The Bravest Heart:
One that stays close to Allah
even when it's in pain".
‘Ya Allah,
I put everything in Your Hands today:
My family, my health, my home, my security, and
my fears;
You’re the only One
I trust with all l have and all I am,
One of the best advices
I've ever heard is:
so confident in Allah’s Plan
that you don't even get upset anymore
when things don't go your way:
Allah’s Plan is better than your plan"
Physically and mentally tired,
but I still believe that
‘Fa inna ma'al usri yusra’:
‘In every hardship, there is a relief...’
For carrying me through
all the
hard times
and never leaving me
and blessing me much more
than I deserve.
Duah for Palestine
make a way for the people of Palestine
the way you split the sea for Musa (as),
‘Ya Allah,
the way you sent angels to defend the Muslims
during the battle of Badr,
send your angels to protect and defend the Muslims in Gaza,
Ameen, Summah Ameen, Ya Rabbul Aalameen’.