Tuesday, July 23, 2024

'Nabi' and 'Rasul' in Islam


'Rasulan Nabiyan'  (Messenger & Prophet) 

The Messenger believes in what has been revealed to him from his Lord, and so do the believers. They believe in Allah, His angels, His Books, and His messengers. (They proclaim) “We make no distinction between any of His messengers.” And they say, “We hear and obey. (We seek) Your forgiveness, our Lord! And to You (alone) is the final return.” (Al-Baqara 2: 286)

Alhamdulillah, Summa Alhamdulillah, today I have chosen to talk about the messengers of Allah. First of all, when we talk about the Messengers of Allah, it is very important that we are aware that the Islamic conception regarding the role and function of the prophets is different from the conception of the Jews and Christians. In Islam, the word “Nabi” (prophet) or even “Rasul” (Messenger) is not reserved for only the Elects of Allah who have received divine revelations as divine laws to share with their peoples. When we talk about prophets before the coming of Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh), we are talking about prophets whose message was limited to their own people, while Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) and all those who come and will come as his followers-prophets, will be prophets who cannot bring any new law, where they must base themselves only on the Holy Quran and the information of the Ghayb (Invisible) that Allah shows them.


And so, this brings us to the question, can a prophet come after Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh)? 

Of course yes, because the word “Nabi” is not reserved for the prophets before Hazrat Muhammad, and as well as for Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) himself, but this title designates that such a person receives information from Allah on things that the rest of humanity is not aware of or that has a hypothesis about it, but they are not sure about it, while the information that an Elect of Allah receives, such information that he receives from the Ruh’il Quddus (Holy Spirit), then it brings this person to the level of Prophet.


You should know that Hazrat Jibreel, the Chief of the Angels of revelation, is not the only one to give revelation to people. There are many people who receive divine revelation, but it is not necessarily that they receive these revelations from Hazrat Jibreel (as) himself. There are some cases where Hazrat Jibreel (as) descends on people very close to Allah, whom Allah is extremely pleased with, but most of the time he descends on the prophets of Allah, those who have a high status in the eyes of Allah to receive information from Him, in order to warn people, either, as a warning from Him (Allah) or as good news. But the one who receives the title of “Rasul” (Messenger), he must also share these revelations with others, and therefore his mission is more profound than a “Nabi” (prophet). There are the Elects of Allah in the past who have received the title of “Nabi” only, which means they have that rank in the eyes of Allah, and they have a mission to warn people of things of the unseen, about what they are seeing and to bring them back to the worship of Allah.

If we look in the Holy Quran, Allah mentions some of His chosen ones who have received both the titles of “Nabi” and “Rasul”, but if we look closely, not all of them have received a defined law upon himself to distribute to people. Allah informs us that Hazrat Nuh (as) [Noah] and also Hazrat Ibrahim (as) [Abraham] received the divine law to distribute to the people, and in the descendants of Hazrat Ibrahim (as), on the Israelites’ side, there is Musa (as) [Moses] who received the main law found in the original Torah that Allah sent down, and Jesus (Yeshu’a or Hazrat Isa [as]) received the complementary revelations of the law of Moses (as). Hazrat Isa (as) said that he did not come to abolish the Law of Moses (as), but to complete it. He too came as a Prophet and Messenger.

And from the first line of Hazrat Ibrahim (as) ... [still in the second line] we find that after Tawraat and Injeel, there was Zabur (Psalms of David – Dawud [as]) but that was not a set of divine laws, but rather prophecies and information of the Ghayb in poetic form. And then this brings us finally to the revelation of the Holy Quran, the final code of law that came down to Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) after the Tawraat. This means that Hazrat Musa (as) and Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) are of a different rank of prophets than the others who have come as complementary prophets. None of the Israelite prophets, including Hazrat Isa (as), with the exception of Hazrat Musa (as), brought any new law or dispensation; None of them have certified that he is the same as Musa (as). After Hazrat Musa (as), it is only Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) who has received that honour and mission, where Allah has said in the Holy Quran that Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) has come as Musa came for his people, and that there is a resemblance between Musa (as) and Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh). We find this not only mentioned in the Holy Quran but also in the Bible in Deuteronomy 18: 18, where Allah is addressing Hazrat Musa and saying to him: “I will raise up from among your brothers a prophet like you, I will put My words in his mouth, and he shall speak unto you all that I shall command him.”


So, here Allah is comparing the similarity of Hazrat Musa (as) and Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh). Moreover, this is reinforced in the Holy Quran where Allah says: “We have raised from among you a Messenger like the Messenger We sent to Pharaoh.” (Al-Muzzammil 73: 16)


What is striking in the Holy Quran is that Hazrat Isma’il (as) also received the title of “Nabi” and “Rasul”, and yet he is not the bearer of any new law, but he has only received revelations to bring people to follow the Abrahamic Laws (which came down to Hazrat Ibrahim (as)), while Hazrat Ishaq (as) was only given the title of “Nabi”. And yet, both have not received any Book of Divine Laws on themselves, just as Hazrat Nuh (as) [Noah], and their father (Ibrahim) received, and similarly they have not received a Book of Law like their descendants [in their biological and spiritual lineage] received, i.e. Hazrat Musa (as) and Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh). And what is extremely enriching and a point of honour for us, Muslims, is that Allah has sent Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) for all the Aalameen (worlds), while Hazrat Musa (as) came only for the Children of Israel (Hazrat Yaqub (as)).


Allah says that Isma’il (as) was a “Rasul” and “Nabi” (in Surah Maryam Verse 55). Allah says:Rasulan Nabiyan.


We see that the status of Hazrat Isma’il (as) is higher than Hazrat Ishaq (as). Allah has rewarded Isma’il’s sacrifice with a very great favour where he was not only a Nabi and Rasul, but he is the direct descendant of Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh), the greatest Nabi and Rasul of all time.


And so, this leads us to understand that a “Nabi” is not necessarily the one who has received a Book of Law from Allah. These are the points of honour, the stage that Allah reserves for His Elect, otherwise Hazrat Ishaq would also be a “Rasul” since he is the direct son [the own blood] of Hazrat Ibrahim (as) and that he follows the Abrahamic Law. And yet, only his elder brother, Isma’il (as) received that honour.

Today the debate that often exists between Ahmadi Muslims and the rest of the Ummah is that it is Haram (illicit) that Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad has dared to proclaim himself as a Prophet, or that Ahmadi Muslims consider him as a “Prophet.” On the contrary, it is not strange that the Islamic Messiah is a Prophet because this is a point of honour that Allah reserves for His Elect, where He has given him the mission to revive Islam. Here, it is not a question of strengthening Islam by a new law, but to bring back the same teachings and make humanity (not only Muslims) aware that they must return to the original Islam. And Allah has chosen him and sent His Ruh’il Quddus (Holy Spirit) upon him, not to violate the law of the Quran but to raise these laws – give them their true worth/ value – after people have violated them. 

Today, history repeats itself and Allah has given me the revelation that I am not only a Nabi but also a Rasul. Here, Allah is making me proclaim it openly and not as an unspoken matter. Here, it is not even a question of me being against my Deen-e-Islam. On the contrary, Allah has sent me to strengthen His Deen. I have not brought another Quran, but Allah has sent me as a new breath or spirit of His beloved Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) and has also called me “Muhammad” [a little Muhammad]. This does not mean that I am declaring myself superior to Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh). No one will be able to reach even the ankle of Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) in his rank of honour. Allah gives parables to make His servants understand, that as He has promised in Surah Jumu’ah, He will send Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) among the Aakhereen (people of the last days). And that is what we are seeing today as well, not only in the time of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as). The world has made enormous advances in technology, but the spirituality of man has declined, or become quasi non-existent. Will Allah let the Quran and His Islam be destroyed? What are we seeing the Arabs doing these days? They have distorted the teachings of Islam, and there are no differences between them and Jews and Christians and even worse, Pagans (idolaters).

The era we are living in nowadays is bloodier than in the past. Today the world has become ONE through globalization. Today I am in Mauritius and I am able to know what is happening around the world through technology. But let me also tell you that the media mask a lot of truth and they try to put forward such information that is against Islam and in favour of wrong beliefs, which is far from the pure monotheism that Allah has established since the first creation of man on earth. But Allah through His revelation clearly shows where the lie is. They seek to propagate lies as truth, but Allah reveals the truth.

Today, a new “Muhammad” has appeared who is fighting through duahs and speeches and even in writing - by all possible means - against the Jaahils (ignorant) of this world, including the Arab world. Today, the Holy Spirit is still doing his work as he did in the past. The Holy Spirit is not without work (not jobless). But I say, and I repeat, I am NOT a LAW-BEARING prophet. I am one of the spiritual “appearances” of Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) but I am NOT Hazrat MUHAMMAD (pbuh). I have come to revive the teachings of Islam, and to lead Muslims and the rest of the world to Allah. It is this exceptional blessing that Allah has bestowed upon Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) where his Nabuwwat (prophethood) will remain alive through his spiritual sons, such spiritual sons who will reach the level of Nabi and Rasul without breaking his Seal of Prophethood. Neither Hazrat Isma’il (as) nor Hazrat Ishaq (as) broke the greatness of Hazrat Ibrahim (as), even though they were prophets. Why now for the greatest of prophets, Muslims close the door of Nabuwwat? They are trying to close a door that has always remained open and will remain open. Beware one day, my followers say that after Munir Ahmad Azim, there will be no other Prophet, Messenger, Khalifatullah, Mahdi, Massih, etc. [Bear in mind that] I have come in the mantle of honour of all the prophets and I am humbly proud that I belong to Islam and I am part of the sacred body of Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh).

Today it is a blessed time of Divine Manifestation that we are living. And I invite the whole world to Islam and peace. I invite you all to the One God (Allah), Who has no partner. I invite you to self-reformation. This reform does not come at once, but gradually. I invite you to this path of reform so that the Islam that all the prophets and messengers have preached take life again in our time, and in each of us. Insha-Allah, Ameen.

----Friday Sermon of 19 July 2024~12 Muharram 1446 AH delivered by Imam- Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam International Hazrat Imam Muhyiuddin Al Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim (aba) of Mauritius.