Thursday, August 15, 2024

‘Trust Allah in Trials of Life’


Tarbiyyat Lessons- 23


‘The testing of a believer, male or female,

In respect to one’s person, children, and property

Will not cease until one meets Allah the Exalted

 Unburdened by any sin’ 



‘When Allah wants good for a mortal

Allah hastens affliction in this world;

And when Allah wants ill for a mortal,

Allah leaves him be with his sin

Until his soul is taken

on the Day of Resurrection’




‘Be mindful of Allah,

And you will find Allah in front of you.

Acknowledge Allah in ease,

And Allah will acknowledge you in distress.

And know that what misleads you 

will never enable you to do right,

And what enables you do right 

will never mislead you.

And know that help comes with patience,

And that relief comes with distress;

And that with difficulty comes ease.’




‘The state of the believer is wonderful;

Everything in it is good for him,

And for no one else but the believer


 If happiness comes his way,

 He is grateful and so it is good for him;


And if adversity strikes him,

He is patient and so it is good for him’.



      —From the sacred sayings of Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa)




There is No Storm

that Allah won't carry you through;


No Bridge

that Allah won't help you cross;


No Battle

that Allah won't help you win.


Trust Allah

And Never Give Up!


Aameen Summa Aameen

Ya Rabbul Alameen!




What goes around comes around

And what goes up must come down.

Everything in the dark must come to light,

And you will reap what you sow




O my Rab,

Today I ask for nothing...

I just want to say

‘Thank you for walking with me this far,

Thank you for hearing my prayers;

For listening to me,

 For carrying me,

For protecting me,

 For healing me,

For blessing me,

For answering with what I need,

when I need

Thank you for loving me



Let your peace,

Which passes all the understanding,

Continue to guard my heart,

The hearts of those l love,

my mind and soul


Ameen Summah Ameen

Ya Rabbul Aalameen!



[Adapted from Tarbiyyat lessons compiled and shared by the office of Imam- Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam International Hazrat Muhyiuddin Al Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim (aba) of Mauritius in a recent series of communications with disciples and followers around the world].