Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Tarbiyyat Lessons- 22


       Every morning

Allah says:

One more time,

Live life, be kind;

Make a difference;

Touch one heart,

Encourage one mind,

Inspire one soul,

And bless everyone.



Always Choose

To heal, not to hurt;

To forgive, not to despise;

To persevere, not to quit;

To smile, not to frown;

And to love, not to hate.



We spend so much time

Sweating the small stuff,

Worrying, wishing, wanting,

Waiting for something bigger,

Instead of focusing on the simple blessings

That surrounds us every day.


Life is so fragile

And it takes just a single moment

To change everything you take for granted.


      Focus on what's important

And be grateful;

Live your life with no regrets.



If you are humble,

Nothing can touch you.

Neither praise, nor discouragement,

Because you know who you are



l'm not the richest,

I'm not the most beautiful,

I'm not the most stylish

I can't afford for all the things that I want,

But I don't pretend to be all of those.

I'm happy with what Allah has given me...

I am very grateful to my Allah.



l regret nothing in my life

Even if my past was full of hurt,

l still look back  and smile

Because it made me who I am today



O Beautiful Souls

        Let's make today count.

Focus on the positive,

Trust your instincts,

And don't let anyone dim your shine.



Your happiness is your responsibility.

You've got this!



[Adapted from Tarbiyyat lessons compiled and shared by the office of Imam- Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam International Hazrat Muhyiuddin Al Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim (aba) of Mauritius in a recent series of communications with disciples and followers around the world].