Friday, July 26, 2024

Tarbiyyat Lessons-19


Life is yours...

So you have to choose

whom you want to in your life.


Surround yourself with

People who know your worth


You don't need

too many in your life:

Just the real ones

who appreciate you

for exactly who you are



If you want good results,

Then meet with good people

Good people always give you

Positive vibration and real happiness.



Sometimes you just have to play

the role of a fool

to fool the fool

who thinks they are fooling you.



Always remember....

Not everyone can understand you:

Everyone change according to the situations.



Promise me not to hide yourself when you are in pain

It's unfair that we laughed together but you cried alone.



A person become

ten times more attractive-

not by their looks,

but by their acts and deeds:

Of kindness,



Honesty and Loyalty

they show.


When you wish good for others,

good things come back to you.

This is the law of God.



One day at a time is all

We should be dealing with.

We can't go back to yesterday

and we can't control tomorrow,

so live for today.



Do everything with a good heart

and expect nothing in return,

and you will never be disappointed.



Always be grateful for the life you have,

even if it's different from the life you want.

As long as you remain grateful,

things are bound to change.



You'll never be brave

if you don't get hurt.

You'll never learn

if you don't make mistakes.

You'll never be successful

if you don't encounter failure.



If you want to know someone's mind,

listen to their words.

If you want to know their heart,

watch their actions.


When our time on earth is done,

money or material things will not matter,

But the love, time and kindness

we've given others

will shine and live on forever.



A satisfied life is better than a successful life

Because our success is measured by others,

but our satisfaction is measured

by our own soul, mind and action.




Sabr is not easy,

It drains you mentally and physically.

It leaves you on edge.

It breaks you down,

But you know what Allah said?

‘l am with the patient.’

Allah is with you.

This should be enough to keep you going.





When your heart feels heavy,

the words get stuck in your throat.

When you don't know

how to explain what you feel,

When you lack the energy to grasp it,

That’s when

you should whisper to the ground.

Your words will be heard above.

Allah has everything in control,

and is willing to give you

what you need the most.



What's yours will be yours,

no need to rush,

no need to feel anxious:

all good things take time,

and Allah knows the best,

and He is the best planner,

When you receive the best,

your heart will be so grateful.

‘...But they plan, and Allah plans.

And Allah is the best of Planners’.



Take this as a sign...

Don’t stress about things

That you can't control,

It's all in Allah's control.

Tell Allah what you want,

And truly believe Him

To answer your Duahs

It will be your time soon.


All the miracles

Allah has written for you

will manifest soon.


Bear a little more.

Leave the matter to Him.

Everything will work out in the end,

I promise.



[Adapted from Tarbiyyat lessons compiled and shared by the office of Imam- Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam International Hazrat Muhyiuddin Al Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim (aba) of Mauritius in a recent series of communications with disciples and followers around the world].