“Now, one must bear in mind that opinions of someone cannot be considered as the TRUTH
unless his words are revealed words from Allah.
This is especially true in our case, just like it was in the times of the
Promised Messiah (as). The Promised Messiah (as) confirmed the words of the Qur’an
and the Hadiths of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa) when he did not close the
doors of revelation, prophethood and Mujaddidiyat.
It must be borne in mind that while some of the
Khulafa of the Ahmadiyya Jamaat have given their personal opinions on the
questions of the coming of Mujaddids, that there shall never be again a
Mujaddid who shall come after the Promised Messiah (as). But, has not the
Promised Messiah (as) refuted all their claims himself by saying, that had he
not come, Allah would have sent another one as Messiah for the fulfilment of
this divine mission? Moreover, had he not say that even after him, it is quite
possible that there appear 10,000 Messiahs?