Friday, July 19, 2024

'Has God Stopped Talking?'

Proof of the Existence of God Almighty 

In response to the question which I have received from a Muslim man who was about to renounce his faith in Islam and in Allah altogether, I am hereby through this sermon answering him so that this explanation may benefit one and all. 

Is there conclusive evidence that God exists? Is the existence of God a fact that can be proven like any other scientific fact that can be proven in a laboratory? 

It is surprising that atheists and believers today share the same belief regarding one of the attributes of God that provides conclusive proof of His existence. In today’s world, it is a fact that everyone agrees upon, both atheists and followers of the various religions of the world, that God has stopped talking.


An atheist believes that God does not speak because He does not exist, while others who identify themselves with any one religion, except a few of course, believe that God does not speak because, in a direct way of expressing this, they think that Allah has nothing to say anymore. But those who claim that God has said everything He had to say and that everything He wanted to say is already in their respective holy books, then they do not understand the true nature of God’s words. They generally consider the Shari’ah or divine law to be the only type of word of God. Once the Law has been completed and perfected, then according to them, in their minds, it is no longer necessary for Allah to talk anymore [i.e. send other words – other types of revelations].


You will be able to find such kinds of people in every religion in the world. Christians, for example, generally believe that the Bible contains everything that God [for them, it is, God the Father and the Son] wanted to tell people and that nothing more is therefore necessary or required. That is why they have rejected the Holy Quran. So, for them, the Bible is enough for them and God has stopped speaking, and therefore, He could not have revealed His revelations to the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh). So, for those kinds of people, God has stopped talking.


Similarly, Muslims today generally believe that Allah no longer speaks because the divine Law has been completed in the Holy Quran and that the religion of Islam has been perfected and that therefore nothing else is necessary or required. If we are to accept this argument, then these people do not have any conclusive evidence to prove that Allah exists today.


Some people, Christians for example, seek to answer this question by pointing out that the fulfilment of Bible prophecies in the present time is conclusive evidence of God’s existence as stated in these prophecies which had been revealed thousands of years ago. They (that is, the Christians) also use the well-known argument that the universe is governed by laws that indicate that the universe proves by its existence that it must have a creator, and that the fulfilment of the Bible prophecies also proves that the Being behind creation must have had a vision of the future.


If we are to accept that God is the creator of the Universe and the Initiator of these prophecies, then it will only prove that God existed at the time of creation and at the time when these prophecies were revealed, but this does not necessarily prove that the same God exists today. Perhaps that for one reason or another, His existence has come to an end. The fulfilment of the prophecies proves that the One who created those prophecies had advance knowledge of these events, but it does not necessarily prove that He still exists today or even that He still has the ability, the faculty to be insightful in the future. So, how then can we prove that God exists as we know Him to exist, whether in the past, present and future, where He will continue to exist as long as the human race exists, and even beyond our own creation, when all humans and all other creatures’ existence will come to an end?


The only conclusive proof of God’s existence is that He keeps speaking. Without this conclusive evidence, our faith will be based on a “Maybe”: Maybe God exists but for some reason, He no longer speaks. But on the other hand, the other possibility is also valid where people can say that God no longer exists. In any case, neither in the first case nor in the second case, there is a certainty concerning the existence of Allah. There is no certainty in faith.


So, that is why Allah has sent His Prophets and Messengers in different times, including in our time with the advent of this humble servant as the Messiah and Messenger of my time to prove His existence and grant believers certainty in true faith. This is the main objective of all prophets: to reconcile man with his creator and bring believers to certainty of faith by establishing communion with their Creator, God, Allah. From the moment a true believer establishes a personal relationship with God, he receives from God knowledge, according to his own faculties and abilities, which proves to him beyond a shadow of a doubt that God [Allah] exists. Here, I am talking about the One True God Who has no other partners in His worship.


Some people agree that God will speak to believers on Judgement Day and in the garden of Paradise, but they refuse to believe that He can still speak in this temporal life [in this world (on earth)]. The Holy Quran categorically disagrees with the argument they hold.


It is said in the Quran: 'Those who have believed and followed the right path, for them is good news during their life on earth and in the life to come.' (Yunus 10: 64-65).


Again, the Holy Quran explains that communion with Allah is established both in this life and in the Hereafter, and therefore, Allah speaks in this life itself, and that believers receive messages from the part of Allah through His angels, as it is said: “But those who say: ‘Our Lord is Allah’, and then follow the right path, the angels descend upon them (and say to them): Do not fear anything and do not grieve, but receive the good news of Paradise, which has been promised to you. We are your allies in this life, and in the life to come. You will get what you want; and there you will receive what you ask: a reception from One Who forgives and is merciful.’” (Fussilat 41:31-33).


So, we see how Allah – God the One and Generous Creator – is a God Who lives forever, and how He does not expect all people to die and come to Him to speak with them. He speaks through the revelation that He sends to His angels to give to His chosen servants, especially His messengers and those who have attained divine love. When the angels say, “Do not fear anything, and do not grieve,” it does not mean that believers on earth will stop experiencing any fear or grief. The fear or dread or sorrow that the angels are telling believers is of another level, which is not related to the fears that the human race usually experiences. Believers are assured that despite the persecutions against them, despite the questions about their faith, faith in the True God, but they, believers must keep trust [have confidence] in the existence of the God Who is always alive, and shall never die, and they must place their trust in Him alone. And this promise of the companionship and friendship of angels is in fact an expression of Allah’s love towards the believers who receive this good news from the angels. Allah must love a person, so that He commands His angels to love such a person too. And thus the reaction and actions of the angels towards humans, the believers reflect the divine command [commandment of Allah] to the angels to do such and such treatments on [to have such and such behaviours towards] His servants.


Therefore, the angels say to the believers, especially the Messengers of Allah, on divine order, “At this time [Right now] do not have any fear, any grief because as your Lord has promised, you will receive all that He has chosen as the best reward for you.” Whether it concerns the prophet or the common believer’s present or future, Allah is giving him the good news that he must wait for his reward, and that his reward is not only reserved for him in the future life, but that the reward is also valid in this temporal world as well. This Jannat (Paradise), this garden of happiness, of tranquillity that Allah has promised him, he will reap it in this life itself as well as in the hereafter, and he will taste what is eternal for him in the future life as well.


Therefore, a believer who believes in the existence of Allah, he not only believes in His existence but he knows very well that Allah is not a God Who is dead. He firmly believes that God will always continue to speak and show signs of His existence whether in words or in Divine Manifestations on earth and in the heavens.


So, remember that the friendship that an angel of Allah grants to a person does not come by itself, but by the command of Allah. When Allah says “Salaam” (Peace) to a person, that Salaam is not only reserved for the future life, but also for the life of this world when a believer has completely immersed himself in divine love. All the trials that he gets then become like water falling on a waterproof object [literally [Creole Analogy], water falling on taro leaves (which is waterproof) – which means to say that whatever a believer undergoes as trials, those trials do not affect him in any way]. Thus, those trials slides away like water on taro leaves, because the confidence or trust that he has in His God is because His God is Alive and speaks with him and guides him and shows him success in this life and in the future life, where Allah, God gives him the faculty to distinguish the true from the false, the truth from the lie, and where he stays away from the stupid and confused ideas of atheists who have been deprived of divine mercy for only divine mercy can give a person the clarity of spiritual vision, such a vision, as if he were seeing with his own eyes the promise of Allah being fulfilled, not only in the future life but also in this life itself.


Therefore, God exists and will always exist in the true faith, in the truthfulness of the fulfilment of His promises to His believing servants, where they receive the divine essence in them, where they receive the faculty of hearing the voice of God.


In the time of a Messenger of Allah, it is not only the Messenger who gets the faculty to hear the word of Allah, a word that I must specify does not contradict in any way the laws of Allah that He has established in His Holy Books that have not been falsified by the hands of man through time [such a Holy and perfect Book as the Holy Quran that no one can falsify]. I warn you however not to misinterpret the words of Allah found in the Holy Quran. If there is much dissension today, even among Muslims, it is mainly because they misunderstand the divine commandments and messages of Allah in the Quran. But remember that even before the existence of man on earth, Allah spoke. Even when there was no creature, no creation, Allah spoke. Allah speaks in Himself; His word, His feeling as the Supreme Being always remaining alive, whether one likes it or not. But Allah is Alive and talks [speaks] and He will remain talking [speaking], and He loves to converse with those whom He loves.


Remember that Allah, even after the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) continued to speak. He has given His inspirations and revelations to some of His chosen servants, even though they were not prophets. And when Allah raised the Promised Messiah Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) in his time and myself in my time, the world in the epoch of each one of us [the Promised Messiah and myself] got back the breath of Allah through the Ruh’ il Quddus (the Holy Spirit), the Divine Revelation, where Allah certifies His presence among us all and orders us to reform our conduct so that we may deserve His love, His mercy and the Paradise that He has promised us – we – us, all humans.

Insha-Allah, may Allah continue to enlighten me and all those who have sincerely believed in me, and in all the past prophets and who believe firmly in the eternal word of Allah, who believe that Allah will always speak and impose His presence on His creatures and all creation with Wisdom and Majesty. Insha-Allah, Ameen.

----Friday Sermon of 12 July 2024~05 Muharram 1445 AH delivered by Imam- Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam International Hazrat Muhyiuddin Al Khalifatullah Al Mahdi Munir Ahmad Azim (aba) of Mauritius.