Revelations as Divine Mercy
"It is not granted to any
mortal that God should speak to him except through revelation or from behind a
veil, or by sending a messenger to reveal by His command what He will: He is
exalted and wise. So we have revealed a spirit to you by Our command: you knew
neither the Scripture nor the faith, but We made it a light, guiding with it
whoever We Will of Our servants. You give guidance to the straight path, the
path of God, to whom belongs all that is in the heavens and earth: truly
everything will return to God.” (42: 52-54)
Say that the “Roohul Quds” (Holy Spirit) has brought
the Revelation with the Truth step by
step from your Lord, to strengthen the believers and as guidance and good
news to the devout Muslims” (16:
A recipient of Divine revelations
and other inspirations and spiritual visions bring with him, with the help of the Roohul Quds, an abundance of Divine
communications and spiritual messages. Such messages from the Unseen may
contain glad tidings foretelling the brilliant destiny awaiting a people. It
can also include clear warnings about the potential dangers ahead in their
collective lives, both mundane and spiritual. That is why devout Muslims- those who wholeheartedly submit to the Will
and Decree of the Almighty Allah, at all times- consider revelations and
inspirations as a great bounty and special blessings of the Almighty. These fortunate believers, whose hearts open
up to recognize, accept the Divine Message of the times, walk along, in the narrow and straight path of the Divine, being guided and hand held by that servant of Allah the
Most High, in their spiritual journey of a lifetime. Hence, the presence of a recipient of Divine revelations is the very
embodiment of Divine mercy for the community of believers.

Consider the experience of the Divinely-raised Muhyi-ud-Din Hadhrat Munir Ahmad Azim Sahib (atba) of Mauritius, the servant of Allah in our times. As we have noted in previous articles in the Blog, Hadhrat Sahib is a born-soldier of Islam, having had with him from a relatively very young age of his blessed life, an abiding interest in religious matters and an intuitive understanding of effective preaching and an exceptional drive to spread further and further the true message of Islam for all of humanity. Years before the Divine Call, as a devout Daai-e-Ilallah, Munir Ahmad Azim Sahib was the ambassador of the Promised Massih (as) to the several communities and peoples of the Indian Ocean island-states, including Reunion Island (1990), Mayotte (1997) and Seychelles (2000), helping to establish the Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya in these distant lands. Through his fervent prayers and the Divine Grace over his ardent preaching efforts, hundreds of people in these lands got the opportunity to recognize the sublime path of true Islam.
Indeed, in the annals of Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya, the extraordinary services rendered by this humble servant of Islam to the mission of the Promised Massih (as) had been recorded by the Fourth Khalifa Hadhrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad Sahib himself. Even more importantly, Allah (twa) showed His deep appreciation and profound satisfaction for the sincere and earnest efforts, when Allah (swa) took him under His wing of Mercy and blessed him with an abundance of Divine communications and spiritual messages, to a level and scale unheard of in the history of Islam since the times of the Promised Massih (as). If the solitude of the Arabian desert provided the perfect setting for the revelation-centered, Divine mission of the Holy Prophet of Islam (sa), the waves of the Indian Ocean will forever bear witness to the preaching of this Divine Elect, Insha Allah. (For an account about the family background and early life of Hadhrat Sahib, click here: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ).
Divine Revelations on a Purified Heart
For the benefit of our readers, we have assembled here, a few of the Divine revelations and other Divine Messages vouchsafed to the Khalifatullah Hadhrat Munir Ahmad Azim Sahib Sahib (atba) over the years. While the list of revelations and messages presented here are by no means exhaustive or even comprehensive, these are certainly illustrative of the Divine communications vouchsafed to Hadhrat Sahib (atba) in the last decade and beyond. We understand that many other messages are to be unveiled and these are awaiting to be codified together, in the fullness of time, Insha Allah, Aameen. The revelations mentioned here are those that are available over the official website, one could read many of them in the archives of the Friday Sermons delivered over the last decade or so.
La Maqsooda Illallah,
meaning there is no destination but Allah.
La Mabooda bil Haqqe
Iillallah - There is no
one to worship in truth but Allah
“Laa Ghaliba Illallah”- The Victory of Allah
“Surely, true guidance is Allah's Guidance”
“And him whom Allah guides, there is none to lead him astray”
عرف نفسه فقد عرف ربه “Man arafa nafsahu faqad arafa rabbahu.”
That is to say: "He who knows his self knows his Lord".
ربي بعين ربي “Ra’aytu rabbi bi ayni rabbi” That is to say: “I saw my Lord through the (merciful) eye of my Lord.”
"If you become solely Mine, indeed the whole world shall come to be thine".
yourself of the attributes of the self in order to contemplate your own pure
essence, and look in your own heart all the sciences of the prophets, without
books, without teachers, without masters. The book of the true servant of Allah
is not composed of ink and letters; it is nothing but a heart white as snow.
The scholar is not the one to borrow knowledge from any book and who becomes
ignorant when he forgets what he has learned. The true scholar is one who
receives, when he wants, his knowledge from his Lord, without study or
“It is Allah who
silences it or makes it speak. It is He who veils it or unveils it. It is He
who gives it and takes it back wherever and whenever He pleases because that
light comes from Him. That is why He works within that Light as He wishes and
wherever He pleases and in whom He pleases and according to His will.”
"O My Servant, Your Boss is a good payer, with the price of your labour, you shall receive eternity".
“O you Soul at
peace! Return to your Lord well pleased (with Him) and He well pleased (with
you). So enter among My servants, And enter My Paradise.” (HQ, 89: 28-31)
“The perfect mind comprehends not imperfection.
It derives pleasure from Source
It shelters faith in the furthest
Willing the heart to be pleased with
love anew;
From the start of the Swell of
The mind comprehends not the Purpose
Of the world it knows no other,
Except the one whom God makes him
see through the wonders of his capabilities;
Islam is his ideal
Islam is his focus
Perfection over perfection!”
(Received on 22 June 2011)
On the spiritual
Mission and Divine Mandate
“Fasbir sabran Jameela”, meaning, “Show beautiful patience”. (In the year, 2000).
"Even if the world leaves you tomorrow, but Allah is with you, ALL is with you, but if the world is with you, and Allah is not with you, nothing is with you."
“Stand up and warn, And your Lord do you
magnify, And your clothes do you purify, And uncleanliness do you shun, And
bestow not favours seeking to get more in return, And for the sake of your
Lord, do you endure trials patiently”.
“Convey what has been revealed to you from
your Lord; and if you do it not, you have not conveyed His Message. And Allah
will protect you from men”.
"You are the Mohyuddin of this era"
“O Mohyiuddin, arise
and create a new world!
“You Are the New Orbit”
"O descendant of Deen-e-Islam each time that in
some place in the Universe religion declines and irreligion advances, I send
someone with the Rou-hil-Qoudouss".
O Munir Ahmad Azim, you are known as the Reviver of
religion, you are the strength of this religion, O Mohyuddin
O Mohyuddin! My relation to you is above all
relations. Your status is indeed high.
“O Khalifatullah, Muhyi-ud-Din, My
beloved Munir Azim, arise and create a new world”.
Ya Khalifathullah! Qul:
“Annal Mujaddido” (O
Khalifathullah! Tell them: ‘I am the Mujaddid’)
On the state of Ahmadi
teachings of the Promised Messiah have been trampled to dust”.
teachings of the Promised Messiah have been trampled to dust…. They give
khilafat more importance than My divine words (Holy Quran), the Sunnah of the
Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa) and the teachings of the second Issa (the Promised
will cut Diamond”.
“I will humiliate he who tries to humiliate
“We will punish them
from where they expect not”.
“In the
long run evil in the extreme will be the End of those who do evil; for that
they rejected the Signs of God, and held them up to ridicule.”
“Allah says that they are working
very hard to deviate the followers especially the weak ones. They think that
they possess the power of the world. When a prophet comes, what do these people
do, they try to weaken his faith, so as to stop the propagation of one God.
They ignore that Allah has chosen him and he is a Rassool-Allah, a prophet of
God, a Khalifatullah and a Massih’ullah. When Allah sends His Rassool, do you
think he will walk on red, velvet carpet? Will he live a comfortable and easy
life? When he stands alone firmly, steadily to proclaim himself as the prophet
of God, everybody is against him except very few believe in him. Allah says
that whatever strategy they apply to humiliate My prophet, Allah will never
support them. Allah challenges them that if ever they take all the people in
this world with them, all stand against My prophet, saying that they are the
possessor of power, Allah says that when I am with my prophet no man can weaken
My power. Allah is the Most-Powerful. Allah is the inflictor of
punishment. He can send His punishment at any time. No one can save them,
neither their wealth nor their children. No one can save them from the
anger of Allah. Their punishment will be double as they cannot hear the words
of Allah (REVELATION).” (Extract of Friday Sermon 01 February 2008)
“...signs foretelling the death and destruction
of those who stood in the way of My Khalifatullah will become increasingly
manifest. The time of the destruction of the enemies of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam
(as) and the Muhyi-ud-Din Khalifatullah of this era, will remain hidden so
that when the Divine punishment overtook them all of a sudden, they will become
completely non-plussed and will not know what to do.” (REVELATION 20
January 2010 @ 2.15pm
On Adversaries and their challenges
‘Look how they strike for you comparisons; but they
have strayed, so there is no way out for them”.
“We verily know what they say grieve you. But really they do not believe
that you are lying, but it is the revelations of Allah, (which) the unjust
reject.” (~ November 25, 2011)
Those who argue concerning Allah after He has been
responded to – their argument is invalid with their Lord, and upon them is
(His) wrath, and for them is a severe punishment.
“Laa takhaf
innaka antal-a’alaa” – Fear not, for you shall have
the upper hand.
Falaa tahinuu wa
tad-‘uuu ‘ilas-salmi wa ‘antumul-‘a’-lawna wallaahu ma-‘akum wa layy-yatirakum
(So do not weaken and call for peace while you are superior; and Allah is
with you and will never deprive you of (the reward of) your deeds.)
December 2011
“But they wonder that there has come to them
a Warner from among themselves, and these people say, “This is an amazing
thing.” Verily they denied the truth when it came to them, so
they are in a confused condition. And the intoxication of death shall certainly
bring forth the truth; that is specifically what they are trying to avoid (that
is, death). And Allah says: Wa innaz-zaalimiina lahum azaabun aliim –
Verily, the wrongdoers shall have a painful chastisement. (Insha-Allah)
In the Friday Sermon of 21 March 2014, it was announced by the Khalifatullah (atba): “In the capacity of Khalifatullah in this era, I would like to tell Abdul Ghaffar Janbah Sahib and his followers the following revelation which I have received from Allah:
Wa-adallaahul Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam huwal fawzul Aziim.
Allah has promised the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam the Grand Victory.
Warnings about Calamities
“The state of the world is such that it
shall witness all the more calamities, destructions which shall be a lesson for
them for their disobedience to the divine commands. They have turned away from
My worship. Haiti is in serious condition, and so will be other countries
because these people have left My worship to grip the dirt of this world.
Remember O Khalifatullah what I had told you so many times: Destructions,
destructions, destructions – rivers of blood will follow, and widows shall weep
and tears will be of no avail. No man in the power of man can stop Allah’s
design. What Allah has decreed shall come. (Revelation; – in bold –
reappeared 8
times at 12.05pm on 20 January 2010).
“How many a people have turned in their pride against the command of their
Lord and His Messengers! We made them a stern reckoning, and
punished them with a horrible punishment. So they tasted the mischief of their
deed, and the end of their matter was loss. Allah has prepared a severe
punishment for them. So those possessing understanding and who believe, fear
Allah! Allah has sent this (the message) down for you as a reminder, (through)
a messenger reciting to you the clear revelations of Allah as
proof, so that he may bring forth those who believe and
do good deeds from darkness into light. Whosoever believes in Allah and does
good deeds He will admit him to gardens underneath which rivers flow where they
shall live forever and ever. For those (people), Allah has made a nice
provision.” (Mentioned in the Friday Sermon of March 25, 2011)
“And tell them Oh
Muhyi-ud-Din: “Indeed,
I have come to warn you clearly. Like this, We had sent warners to those who
have cut (their scriptures) in pieces, and those who have made the Quran into
portions. So by your Rab, We will surely question them all about what they used
to do. Then declare what you are commanded and turn away from those who ascribe
associates to Allah. Indeed, We are sufficient for you against those who mock,
who put other god with Allah. This I promise you, soon they shall know.” (Revelation in Creole: 30
August 2012)
for Believers
O Mohyuddin! Tell your people, be courageous; my
disciple, be cheerful and sing in ecstasy. You are among the one who
acknowledge this saying.
“For me, of
course, all of you are my spiritual children, and my prayers are, accordingly,
for all of you alike... So I warn you against your indulging yourselves in the
worldly temptation so much as to forget your spiritual development altogether.
If you really wish to share the blessings of Allah, through your accepting the
manifestations and revelations, you will have also to hand over your entire
selves and all your belongings to Allah and thus bring death to your temporary
1. The more
is a man’s attachment to the world, the less is he likely to attain knowledge.
The less his attachment to the world, the more is the probability of his
gaining knowledge.
2. If
you must be mad, be it not for the things of the world. Be mad with the love of
That knowledge which purifies the mind and heart alone is true knowledge, all
else is only a negation of knowledge. As soft clay easily takes an impression,
but not hard stone, so also Divine Wisdom impresses itself on the heart of a
devotee, but not on a bound soul.
4. He alone enters the kingdom
of Heaven who is not a thief of his own thought. In other words, guilelessness
and simple faith are the roads to that kingdom.”
~ Received in English) ; (Extract of Friday Sermon 24 June 2011)
Mohyiuddin, tell them:
All praise to Allah and peace be upon His chosen
servants. If I have chosen you, then you must listen to My Words and must do My
works with love and full cooperation (with one another). Tell the: All praise
be to Allah, to whom belongs all this there is on the heavens and the earth,
and to whom all glory in the Hereafter. He is All-Wise, All- Aware”.
them that the Creator is well informed of what they do and then, He informs His
servant and the servant of Allah gives the message to you all. Nobody must have
the least arrogance in his heart, because arrogance shall destroy your faith.
Show humility. And all of you work together with humility. Do not hurt people’s
feelings, especially those who are working for My cause; make sure to forget
your own selves for the love of Allah”.
My servant, Khalifatullah, you are always with me; all those who are with Me,
all those who have Taqwah (fear of Allah) in their hearts, shall be with Me and
with you also. Accept the Divine Justice, it is in this way that you shall be
in the ranks of the just ones (the pious and the righteous)”. (Creole language; mentioned in the Friday
Sermon of 22 February 2013)
Special Prayers taught
“Rabbi la tazar alal arzi minal Kafiriina dayyara” – O Allah, do not leave any infidels on earth.
(For other prayers, click
Trials and Rewards for the Believers
“…No worries for
the believers who are sincere in the divine manifestation, whom you pray for
day and night, who are treasures who shall be known tomorrow as the carrier of
the divine light. You along with these people – not the hypocrites among them –
shall prosper in this life and the life to come.
Say to them: “O
my disciples, bear witness along with Allah’s Prophet. I have come for both
your spiritual and physical welfare…”
O Khalifatullah,
verily those who ask you to pray for them, Allah has blessed them with faith.
They are those in your ranks for the betterment of the future of Islam. O
Beloved One, your assembly is such that I your Lord am present to bless you
along with My angels. This year shall bring in its wake many blessings from
Allah for you and your people.
Say: “O
Humanity, heed the message of Allah, for in it you shall find peace and
betterment for both your worldly pursuits and that of the next world…”
"O Munir Ahmad Azim, Mohyuddin of this ERA.
Your gathering is such that not only prophets but the Holy Prophet (s.a.w)
himself is present. The status of your Holy Prophet (s.a.w) is boundless. You
are the perfect illustration of this fact, O Azim. Many of your followers have
achieved the supreme status of "Qutb" and "Abdaal"
"... Tell these people, you have not come for propaganda or publicity or gaining disciples or devotees. I AM YOURS AND YOU ARE MINE. Where then is the need for publicity? I give not lectures but mixtures for your mental health and moral invigoration. So take my words as medicines necessary for your health..."
Khalifatullah qul yaa Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam! Baqiyya-tullahi khayrul-lakum ‘in-kuntum-Muminiin!...”
(O Khalifatullah, say: “O Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam! What Allah has kept in store for you is
better for you if you are believers…)