Showing posts with label Ummat-e-Wahida. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ummat-e-Wahida. Show all posts

Sunday, January 15, 2023

Unity of the Muslim Ummah- 2


Reaching for Unity (Pt.2)


Alhamdulillah, Summa Alhamdulillah, I shall continue to expound today in my sermon about the Unity of the Ummah, and why the community of Muslim believers cannot bring itself to unite while the non-believers are successfully uniting themselves in their common goals.


So, the third cause…




Disagreement among the people of truth does not arise from lack of zeal and aspiration, nor does union among the people of misguidance arise from loftiness of aspiration. Rather disagreement among the people of truth arises from their misuse of high aspiration, and union among the people of misguidance arises from the weakness and impotence that come from lack of aspiration. What impels the people of guidance to the misuse of their high aspiration - and hence to disagreement, and rivalry - is the desire for heavenly reward that is counted as a praiseworthy quality in the Hereafter.


It is even recorded in authentic traditions of the Holy Prophet that at the End of Time the truly pious among the Christians will unite with the people of the Quran and fight their common enemy, i.e. irreligion. Then the people of religion and truth will sincerely unite not only with the truly pious and spiritual ones among the Christians, but with all classes of pious and sincere people refraining from the discussion and debate of points of difference in order to combat their joint enemy, i.e. aggressive atheism.

Thursday, January 12, 2023

'Ummah': Unity in Diversity


In his Friday Sermon of 30 December 2022~ 06 Jamadi’ul Aakhir 1444 AH, Imam-Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam International Hazrat Muhyiuddin Al Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim (aba) of Mauritius begins a series of reflections on forging unity within the global Muslim Ummah. As the existential conditions of the Muslims around the world are characterized by deep diversity- languages, races, regions, nations and peoples, etc.-and the Ummah is virtually split into numerous sects and factions, with each group claiming monopoly over the Truth; formidable challenges confront the tasks of Muslim unity.

Through this discourse, Hazrat Muhyiuddin (aba) addresses this vital question of Islamic unity by calling attention to the foundational guidance of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa) on the role of sincerity and humility in religious relations. People are prone to 'worship' their own ideas and inherited notions, customs and practices; preferring their own position, wealth and power and other passions of the self. On the other hand, overcoming the inclinations of the self and preferring others to one's own dictates is the path to spiritual progress and God realization. For the sake of Divine approval and pleasure over the Ummah as a whole- rather than seeking fringe benefits and cheap sectarian victories-, people have a strong basis in religious sincerity and humility for remaining united for collective welfare and attracting Divine blessings, points out Hazrat Saheb (aba).   

Sunday, September 12, 2021

'Ummah': Reforming Self & Society


The Perfect Evolution & Revolution of the Ummah 

Our beloved prophet Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) had one worry which kept him awake during the nights in prayers to Allah (twt). He used to worry a lot for the progress and the quality of his community (Ummah). “O Allah, my Ummah, my Ummah!” [Ya Rabbi, Ummati!], he used to supplicate. This is indeed the call and slogan of love of this beloved prophet of ours (pbuh); his deep love for his Ummah caused him to always call out in his prayers to Allah - “Ummati, Ummati”. 

From the abhorrence of disbelief and ignorance, this noble prophet (pbuh) led them to a perfect state of belief, and for that, they had to undergo several trials which transformed them into staunched [firm] believers. 

When in Islamic terms we talk about the evolution and revolution of the Ummah, it is not like we will lift up armaments to fight against the world and bring them back to the fold of the Unicity of Allah with force, that is, with the fear of swords, or guns or any other killer weapon for that matter. This revolution should not be understood in the worldly way but more in the spiritual way.       

As a Muslim and Khalifatullah of this age, as the Chosen Servant of Allah and the humble follower of Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh), it is my duty in this era to bring you out from your state of Nafs-e-Ammara [Animalistic State] to bring you step by step to the Mutmaina Stage [where you are completely pleased with Allah and Allah is completely pleased with you].

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Khalifatullah: Guardian of the Faith

Each time Allah (swt) sends His Caliph (Khalifatullah) on earth, people refuse to accept him; they not only refuse to accept him but they also make all sorts of evil plans to stop him from spreading the message of His Creator. In the message he gives there is protection for humanity, to safeguard the true faith and guide them towards (the worship of) only the Unique God. He also shows them the path which shall lead them to the Unique God. Unfortunately, through their arrogance and ignorance, they persist in worshipping the idol/idols of their own making.

A Khalifatullah is a guardian of the Tawhid (unicity of Allah) in a particular/special way. Allah (swt) has fulfilled His promise after Nabi Kareem (pbuh) where there were the Khulafa-e-Rashideen and after the Promised Messiah (as), there were the Khulafa-e-Massih; but like Allah (swt) has promised in the Holy Quran, in Surah An-Nur, Chapter 24, Verset 56, those who have faith and do good deeds as per the commandments of Allah, and who follow the divine instructions as to how to obtain (true) faith and who obey Allah (swt) in the performance of good deeds – whereby these shall be reflected in their deeds – then Allah shall establish them as His representatives, Khalifatullah on earth like He did with those who came before them. And moreover Allah shall reinforce for them their religion which He has perfected and loved for them and He shall transform their fear into security.

Verily, this promise (and actual materialization of that promise) is a divine gift to the sincere believers who have firm faith in the unicity of Allah, who have Taqwa (fear for Allah only) and not fear for creature/s. They worship Allah only and do not associate anything to Him in this worship. Their love for Allah (swt) is infinite and they are always ready to lay down their lives for the cause of Allah.

A Khalifatullah is a guardian for everybody; he becomes their heart and brain and whenever the Khalifatullah sees a sprout (the manifestation) of Shirk, he eliminates it. A Khalifatullah also does not worry about what the world may think of him – either positive or negative. He trusts that in such situations of negativity (against his person), Allah (swt) shall always help him (His Khalifatullah) for it is Allah who has chosen and raised him.

With the advent of a Khalifatullah, what has transpired in the past in the times of the Khalifatul-Massih, Insha-Allah, with the help of Allah, the Khalifatullah shall not permit that all these mistakes be repeated in the Jamaat wherein the Khalifatullah is found! And I, as the Khalifatullah of this era, I make this firm announcement that wherever there is the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam in the world, we shall not let innovations and Shirk enter the Jamaat. If ever these exist in the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam, that I am not aware of, then (after taking knowledge of it) I cannot let these kinds of Bai’ats remain attached to me as the Khalifatullah of this age; I cannot let Shirk and innovations etc. enter the Jamaat. For me personally, I would prefer that these kinds of people break their Bai’ats and this shall not affect me. If someone becomes Murtad, Allah (swt) shall enable hundred pious and sincere people, Muwahid to enter the fold of the Jamaat (Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam).