I am the Victim of Israel,

Through their Sheer Cruelty;


I am what I am for the Love of Allah,

For I yearn for a peaceful world,

Devoid of Wars and Power-thirst Conquests;


If mankind reacts to the call of Unity,

Then no Utopia of Peace will remain unfulfilled;


The Wish will become manifest,

And Life will harvest new life;


When Evil is conquered through Peace & Love,

And the Voice of the Innocent is granted Audience,

In both the Kingdom of God Almighty and Man,

The Earth will breathe a Sigh of Relief,

And gladden the Soul of Everlastingness;


Let us all pray as one entity,

To the God,

To Whom we all belong,

And seek out of His Bounty and Mercy,

An end to a broken humanity,

And to fill our hearts,

With the divine essence,

Which will ultimately help us,

To conquer the evil within us,

And all around us. 

(In-Sha-Allah, Ameen).



Hazrat Imam Khalifatullah Munir A. Azim

Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam


June 2024/ Dhul-Hijjah 1445 AH