The Revelations of 19 April 2019
living faith is that through which we can find the Living God. The
Living God is He Who can make us a direct recipient of revelation, or
could at least bring us in
contact with one who has been a direct recipient of revelation.
I convey this good news to the whole world that the God of Islam is
such a Living God.’
Messiah Hadhrat Ahmad(as) in Majmua
Vol 2, p. 311.

Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam
Muhyi-ud-Din Al Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim Saheb (atba) of
Mauritius is a recipient of Divine revelations in our times. Over the
last two decades (2000-2019), Hadhrat Saheb (atba) has received
thousands of messages from the Unseen, informing him and the world at
large about
the Exalted Presence and All Powerful control of the
God on our universe. The claims of Hadhrat Saheb (atba)- of being a
recipient of Divine converse and communion; spiritual titles with a
mission of Tawheed;
the beliefs of the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam rhyme
perfectly well with the beliefs in the Islamic spiritual tradition
that Allah the Almighty raises His Elects who enjoy Divine nearness,
help and succour, in every era and that they speak with the help of
Rooh-il-Qudus. According to Islamic tradition, the sublime purpose of such a spiritual favour on the believers-the
raising of a Divine servant with revelations- is to guide and lead
humanity in the correct and straight path of Shariah
in everyday life.
teach people wisdom and right judgement on all affairs that concern
them, Allah (swt) reveals His messages to His chosen servants in every era. Like
the Qur’an says,
it is not given to a human being that Allah should speak to him
except by direct revelation ('Wahi') or from behind a veil or by
sending a messenger (an angel) who should reveal (to him) by His
command what He pleases”.(42:52)
is He Who sends down clear signs to His servant that He may lead you
from all kinds of darkness (of ignorance) into the light (of faith)”- (57: 9)
with the great blessing of illumined guidance descending on a living
servant of God amongst us, these are unusual and extraordinary times
in the annals of Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya.
a century after the death and departure of the Promised Messiah (as);
in this era, Allah (swt) has raised Hadhrat Munir Ahmad Azim Saheb
(atba) of Mauritius- a spiritual son of the Massih
(as)- to bear witness to the magnificent reality of a
Living God- the same Divine
that spoke to prophets and saints in the past, now
the humans
our times through sending revelations on His Chosen Servant!
below are certain Divine revelations vouchsafed to Hadhrat Khalifatullah (atba) on 19 April 2019 after Jumu’ah
prayers. The date of the Revelation is significant: ‘Saturday, 19 April 2003 is an historical day for the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam.
16 years ago the believers of the Divine Manifestation had taken the
first Bai’ah
(oath of allegiance) in the hand of the Khalifatullah. And also today
(19 April 2019) is Saint Friday for the Christians’.
revelations in the Arabic language contain
remarkable reassurance and Divine guarantee of continuing support for the humble
servant of God and the spiritual mission, and glad tidings to those
who submit to God with His Elect. Likewise, there are also clear warnings in these revelations for
those who chose to ridicule the precious Divine heritage they were
offered. It is also interesting to note that
the present series of Divine revelations contain a
restatement of fundamental Islamic beliefs, the
faith and beliefs of all Muslims all through the centuries,