In his Friday Sermon of 19 April 2024, Imam-Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam Hazrat Muhyiuddin Al Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim (aba) of Mauritius reflects profoundly on the state of the world from a spiritual perspective. No people have a permanent monopoly over divine favours by virtue of their special claims of pious ancestry from God's prophets and messengers. Divine blessings and favours on particular communities are crucially depend upon their good conduct and sincerity of purpose vis-a-vis Divine commands, including prohibitions. When a people deviate from the right path by ignoring ethical standards and moral considerations in their affairs, and thereby commit excesses in the land in pursuit of dominance without any limits, the rejection of God of these sinful ones will reflect in their great fall, and the rise of another people in their place in the new cycle of history. Hazrat Saheb (aba) illustrates these vital spiritual themes with reference to the delusions and excesses of the extremist Zionist-entities in the ancient land of Palestine/Israel today.
Read the Extracts from the Sermon Below:
'Today, the Muslim world is suffering terribly. Muslims around the world are no longer united like before during the lifetime of our beloved Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh). Today everyone prefers to protect their own skin and enrich themselves from the deaths of innocent people. So-called Muslim countries are “Muslim countries” in name only and each strives to please the International Islamophobic Community to exclude thousands of innocent people from their action plans. These plans which were to be for the construction and propagation of Islam throughout the world, are today reduced to a competition to enrich themselves and arm themselves with bombs and other weapons of attack in order to blackmail other countries in the race for power and wealth.
The call of Allah and His prophet Muhammad (pbuh) has no effect on them. Hearts are closed to mercy and compassion. For example, it has been almost 77 years since Israel was declared an independent state following a UN vote on the partition of Palestine. And since then, it has become a major power in the Middle East.
Israel has fought around fifteen wars against the Palestinians, including the so-called “Six Days” War in June 1967, which resulted in the occupation of East Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza, as well as the Syrian Golan Heights and the Egyptian Sinai. Israel then unilaterally annexed East Jerusalem, then the Golan, decisions denounced by the international community. Today Israel is seeking by all means to monopolize a country, a state that is ultimately not its own. The Jews who came to Palestine seeking refuge for the first time decades ago aimed to take Palestine and exterminate the Muslims of Palestine. After receiving socio-political and military aid from the United States of America, as well as the UN, extremist Jews who dream of an “Aliyah” (emigration to the Promised Land) renounced their own humanity to ransack the lands and houses and other properties of Muslims and take them into their possession. But this Promised Land is promised to the true believers of Abraham and all the prophets of his [biological and spiritual] lineage. If Jews deviate from the divine teachings, then no promise is attached with them. On the contrary, this promise is for those who truly submit to the will of God, the Most High. From the line of Abraham was born Ishmael (as), his eldest son, and the Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).
It is clear that the true religion of all the prophets of God [Allah], the One, is Islam [Complete and peaceful submission and obedience to Allah the One]. All the prophets of Allah since the creation of the Universe have been monotheists. It is the only religion or way of life that is acceptable to God. Those who turn away from this truth find themselves deprived of these blessings. Unfortunately, the followers of the Israelite prophets (derived from Israel – the prophet Jacob [Yaqub]) had let go of the Rope of Allah, namely, His commandments including His prohibitions, and they only followed their own imagination and neglected the recommendations of prophets like Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Moses. They were an ungrateful people as Allah describes them to us in the Holy Quran.
So, with the delusion that this Promised Land was still theirs, extremist Jews sought by all means to gain access to Palestine to claim this Land as their own. But Allah has another plan. The religious sites where His memory is celebrated, He will certainly protect, and all those who protect these sites with courage, faith and hope in His mercy will be greatly rewarded in the afterlife. The trials accumulate but this does not mean that Allah has abandoned His followers. He certainly tests them and uses them as models – models of patience and virtue – to the world.
Intruders and oppressors will certainly be punished. There is a set time for everything. The decree of Allah is like this.
Today we see people, peoples who never stop fighting among themselves - Two brother nations. Here we have the image of good and evil, of God and Satan. Those who want to grab land and wealth just to enrich themselves, and use the “Aliyah” as an excuse to trash Muslims and storm the world, well, let me tell you, their time is now counted. Soon Allah will swallow them up in the earth like the rebellious people of old who disobeyed the prophets.
The Muslim countries – so-called Muslim countries – but which help the oppressors of Muslims to win wars for their own profits; well these are traitors in the eyes of Allah. Let us remember the peace treaties that were signed with Arab countries neighbouring Israel: Egypt in 1979, under the terms of which this country recovered the Sinai in 1982, and Jordan in 1994. Israel is considered the first military power in the Middle East and the only one in the region to possess nuclear weapons. Since its illegal establishment in Palestine, Israel has received nearly US$300 billion from the United States.
Israel continued to occupy the West Bank but unilaterally evacuated the Gaza Strip in 2005, controlled since 2007 by the Islamist movement Hamas. Around 450,000 Israeli settlers live in civilian settlements in the West Bank, which are illegal under international law. Israel faced two uprisings (intifada) by Palestinians in the occupied territories in 1987 and then in 2000. The first concluded with the signing in 1993 in Washington of the Oslo Accords with the PLO on autonomy in the territories.
From the start of the war in Syria in 2011, Israel was careful not to be drawn into the conflict, but it campaigned against the presence of Hezbollah and Iran, which intervened alongside the Bashar al-Assad regime, and had accused Tehran of wanting to establish itself militarily in Syria with a view to threatening its security.
It had struck, especially from January 2017, “thousands of Iranian and Hezbollah targets,” according to a former Israeli chief of staff. Former American President Donald Trump had then adopted a policy of unwavering support for Israel since taking office, breaking with decades of American diplomacy in the Middle East.
In December 2017, he recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, provoking the anger of the Palestinians and the disapproval of the international community. On 25th of March 2019, he signed the decree officially recognizing Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights.
The country is governed by fundamental laws which act as a constitution and are voted on in parliament. In 2018, parliament adopted a law defining the country as “the nation-state of the Jewish people”. The law, which gives Jews the “unique” right to self-determination in Israel, was denounced as “discrimination” in particular by the opposition and the large Israeli Arab community.
We see here that despite the disapproval of the international community, nothing is concretely done to restore their rights to the Palestinians, to Palestine. Muslims are consciously crushed, mutilated and killed so that the Muslim generation dies out in Palestine, where they are forced to leave their land and thus the Jewish, Israeli oppressors will take over Palestine as a whole.
But fortunately the Israeli Arabs who are the descendants of the Palestinians who remained on their land after the creation of Israel support the Palestinian cause.
May Allah come to the aid of Muslims and protect their sacred places and destroy the power-hungry thieves and tyrants who steal land solely because of their thirst for power and money. Jews believe that they are still the beloved servants of Allah, but they lost this status when they let go of Allah’s rope and associated others with Allah. They broke pure monotheism and Christians also followed suit. Today, Muslims, true Muslims who are monotheists and who have not yet fallen into the trap of the West, it is they, it is we who are the true heirs of the prophets of old, and the day will most certainly come when Allah will give us our rights. The truth must prevail, Insha-Allah. Just as the world witnessed the end of Ariel Sharon and the dictators and oppressors of Muslims, the world will witness the end of Israel, and of the leaders who govern that state, and of all those who aid and support it. Insha-Allah, Ameen.