Sunday, September 8, 2024

'Preach Islam through Good Deeds'


The Duahs of the Holy Prophet (sa) & The Promise of Allah- Part 5

'O you who believe! Remember Allah with much remembrance. And glorify Him morning and evening. It is He Who blesses you, as do His angels, to get you out of darkness into light, and He has always been Merciful to the believers. Their greeting on the Day they meet Him will be, “Peace!” And He has prepared for them an honourable reward. O Prophet, We have sent you as a Witness and a Bearer of glad tidings and a Warner, as one who calls people to Allah by His leave, and as a light-giving lamp. Give good news to the believers that they will have a great bounty from Allah. Do not obey the disbelievers and the hypocrites. Overlook their annoyances, and put your trust in Allah. For Allah is sufficient to take care of all matters.'  (Surah Al-Ahzab 33: 42-49)

Alhamdulillah, Summa Alhamdulillah, I am continuing the fifth part of my Friday sermon concerning the invocations of our beloved Prophet and the promises that Allah has made to us through him.


Considering that idolatry exists everywhere in the world and has spread rapidly, it is a great grace from Allah that He has not made us idolaters or atheists. Neither idolatry nor atheism is good. However, there is a fundamental point to highlight between the two. In idolatry, although people take other objects of worship besides Allah, they believe that there is some divine power that controls them and this universe. Unfortunately, they associate other deities with Allah, believing that Allah is not powerful enough to do all this alone and that He needs partners in His work and worship.


On the other hand, atheists do not believe in the existence of God at all, whether it is a single God or various idols that others pray to. They cannot conceive that there is a Divine Being Who controls us and His entire creation.


We are indeed fortunate that Allah has not made us idolaters or atheists. For those whom Allah does not guide, they will find no guide, and those whom Allah guides are truly fortunate. Allah has granted us all free will and has given all His creatures equal opportunities to find the path of truth. He has sent prophets upon prophets, messengers upon messengers, books upon books, and has shown many of His signs so that each people (nation), each person, regardless of the faith they were born into, can find their way to Islam.


However, it is an exceptional gift for Muslims who are born into Islam, into Muslim families; it is an invaluable gift that we have received. But within this also lies a great test. If Muslims fail in their duties towards Allah, their punishment will be doubled, much more than that of people from other religions, because they, the Muslims, have received everything in their hands. Yet, what do they do? They close their eyes to Allah’s signs; they shut the door to divine grace despite Allah’s promise to continue sending His grace in the form of His prophets – even if they are non-law-bearing prophets.


Thus, this is a very grievous matter in the eyes of Allah that whenever He sends His signs and His favours, the Muslims, who should believe more in these signs, close the door and window of their hearts to not receive this divine light, this much-awaited guidance.


However, Allah has not completely rejected His other human creatures. It is true that, for now, there are those who continue to be drawn to the pleasures of this worldly life and do not turn towards Allah to pray to Him exclusively. But a day will come when some people will undergo a transformation in their soul and faith, recognizing this one true God. At that moment, they will cease to associate other false gods with the true God – ALLAH.


Therefore, in this context of faith, there is a difference between a member of Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam and another who is not part of the Divine Manifestation of this century. A Sahih al Islam – if he remains steadfast in his faith, sincere, and not hypocritical – will not become an unbeliever because he has witnessed the signs of Allah. When he remains firm in his position, Allah will continue to manifest His signs upon him.


In every major problem, every difficulty we face, we observe the sign of Allah, we see His manifestation; and each of us has the capacity to recognize how Allah has manifested Himself upon us.


If you, the members of Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam, have been granted the favour of recognizing divine signs in this era, consider it your duty now to share what you have witnessed with the world. Preach the word of Allah – the Quran, as well as the teachings of our beloved Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh), and encourage people to follow his Sunnat (practices).


In this era, you also have the responsibility to share the divine revelations that Allah is revealing to His humble servant – His Khalifa (Caliph) [Khalifatullah] – so that you may be counted in the eyes of Allah as those who spread the divine light in the world. A light from Allah has appeared in this world, and through your connection with this light, you too become a light and spread this light everywhere. You, my sincere disciples, are the stars that illuminate the night of ignorance. You bring the light of divine knowledge into the world and demonstrate that it is Allah alone who deserves to be worshipped.


Therefore, when you preach, Allah’s “portrait” (metaphorically speaking) [His Image, viz., His Essence] must be reflected in your inner mirror; otherwise, all your proofs will have no effect on people. First, you must become a Mubasshir (bearer of good news), and then a Nazir (warner). That is, be a bearer of good news first, and then a warner. You must warn them of all kinds of dangers that await them and advise them on the problems in society.

'Blame Game' in the World


Nowadays, there are significant debates and discussions among politicians and other individuals regarding the question, “Why are crime, drugs, and theft becoming so rampant?” One political party accuses its adversary, while the opposition blames the government, claiming that “it is due to your political system that all these problems are arising.” This is what we call in English “the blame game”. Each party places the blame on the other.


Today, we also see this “blame game” in the context of the Palestine and Israel issue. Each side is pointing fingers at the other. No one wants to take responsibility. They see the suffering of one group of people but fail to recognize the suffering of the other. They feel the pain of those who share their faith but do not empathize with those who do not share their faith.

Islamic Ethics of Resistance against Oppression


If we think as Muslims and humans, as Islam preaches, as Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) preached, then if all Muslims had the essence of Islam in their hearts, they would understand the great wisdom of Islam, which stipulates that in a war – when war is declared – neither women, nor children, nor the elderly, nor plantations should be destroyed.


However, we find that even some Muslims do not respect this code of conduct as commanded by Allah and His Prophet (pbuh). The Muslims of Palestine have endured nearly a century – 75 years – without rights; neither human rights nor rights as citizens of their own country. Others have come to oppress them in their own land where they once lived peacefully. But today, after 75 years of suffering, the world should not be surprised that Muslims are now defending themselves. Yet, it is the innocent who suffer the most in this war!


As Allah has repeatedly promised, the Ummah must unite under the banner of Tawheed (Unicity of Allah) and follow His instructions. Insha-Allah, the victory He has promised – if Muslims fulfil their part of the conditions – is very near.


Muslims must now firmly keep in mind that they should not debase themselves like animals and commit cruelties against women, children, the elderly, and plantations, for Allah does not favour those who transgress limits. It is true that today, the media plays a very negative role, controlling the narrative of this war by implanting false images in people’s minds and creating fake news to incite one group against another. This is a very serious matter, and Muslims – the administration of Muslims worldwide – must ensure that they do not commit the same mistakes as the enemies of Islam.


As I mentioned in my previous sermons, Islam is the Deen of the middle path. A people should not remain subjected to torture, just as in the time of Hazrat Musa (as) when Pharaoh committed all sorts of excesses against them, subjecting them to domination and misery. Hazrat Musa (as) taught them how to raise their voices against injustice and take their destiny into their own hands.


On the other hand, when the followers of Hazrat Musa (as) had, over centuries, developed a strong spirit of vengeance, Hazrat Isa (as) came to calm this spirit and teach them mercy. Later, when Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) came with the Quran as the final Book of Law, the Divine Law emphasized the need for a balanced approach. One must assess the situation and act accordingly.


Today, there is a lot of false news being spread. I urge Muslims to remain vigilant and to verify information thoroughly before sharing it. Ensure that the information is accurate.


Remember that not all Jews, Christians, or people of other faiths are bad. There are good individuals among them, just as not all Muslims are good. There are many who misuse Islam as a cover to dominate the innocent.


Take the example of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), where even a Jew, a Christian, and a Pagan felt safe with him because they knew that Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) was a just person who would administer justice. Even if he had to condemn a Muslim for his misconduct, he would do so without hesitation.


In this era, Allah has sent His Khalifatullah, following in the footsteps of Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh). I call upon Muslims to defend themselves against their enemies, but without committing excesses beyond what Allah and His Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) have permitted. The greatest weapon is prayer (duah). It is the most powerful weapon in the world, more potent (powerful) than any atomic, nuclear, or biological bomb. Only the Ulul-al-Baab (those endowed with understanding) know how to use this weapon properly, and Allah truly knows the state of His servants. He is manifesting, and will continue to manifest, His signs so that the Muslim world understands that when the opportune time for the victory of Islam comes, nothing and no one can prevent it from happening.


But let me tell you something. Just as the Jews and even the Christians were once a people beloved by Allah, remember, O Muslims, that you too must fulfil Allah’s conditions. All of you – all of us – must be united. Remember well that even if the world does not understand or seek to understand Islam, the party of Allah will certainly triumph over the party of Satan. It is the trust in Allah and the unity of all Muslims – without any internal conflict – that can bring about this great spiritual revolution in the world.


Reflect on all the conflicts you have witnessed since the beginning of this century, from the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century – and during this new century – the 15th century Hijri. We have seen Satan’s plan take shape, where a scheme has been established to eradicate Islam from the world.


Today, after 23 years, we have observed how the situation has worsened for Muslims, where Satan and his armies are seeking to exterminate Islam from all sides. Whether they are Jews, Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, or other idolaters, they have united in their efforts to eradicate Islam because they all know that Islam is the truth and represents a threat to them. They desire to become the masters of the world and are aware that Islam and Muslims have the potential to overthrow them. Thus, a lesson they have learned from Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) and are now applying against Muslims is “Unity is Strength”.


Therefore, the time has come for Muslims to open their eyes and realize what is happening to them, what is happening to us. It is no longer a matter of saying, “Oh, you are Sunni, you are Wahhabi, you are Tabligh-e-Jamaat, you are Shia, you are Ahmadiyya”, etc. Today, what is important is that we all stand firm on LAA ILAAHA ILLALLAH MUHAMMADUR RASULULLAH. And we all lend a unified helping hand for the final victory of Islam.


Be witness, O my brothers, sisters, and children around the world. Allah has sent me – His Khalifatullah – to deliver this message of unity to you – to unite you. It is in unity that you will find your benefit, the benefit of Islam as a whole. Together we are strong, separated we are broken. Anyone can harm us when we are divided.


Therefore, preach Islam through your actions, defend yourselves with the weapons of Allah – your Salat, Duahs, Tilawat-e-Quran, and Zikr. You may be weak, but Allah is strong. How many small armies have defeated great armies in the past by the will of Allah! Do not fear in such situations. Fight with courage. If the enemy attacks you, defend yourselves and seek the help of Allah. Do not be discouraged in your trials. Allah will soon reward you for your patience. Remember that this world is very temporary and what is with Allah is eternal. He knows what the hearts contain, and the plans of the Satans are not powerful enough to overcome Allah’s power. When Allah blows on them, they will be exterminated. No matter how many weapons they invent, Allah’s weapons and His power are far greater. And when Allah’s plan is set in motion, all those dominators and those who have supported them will be exterminated. Soon the world will witness a new dawn, a new day – a new dawn of victory. A true Laila-tul-Qadr. Insha-Allah, Ameen.


I conclude with this prayer 

[Inspired by Allah with English Translation]:


Ya Allah, Rabbi Habli Ummati, Rabbi Habli Ummati ! 

Allahumma jal-Haazal Islam, Deen-ul-Islam, wal Deen-ul-Muttaqi. 

Ya Arhamur Raahimeen Farij anil Muslimeen, 

Ya Arhamur Raahimeen Farij anil Deen-i-Islamiyya, 

Ya Arhamur Raahimeen Farij anil Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam fil Islam, 

Sahih al Islam wal Jamaat-ul-Muttaqi, wal Jamaat-ul-Mubarak.

Allahumma Thabbitna alal-Haqq, alal Tawheed, alal Iman, alal Islam, Sahih al Islam. Ameen.


O Allah, O my Lord, Grant me my Ummah! Grant me my Ummah! [as a Victorious Ummah, a Forgiven Ummah, an enriched pious Ummah] 

O Allah! Make this Islam, Deen of Islam, a Deen of the Righteous, of the Pious and God-fearing. 

O the Most Merciful of those who show mercy, have mercy on the Muslims – on those who submit to You. 

O the Most Merciful of those who show mercy, have mercy on the Deen-e-Islam, O the Most Merciful of those who show mercy, have mercy on the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam within Islam, Sahih al Islam; make it a Jamaat of the God-fearing and righteous; a blessed Jamaat. 

O Allah, keep us on the right path, the path of truth, [keep us] on Your Unicity, on [true] Faith, on Islam, Sahih al Islam. Ameen.

----Friday Sermon of 03 November 2023~ 18 Rabi'ul Aakhir 1445 AH delivered by Imam- Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam International Hazrat Muhyiuddin Al Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim (aba) of Mauritius.