Saturday, April 6, 2024

Poem: 'The Call of Humanity'

The world would have been,

A golden gate to paradisiacal serenity,

Were it not for the feigns and false promises,

Of secular and religious authorities who,

In the name of politics, patriotism and union,

Leave behind their conscience,

To delve into the sea of fraud and corruption;


Oh how beautiful would it have been,

If with a true heart,

Each political representative,

Of the multitudinous countries,

Stand up in honour of the world,

And all its inhabitants,

And chant the call of togetherness,

As one global people,

As one united nation,

In the best interest of,

Humankind as a whole,


Utopia it may be,

To the consciousness of the ignorant,

But all it takes is the goodwill to fight for it,

Not with arms or swords but,

With the right frame of mind,

And a true heart, Devoid of selfishness and thirst for power,


For oh people, Paradise is that place where,

Your heart finds tranquillity and sheer pleasure,

It is that realm,

Which belongs to,

Neither North nor South,

Neither East nor West;


As the world evolves in new eras of progress,

Let not our consciousness regress,

And pay a heavy price,

For the lost touch with our inner selves;


Hail true politics in serving the people,

With sheer love and kindness,

And working for a better tomorrow,

Where the world is safe from human destruction!


---[This is a Divinely-inspired poem revealed to the heart of our beloved Imam- Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam International Hazrat Muhyiuddin Al Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim (aba) of Mauritius on 20 July 2016 ].