Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Duahs for Divine Shade




Ya Allah,

Have mercy on our weak souls

We claim to love you so much,

But we disobey You so often.


Ya Rahman,

Do not punish us for our actions;

We are weak and forgetful.

Ameen Summah Ameen

Ya Rabbul Aalameen




Duah for the Purification of the Soul


Allahumma Ati Nafsi Taqwaha Wa-Zakkiha

Anta Khayru Man Zakkana Anta Waliyuha Wa-Mawlaha.


'O Allah,

Give my soul (Nafs)

It's God - fearing righteousness (Taqwah)

And purify it.

For You are the Best to purify it.

You are its Protector And its Guardian.'

(Sahih Muslim 2722).




Never Break

 Four things in your life:







Because when they break

they don't make noise but pains a lot.




A successful marriage doesn’t require a big house,

A perfect spouse,

A million dollars, or an expensive Car.

You can have all the above and still have a miserable marriage.

A successful marriage requires



undying commitment

and selfless love,

And Allah at the Centre of it all  




Allah it hurts, it hurt a lot.

 But I know You are testing me.

 I know you see me struggle day in day out.

No love is greater than Your love.

I shall be patient for Your sake.

Fix my heart, comfort my soul YA RAB.





Allah knows what is in our hearts.

Because even if people twist the truth,

even people go against you,

even if no one stands by you,

Allah will always know the status of your heart.

Allah knows who is truly sincere and kind, and who is not.




May Allah swt be with you at every step you take.

May Allah swt guide you in each decision you make.

May Allah swt help you when life gets rough.

May Allah swt bless you with more than you can imagine.

May Allah swt keep you guided on this path to Jannah

May Allah swt bless you with happiness and fulfill all of your Duahs

Ameen Summah Ameen,

Ya Rabbul Aalameen.



[Adapted from Tarbiyyat lessons compiled and shared by the office of Imam- Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam International Hazrat Muhyiuddin Al Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim (aba) of Mauritius in a recent series of communications with disciples and followers around the world].