Sunday, July 28, 2024

Allah & His Chosen One

In his Friday Sermon of 05 July 2024~28 Dhul-Hijjah 1445 AH, Imam- Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam Hazrat Khalifatullah Al Mahdi Munir A. Azim (aba) of Mauritius speaks on true faith and devotion to God, explaining what it entails from sincere believers in every day life.  In this era, as in the times of Divine Elects in history, believers stand to gain rewards when they demonstrate  gratitude and loyalty to God and His commands; a commitment to struggle against the selfish [evil] impulses through patience and prayer; a sound heart embracing God’s will and pleasure at all times regardless of mundane setbacks and personal losses, notes Hazrat Saheb (aba). 

Read the Friday Sermon Below: 

Allah is eternal, unchanging, and perfect in Himself. Changes occur in human beings [and not in Allah]. When man changes for the better, God reveals Himself to him with a new manifestation. When man progresses [in spirituality, where he becomes closer to God], God reveals Himself to him with a higher manifestation. God miraculously manifests His power and glory when man undergoes a miraculous change. This is the root of wonders and miracles.


Our Almighty God [Allah] is a most faithful God and He shows marvellous works [His signs and manifestations] to those who are faithful to Him. The world wants to swallow them up and the enemies gnash their teeth at them, but He who is their Friend saves them from all danger and makes them triumphant in all matters. Blessed is he then who holds fast to Allah and says [such believers say]: “We believe in Him. We have recognized Him. He alone is the God of the worlds.”


Doubly blessed is he who witnesses the era of a Messenger of Allah. After the Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), someone will never come with the Ruh’il Quddus [Holy Spirit] who will bring another set of laws, another Quran for the world. Islam is the last religion, and the Holy Quran is the last law-bearing book, and therefore, this makes the Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) also the last law-bearing prophet and messenger to the world.


But as long as evil exists and the world is still full of men, non-law-bearing prophets and messengers who are the reformers of Islam and humanity will continue to come so that whenever the essence of the teachings of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) is trampled, someone will come to revive these teachings and show the truthfulness of Islam to the world.


As prophesied by the Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), the Last Days will be intense days of trials with the emergence of Dajjal [Antichrist], as well as the de-Islamization of the so-called scholars of Islam. The Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) prophesied that Muslims would be in name only and would follow the Jews and Christians in their ways and behaviour! Do you think that Allah will remain inactive and do nothing to counter the attacks of the Satans who are spreading all over the world with the aim of exterminating Islam and Tawheed (i.e. the Oneness of Allah)?


Allah, as is His practice (Sunnat Allah), will continue to raise up His chosen ones, such reformers of Islam who will come in the footsteps of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), enlightened by the Holy Spirit (Ruh’il Quddus), i.e. the revelations of Allah [those which do not carry any law – such revelations which only remind people of the Quranic commandments].


Similarly, after the reformers of Islam who came to renew the religion [i.e. Islam] in every century, Allah, in accordance with His promise, sent the Messiah and Mahdi, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) to the world to bring people back to the original teachings of Islam. And today, in our present era, Allah has sent this humble being as the Messiah of my era as well as Khalifatullah al-Mahdi and has granted me the noble titles of prophet and messenger (non-law-bearing prophet and messenger) for the reformation of the world towards Islam. Allah has sent down His signs to me and shown me mighty signs. There is no god but Him, neither in the heavens nor on the earth. Whoever does not place his faith in Him remains deprived of His blessings and lives in confusion.


Alhamdulillah today, with my advent, Allah has also blessed some of my followers with revelations from Him to comfort them in their faith. Some have received dreams, visions and true revelations. And Alhamdulillah, above all these revelations, the revelations that a Messenger of Allah, a representative of Allah, receives are clear and bright as the day, like a powerful sun. Through His manifestations and His signs, we have seen how powerful and eternal our Allah is; we have indeed witnessed many of His wonderful powers. The truth is that there is nothing impossible for Him, except that which goes against His own promise and His own Book.


So what I advise you is that when you stand up to pray, you, as believers, must believe that your God [Allah] is Almighty. Then your prayers will be accepted and you will witness the wonders of His power. What I am telling you is based on my personal experience and not on hearsay.


Allah is the Master of everything. But the Book of Allah has established a certain rule regarding prayer: He [Allah] treats a person as a friend out of His infinite mercy. Sometimes Allah does what the person asks, as He said in the Qur’an: “Call upon Me and I will answer you” (Ghafir 40:61) and sometimes He prefers that His will prevail in certain situations, as He says: “We will test you a little with fear and hunger...” (Al-Baqara 2:156) This is how He can react to a person according to his prayers to increase his certainty in Him and sometimes He can make His will prevail and elevate the rank of that person out of love for him or He [Allah] makes him advance on His paths of light.


Our Allah also has infinite wonders, but only those who return to Him [who return to Him to belong only to Him] with truth and strength of soul can witness these wonders. He does not reveal His wonders to those who do not believe in His powers and are not loyal to Him. Unfortunately, although man has been given intelligence and free will by Allah, it is he (man) who does not always know how to distinguish between truth and falsehood, and he still does not know that Allah alone is his Lord and God. Truly our God, our Allah is our true Paradise, He is our true well-being. Our greatest joys are found in Him alone. He is such a treasure that is worth possessing even if we have to sacrifice our lives to acquire it. He is such a jewel that is worth buying; even if we lose everything we possess, just to have Him [i.e., Allah].


If you become for Allah, then be assured that Allah will be for you. He will keep you awake [spiritually] and watch over you while you sleep. As a believer, a person may let his guard down, but if he has the help of Allah with him, if he is one of those servants who are close to Allah, then it is Allah Who will always have His gaze fixed on him, will repel his enemies and will avert all their plots [i.e., the plots of the enemies of His servants].


O people, you do not know the true powers that Allah alone possesses. If you knew this, if you really knew your Lord, then you would never turn away from Him and would never worry about the problems of this world. You would not worry about this temporary world. He who has a treasure does not cry at the loss of a single cent (penny) as if he would die if he lost that cent (penny). If you knew that Allah alone is sufficient for you, that He suffices for all your needs, then you would never lose your temper for this world. Allah is indeed your real treasure, a precious treasure; so know [seek to know] His value. He is your helper at every stage of your life. You or your worldly plans are nothing without Him. Therefore, I advise you not to follow other nations who depend only on material means and where they have forgotten God [Allah] and have allowed themselves to be dominated by their passions.


You, the believers, must place your faith in Allah alone. Remember that the disbelievers put their faith in material means and therefore they do not have the help of Allah with them. Those who are attached to this earth only are spiritually dead. They are concerned only with the affairs of this world and have forgotten Allah; they have forgotten that one day they will have to return to that same Creator whom they have ignored or forgotten throughout their lives.


As a human being and Khalifatullah, I do not forbid you from using material means within proper limits. I forbid you from becoming slaves to these material means, as other nations have done, where they have completely ignored Allah and have become ungrateful to Him for all the favours He has bestowed upon them.


So show your gratitude to Allah, your Lord, and do not be deceived in your faith. If you slip and choose this temporary world over Allah and the Hereafter, then you will be the greatest loser. My duty is to advise you and warn you, and only the Ulul-al-Baab [those endowed with true intelligence] will benefit from my advice. Finally, I place my trust in Allah. Hasbun-Allah wa nimal Wakeel (Allah is sufficient for us and He is the best provider of our affairs) [Al-Imran 3:174]. Ameen, Summa Ameen, Ya Rabbal Aalameen.