Saturday, October 12, 2024

'Stay Humble for Divine Mercy'


No matter how successful you are,

No matter how big your house,

No matter how new your car, or

How big your bank balances is,

Your grave will be the same size

As everyone else's


No matter how high up you get,

Never forget where you came from.

So keep your feet firmly on the ground

And stay humble.




When life is good, pray

When life is hard, pray

Never forget to pray,

 Jazak-Allah Khair




Apologizing does not always mean

You’re wrong, and that the other person is right;

It just means you value your relationship

more than your ego.




Your mind is a magnet.

If you think of blessings, you attract blessings.

And if you think of problems, you attract problems.

Always cultivate good thoughts

and always remain positive and optimistic.





Ya Allah,

Please take away all my worries & any illnesses,

And please watch over & bless my family,

And the one reading this


Ya Allah, help me when l am weak

Ya Allah, make me strong

When I feel l can't go on anymore.

Ya Allah, shower us with Your mercy,

Your blessings, with Your forgiveness,

Bless everyone reading this

Ya Allah, answer all their Duahs,

 Ameen Summah Ameen

Ya Rabb’il Aalameen



Ya Allah,

 l made so many mistakes in my life

But Thank You for loving me in every way

And letting me to repent and live

And see another beautiful day,


Ya Allah,

Open the doors of Mercy and Jannah for me,

Ameen, Summah Ameen

Ya Rabbi'l Aalameen




Allahumma Afini Fi Badanee

-O Allah, grant me health in my body.


Allahumma Afini Fi Sami

O Allah! Grant me good hearing,


Allahumma Afini Fi Basari.

O Allah! Grant me good eyesight.


La ilaha illa anta.

There is none worthy of worship but You!


(Recite three times in the morning,

And three times in the evening).




‘May the Almighty Allah appoint an angel to pick up all the hurt, sadness and disappointment from the path of your life, and may it be replaced with love, warmth, happiness, hope and harmony. May you always have a reason to smile...May your house be blessed with Rizq, your life shine with Nur, your Salaat be protected by Ihsaan, your heart be sealed by Imaan, May your Niyyaat be preceded by Taqwah and may Thawaab follow your Every Ibaadah. May Allah always be with you and your family... Ameen Summah Ameen Ya Rabbil Alameen.’



[Adapted from Tarbiyyat lessons compiled and shared by the office of Imam- Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam International Hazrat Muhyiuddin Al Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim (aba) of Mauritius in a recent series of communications with disciples and followers around the world].