Sunday, August 4, 2024

'Khilafat' After A Prophet


Khilafat is a Sunnat Allah. According to Islamic teachings, and historic evidences of enduring Divine practice ['Sunnat Allah'], a Prophet of God is usually succeeded by a system of 'Khilafat' among the believers who followed in the footsteps of that elect of God. Since the traditions of the Holy Prophet (sa) also acknowledges prophets of the past without any large body of disciples and followers in their times, how the mission of God as represented by the Messenger is continued in a new era after the Prophet's times is indeed a matter of Divine Plan and related decisions. In the aftermath of a question received by a member of our Jamaat on prophethood and KhilafatHazrat Imam Muhyiuddin Al Khalifatullah Al Mahdi Munir Ahmad Azim (aba) of Mauritius has advised his disciples to bear in mind that Allah’s works and plans are always perfect. People may not understand a matter but that Allah has the perfect reply for it.


Reproduced below is the Question raised to, and the Response offered by Hazrat Saheb (aba): 

The Question is as thusHuzur, there is a Hadith which states that: 'There had not been any prophethood which was not succeeded by Khilafat' (Kanz al-Ummal, Hadith 32246)


But in another long Hadith it is mentioned that the Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) had said: 'Nations were displayed before me, one or two prophets would pass by along with a few followers. A prophet would pass by accompanied by nobody…' (Bukhari)


The question here is that if a prophet had no follower, how could he be succeeded by Khilafat?


First of all, every true Muslim should bear in mind that Allah shall never let the works and missions of a prophet, even if during his lifetime he had no follower, go to waste. One should bear in mind that there are different kinds of prophethood with which Allah can raise someone. That one might have come without a law-bearing book, and come as a simple man in the eyes of people, but considered as a prophet in the eyes of Allah. This is also a type of prophethood which is veiled by Allah from the people but known to Allah due to his piety, righteousness and his love for Allah and for spreading His Tawheed.


So, this type of prophet is usually not known to the people, but holds the status of prophet in the sight of Allah. Thus, even though he had no follower, but Allah holds him dear to Him.


In the more than 124,000 prophets which have come into this world, many of them were such kinds of prophets, and there were also prophets who were raised officially as prophets but yet did not get any follower, and if they got one, two and or a few, then later on, those followers left him, thus making him alone in his mission.


If we take the example of Isa (as), we have two versions of his life portrayed to us in the world today. The Christians know him to have lived till his mid-thirties and rose bodily to heaven, while he had 12 believing disciples, but then near his crucifixion, one became a hypocrite and traitor. On the other hand, the actual story in his case is that he lived more than 100 years and went on a long journey to present-day Indo-Pakistani Kashmir to find the lost tribes of Israel which had scattered there. So, in Christian theology, he had only 11 sincere disciples during his lifetime. But the truth about the actual number of his disciples is with Allah, especially after his journey through the many countries till he reached Kashmir.


So, we see that there are many versions of “truths” which people see as truths, yet the truth is another matter altogether.


In the case when the Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) mentioned that he was shown by Allah prophets who did not have any follower, this refers to the exclusive prophethood status which Allah raise someone even though he may not be known as a prophet to his nation or even the world. Such prophethood is bereft of Khilafat (caliphate) as we know it. The successors of such prophets are those whom Allah raised as prophets in the same status and honour as them. They are neither bringer of any law, or even come officially in the precept of a known prophet. That prophet is a sure follower of a prophet, but he is not known as a prophet to the people.


Secondly, there are also those prophets who come officially to spread Allah’s message to their nations (and the world) – Here I am talking in general and not only concerning the past prophets, but it may happen also that in the future such kinds of prophets may be raised after the Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) who may have no follower whatsoever, yet this does not diminish their status of being a prophet in the least. But concerning the Khilafat after them, then bear in mind that whenever the time of death of a prophet approaches, Allah in His infinite wisdom would have already planned for someone to follow-in his footsteps. Allah always guides his prophets to where they belong. Even if during their whole lives, they did not get any follower to listen and believe in their message, but Allah will ultimately direct them to such a place where His sincere servants are, those who, even though did not accompanied His prophet during his whole mission, yet at the end of his life, or even after his demise, He inspires His true servants to believe in Him. 


Bear in mind that this world is not filled with only fools and stupid people who are disobedient to Allah. It may be that in the native place of the prophet, nobody believed in him, but then at the end of his life, Allah directs him to another place where He knows that his mission will flourish there, during the last years of his life or even after his demise, and inspires those hearts to recognize his truth.


All in all, prophethood followed by Khilafat is Sunnat Allah. Like I have explained in my various sermons on the subject, there are different kinds of Khilafat. A prophet can be a Khalifa (caliph) and vice-versa, but such prophethood, like all prophethood have the stamp of the Ruh’il Quddus (Holy Spirit) upon them, even the prophet who remains unknown to the people, and known to Allah only as well as His angels. They are blessed with divine revelations and nearness to Allah. If Allah tells someone to proclaim himself as a prophet, then he has the duty to stand up and proclaim himself on the command of Allah, whether the people believe in him or not. But if he does not get any revelation from Allah, and is not a prophet but yet let the people think that he is a prophet or messenger of Allah or even a Reformer from Allah, then this sin will crush him and see him in the profoundness of hell. Those who fabricate lies against Allah do not prosper. (An-Nahl 16: 117)


I hope that this answer is clear for you all. Allah’s plan is the best plan. He knows whom He will raise after a prophet and how He will enable the hearts of the people to accept him (even though they lost the blessings of his company while he was still alive).


Let me remind you also, that I had also told you before that when a prophet of Allah dies, the works of the Satan also is such that he also begins to inspire the people to recognize his truth (after they calumniated and rejected him). As long as the prophet of Allah was alive, he inspired the hearts against him, but after his death, after that the people have lost the blessings of his company and message, he also begins to inspire those hearts to believe in him, but compared to Allah the Most High, Satan’s works as expected is evil and he drives the people to not only believe in those prophets but to take them also as deities, as partners in the worship of Allah, thus making those people take the prophets as idols and pray to them instead of to Allah.


May Allah grant my disciples the faith, piety, righteousness and intelligence to always remain on the right path and not to be beguiled by the satans and to reform yourselves in the best way, to reflect the true Islam in you so that you may deserve Khilafat after me. This is all in the Hands of Allah. I trust His plan and indeed His plan is best. Ameen.
