Sunday, October 13, 2024

'Forgive People, Accept Yourself'


If you want to see the truth

You must be brave enough to look.




Relationships are like birds:

If you hold tightly, they die;

If you hold loosely, they fly.

                                      But, if you hold with care,

They remain with you forever.




In life,

l have made a lot of mistakes

And l have felt a lot of pain,

But mistakes make me wiser

And pain makes me stronger.



People say,

A good heart will always be happy.

But l think,

A good heart most of the times get hurt badly,

Because it expects only good things from others




Don't force yourself to fit in somewhere you don't belong.




Never take too much care of someone,

Because you won’t be able to stand the pain

When they start avoiding you




Be good enough to forgive people,

but don't be stupid enough to trust them again.




Forget who hurt you yesterday,

But don't forget those who love you every day...

Forget the past that makes you cry

And focus on the present that makes you smile

Forget the pain,

but never forget the lessons you gained...


Don't waste your time on revenge.

The people who hurt you

Will eventually face their own destruction


Accept yourself,

Love yourself

And keep moving forward.

If you want to fly,

 You have to give up what weigh you down.


The purpose of our lives is to be happy;

Don't waste your time

In anger, regret, worries and grudges;

Life is too short to be unhappy.


I want you to be strong.

Never give up...

Be strong:

We have a lot of battles to win,

 Insha Allah.


[Adapted from Tarbiyyat lessons compiled and shared by the office of Imam- Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam International Hazrat Muhyiuddin Al Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim (aba) of Mauritius in a recent series of communications with disciples and followers around the world].