The Duahs of the Holy Prophet (sa) & The Promise of Allah- Part 4
'O you who believe! Remember
Allah with much remembrance. And glorify Him morning and evening. It is He Who
blesses you, as do His angels, to get you out of darkness into light, and He
has always been Merciful to the believers. Their greeting on the Day they meet
Him will be, “Peace!” And He has prepared for them an honourable reward. O
Prophet, We have sent you as a Witness and a Bearer of glad tidings and a
Warner, as one who calls people to Allah by His leave, and as a light-giving
lamp. Give good news to the believers that they will have a great bounty from
Allah. Do not obey the disbelievers and the hypocrites. Overlook their
annoyances, and put your trust in Allah. For Allah is sufficient to take care
of all matters.' (Surah Al-Ahzab 33:
Alhamdulillah, Summa
Alhamdulillah, I am continuing
with the fourth part of my Friday sermon, focusing on the invocations of our
beloved Prophet and the promises Allah has made to us through him.
I was also explaining to you the importance of becoming good Dai-Illallah (callers to Allah). Therefore, if we aspire to become excellent Dai-Illallah today, we must first commend (congratulate) each Dai-Illallah, for this is the title that Allah has Himself bestowed upon the Holy Prophet (pbuh). Every Dawat-e-Illallah (invitation to Allah) that a person undertakes with utmost effort is akin to striving to be alongside the Holy Prophet (pbuh) in this noble endeavour. What must you do for this?
You have been told that
you are responsible, and responsibility does not merely mean being a “guardian”—a
person in charge. Here, “guardian” refers to the manner in which you speak,
act, and let your good deeds serve as a witness for you in front of your
enemies, making you appear as a mirror before them. At that moment, they will
be able to see what flaws and weaknesses exist within them and what good things
they are deprived of. In this way, each servant of Allah will become a witness
for their surroundings, their family, and their own children. And if a person
does not bear witness to the benefits that Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) has brought
to this world, they are not worthy of performing the task of calling people
towards Allah.
Therefore, it is essential to instill good qualities within
yourselves and eliminate all forms of cruelty, so that you become a witness to
your surroundings, your families, and also to those outside. When people get to
know you, they should see your good qualities and be influenced by them. You should appear as a mirror to these people, in which they
can see their own reflection and strive to develop good qualities within
themselves. This will imprint the mark of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) upon you.
Regarding the efforts made by Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) to imprint this mark on
everyone, he did so in this very way, and you must also adopt the same
There are two things
you need to understand well: Firstly, if the stamp is of good quality, it will
leave an impression on others. On the other hand, if the material itself is not
good and has poor qualities – for example, a type of paper that is very
slippery – no matter how good the stamp is, it will not leave any impression.
Even if it does stamp, it will be for a short duration and will fade quickly.
Therefore, it is not the fault of the stamp but rather the fault of the
material that prevents the stamp from imprinting.
Regarding the seal
here, the seal of Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) is the best and most complete. It
contains three distinct impressions, which are mentioned here as essential for
every servant of Allah to engrave within themselves: Shaheed, Mubasshir,
and Nazir.
Concerning Shaheed,
I have already explained how you must become witnesses for others through your
actions, so that the true Islam is reflected in you. When people observe you,
it should be as if they are seeing a true representation of Islam.
Now, regarding Mubasshir,
I want you to particularly remember that prophets first bring good news,
followed by warnings. In the Quran, whenever Bashir (bearer of good
news) and Nazir (warner) are mentioned, Bashir always precedes Nazir.
This means that before instilling fear or causing people to flee, you should
first give them good news to encourage a change in their way of life, reduce
their suffering, and clearly explain the benefits they can receive and how
their burdens can be lightened.
Firstly, it is
necessary for you to become a Bashir when you preach. After becoming a “Shaheed”
yourself, you must present yourself as the true and foremost witness for them.
Then, as a bearer of good news, you should deliver the good news with Allah’s
help, using the means Allah has provided today. Allah is close to you, close to
all of us, ready to listen to our prayers, even those of our children. You
must lead them by your own example first.
There are certain people who take the example of others
who, in return, receive the love of Allah. This is important because if a
person is weak and seeks to acquire the good qualities of someone with a high
status, then by the grace of Allah, if they make an effort, they will succeed
in overcoming their weaknesses. This is what is called “Shiffaat”. But
that will come later. First and foremost, your own testimony is what counts.
You need to ask yourself, what have I gained in the sight of Allah?
Here, Mubasshir has a direct connection with your Shahadat,
which has opened a new path for you to become a witness. That is, you need to
say: “Yes, there is a Living God” and you need to bring this testimony
within yourself. Allah has given the greatest proof of His existence in the
person of Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh). No philosopher in the world can demonstrate
the existence of Allah as clearly as Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) has demonstrated
through his own being that he has come as a witness to prove the existence of
Therefore, to become a witness, you too need to develop the
moral qualities that I have laid out before you. You do not need to present
distant testimonies; present yourself as a good example and take Allah and His
Messenger as your reference, take the Holy Prophet (pbuh) as your model. If you
become such a witness, then you will yourself become a bearer of good news. If
you do not become a witness in this sense, then your good news will have no
value, it will be ineffective because you will yourself be in darkness, you
will yourself suffer and be in need. How then will you tell people, “Come,
follow the right path where you will receive blessings, where you will attain
to the Pleasure of Allah, where your burdens will be lightened”, etc.? How
will you give such good news? How can one convey that the manifestation which
began over 1400 lunar years ago with the arrival of the greatest prophet (pbuh)
continues to this day, not only through the Divine Manifestation of this
present century but also through every sincere Muslim around the world who
strives in Da'wat-e-Illallah?
You must bear witness yourself – every Muslim, whether they
are my disciples or part of the broader Ummah – those who are sincere. I
know that Allah has granted each (true and sincere) member of Jamaat Ul Sahih
Al Islam the capacity to become a witness.
In the daily lives of the members of Jamaat Ul Sahih Al
Islam, by the grace of Allah, many signs are manifested, and through these
signs, their faith is strengthened. Indeed, in this era, there are many
atheists spreading everywhere, and there is also widespread worship of
everything material [worldly possessions] as we see it proliferating. Not only
that, but all sorts of vices have spread, such as homosexuality, which has
unfortunately entered the Mauritian context where they use Islam as a facade to
do things that Allah Himself has condemned.
I will stop here for today. Insha-Allah, I will
delve deeper into this subject next Friday. May Allah grant me the Tawfiq
to do so, and may He bless the entire Ummah to realize that without
polishing our inner selves in the image of the Seal of the Prophets, we cannot
become the little Muhammads who raise the banner of Islam in our surroundings
and throughout the world. May Allah help all of you, my disciples, and my other
Muslim brothers, sisters, and children, as well as myself, to become true
representations of that illustrious prophet who was, is and will always be Rahmatul-lil-Aalameen
(a blessing for all the worlds). Insha-Allah,
--- Friday Sermon of 27 October 2023~ 11 Rabi'ul Aakhir 1445 AH delivered by Imam- Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam International Hazrat Muhyiuddin Al Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim (aba) of Mauritius.