Thursday, September 5, 2024

Al Ahzab, 42- 49: A Commentary- 2


The Duahs of the Holy Prophet (sa) & The Promise of Allah- Part 3


'O you who believe! Remember Allah with much remembrance. And glorify Him morning and evening. It is He Who blesses you, as do His angels, to get you out of darkness into light, and He has always been Merciful to the believers. Their greeting on the Day they meet Him will be, “Peace!” And He has prepared for them an honourable reward. O Prophet, We have sent you as a Witness and a Bearer of glad tidings and a Warner, as one who calls people to Allah by His leave, and as a light-giving lamp. Give good news to the believers that they will have a great bounty from Allah. Do not obey the disbelievers and the hypocrites. Overlook their annoyances, and put your trust in Allah. For Allah is sufficient to take care of all matters.'  (Surah Al-Ahzab 33: 42-49)


Alhamdulillah, Summa Alhamdulillah, I am continuing my Friday sermon today on the spiritual beauty of the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh), and how his status, prayers, and the promises made by Allah to him have been fulfilled and will continue to be fulfilled. I had also highlighted how he was the greatest Caller to Allah (Dai-Illallah), and how we too, starting with myself as the Khalifatullah of this era, must strive to become excellent callers to Allah in the image of our beloved Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh).


Like I was saying, Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) is not the biological father who produced any surviving male child who came directly from him – he is not the father of any of you in this aspect, but he is certainly a prophet of Allah and a father who produces prophets, such [special] people and prophets who deserve Allah’s blessings.


Thus, this promise of Allah has been fulfilled and will continue to be fulfilled. He is a father who has produced and will continue to produce individuals who will reach the status of prophets. This subject is also mentioned in another verse in a more beautiful manner; clearly indicating that here, the good news of a great and noble spiritual descendant is given. It refers to spiritual birth. This is a great quality that the Holy Prophet (pbuh) revived spiritually. There have been great companions of his (Sahaba) who had this radiance of prophethood in them. And after that, there is also a “special descendant” mentioned.


In the Quran, in Surah Al-Imran, from verses 39 to 42, there is a significant sign that Allah manifested to His prophet, Hazrat Zakariyya (as). In these verses, there is a supplication, a hope from Hazrat Zakariyya’s innermost heart that the prayer he was addressing to Allah would not be refused. Indeed, Allah did not refuse his prayer. He accepted and granted him his supplication, and despite granting Zakariyya’s request, the prophet, knowing Allah’s omnipotence, but at the same time, despite knowing this, he still found the news extraordinary. Even though he prayed, he did not expect Allah to bless him with such a sign—the birth of a son from his own lineage to continue his mission. Here, Allah promised him not only a biological heir but someone who would be also his spiritual heir. He promised, “O Zakariyya! Despite your advanced age and your wife’s old age, I, Allah, will manifest My miracle. I only need to say ‘Be’ and what I decree will manifest.”


So, when Hazrat Zakariyya asked Allah for a son as a sign, he made this request at an age when it was normally impossible for a man to father a child—neither he nor his wife could, as his strength and ability to produce children had diminished, his bones had weakened, his hair had turned gray, and he was very old. After this, he received the good news that Allah would grant him a son. He was surprised and asked Allah for a sign to know and be certain that this was possible! A sign that would make him understand that the promised son would indeed come.


So, Allah told him: “For three days, you must distance yourself from everyone and refrain from speaking to anyone. Instead, communicate through signs, dedicating yourself entirely to Allah’s cause during these three days. Remember Allah day and night - you must glorify Him.”


Thus, you can see that this is precisely the same subject mentioned immediately after the verse of “Khataman Nabiyyin”. From the understanding of that particular verse, the subject-matter was not about the cessation of prophets [that prophets would stop coming, no!] But there was news of a great prophet who would arise from among the followers of the Holy Prophet (pbuh). “Yaaa-’ayyuhallaziina ‘aamanuz kuru-laaha zikran-kasiiraa” immediately confirms this with the same supplication that Allah Himself showed to Hazrat Zakariyya through revelation. As a sign of this, immediately after, Allah showed the sign of a pious descendant.


Immediately after this, Allah instructed the people to remember Him abundantly, day and night, and to glorify Him. As a result, Allah will send His blessings upon them. Moreover, He [Allah] has already begun to manifest His signs since the advent of the Promised Messiah, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as), the Messiah and Mahdi of the past century. And now, in this century, He has sent to you all present in this era His Khalifatullah, who is also His Messenger, Messiah, and Mahdi.


Therefore, Allah’s promise for a pious progeny from the lineage of Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) can be similar to that of Hazrat Zakariyya, encompassing both biological and spiritual aspects, or it can be purely spiritual. Before the spread of mankind on earth and the journeys undertaken over centuries, it is certain that the biological descendants of Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) – through his daughter Hazrat Fatima (ra) – have spread to the four corners of the world. Allah knows best whether His chosen Messiahs are direct descendants of Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) or merely his spiritual sons. According to the revelation shown to Hazrat Massih Ma’ud (as), he wrote that he is also a biological son of Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) through his descendants. To date, as the Khalifatullah of this century, I have not received any revelation indicating that I am also a biological son of Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh). It may be so, it may not be; only Allah knows, but Allah has not informed me of anything regarding this matter so far. What He has told me is that I am His Khalifatullah and that I have come to revive Islam and the Quran, to restore the honour of Islam and the Tawheed (Oneness of Allah) in the world.


Therefore, according to Allah’s promise, He may manifest these two aspects of prophets in the world, both biological and spiritual, or either one of those two types. In the era of Hazrat Massih Ma’ud (as), Allah heard his supplication when he undertook a spiritual retreat in Hoshiarpur solely in the hope that Allah would grant him a special child, a son, similar to Hazrat Zakariyya (as). And Allah not only granted him the child he asked for, who was not only his spiritual son but also biological, and who, moreover, descended from Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh), especially through his mother, Hazrat Nusrat Jahan Begum (ra). And thus, based on his father’s revelation, he is a descendant of Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) through his father as well.


Thus, we see how Allah manifests His miracles in extraordinary ways. Here, Allah rewards Hazrat Massih Ma’ud (as) not only with a biological son who is also a spiritual one but also with other spiritual sons who will continue his mission in the world. It is from his Jamaat that Allah has manifested His Khalifatullah for the reformation of this world, where one Messiah and Mahdi has produced another Messiah and Mahdi, and this will continue as long as there are humans on earth! 

Today, it is the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam that has come to carry the torch of Islam’s glory, to revive Islam. It is from Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam that Allah will choose His chosen ones. This is the Sunnatullah (the practice of Allah). And Allah will continue to manifest His miracles in extraordinary ways. This is my Yaqeen (certainty) in Allah. Allah will not let the honour of His Khalifatullah and His Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam be tarnished. Despite all the difficulties that will come, as long as there people who are Muttaqeen (righteous) who will continue to carry the torch – at the head of His Jamaat, Islam will progress in the world. Be careful, and do not let Satan deviate you from the path of Allah. Every time Satan raises his head to challenge Allah, Allah will crush it through His Messengers.


Therefore, from my perspective, the abundance that Allah promised to Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) is not limited to the Hereafter but extends to this world as well. The terms “Khatam” (Seal) and “Kawthar” (Abundance) refer to the same concept, signifying that the blessings of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) are infinite and limitless. Allah has the power to manifest His miracles in extraordinary ways, beyond human comprehension and understanding.


This matter transcends time and space, and the station of “Khataman-Nabiyyin” (Seal of the Prophets) is the highest. It is a blessing that Allah bestowed upon Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh), the greatest prophet, who has the capacity to produce other prophets who will come after him. He is a light that ignites other lights. This is also a prophecy that will be fulfilled in an era when a great being will emerge who will be able to declare himself as the spiritual son of the Holy Prophet (pbuh). 

After this explanation, I return to the topic of Dai-Illallah. How will the blessings of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) spread throughout the world? What work do believers need to do in this regard? It has been explained in such a way that, firstly, Allah has described the responsibilities of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) and stated that he is the “Khatim” whose blessings are spreading across the world and will continue to do so. The greatest responsibility for spreading the blessings of the “Khatim” rested upon Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) himself, and Allah said: “You must increase these blessings in such a way to make people understand that I have sent you as a Shahid (witness), a Mubashir (bearer of good news), and a Nazir (warner). You must convey this message to the people, otherwise, the purpose of your mission will not be fulfilled.” 


Furthermore, Allah explained: “We have made you a person who calls towards Allah. And these three qualities attributed to you are the qualities that will help you achieve these objectives.” One way to call people towards Allah is through testimony, another way is by giving good news, and a third way is by warning of the consequences if they do not submit to Allah and obey Him. The Holy Prophet (pbuh) has used all three methods in an excellent manner.


So, if today we aspire to become excellent Dai-Illallah, we must first congratulate each Dai-Illallah, for this is a title that Allah Himself bestowed upon the Holy Prophet (pbuh). And every Dawat-e-Illallah which is made whereby a person makes his utmost effort to participate in this cause is, in essence, a striving effort to be alongside the Holy Prophet (pbuh) in this noble endeavour. What must you do for this?


Insha-Allah, I will elaborate on this next week in my Khutba. May Allah grant me the Tawfiq to do so in the best possible way.


May Allah, the Almighty, manifest His help in favour of His Khalifatullah of this century, and bless my prayers and those of all the sincere ones in the Ummat-e-Muhammadiyya (pbuh). Insha-Allah, we shall march towards glory and victory, and not defeat. May Allah have mercy on those who are oppressed day after day, for what we see today are scenarios of Qayamat (Day of Judgement). May Allah have mercy on His servants and protect Islam and the Muslims against all enemy attacks. Insha-Allah, Ameen.


Even if the world is with the oppressors, Allah is with the oppressed, and the breath of Allah alone is sufficient to exterminate the oppressors. Then, Allah will make the small army (of believers) defeat a large army (of non-believers), and Allah will place His blessings in this small army, making it grow and conquer the world for Islam. Insha-Allah, Ameen.

----Friday Sermon of 20 October 2023~ 04 Rabi'ul Aakhir 1445 AH delivered by Imam- Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam International Hazrat Muhyiuddin Al Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim (aba) of Mauritius.