Sunday, September 15, 2024

A Message to Disciples


These are the verses of the wise Scripture, [with] guidance and mercy for those who do good, who keep up the prayer, pay the prescribed alms, and are certain of the Hereafter: these are rightly guided by their Lord, and it is they who will prosper.’ (31:3-7)


‘Those who pray humbly, who shun idle talk, who pay the prescribed alms, who guard their chastity except with their spouses…who are faithful to their trusts and pledges and who keep up their prayers, will rightly be given Paradise as their own, there to remain.’   23: (2-12) 


When you follow the Mujaddid [Reformer of the Faith] of your times, accept the revelations and guidance he brings in from the Divine waters, and act upon the same with a sincere heart, you become a true Muslim: you can attain righteousness and become virtuous in life. Indeed, Allah (swt) is with the virtuous; a Divine Elect [Khalifatullah Al Mahdi ] guides us on the straight path or on ways that lead to good and to Divine Succour. When we follow the Muhyiuddin among us with sincerity, and we strive with our very souls against Shaytan; against our own lower selves; we will be guided to Almighty Allah (swt).


In recent messages to all disciples in the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam, including women members of the Jamaat around the world, Imam- Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam International Hazrat Muhyiuddin Al Khalifatullah Al Mahdi Munir Ahmad Azim (aba) of Mauritius underscores the significance of reforming moral and spiritual standards within so as to collectively rise as a community standing up for the values of true Faith with a pious disposition. Hazrat Saheb's sincere advices when followed by persons with a pure heart can lead to incremental benefits, and overall advancement, whatever be the life situations, both individually and as a community, Insha Allah

Read the Special Messages Below:  



‘O my lovely disciples, you shall always pay attention to the enhancement of your moral and spiritual standard, and shall not merely restrict your attention just to eating, drinking, clothing yourself; wasting your time on your mobile; spending your time watching some evil thing which will bring nothing good in your life, and Shaytaan make you become addict with some dirty and evil program, and you forget totally your important work in the Jamaat of Allah.


The time you are wasting on your mobile, or on the laptop, and in front of your television; that time is going away, and you cannot catch it. Think of the Day that will come when you have to be present before Allah: what report will you present when you meet your Creator?


You shall especially realise your duty regarding the Tarbiyyat of your children. You shall not let them be alienated from their religion, nor let them become lazy and ignorant. Instead you shall try to make them active, alert and be able to bear hardships. Teach them all the matters about religion which you are aware of, and inculcate in them the love and obedience of Allah, the Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), Hazrat Massih Ma'oud (as), and Hazrat Khalifatullah (aba). They should be trained and let them be prepared to spend their lives in accordance with the teachings of Islam. The means to achieve this end should be thought about, and put into action.



When you start working together, you shall overlook the faults of each other. Efforts to reform should be carried out with patience and perseverance. In no case resentment and anger should be allowed to create differences amongst you.


Since, in the beginning, every new project is ridiculed by people; it is therefore, necessary that you should not care about this and the lesson to bear taunts and insults, with fortitude and bravery (whether given privately or in public) should be learnt beforehand so that by seeing your example other brothers and sisters should also come forward to do the job.


The Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam does not mean any special group of people. It includes all classes of people- high or low, rich or poor. Therefore it is necessary that there should be no discrimination between the rich and the poor in this body. Instead, love and equality should be inculcated amongst the poor and the rich and the feelings of hatred and superiority should be discouraged because despite the differences in the status, all men are brothers and all women are sisters.


Plans should be prepared for the Service of Islam and the help of the poor and needy brothers and sisters in a practical manner. O my spiritual children, Allah (swt) is the Source of all blessings. All help comes from Him and it is He Who grants us success. Therefore, it is necessary that we fervently pray to Him, and also request others to pray that He kindly inspire us with such ideas which fulfill the purpose of our creation. We should further pray that He enables us to choose the best available means and use them to the best of our ability for achieving this purpose. We should also pray that we are granted a blessed end and that our successive generations are also recipients of His guidance and blessings, and they continue this work for ever, Insha Allah.




A Message to Women Disciples



To fulfill the aims and objectives of our Siraj Makin International, the efforts of our women members along with our men are equally necessary- for attaining the objects of our creation. So far as I have perceived in some countries (l don't say all, No!), the women members have not so far realized the obligations that Islam bestows on us and the way in which we have to spend our life, so as to please Allah and receive His bounties in this world and in the Hereafter.


Reflection will show that most women do not realise if there is any work to be done other than the daily chores. The mistrust and malfeelings against Islam which are being spread amongst children by the enemies of Islam can only be countered through the efforts of our women.


Similarly, the spirit of sacrifice can be produced only through the efforts of the mothers. Apart from their own spiritual, intellectual and moral uplift, the future progress of the Jamaat is also greatly dependent upon the role played by our women in this respect. This is because children are moulded to a very large extent in their early life-years [when they will be impressed deeply] compared to their later years.


Moreover, the reformation of women can be better effected by other women. Keeping in mind these facts, I invite those of my spiritual daughters who are in agreement with me and l invite all of you to collaborate and should strive together to enhance their knowledge and spread it to others. Every Siraj Makin should endeavour to promote unity among the Jamaat as enjoined upon every Muslim by the Holy Quran, and the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa), and you shall always be prepared to offer every sacrifice for this cause.’


Jazak-Allah Khair for your kind attention to my message



Allah Hafiz


Hazrat Imam Munir A. Azim 

Khalifatullah Al Mahdi

Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam International