Showing posts with label Khilafat. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Khilafat. Show all posts

Friday, September 15, 2023

The Prophecy about ‘Mathil-e-Massih’


Many Ahmadis today are ignorant about the true conception of their beliefs. As a consequence, they have lost sight of the Sahih Al Islam that true Ahmadiyyat stands for. Instead of worshipping Allah (swt) and obeying His commands as explained by the Holy Prophet (sa) and the Promised Messiah (as), these Ahmadis are now enamoured of their priests and chiefs among them, and they follow their Caliph in his profound doctrinal mistakes, God Forbid. Today, Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya rejects every possibility of Divine guidance except the one that may come through their assembly-elected Caliph, making him infallible arbiter in the spiritual destiny of millions. The Nizam-e-Jamaat evades and ignores the Word of God when it stands against their  material interests, family prestige, and institutional designs, especially on the divine prerogative of appointing a Prophet or Mujaddid in a new era.

The Promised Messiah (as) never indicated the current structure of the Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya as the only institutional design compatible with Divine Will. Even in his final Book, the testamentary declaration AL WASIYYAT, while asking his disciples to remain united by taking the oath of allegiance with one among them, the Promised Messiah (as) indicated that a time would come when it would become necessary for Allah (swt) to raise someone with Rooh-ul-Qudus (Holy Spirit) to guide and steer the community on the correct path. 

Today, Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya rejects such a possibility altogether by mystifying the office of Khalifatul Massih with all temporal and spiritual power so much so that myopic and ignorant Ahmadis wonder, ‘can someone possibly claim to be above the Khalifatul Massih!’ Despite the myth-making by the Ahmadis on the office of the ‘Khalifatul Massih’, the reality remains that the Promised Messiah (as) has left behind a rich legacy of writings that point to the advent of the likes of the Messiah even in future. All theological engineering designed to mask the idolatry in the vanguard of the Nizam-e-Jamaat is bound to crumple before the Day of Judgement, Insha Allah, Aameen.   

Thursday, July 14, 2022

Illnesses of the 'Ummah'- 5


DAWA/ TABLIGH: How To Do This Work


The most important point in this work of Dawa / Tabligh is the way and method that we will do it. We simply need to follow exactly the principles adopted by the Sahaba (ra) who followed the teachings and practices of the noble prophet (pbuh) to the letter.

In this true form and meaning, the Tabligh is a very important action and a very great benefit. Verily, it is to follow truly the path of the prophets (as), because this work is a great work, and it is also based on the high principles that we must always follow carefully. Each individual needs to feel the need to reform himself instead of changing others. While doing this work, and even outside the Jamaat [Community], he should behave like a true Muslim, a sincere servant who at all times obey and follow Allah’s commandments as per the Shariah and he seeks always the blessing and pleasure of Allah (twt). This is the basic condition, the Ruh (soul) and foundation of this work of Tabligh. Once this has been rooted deeply and firmly into the hearts of the workers [of Deen], the other principles, regulations and actions that I will mention further on will become easy to follow:

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Poem: 'The Successor'


The Rise of the Sun & the Moon of Islam


The World may be cut Asunder,

But not my Love for You,

Your Essence fills me,

And grants me the elixir of Unity,

In Your pure Divinity;


You say to let go of the filth of this world,

And come in Your embrace,

Devoid of the temporalities of temporalities;


You crafted a Being,

And breathed in Your Soul,

The Divine Soul will see through,

The Trials of this world;


In the Glow of a Setting World,

The Sun will rise again,

To give a Last Ray of Hope to the Universe,

The cry, out of this world

Will fill Your Universe,

With submission to Your Will;

Sunday, April 11, 2021

Covid-19: Crisis & 'Khilafa'

In his Friday Sermon of 09 April 2021~26 Shabaan 1442 AH, Imam-Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam Hazrat Khalifatullah Munir A. Azim (aba) of Mauritius offers a synoptic view of the looming economic crisis engulfing nations around the world. Speaking against the backdrop of of the devastating  Covid-19 pandemic and other widely-disruptive events such the recent Suez Canal blockage, Hazrat Khalifatullah (aba) alludes that the tectonic shifts that are taking place in our midst should trigger intense soul-searching to reimagine our world: from the unsustainable inequities of the capitalist order, and the earlier failings of the socialist totalitarianisms of the Soviet era, we need to move to a more balanced, alternative economic order that upholds fair business practices, non-exploitative transactional relations, protection of public interest in common resources, and collective social welfare. In breaking with the past and imagining a new world, Muslims have the historical role and opportunity to establish the ethical teachings and principles of the Shariah for the benefit of all mankind. Based as it is on individual responsibility and accountability to Allah (swt), the laws and practices of Islam promote equity, fairness and justiceThrough the discourse, Hazrat Saheb (aba) makes an eloquent appeal, exhorting the Ummah to seize the moment of crisis to reclaim the ethical and social values of Islam and be ready to fight for creating a just world under the Divinely-ordained system of Khilafat-ala-Minhaaj-Al-Nubuwwah, represented by the ranks of the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam today. 

Read the Friday Sermon Below:

            وَ اللّٰہُ غَالِبٌ عَلٰۤی اَمۡرِہٖ وَ لٰکِنَّ اَکۡثَرَ النَّاسِ لَا یَعۡلَمُوۡنَ

And Allah has full power and control over His Affairs, but most of men know not.(Yusuf 12: 22).                        

The World Economic Crisis

A great global economic crisis is in sight in the wake of this new century. And this danger is already present in these times of psychosis due to the deadly coronavirus, Covid-19 and its variants. But that was just the straw that broke the camel’s back...

Monday, March 1, 2021

The Promise on 'Khilafat-e-Ruhani'

Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) of Qadian (1835-1908 AD),  founder of the Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya, left behind a treasure trove of illuminating spiritual writings, explaining subtle and abstruse points of religious philosophy and practical wisdom useful in our quest for clear guidance on the Divine Way. It is important to revisit and re-read his profound and timeless writings every now and then, to gain a sense of true perspective on the extraordinary nature of the spiritual claims and Divine messages he left behind for the benefit of posterity. Perhaps even more importantly, returning to the original writings of the Promised Messiah (as) and studying them carefully can shake up the cobwebs of later theological 'engineering' and doctrinal confusion created in the minds of common Ahmadis by the administrative establishment- Nizam-e-Jamaat- to perpetuate their own control and authority. Due to the long-standing brainwashing by the Ahmadiyya establishment, the common folks have no idea how they have been transformed into devotees of the Nizam even without they realizing it! 

Indeed, ours is an age in which most Ahmadis have forgotten their own true spiritual moorings. In any case, most people have a blurred and twisted understanding on the basics of their community's true beliefs or their deep roots in Islamic spiritual expectations.  Unfortunately for them, the devotees are not allowed to use their own God-gifted intelligence and reasoning power to investigate and understand the inner world of Islamic spirituality. People remain content with the received notions from their elders- what they have inherited from their fathers and leaders within the Nizam-e- Jamaat. As a consequence, a generation is growing up in the Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya who cannot frame relevant spiritual questions for themselves, nor explain where the Promised Messiah (as) stood on the question of enduring Divine Guidance and spiritual leadership ('Khilafat-e-Ruhani'). 

Contrary to the myth-making within the Nizam-e-Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya, the Promised Messiah (as) did not believe that Revelation-based Khilafat has come to an end with him, and that henceforth, only men-elected caliphs will be the leaders of the Ummah, NO! The Promised Messiah (as) claimed that he came as a Khalifatullah  (Vicegerent of God) and with the title of a 'Nabi' in the Ummat-e-Muhammadiyya, and that there could be many other individuals like him in future as well. 

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

'Nur Ala Nur': A Commentary

The Light Verse in Surah An-Nur (24:36) has attracted much spiritual attention and commentary by eminent scholars and savants of Islam through the centuries, including a famous treatise by Imam Ghazzali (ra). The verse is widely seen as a beautiful metaphor of the profound, transformational impact the Faith in God brings about in the heart of a true believer. The illumination of the pious heart, brought through its God-gifted encounter with the Light of revelatory guidance, is a perfect spiritual promise Allah (swt) vouchsafes to His special servants and Friends in every era (Auliah of Allah). According to some commentators, the Verse alludes to the Divine Light vouchsafed to the Holy Prophet (sa) and his spiritual Khulafa, the Mujaddidin who come in every era of Islam to renew and reform the Muslim Ummah and to guide them on the pristine path of Faith. Indeed, based on the Qur'anic promise of perpetual spiritual guidance and Muhammadan blessings, the advent of a Khalifatullah as an Elect and High Representative of Allah is an occasion when the full brightness and splendour of the Faith becomes visible to the discerning minds- like we witness today in the person of Hazrat Imam Muhyi-ud-Din Al Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim (aba) of Mauritius, Alhamdulillah, Summa Alhamdulillah. 

Reproduced Below is a commentary on the Light Verse made by Promised Messiah Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) of Qadian, in the Barahin-e-Ahmadiyya, Part III: 

The Light of Faith in the Heart of a Servant 

God is the Light of the heavens and earth. His Light is like this: there is a niche, and in it a lamp, the lamp inside a glass, a glass like a glittering star, fuelled from a blessed olive tree from neither east nor west, whose oil almost gives light even when no fire touches it–light upon light– God guides whoever He will to his Light; God draws such comparisons for people; God has full knowledge of everything– shining out in houses of worship. God has ordained that they be raised high and that His name be remembered in them, with men in them celebrating His glory morning and evening: men who are not distracted, a either by commerce or profit, from remembering God, keeping up the prayer, and paying the prescribed alms, fearing a day when hearts and eyes will turn over. God will reward such people according to the best of their actions, and He will give them more of His bounty: God provides limitlessly for anyone He will. (Surah An Nur, 24:36-39)

Sunday, January 26, 2020

'Khalifatullah': A Divine Blessing- III

The Promise of Allah to the Prophet & the Believers

It is by sheer grace of Allah that He has enabled me – armed me with the opportunity, courage and knowledge – to explain this subject to you in more details so that in the century you live in, this present century, you cannot say that you did not receive the message and that nobody gave you explanations, or did not enlighten you on the subject.

So, as the Khalifatullah of this era, I do the work that I have [been ordained] to do, and it is Allah Who guides and directs me to give those very important message because tomorrow when you present yourself before your Creator, you will not be able say you weren’t aware of anything. You will not be able to say, “No one said anything; I did not receive the message.” You will not be able to say this to your Creator! I am doing the work that Allah (swt) has given me, according to divine instruction and now it is up to you to take the responsibility to either accept or reject the message. It is up to you whether you accept it or turn your back on the divine message. Each one of you will be responsible for his action, on the Day of Retribution when each will be accountable to the Creator. In this temporal world, we are all travellers, we are temporary in this world; so we have to think a little bit about the afterlife, because it’s life after death that will be permanent for us.

Now I quote a verse found in Surah An-Nur, the Chapter “The Light” (24: 56), where Allah says: “He will surely establish for them their religion which He has chosen for them”. Similarly in Surah Al-Maida (5: 4), Allah also said, “This day I have perfected for you your religion, and have completed My favour upon you and have approved Islam for you as religion.”

Saturday, January 18, 2020

'Khalifatullah': A Divine Promise- II

The Promise of Allah to the Prophet & the Believers- 2

By the grace of Allah I continue the second part of the sermon that I started last week. It is a very important subject for all of humanity in general and also for all Muslim brothers and sisters around the world as a whole and especially for all Ahmadis in general. If we study Surah An-Nur (Light) correctly, it is indeed a Surah which gives light to all people and especially to all Muslims and to all Ahmadis as well, because Allah (swt ) says:

« Wa’adalluhul lazina aamanuu minkum wa’amiilus-swalihati layastakhli fannahum fil arzi kamastakhlafallazina min qablihim. »

Allah has promised to those of you who believe [in His oneness and His message], and do good works, that He will surely make them Caliphs [Successors or Heirs] on earth, just as He made Caliphs (from among) those who came before them.” (Surah Al-Nur 24 : 56).

So, without a doubt, this is a chapter that projects [gives] extraordinary light, and thus you cannot then say that you do not understand its verses or that you see nothing [of its clear meanings and explanations]. Allah (swt) shows us very clearly that in the Muslim Community also He will send His Caliphs (successors) just as He sent Caliphs in the community of Musa (Moses) (as), such as Harun (Aaron), Yushaa (Joshua), Dawud (David) and Sulaiman (Solomon) - May God’s peace be upon them all, and these Caliphs are even mentioned in the Holy Quran. They are not caliphs elected by man. So, this verse means that there will be caliphs with the same titles as the prophets before [their advent].

In a Hadith found in Mishkat, Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) explains this verse clearly where he says [this is a long Hadith - I only mention part of it]: “Takuunun-nabuwatu fikum mashaa allahu… Summa takuunu khilafatun alaminhajin nabuwat summa takuuno mulkan ‘azzan… Summa takuno alan minhajin nabuwate summa sakata.”

Translation: Prophethood will remain among you as long as it pleases Allah (swt); then the caliphs based on prophethood will be instituted and then there will be the reign of wicked and tyrannical kings ... and then there will come again caliphs based on the system of prophethood [after the prophet]. That’s all. [He stops with these words]. (Mazahir’ul Haq, Vol. IV; pg. 26)

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Despair and Spiritual Hope

The dismal state of contemporary politics 

When it comes to politics, many people are nowadays apprehensive of the future of their very own land as well as that of their generations and the general population of their country. What we see nowadays is that human rights are being forsaken for money politics and the power of the fittest, especially in the corrupted realm.

This is indeed a very delicate topic to develop [like in my Friday Sermons], yet very important, as politics, true unadulterated politics is really important for the good day-to-day running of our society, countrywide as well as worldwide.

Even if good people, with good and clear conscience strive to uproot the bad weeds in society and seek to transform the political world and make it a better place for the good management of the country, but unfortunately they are met with many obstacles in their way. One of these obstacles is money, the power of money, its power to buy the conscience of people and to put aside honesty and morality, and to dance to the tunes of the corrupted. Alas, our society today, in its global view is deteriorating day by day, and the evils of society are becoming rampant to such an extent that law and order also, in many countries of the world are getting corrupted and unable to function properly to defend the best interest of the nation and the world. The people of the world are suffering due to this mismanagement of their individual societies, which in turn have a bad repercussion on the global society.

Muhammad as the ultimately True & Perfect Political Figure

By the grace of God Almighty [Allah], Islam has the necessary measures to transform a society and make it function properly, and all credit goes to Allah Almighty through His commandments through the ages, and which have been perfected in the glorious and perfect book, the Holy Quran, and put into practice by none other than the best and seal of all prophets, Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh).

Saturday, September 22, 2018

The Legacy of Imam Hussein

The evil is dominant and the good can be likened to leftover drops in a drinking bowl. The righteous conduct has become rare and the wrongful behavior is raging. A believer is obliged by his faith to seek truth in all circumstances. Living under a tyrant is disgrace and dying at the hands of an oppressor is true martyrdom”.

                                                                    - Hadhrat Imam Hussein (ra) 

These ringing words of uncommon courage spoken by that grandson of the Holy Prophet (sa), addressing his small band of followers and family members who accompanied him, on the eve of the great tragedy of Karbala, in spiritual defiance of Yezid ibn Muawiya, the accursed- the oppressive ruler of the day- reverberates through Islamic history as the golden standard of religion, politics and morality for all times

As the Holy Prophet (sa) had established the State of Islam in Madina through the famous “Covenant of Madina”- with all peoples/communities expressing their trust (Bai’at) in a just ruler bound by principles of law and a working process of consultation (Shura) with the governed; Islamic political order assured the dignity of man, ensuring the freedom of expression and participation in public affairs both by the elders and the ordinary and the young citizens. It is this egalitarian system of Islamic values and political order that was sought to be defiled and overturned into a dynastic authoritarian order by that licentious prince Yezid in the times of Imam Hussein (ra), setting up that encounter between the despot and the saint. As a man who led a life of pious rectitude engaged in spiritual and academic pursuits in Madina, Imam Hussein (ra) was a conscientious and upright visionary of Islam. Rather than seeking to compromise in the pursuit of chance gains of this life, he thought no sacrifice is great in confronting evil; in upholding foundational Islamic values of justice and resistance to oppression, and chose to embrace the eternal life of a martyr than be a mute spectator to the erosion of valuesBeyond tragic history, the episode of Karbala and the enduring legacy of Imam Hussein (ra) offers powerful opportunities for reflection for all believers in confronting evil that exists around us

In his Friday Sermon of 21 September 2018 (11 Muharram 1440 AH), Hadhrat Muhyi-ud-Din Al Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim Saheb (atba) of Mauritius reminds the Muslims about the fatal flaws that have crept into the community practices surrounding this great legacy; the ultimate futility of empty ritualism and spiritual corruption they are indulging in; and the important lessons the great Imam’s life offers for all of us in these turbulent times.

Read the Extracts from the Friday Sermon: 

Every year, during the month of Muharram, many Muslims mourn the death of Imam Hussein (ra). 

Friday, September 14, 2018

'Khilafat': Ahmadi Misconceptions

Serious misconceptions exist among Ahmadis today about the spiritual status and authority of their 'Khalifatul Massih'. Through an incremental process of  theological engineering in institutional practices over a century of its existence, the Nizam-e-Jamaat manufactured a special spiritual 'aura' around its assembly-elected leader. The institutional role and administrative authority of the office of the Khalifatul Massih has been calibrated into an 'infallible' league of its own, almost as an equivalent of an Elect of God. Today, the carefully-crafted image of 'a leader who enjoys the shadow of Divine protection' has been conferred upon the Caliph by his own sect and as such the title of 'Khalifatul Massih' holds special significance in the mind-space and religious imagination of the folks within. So much so that most members of the Jamaat today swear by a notion that 'Ahmadiyya Khilafat' is the unchanging institutional order of Islam till the Day of Judgement (Qiyamah)

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

'The Khalifa of Islam': Of Titles and Tasks

10 Years of the official proclamation as "Khalifatullah" 

In a special lecture delivered on 27 May 2018, coinciding with the 10th Anniversary of his Divinely-inspired proclamation of 26 May 2008 as the Caliph of God-"Khalifatullah"- the foremost Islamic spiritual personality of this era Hadhrat Munir Ahmad Azim (aba) of Mauritius- Holy Founder of the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam- gives an illuminating discourse on the system of the advent of the Spiritual Heirs of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa) in every era of Islam, to rejuvenate the Faith and to be a practical exemplar of the Holy Tradition/ Islamic Practice in everyday life for the devout. 

The Islamic sacred tradition recognizes the devout savants of the Faith by conferring upon them grand titles: "Khalifa", "Imam", "Mujaddid", "Muhyi-ud-Din", "Sheikh-ul-Islam", "Hujjatul Islam", "Mahdi", "Massih","Ummati-Nabi", etc. Drawing on the Holy Prophet's teachings, and also keeping in view the additional explanations of the Promised Massih (as) in the previous era, Hadhrat Saheb (atba) in his discourse, succinctly summarizes the spiritual doctrine on the purpose of the advent of the Elects of God in every era. Moreover, Hadhrat Saheb (atba) reminds both his enemies and friends of the need to be critically aware of the "mistakes of the past" when peoples and communities have preferred the adulation of the powers that be and ignored perennial Divine teachings and thereby they let go of a precious heritage of sublime faith represented by the advent of a Divine servant among them

Alhamdulillah, the message is of immediate relevance to the Ahmadis of our times- in a context where their elected Khalifatul Massih Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad Saheb has been bereft of Divine illumination. Many devout Ahmadis are now seeking to engage with the larger question of Divine Guidance and revelations with the advent of a Muhyi-ud-Din Al Khalifatullah in this era in the person of Hadhrat Munir Azim Saheb of Mauritius (atba), Soumma Alhamdulillah.

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

‘Qadian is Dead’, says Fourth Khalifa

Qadian- seat of the Promised Massih (as)

Qadian’s spiritual significance lies in the fact that it was once inhabited by a servant of God- a human soul deeply immersed in the Divine waters. Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as), whom the Ahmadi Muslims consider as the Promised Massih and Imam Mahdi of the Later Days, lived there in the last century. For the followers of the ‘Promised Massih’, Qadian is thus a sacred space where much of the events pertaining to the life and spiritual experiences and Divine revelations and Signs of God associated with the holy founder of the community originally took place. 

Moreover, the social history of Ahmadiyya community in the last century also evolved from Qadian, including the famous institutionalization of a system of successor-ship in the Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya known as the “Khilafat” in May 1908, following the death of the Promised Massih (as). 

Likewise, the intellectual tensions associated with the interpretational differences over doctrinal matters leading to the Great Split in the community also evolved and took shape in Qadian in the aftermath of the death of the founder and later, after the first caliph Hazrat Maulvi Hakkim Nooruddin Saheb (ra), leading to the separation of a segment of the Community based out of Lahore under the leadership of Hazrat Maulvi Muhammad Ali SahebHowever, the majority of Ahmadis at that point of time showed preference to work with the second caliph, Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmad Saheb (ra) (1914-1965) who went on to preside over the community over half a century, at a critical stage in the fortunes of the community's organizational framework. 

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

19 April 2003: A Memoir

19th April 2003 is an important day in the annals of Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya (Qadian). It was on this day that the reigning caliph of the Jamaat, Khalifatul Massih IV Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad [1928-2003], passed away in London, UK. For devout Ahmadis, the day marked the end of an era within the ‘Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya’ system established after the death and departure of Promised Messiah Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) [1835-1908] almost a century back in Qadian, India. An important phase in the succession saga of spiritual leadership in the Ahmadiyya community, the Day marks a time of  transition from one caliph to another elected by the assembly of the Ahmadis. Indeed, as is widely known,  the Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya went on to elect and appoint yet another caliph in their 'Majlis Shura', in succession to the deceased fourth caliph, the fifth Khalifatul Massih Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad on 23 April 2003, marking continuity of leadership. 

Perhaps less widely-noticed, yet a very vital, parallel development also took shape on that eventful day of 19 April 2003. Far away from London, half way across the world, in the Indian Ocean-bound island state of Mauritius, an Ahmadi who believed in the divine mission of the promised Messiah (as), a man who claimed the authority of divine revelations, began accepting Bai’at at his hands from the Ahmadis, stating that he has been bestowed with spiritual titles, including as Hazrat Amir'ul Mu'mineen of this era. Hence, many Ahmadi followers of the new Divinely-raised Muhyiuddin relate the day with the formal inaugural of a new system of ‘Khilafat’ among the Ahmadis, heralding the advent of a Divine Manifestation among the Ahmadis in this era, Alhamdulillah, Allah-u-Akbar!

Sunday, June 5, 2016

The Mission of a 'Khalifatullah'

2016 May 26 marks the eighth anniversary of an important event in the annals of Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam. A proclamation issued by  Hadhrat Muhyi-ud-Din Munir Ahmad Azim Saheb (atba) of Mauritius on this day eight years ago, contained an important- very very important- news for the entire world, especially for all devout Muslims. Through this Declaration, Hadhrat Saheb (atba) agreed very clearly and categorically that he is indeed being raised by God Almighty as a Khalifatullah. The spiritual import of this event is that it is the very fulfillment of a grand prophecy in our times. For, the promise of God contained in the Qur'an is for true believers in all ages- that Allah (swt) shall raise His servants as Caliphs in every era to guide and lead the community of believers in the path of righteousness and spiritual elevation, by providing them temporal guidance and spiritual leadership. 

Reproduced below is a special speech delivered by the Khalifatullah (atba) on the occasion of the eighth Anniversary. 

The Divine Promise on Khilafat 

Allah has promised to those among you who believe and do good works that He will surely make them Successors in the earth, as He made Successors (from among) those who were before them; and that He will surely establish for them their religion which He has chosen for them; and that He will surely give them in exchange security and peace after their fear: They will worship Me, and they will not associate anything with Me. Then whoever is ungrateful after that, they will be among the rebels. (Quran, Chapter An-Nur, 24: 56)

Yester night (26 May 2016) by the grace of Allah, marked the 8th year since I received from Allah the title of Khalifatullah officially whereby Allah gave me the instruction to stand up and proclaim my mission as Khalifatullah (the Caliph of Allah) and on this occasion my disciples through the divine instructions happily came forward to take the Bai’at (the oath of allegiance) from the hand of the Khalifatullah of this era. In this regard, I wish to address some words to the world on the mission of a Khalifatullah and invite you all to come forward so that together we may work together through the divine instructions to redress the situation of Islam in the world and bring back the lost souls to the fold of Allah, the True and Unique Rab (Master, Lord).

Thursday, November 26, 2015

The Theology of Ahmadiyya ‘Khilafat’

Today, the "mainstream" Nizam-e-Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya is guilty of gross exaggeration of their assembly-selected leadership known as the office of "Khalifatul Massih". The 'deification' of 'Khilafat' in general and that of the reigning 'Khalifa' of the Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya is of stunning proportions. So much so that anyone who is familiar with the community would be astonished with the perceptional transformation on spiritual questions achieved by the 'Ahmadi' leaders and scholars for themselves. 

The theological engineering done by Ahmadi Ulema to exaggerate the importance of the office of "Khalifatul Massih" is apparent for discerning observers. Consider the Arabic term “Khalifa”. It is generally translated as ‘vicegerent’ or ‘deputy’. The basic meaning of 'khalifa' is ‘successor’In the Holy Qur’an, one can see several verses that speak about generations and individuals who are successors to each other. For instance: [6:166], [7:130]. According to the Qur’an, ‘Khalifa’ can also be a ‘trustee’ to whom a responsibility is temporarily given. Holy Qur'an tells us that Haroon (as) was the ‘Khalifa’ of Musa (as) when the latter journeyed to His Lord for a period of Forty Nights under special Divine instructions. 

The Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya and its Ulema today only speak about the assembly-selected "Khalifa", ignoring the Qur'an's larger message and subtle nuances. This is the "permanent arrangement"of spiritual leadership they foresee and envision for  themselves till the end of times/ Day of Judgement. In his Friday sermon of May 29, 2015 Khalifatul Massih Mirza Masroor Ahmad Sahib spoke about the question of Ahmadiyya Khilafat in the same lines and looked upon all the material riches on the community as the 'Divine favour' on promise in the Later Days. Despite the acknowledgement of moral decadence among Ahmadis, they do not expect any Divine Elect to rise up and correct them on their mistakes. 

True spiritual vision of the Qur'an and Sunnat Allah is lost out in the mundane calculations and fallible imaginations of the Nizamis: Allah does what He Will, He raises up whoever He wishes, wherever He will, especially when such ideas gain credence among people to destroy the edifice of Tawhid. 

In a recently published book entitled "Towards the Understanding of Prophethood & the Fallacy of Hypocrites", written by the Divine Elect of our times, Imam Muhyi-ud-Din Al Khalifatullah Hadhrat Munir Ahmad Azim Saheb (atba) of Mauritius, the issue of Ahmadiyya Khilafat has been put into perspective. 

In the ebb and flow of human life and the fortune of communities all through history, trajectories of Divine favour can take different shapes and forms, but all human institutions fail and there is no alternative to 'Divine guidance as true guidance'. Truth seekers cannot avoid or evade the issue anymore: the perspective on "Khilafat" presented by the Khalifatullah (atba) is very persuasive and will appeal to the intelligence and heart of every fair-minded person, the arguments being theologically and rationally sound; Qur'anically based, historically-informed and sociologically- accurate
Read the Extracts from the Book: 

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Decadence of the Ahmadi Mullahs

Forbidden to you is that which dies of itself, and blood, and flesh of swine, and that on which any other name than that of Allah has been invoked, and the strangled (animal) and that beaten to death, and that killed by a fall and that killed by being smitten with the horn, and that which wild beasts have eaten, except what you slaughter, and what is sacrificed on stones set up (for idols) and that you divide by the arrows; that is a transgression. This day have those who disbelieve despaired of your religion, so fear them not, and fear Me. This day have I perfected for you your religion and completed My favour on you and chosen for you Islam as a religion; but whoever is compelled by hunger, not inclining wilfully to sin, then surely Allah is Forgiving, Merciful. (5: 4)

It is unfortunate that since the beginning of the Divine Manifestation in 2001 until today, we have witnessed all kinds of mullahs in the Ahmadiyya Jamaat. With the Divine Manifestation we saw the true face of these so-called mullahs. Nowadays we are seeing a so-called Mullah like Basharat Naveed who has been tolerated by a so-called Amir to say such serious foolishness which hurt those people who do Service to Humanity, (and in this particular case) a sister who has believed in this humble self and the Divine Manifestation who has expressed the wish to save the life of her sister, and she sacrificed all to go to the UK to donate Stem Cells to her sister Shirine Ben Taujoo, who is the sister-in-law and niece of the present Amir Jamaat in Mauritius. 

A sister who, come what may wanted to save the life of her sister. She disregarded the fact that she was previously boycotted in many of the engagement, wedding and familial functions. She did not think about all these boycotts when the question came to save the life of her sister Shirine Ben Taujoo. And it is fact that due to her belief in someone who has proclaimed himself as the Khalifatullah of this era, in a Divine Manifestation, therefore this donation of Stem Cells was done by her only for the cause of Allah, and with lots of duahs also.

What kind of Mullah Basharat Naveed is to give such reply? He is automatically classified as such Mullahs who were prophesised by Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) who will appear in the last days, and who will be like pigs and monkeys.

The Holy Prophet (pbuh) said: A time will come when people of my Ummah will begin to differ and there will be very great and fundamental differences of opinions and the common people would go to the Ulema to seek guidance from them and lo!, they would find instead of Ulema, monkeys and pigs”.

They fix great “Love for All, Hatred for None” signboards for the eyes of people, but they manifest hatred against the members of the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam, National and International. Shame! What they say is not put into practice. Analyze that Hadith well and read the Holy Quran and see what Hazrat Dawud (as) and Hazrat Isa (as) have said for these kinds of people. The former was a Khalifatullah and the other was the Israelite Messiah. Thus, we see that this Hadith does not apply only to those who have abused the Promised Messiah (as) but this also applies for the Ahmadi Mullahs of our era.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Ahmadis: Mundane Wealth as Divine Favour


It is sad that we (people) are nowadays more materialistic and running after mundane favours and have let go of spiritual favours. If today we find ourselves in the Jamaat of Hazrat Massih Ma’ud (as), where there is a representative of the caliph (Amir) who is talking of mundane favours in a Jalsa Salana, and wherein he said that Allah (swt) has bestowed a lot of favours upon us the Ahmadis, such favours which we did not have long ago.

He stated that long ago there were only one or two cars in the yard of Daras Salaam (Mosque), and now there is not enough place in the yard of the Mosque to park the cars. He went on to say that today we have received more favours whereby we have now (in our households) washing machines, rice cookers etc. This Amir takes such types of favours as great favours, but let me tell him that these kind of favours, even the unbelievers/infidels have these, even more, the other Jamaats (in Islam) who do not believe in Hazrat Massih Ma’ud (as) also have received those kinds of favours, even more (than the Ahmadis).

When you see that an Amir of the Jamaat of Hazrat Massih Ma’ud (as) is making such speeches, this is an indication how much the teachings of Islam, and especially Ahmadiyyat, which was supposed to represent the true Islam, has been trampled under the feet/crushed in the hands of these so-called chiefs of the Jamaat. The Amir of Favour speaks on mundane favours, but what do Allah, His Rasul (saw) and the religion of Islam in general mean by ‘favour’?

Saturday, September 21, 2013

The Divine Khilafat and Nubuwwat-II

In the modern world, the Muslims have a national presence in almost all the countries, whether as the majority or as a minority community. Yet, the fact is that the Muslim Ummah is caught up in the cauldron of political and economic imperialism of the outside forces, everywhere. They can’t see any Messiah arising among them to redeem their predicament. Yet, the latent consciousness within them suggests that navigating through the troubled waters of the modern age is almost impossible without the leadership of someone immersed in the Divine waters. In the quest for a spiritual solution to meet the guidance imperative of our times, the religious scholars are searching for the practical embodiment of the idea of Khilafat.

Yet, the religious divines are grossly divided among themselves and are unable to rise above sectarian differences. Even when they elect a man to preside over their affairs, the man is unable to give them the requisite spiritual and material advice as he himself is bereft of Divine guidance in the absence of nourishing Divine revelations. As the Islamic ideal of Divine Khilafat is based on the precept of Nubuwwat, the declaration of Khatme Nubuwwat” (end of Messengership) by the general Muslims and the declaration of Khatme Massih Maoud” by the Ahmadis, mean that they are unable to recognize the Divine Khilafat when it is established by Allah (twa). In his Friday Sermon of September 20, 2013 the Khalifatullah Hadhrat Munir Ahmad Azim Sahib (atba) of Mauritius profoundly reflects upon the problems and perils of man-elected Khilafat systems that the Muslim Ulema and the various sects are conjuring up and devising for themselves.

Read the Extracts from the Friday Sermon: