Friday, July 5, 2024

Tarbiyyat Lessons- 12


Stars are many,

But the Moon is only the one;

Peoples are many,

But you are only the one

Who believed

in the Divine Manifestation:

The Khalifatullah of this era,




This Dunyaa,

in which:

 Yusuf was sold for a cheap price,

 Ibrahim was thrown into the fire,

 Musa was accused of sorcery,

And Muhammad was pelted with stones;

Are you waiting for this Dunyaa

To give you a pat on the shoulder;

It didn't even spare the righteous.


Sabr Is Not Easy

Sabr is tears;

Sabr is feeling alone;

Sabr is swallowing insults;

Sabr is smile covering tears;

Sabr is crying for the response of Allah:

‘Behold, I am near.’ (2:187).



Sometime in life, you have to wait longer than others to receive what your heart desires. Allah is not punishing you by making you wait longer; sometimes Allah is putting everything else in your life into place first before He blesses you with what you want and desire.


Everything happens for a reason and it may take you some time to figure it out but when you do, everything will make sense. If you are waiting patiently for your turn, remember Allah may be making you wait so that once you do get it; you appreciate and thank Him more than you ever more, before if you got it with ease. ‘Remember that your Lord promised, ‘if you are thankful, l will give you more.’  (14:8).


Be Happy with the little you have.

There are some people with nothing

Who still manage to smile



If you find someone who makes you smile,

Who checks up on you often to see if you're okay,

Who watches out for you

And wants the very best for you,

Don't let them go;

Keep them close, and don't take them for granted;

People like that are hard to find.



Never take advantage of someone who likes you;

Never say you're busy to someone who needs you;

Never cheat on the one who has trust in you;

Never forget those who always remember you.



Life is very short.

So break your silly ego,

Forgive quickly,

Believe slowly,

Love truly,

Laugh and never avoid anything that makes you smile.



Respect the old when you are young.

Help the weak when you are strong.

Confess the fault when you are wrong.

Because one day in life

You will be old, weak, and wrong.



Respect is the most important element

of your personality.

It is like an investment.

Whatever you give to another,

It will return you with profit.



Every pain gives a lesson and every lesson changes a person.


Ya Allah!

Grant us guidance.

Show us the right path.

Calm our anxious minds.

Give us strength in our hearts

and clarity of vision

to go through our daily affairs.

We know that

You are with us always....Aameen


[Adapted from Tarbiyyat lessons compiled and shared by the office of Imam- Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam International Hazrat Muhyiuddin Al Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim (aba) of Mauritius in a recent series of communications with disciples and followers around the world].