Sunday, July 31, 2022

Internet Sniffing Scandal in Mauritius


[Has the Prime Minister of Mauritius compromised national security by permitting a Third Party to conduct internet sniffing operations in the country? Will his shady actions also have wider strategic and international  ramifications, escalating big-power military rivalry in the region and impacting the peace and tranquility of the Indian Ocean peoples in the neighbourhood of Mauritius? These are serious issues of import for the Mauritian people to deliberate upon today. In his Friday Sermon of 29 July 2022 ~29 Dhul Hijjah 1443 AH Imam- Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam Hazrat Khalifatullah Munir A. Azim (aba) of Mauritius took note of these recent developments, especially the huge scandal involving the Prime Minister's ever-shifting statements on the events and issues at the center of the present controversy].   

Read the Extracts from the Friday Sermon Below:

'Allah says in the Holy Quran: “Do not mix truth with falsehood or hide the truth knowingly.” (Al-Baqara 2: 43).


With the accusation of high treason brought against the Prime Minister, Pravind Jugnauth in the case of Illegal Access to the SAFE Landing Station in Baie-du-Jacotet, the Government House is betting on a double or quits as an outcome. On the side of the parliamentary and extra-parliamentary opposition, the pressure is increasing to demand the departure of the Prime Minister, Pravind Jugnauth, at the head of the government. Circles close to the top chefs, nicknamed members of “The Kitchen”, i.e. the Prime Minister’s Office argue that the recent low profile of Pravind Jugnauth is part of the perspective of a scenario likely to lead to a diplomatic and political Gamble in the process of development. In principle, high-level negotiations between Port-Louis and New Delhi have been initiated with a view to obtain the return to Mauritius of one of the members of the “Mr. Moustache” mission in mid-April to develop “a parade in the offensive” led vigorously by the former Chief Executive Officer of Mauritius Telecom, Sherry Singh, since Friday the first of July.

Monday, July 25, 2022

'Taqdir,' 'Tawakkul' & 'Tadbir'


Belief in Destiny & Putting One’s Trust in Allah 

The belief that everything which happened, happen and will happen is according to the knowledge, will and command of Allah the Almighty is called Taqdeer [Destiny]. Belief in Taqdeer is compulsory.

The advantages of belief in Taqdeer (Destiny) and Tawakkul (Trust – Here meaning the Trust in Allah) are as follows:


No matter what hardship or misfortune befalls one, it will be accepted without panic and the heart will remain strong in the face of such hardships. Strong belief in Taqdeer will indicate that Allah’s wish is in operation and it cannot be opposed. The hardship will disappear only when so desired by Allah the Almighty. Thus the man of Taqdeer [i.e. who truly believes in Taqdeer] accepts what comes his way with contented resignation.


One who has understood and accepted this conception of Taqdeer will not be overcome with frustration at the delay in the passing of the hardship. He will not become despondent and lose hope when the misfortune endures for any length of time. He will banish weakness.


The adherent of Taqdeer will not adopt unlawful ways and means of combating the difficulty, for he knows that the adversity has been brought about by Allah (twt). He understands well that elimination of the hardship is not possible without the Will of Allah (twt). He therefore realizes the futility of his efforts in trying to eliminate what Allah (twt) has willed. He will thus not unnecessarily court the displeasure of Allah by the adoption of unlawful measures. Why court Allah’s Wrath when one’s purpose cannot be achieved even after having displeased Him?

Friday, July 22, 2022

‘Al Mubashirat’: An Explanation


In the sacred traditions of the Holy Prophet (sa) chronicled in Sahih Al Bukhari, one can read: 

1.   Allah's Messenger (sa) said: 'Nothing is left of Nubuwwah except Al-Mubashirat.' They asked, "What are Al-Mubashirat?" He replied, 'The true good dreams (that conveys glad tidings).'

2.  Allah's Messenger (sa) said: "A good dream (that comes true) of a righteous man is one of forty-six parts of Nubuwwah."

In a recent Question and Answer Session, Imam- Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam Hazrat Muhyiuddin Al Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim (aba) of Mauritius profoundly explained the true concept of ‘Al Mubashirat’ and its linkages with the enduring blessings of Islamic Nubuwwah for human kind for all times till the Day of Judgement.   

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Whither Mauritius ?


Allah (swt) is Al Jabbaar, the real and only supreme authority in the world, and men should not play God on earth! And when ruling men manifest themselves as tyrants over a land, they create havoc in, and precipitate the destruction of such a social order altogether, as often forewarned by Divine servants in history. The Holy Qur’an preserves several examples of lost nations as an enduring lesson for men in every era.

Indeed, power and authority entail responsibility to office and accountability before God. As the ruler for a period, you have the duty to care for the people; to be just and fair in your dealings; show respect to the dignity and rights of fellow beings, and not to abuse the position to promote wrongdoing in the land, for you shall be held accountable before God on how best you discharged your trust. Yet, in these morally darkened times, when fear of God is virtually absent among powerful politicians, our world is in a permanent state of crisis, almost on the brink of an abyss!

In his Friday Sermon of 15 July 2022 ~15 Dhul Hijjah 1443 AH, Imam- Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam International Hazrat Muhyiuddin Al Khalifatullah Munir A. Azim (aba) of Mauritius reflects on the contemporary political, economic and social developments in Mauritius against the wider global backdrop of abuse of power by ruling elites and their tyrannical handling of fellow humans. A man inspired by  Roohul Quddus [Holy Spirit] to share Divine messages on His behalf in our times, Hazrat Khalifatullah (aba) cautions against the dire situation being obtained as a consequence of  administrative excesses, and reminds about forthcoming accountability before God.  A well-wisher and sincere counsellor of people; Hazrat Saheb (aba) warns about the moment of Divine reckoning that awaits all, encouraging them to shun hubris and excesses so as not to attract Divine anger and punishment for their egregious deeds. 

Read the Friday Sermon Below:

Saturday, July 16, 2022

'Eid-ul-Adha' Sermon 2022


10 July 2022 ~10 Dhul-Hijjah 1443 AH, marking the occasion of the Eid-ul-Adha, Imam- Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam International Hazrat Muhyiuddin Al Khalifatullah Munir A. Azim (aba) of Mauritius delivered his special sermon on a very vital subject: the enduring legacy of Hazrat Ibrahim (as), the man whose utter devotion to God became a synonym for pure faith, earning him the unique title of Khalilullah, the Friend of God; the great fountainhead of a multitude of spiritual streams in the ancient world: Hagar and Isma'il; Sarah and Isaac, and many other nations- in accordance with the grand Divine promise that his progeny would spread in the earth, just like the numerous stars in the heaven. In the present discourse, Hazrat Khalifatullah (aba) makes several interesting observations on the basis of historical facts from ancient records, pointing to the striking similarities in the rites and practices of  the religions of India and Persia as well, alluding to the great legacy of Ibrahim/Abraham/ Abram/Brahma in different lands.  


Read the Eid-ul-Adha Sermon below: 

The Story of Abraham/Abram/Ibrahim/ Brahma


Ibrahim, the Patriarch and Friend of Allah, saw in a vision that he was offering his only son Isma’il as a sacrifice to the Lord. He said to the boy: O son of mine, I have seen in a dream that I was slaughtering you; So, tell me what you think of it.’


The boy replied: “O Father, do as you have been commanded; you will find me, if Allah please, of those who are steadfast.”


Ibrahim made the necessary preparations. When all was ready and he was about to proceed to the fulfilment of what he thought he had been commanded to do, he received the revelation that he had indeed fulfilled his dream. (As-Swaffat 37: 104-108).


The true meaning of the dream was not that he should sacrifice his son in the manner in which he had seen himself doing in the dream, but that both he and his son should be ready to make a great sacrifice to win the pleasure of God. This great sacrifice was that the boy and his mother should be settled in a distant, barren valley, so that the boy should be made an instrument for the purpose of establishing the true worship of God in and around the Sacred House. (Ibrahim 14: 38).

Friday, July 15, 2022

The Story behind the 'Qurbani'


What is 'Qurbani'? 

The Qurbani is practiced by Muslims to commemorate the great sacrifice of Ibrahim (as) (Abraham) who did not hesitate to sacrifice his own son for the sake of Allah [The Almighty & Unique God].

Hazrat Zaidi bn Arqam (ra) states that the companions of the Prophet (pbuh) asked him: “What is Qurbani?” He replied, “It is the Sunnah (tradition) of our father Ibrahim (as).” They inquired, “What benefit do we derive from it?” The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) replied: “A reward for every hair of the sacrificed animal.” [And they asked again], “And what is the reward for the animal whose body is covered with wool?” He (pbuh) replied, “A reward for every strand of wool.”


The Aim of the Sacrifice


The immolation of an animal in Islam is not done to appease the anger of Allah by offering Him a bribe in order to succeed in any work. Far from all this, Allah does not need anything from us. He is the Almighty and the One to Whom everything belongs. However, the sacrifice is made only in the Name of Allah and to please Him.


“Tell them: ‘Verily my prayer, my devotion [sacrificial service], my life, my death, belong to Allah, Lord of the Worlds.” (Al-Anam, 6: 163).

Thursday, July 14, 2022

Illnesses of the 'Ummah'- 5


DAWA/ TABLIGH: How To Do This Work


The most important point in this work of Dawa / Tabligh is the way and method that we will do it. We simply need to follow exactly the principles adopted by the Sahaba (ra) who followed the teachings and practices of the noble prophet (pbuh) to the letter.

In this true form and meaning, the Tabligh is a very important action and a very great benefit. Verily, it is to follow truly the path of the prophets (as), because this work is a great work, and it is also based on the high principles that we must always follow carefully. Each individual needs to feel the need to reform himself instead of changing others. While doing this work, and even outside the Jamaat [Community], he should behave like a true Muslim, a sincere servant who at all times obey and follow Allah’s commandments as per the Shariah and he seeks always the blessing and pleasure of Allah (twt). This is the basic condition, the Ruh (soul) and foundation of this work of Tabligh. Once this has been rooted deeply and firmly into the hearts of the workers [of Deen], the other principles, regulations and actions that I will mention further on will become easy to follow: