The Mysterious & Wonderful Realm of Divine Revelations and the Advent of a Messenger of Allah
'It is not granted to any mortal that Allah should speak to him except through revelation or from behind a veil, or by sending a messenger (angel) to reveal by His command what He wills: He is Exalted and Wise.' (Ash-Shuraa, 42: 52)
Since the dawn of time, it has been Sunnatullah,
i.e. the practice of Allah to guide His servants through His revelations and
inspirations. These divine signs are manifested in many forms on the Chosen
Servants of Allah, especially the prophets and those very near and dear to Him,
those to whom He grants such blessings to reinforce their faith, and which also
serves to increase the faith of others.
In this era of Divine Manifestation like the previous
eras of Divine Light, in the Darkened Night of Despair, Allah has sent to you
all a Messenger, His Own Caliph and Representative to act on His behalf to all
mankind, to bring you all to Him with a purified soul.
The Messenger of Allah is such a recipient which is empty of himself and filled instead with Allah’s Will. The ego, the passion disappears to reflect the Will of Allah. While being humane and weak, yet Allah couples his weaknesses with His might, grants him the treasures of heart to heart communication with Him.
[Huzur explained further that this heart to heart communication is
a reality which not many people understand. He mentioned one ex-disciple of his
who used to understand the concept of heart to heart communications. That
ex-disciple understood the heart-to-heart communication which happened between
the Khalifatullah and the late Sai Baba when the Khalifatullah related to him
this great phenomenon. Then Huzur unveiled the actual conversation which
happened between the Sai Baba and him during his visit in India, in Puttaparthy
back in the year 2005. He said that he told Sai Baba in this state of heart to
heart communication:
are taking yourself as God and letting people believe that you are God. You
must proclaim that you are not so [You must deny the fact that you are God].
Then Sai Baba said: “Who are you to tell me this, to tell me what to do? I will
not say anything!” Then the Muhyiuddin said: “I am the Messenger of Allah” Then
the late Sai Baba said: “What sign do you have to prove that you are the
Messenger of Allah?” And just then while Sai Baba was seated, the cloth which
covered his two feet blew away and revealed him handicapped and having compact
little feet in a wheelchair! –
While many prophets received revelations exclusively
from the Angels of Revelations, but there are also prophets like Hazrat Musa
(as) and our Beloved Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) who also received directly contact
with Allah where Allah in some cases spoke directly to them without the
intervention of the angels. That is why is Hazrat Musa (as) is the first to be
known as the Kalimatullah (the one to whom Allah speaks) although it is
widely known that our forefather and prophet Adam (as) was also spoken to
directly by Allah before his actual appointment as Khalifatullah to the world. This
favour was also bestowed upon Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) and this was heightened
during his spiritual journey (Isra wal Miraj) to Allah in the month of
Rajab. His status became then clear to one and all of the lofty position he had
in the eyes of Allah.
Divine Revelations are such lights which make the soul
of man live again. It awakens the Sirr (his inner heart) to Allah, and
Allah communicates with him. Many saints of Islam and even the prophets and
saintly personalities before the advent of Islam received the gift of Divine
Revelations. Some call it Wahy, some call it Ilham, though both
words connotes nearly the same meaning. But the basis of these is the Divine
thread controlling them. Whether the Angel of Revelations Hazrat Jibreel (as)
is despatched from Allah to His special prophets and messengers, but those
special envoys are also enlightened by speech from Allah from time to time to
distinguish them from the rest of humanity.
Most fortunate of them who become Kalimatullah,
who though they are blessed with the Ruh’ul Quddus (Holy Spirit), but
they are at the same time blessed by direct connection with the Thoroughly
Blessed Being of Allah Who has Blessed Himself and He it is Who is Most Perfect
as Being without whom there would have been no creation. He was already there,
then everything else became into existence with His command “KUN” (Be). He said “Kun” and “Fayakun” (the thing or person decreed took
existence). His Pure Existence, His Immaculate Presence was poured into each of
His creations, as a manifestation from Him. The Angels received Light from His
Light and were made sinless and messengers to mankind and controllers of the
affairs of the universe and the after-world by the Will of Allah – doing all
the Works assigned to them within the System and Order established by Allah.
The Word of Allah is what drives a revelation to His
servant, Kun (Be!) – Kun Fayakun (Be! And it is! – it
manifests and comes into existence). Allah wants to convey to mankind:
“I have created you, O mankind! Why do you then
worship others who are just as temporary as you on this flimsy world? You
hanker after the world, yet you want salvation. Do what you have been told
through My Messengers! Set yourselves free of yourselves***. Break free
from the clutches of the Satans who seek to separate Me from you, and you from
yourselves. Yet if you look deep inside, you will find Me ever ready to forgive
you, and show you the way to Me. I am Your Lord, and Best Friend. I cannot let
go of you for you are dear to Me. As long as you seek forgiveness from Me, I
will continue to forgive you. You are that part of Me which needs to return to
Me, Mine and Myself…” (To be continued)
[***Huzur explained that this was indeed a great
revelation, a great saying [of Allah] when He said that His servants need to
detach them from themselves. They should be egoless, selfless, getting rid of
all passions because this body and soul of ours is the property of Allah].
He was 63 years old (Born on 01 August 1960) and an
active and devoted disciple of mine working hard to propagate the Divine
Message throughout Madagascar. Since few months he fell seriously ill and
requested for prayers. He has always been an example of obedience and devotion
to the Divine Cause, never ceasing to make repeated efforts to build and
improve the Mosque of Allah under His responsibility and sought my guidance and
help whenever possible. Through thick and thin he was ever ready to sacrifice
his time for the works of Deen-e-Islam. His smiling face reflected the Noor
(Light) of Allah. Alhamdulillah.
After the Salat’ul Jummah, we will perform his Salat’ul
Janaza Ghaib (in absentia), Insha-Allah.
----Friday Sermon of 28 April 2023 ~07 Shawwal 1444 AH delivered by Imam-Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam International Hazrat Khalifatullah Munir A. Azim (aba) of Mauritius.