Showing posts with label Khalifatullah. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Khalifatullah. Show all posts

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Divine Message of 12 August 2021


Divine commandments shine a light on restraints of prudence in individual and social life. Ethical moderation, or the norms of equity, proportion, necessity and balance form the basis of the teachings on lawful (Halaal) and the unlawful or harmful (Haraam). Indeed the Divine Laws brought by Prophets in the past provided for the rejection of evil and promotion of good in private conduct and public life. 

As a servant of God and model exemplar of Islam in our times, raised to guide people about the true values of life in this world; Imam- Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam Hazrat Khalifatullah Al Mahdi Munir A. Azim (aba) of Mauritius has been warning humanity, over the last two decades, about the slippery-slope of the so-called modern, permissive and decadent public culture nations have built up by unleashing Satanic temptations and fatal attractions- without any reference to moral decency and behavioural restraints prescribed in Divine Law. Yet, it is an irony of history that bedevilled by Satanic impulses, most people prefer to reject Divine revelations and ignore and oppose His messenger when the latter preaches Divine Law among them. 

Against this spiritual backdrop, in the course of his Friday Sermon of 13 August 2021~03 Muharram 1443 AH, Hazrat Khalifatullah (aba) shared a very important, Divinely- inspired Message vouchsafed to him by Allah (swt) on Thursday, 12 August 2021 at 6.05 pm. 

Read the Divine Message Below:

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

The Duties of ‘Siraj Makin’


In a recent Divinely-inspired message, Hazrat Imam Khalifatullah Al Mahdi Munir Ahmad Azim Saheb (aba) of Mauritius spoke about the duties of the Siraj Makin, the women’s wing of the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam International. Speaking against the backdrop of some members in India taking the initiative to do serious efforts in the direction of introducing the message of living Islam through their contacts in Africa, Hazrat Khalifatullah (aba) underscores the extraordinary space and role that women believers have, within the larger scheme of the Divine Manifestation of our times: in establishing Islamic values at both individual, family, Jamaat and other collective levels; in transforming the community through their personal leadership and dynamism in the rejection of the evil, and in being socially- engaged in furtherance of the common good- indeed, in making ‘another world’ possible in this very world, Insha Allah, Aameen. 

In the Divine revelation vouchsafed to Hazrat Khalifatullah Al Mahdi (aba) of this era, women believers of the Jamaat- Siraj Makin- are given unique Divine honour in the form of a revealed, magnificent title: Djawaharat-ul-Kamal (Pearls of Perfection), indicating the Divine expectation of these true believers working fervently in God’s way, by following in the footsteps of the Khalifatullah (aba), displaying exemplary obedience and devotion to the cause of God. The sublime message indicates that in transforming and shaping the world in the way we want, it is important to spiritually educate and train the younger generation in the values and skills of ethical, religious life- as being exemplified by the Khalifatullah (aba) through inspired knowledge and practical wisdom. Indeed, it is by resolutely following the sincere counselling of the Khalifatullah (aba) that the Siraj Makin can realize their true potential, and save the world from the brink of many disasters, Insha Allah, Aameen. Reproduced Below is the Extracts from a Jamaat communication on the Divine Messages of 07 August 2021: 

Sunday, August 8, 2021

The Questioning at 'Qabar'


One of the constitutive beliefs of the Muslims is in relation to the hidden, mystical realities of the Hereafter, where man will reach after his brief sojourn in this world- to account for all his words and deeds in this life. Everyone will face their Lord on the Day of Reckoning. And the questioning at Qabar is unavoidable and inevitable. Allah (swt) prescribes His commandments so as to allow us to discriminate and recognize the good from the evil, by following His Prophets and other Elects through whom He conveys His messages of clear guidance to all humanity. Rejecting a messenger is tantamount to ignoring God. Hence, everyone who lives in the times of a Divine Messenger will have to account for their attitude towards such a Divine servant in the Hereafter. Everyone of us who live in this world today will be questioned tomorrow whether we behaved responsibly, or abused our free will to ridicule God’s message when it reached us- a glad tiding for true and faithful believers, and a warning for the deniers and rejecters of God’s messages and messengers.   

Reproduced below are certain Divine Revelations vouchsafed to Imam-Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam Hazrat Khalifatullah Al Mahdi Munir Ahmad Azim Saheb (aba) of Mauritius on Saturday, 24 July 2021. Alhamdulillah. Summa Alhamdulillah, Yaa Rabbul Aalameen. These revelations provide awe-inducing insights into the nature of questioning that humans will face after their death and departure from this world, in their graves, in the presence of angels; the segregation and rewarding of the faithful believers who will see Paradise; the judgement and punishment of Hellfire on the disbelievers and the hypocrites. People who blindly follow their leaders to unfairly and irresponsibly reject a Divine Messenger will face the evil consequences of their stupidity in the court of Allah (swt). May Allah (swt) enable those who are sincere seekers of Divine Truth and verities to derive much benefit from the insights and guidance available through these vital revelations, Insha Allah, Aameen.  

Read the Extracts from a related Jamaat Communication: 

 'Allah  revealed to this humble self: 

 O Khalifatullah! When a faithful believer is made to sit in his grave, then, the angels come to him and testify him: 

LAA ILAAHA ILLALLAH WA ANNA MUHAMMADUR RASSULLULLAH, meaning: ‘None has the right to be worshipped except Allah and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah’. 

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

The Signs of 'Khalifatullah Al Mahdi'- 2

Reproduced Below is the extracts from an important Jamaat communication concerning the descent of Divine revelations on Imam- Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam Hazrat Khalifatullah Al Mahdi Munir Ahmad Azim Saheb (aba) of Mauritius on Saturday, 31 July 2021. Alhamdulillah, Summa Alhamdulillah, the revelatory message contains the glad news about the continued Divine support for the wider, global spiritual mission of the Khalifatullah Al Mahdi of this era, and also indicates the vital signs for truth seekers to identify and understand the Divine Plan for our times, Subhaan Allah, Alhamdulillah, Allah-u-Akbar:

Very Important Messages from Huzoor

'At around 21.00 to 22.30 onwards...It's very cold today in Mauritius, yet he is sweating as if rain is pouring down on his clothes and his body is very, very painful.

This message is so important that he himself will come forward to announce it to everyone when Allah will give him instructions to do so. Briefly, I can tell you that those who are sincere with the Divine Manifestation and with the Khalifatullah working day and night for the propagation of Unicity of Allah, Allah will raise them to the status/ degree of Awliyahs and Abraars.

But, those who are hypocrites and creating disorders in their own house, in their neighbourhood and in the Jamaat; Allah Himself will throw them out and will replace them with other sincere ones.

There are men who don't like to see their wives working hard for Deen-e-Islam and there are ladies also who manifest their anger and jealousy to their husbands who are sacrificing their life for the cause of Allah. So BE CAREFUL AND REPENT ON TIME. Otherwise, you will be the most unfortunate ones.

Huzoor has just got the message that he is the IMAAM MEHDI of this era. You believe it or not, he is the one whom all Muslims are awaiting. If you have any doubts he requested to all members to ask him questions. Do not hesitate.

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

The Signs of ‘Khalifatullah Al-Mahdi’


Human history is replete with the rise and fall of nations in the ebb and flow of time. Man’s religious history also testifies to the cyclical working of this norm of progress and decadence in society. Communities rise and progress with the advent of Prophets and other holy men of God among them, whereas they decline and fall when they follow their own whims and desires- ignoring, and deviating from the ethical teachings of God’s messengers. To help people everywhere to know and recognize the true path to God for all times, the Creator in His infinite Mercy sent the Holy Prophet (sa) with sublime guidance and the religion of Truth, i.e., Islam. As the religion of God, Islam encapsulates the fine aspects of all teachings revealed through Prophets in various nations all through history. Indeed, Islam recognizes and validates the universality of the religious experience, and provides a clear benchmark for true faith in God, while rejecting every manifestations of idolatry. In the grand plan of Allah (swt) for the world of religions, the predominance of Islamic monotheism over all other ideological systems is Divinely-guaranteed.

Friday, July 23, 2021

Eid-ul-Adha Retreat 2021


In the clear light of Divine revelations ahead of the Eid-ul-Adha this year, Imam-Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam Hazrat Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim Saheb (aba) of Mauritius recently instructed his disciples /Jamaat members to converge at their area-Masjids and other designated places of prayer for five days and “celebrate the three days of Eid-ul-Adha together and partake of this golden and blessed opportunity to stay as one congregation, as one family and maximize not only the spiritual food [in terms of the Eid-ul-Adha Khutba, the spiritual programmes and Zikrullah], but also partake of your daily food together [breakfast, lunch and dinner]. And on the day of Eid [and for the Sacrifice of Ibrahim (as)], like Allah has instructed me, there will be the Zaba [Sacrifice] of an animal and all of you join together for the Eid prayer and animal sacrifice [Qurbani/ Udhiya]…and you enjoy this exceptional and blessed moment together as one blessed spiritual family and you all sit together and eat from the sacrificed animal [Qurbani]. 

In obedience to Allah and His Khalifatullah’s instructions, the members of the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam in Mauritius, Madagascar, Comoros, Mayotte, and India recently came together to partake of the Divine blessings in the company of fellow brothers and sisters, in their own respective places. In India alone, Eid-ul-Adha Retreats were organized at the Siraj-um-Munir Masjid in Tamil Nadu, as well as at the Noor’ul Islam Masjid at Mathra, Kerala. Likewise, members of the Jamaat in distant places within the country organized programmes of devotional worship and remembrance of the Divine with family and friends in their own local settings in these Holy and Blessed Days of Dhul Hijjah, experiencing the joy of togetherness and spiritual upliftment, Alhamdulillah, Summa Alhamdulillah.

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Eid-ul-Adha Sermon 2021

The Sacrifice of the Self

“Here I am, O Allah, here I am, Here I am, You have no partner, here I am. Verily all praise and thanks and all blessings and all sovereignty are Yours. You have no partner.” 

Pilgrims chant this prayer during their pilgrimage, from within the boundaries of the Ka’aba to the plains of Arafat; A prayer that elegantly underlines the process of this enterprise- total devotion after a complete renunciation of worldly desires. 

There are perhaps about sixty thousand pilgrims participating in the Hajj this year. Faced with the Covid-19 pandemic, it is people of different nationalities who already live in Saudi Arabia who are making the pilgrimage this year. This is the second time in this century [the 21st century], as well as since the founding of Saudi Arabia [in 1932] that the Hajj has not taken place under normal conditions due to the Covid-19 pandemic and its variants. Last year for the first time in Saudi Arabian history, Hajj was performed by just about a thousand people in Saudi Arabia. Pilgrims from other countries did not receive visas to perform Hajj during these two years as a precaution and to preserve the health and life of the pilgrims. 

So in this century of divine manifestation, the Hajj, which usually attracts over a million pilgrims from dozens of countries, has not taken place under normal conditions.

All Muslims around the world cherish the desire to one day perform these sacred rites of Hajj - one of the five pillars of Islam. With this pandemic that has changed a lot of human behaviour, as well as the systems of the world, Hajj is no exception. Despite the Hajj taking place, but its normality is abruptly interrupted. 

For the hundreds of millions of Muslims who stay at home, and who mourn this loss of non-observance of Hajj, because of this restriction, there is Eid-ul-Adha, celebrated on the tenth day of the month of Hajj [Dhul-Hijjah] when, in Mecca, the pilgrimage ends. Devotees usually go to the mosque for prayers, after which they slaughter animals as sacrifices. In these days how necessary it is for every believer to remember his duties towards his Creator as well as towards his fellow men!

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Divine Revelations of 17 July 2021

The Sign of ‘Surah Al Munafiqun’

One of the most astonishing ways in which Allah (swt) revives and renews the message of Islam in this era is through inspiring His devoted servant and chosen messenger Hazrat Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim Saheb (aba) of Mauritius with the pure revelations of the Holy Qur’an- the Divine book of wisdom and guidance for all humankind. Hence, on countless occasions in the last two decades, Hazrat Khalifatullah (aba) has been bestowed in revelation many of the phrases, ideas, and even entire texts of the Qur’an in original. These revelations have come not just when the Khalifatullah (aba) is ‘Alone with the Alone’, in the chamber of his utter devotions and soulful worship of the Divine; but also in the company of his humble disciples and followers (like many of us in India have witnessed during his visit to the Noor’ul Islam Masjid, at Mathra in December 2018).

Indeed, as early as 24 December 2000, when Mr Mohammad Ameen Jowahir of the Mauritius Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya trumped up charges for the expulsion of Hazrat Munir from their Nizam for being a recipient of Divine mercy, inter alia, it was, however, acknowledged that ‘on occasion Mr. Munir received as revelation Surah Ibrahim in its entirety’. Two decades later, the verdict of time is pretty-much Chrystal-clear: Hazrat Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim Saheb (aba) of Mauritius continues to be immersed in Divine waters and remains a recipient of sublime revelations for the benefit of true believers.  

On 17 July 2021, Hazrat Khalifatullah (aba) received the message of Surah Al Munafiqun almost in its entirety, in Divine revelations vouchsafed to him, Alhamdulillah, Allah-u-Akbar. The revelations underscore the need for believers to guard against the problem of Hypocrisy. The Munafiqun (Hypocrites) hide behind the facade of religiosity- by adopting pietical pretences- in order to create impediments in the cause of the Divine Way. They remain among the believers to sow the seeds of doubts and disputes concerning the Divine cause, and try to deviate people by making them afraid of mundane losses- of their material riches and resources, of dominance and sovereignty in the land, social esteem and public prestige- by obeying God's messenger through caring for, and sharing with the humble followers. Instead of active engagement to benefit the poor, the Hypocrites would try to break the chain of social linkages in the new community so as to retain their own prestige and esteem. On the other hand, the Divine revelations remind us that all treasures and honours of this world and the world to come ultimately belongs to God, and hence, to the Messenger and the believers, and that unlike what the Hypocrites are calling to, it is through God-consciousness, prayer and selfless good deeds such as charitable giving and service to others that the bliss of Divine pleasure and mercy need to be sought. Indeed, it is for the believers to be mindful of these teachings so as to benefit from them in life's complex social settings, Insha Allah, Aameen. 

Monday, July 12, 2021

‘Dawah’ Magazine 2021


The Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam International (Mauritius) has just unveiled a new publication, entitled ‘Sahih Al Islam Photo Magazine: Basking in the Light of Memories Past, 2015-2020.’  Originally published in January 2021, the Book is a solemn tribute to Imam- Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam Hazrat Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim Saheb (aba) on the happy occasion of his 60th (Janam Din) Birthday. Indeed, this year also marks the completion of the first two decades of steadfast preaching of the Divine Manifestation in Mauritius. Compiled by the dedicated Jamaat team in Mauritius and edited by Hazrat Ummul Mu’mineen Sadr Saheba International Fazli Amena Varsally, the book captures stunning images from the last half a decade of Jamaat activities, chronicling historic moments, International Dawah Missions and other social events of Hazrat Khalifatullah (aba) along with his disciples, both at home (Mauritius), and abroad.

The present Book, in many ways, carries forward the work already done by the Jamaat team when “Light-Giving Moon” was published in 2016, providing an accessible glimpse into the family and spiritual background and important Dawah missions of Hazrat Saheb (aba) through Photo Essays for the period up to 2015. During the last five years, Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam activities have increased exponentially, and the record of very important activities indeed needed to be preserved for posterity, and the present Book goes a long way in celebrating some of the historical events of the Jamaat during this period, Alhamdulillah, Summa Alhamdulillah. 

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

A Message on Recent Divine Signs

In the course of his Friday Sermon of 04 June 2021~ 22 Shawwal 1442 AH, Imam- Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam Hazrat Khalifatullah Munir A. Azim (aba) of Mauritius made certain observations on recent mystical incidents, spiritual experiences and Divine Signs received by Hadhrat Saheb (aba) himself, and also by some of his humble disciples in India. Read the Special Announcement Below: 

Dreams, Signs & Revelations

Yesterday Thursday 03 June 2021, before Tahajjud prayer, in my sleep I recited Surah Yasin; then I woke up for Tahajjud prayer (as if someone put an alarm near my ears to make me know “it’s time for you to wake up for Tahajjud” and my eyes were still close and I woke up and sat for a few minutes on my bed and continued to recite the Surah Yasin. Afterwards, I got up and after cleaning myself, made my Wa’zu (ablutions) and came to the Musallah to pray Tahajjud [Tahajjud prayer]. After the Surah Al-Fatiha I continued to recite the Surah Yasin and after the Tahajjud prayer, I don’t feel well and got anxiety. I read many times: “Hasbiyal-laahu wa ni’mal wakeelu” [Allah is sufficient for me and what an excellent patron He is]

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

'Khalifatullah' and Spiritual Revolution


In his Friday Sermon of 04 June 2021~ 22 Shawwal 1442 AH, Imam- Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam Hazrat Khalifatullah Munir A. Azim (aba) of Mauritius continued the theme of the previous week: the purpose of spiritual missions in the times of a Khalifatullah. 

Elects of God come with a mandate to preach pure religion, the clear path to a purposeful and rewarding life in obedience to Divine commandments. Such men of God challenge evil and unfair dealings as well as the unjust ways of the prevailing powers and rulers of the day- leading to an inevitable clash between the bad and the good. The struggle for the establishment of a new order calls for patience, perseverance, steadfastness and  courage on the part of the humble believers, and when they develop supreme reliance and trust on their Lord, and work wholeheartedly to transform the existing centres of power in alliance with other like-minded peoples, it can bring about the impossible transformations.  It is Allah and His messenger and the believers indeed who shall eventually prevail in those searing battles between Islam and all other ideologies in every era, Insha Allah, Aameen. 

Noting the current afflictions and convulsions of a degrading earth with its devastating consequences visible all around the world, Hazrat Khalifatullah (aba) exhorts everyone to return to the true worship of God. It is by rejecting the Satanic impulses and influences, and by embracing the noble path of the prophets that believers can seek forgiveness,  mercy and blessings of God in transforming every obstacle into an opportunity for the onward march of the Faith. 

Read the Extracts from the Sermon Below: 

'Khalifatullah' and Revolution

Man's duty on earth is to recognize the station of our Unique Lord and worship Him through righteous living. We are Divinely-ordained to serve fellow beings like family, and also the other creatures on the face of earth, and not to indulge in excesses, nor seek to domineer over other peoples- as all are the children of the same Creator, with similar freedoms and rights like us. This is the message of the Prophets and other Elects of God who appear among the people from time to time and they speak with the help of Roohil Quddus (Holy Spirit),  sharing Divine revelations containing glad tidings for good deeds in service of fellow beings, and also warnings against evil, or the Satanic impulses. Put differently, the men of God appear with the purpose of teaching the Law of true life and the Way of Divine favours. 

Yet, the treacherous terrain of Satanic impulses divert man to the aggressive pursuit of material glory and honour, of  pride and riches, of power and pelf. When a people or a nation is drunk on the evil and injustice of dominance and of total control, enslavement and oppression of another people inevitably follows. Such a vicious and decadent socio-political-religious order is bound to bite the dust through its internal contradictions when a new, superior order emerges to replace it. This is the law of the rise and fall of nations in the world.  

The coming of a Khalifatullah in this context represents a transformative moment when an old order crumples to dust and a new spiritual order takes its place in the world. In the spiritual history of human kind, High representatives of Allah have always been raised amongst almost all nations and peoples. Indeed,  It is the pierce light of Divine commandments that help the messengers to guide their people with wisdom and prudence against all odds. It is by obeying Allah and following in the footsteps of the messenger of God that small bands of Divinely-inspired groups outsmart their much larger opponent groups, relying completely upon the Exalted Might of the Lord, and in their own readiness to sacrifice everything in His way. The revolutionary transformation in the spiritual outlook of such wo/men comes about due to the sublime teachings and noble example of the Divine savant in their midst. The larger purpose of the establishment of the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam in this era, with the advent of the Khalifatullah Hazrat Munir Ahmad Azim Saheb (aba) of Mauritius, is indicative of the continued vitality and application of the time-tested Divine Law of spiritual revolution, Alhamdulillah, Summa Alhamdulillah. 

Reproduced Below are extracts from the Friday Sermon of 28 May 2021 ~15 Shawwal 1442 AH delivered by Imam- Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam Hazrat Khalifatullah Munir A. Azim (aba) of Mauritius.

The Objectives of the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam- 1

The goal of Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam in this world is revolution in governance (This is - one of the meanings of: Arise and Create a New World’)

Thursday, June 3, 2021

'Ilham': Recent Divine Messages- V

Hazrat Muhyi-ud-Din Al Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim (aba)  of Mauritius is a living saint and servant of God: a spiritual preceptor and model-exemplar of Islam in our times. A frequent recipient of Divine revelations and spiritually-infused messages from the Unseen for the past two decades now, the mystical experiences of Imam Azim (aba) rhyme with the finest of such revelatory experiences of great savants ever reported in the annals of Muslim communities around the world. Most certainly, Imam Azim (aba) has been blessed with an abundance of Divine communications and spiritual messages to a level and scale unheard of in the records of the Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya since the times of the Promised Massih Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) of Qadian (1835-1908 CE)Like the Promised Messiah (as) in the previous era, Imam Azim (aba) today claims Divine revelations and messages as the authority behind his spiritual mission: Allah (swt) charged him with the mighty task of reclaiming and revitalizing the enduring message of Tawheed in this era, and emblematic of this Divinely-infused spiritual role, bestowed upon him several titles- Hazrat, Amir-ul-Mu’mineen, Muhyi-ud-Din Khalifatullah; Mujaddid, Messiah, etc. Hence, Divinely-raised with a mandate to serve Islam in this era, Imam Azim (aba) is the Holy Founder of the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al International- a devotional community of Muslims around the world who are committed to rejuvenate the Heavenly Way of Islam in their own lives and among the people.

Reproduced below are certain recent Divine revelations received by Hazrat Saheb (aba) on 30-31 May 2021. These messages from Beyond call our attention to the grim situation of the world: a world that has abandoned the protective shade of Divine regulations and has virtually embraced the lure of evil and inequity at the cost of peace, justice and fairness. Reminding believers about the duty to obey God and His messenger, the revelation underscores the need for an open and receptive mind that is capable of carefully listening and following the messages and advices that contain true life for the believers. What distinguishes a hypocrite from a believer is their contrasting attitudes to faith. Beyond verbal profession of belief, a true believer is seriously committed to the obligations of Faith. Such a believer diligently upholds God's commandments concerning just living in society, safeguarding the Amanat of Bai'at at all costs till their last breath in this is such a community of believers that shall inherit the grand Divine promise on Fath-e-Islam in the Later Days, Insha-Allah, Aameen. 

Read  the Divine Revelations Below:      

The situation around the world 

Time will come soon for great destruction. Some of my disciples have no food for themselves. 

 يَا رَبِّ إِنَّ قَوْمِي اتَّخَذُوا هَٰذَا بروح القدس مَهْجُورًا ۝ وَكَذَٰلِكَ جَعَلْنَا لِكُلِّ نَبِيٍّ عَدُوًّا مِّنَ الْمُجْرِمِينَ ۗ وَكَفَىٰ بِرَبِّكَ هَادِيًا وَنَصِيرًا ۝


"Oh My Rab/Lord/Creator verily my people had abandoned this Divine Revelation [i.e. such revelations which came through the Holy Spirit], not acted on its teachings. Thus, from the sinful people We made enemies for every Prophet. Your Lord is a Sufficient Guide and Helper."

Monday, May 24, 2021

The Quest for 'Ummat-e-Wahida'

The time period of a Khalifatullah or a Divinely-inspired messenger is a vital phase in the spiritual and political spheres of his community. For instance, when Jesus (as) appeared among the Israelites, the spiritual (and political) expectation of the times was that he would establish the Heavenly Kingdom on Earth. Likewise, when the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa) preached Islam in Arabia, it eventually resulted in the establishment of a just and humane political order in the land as well. Indeed, the Islamic Aqeedah  contains within it the design and seeds of an equitable social order that will truly liberate humans from the chains and shackles that confine them to the clutches of Taghut and other satanic elements.

In this era of a Khalifatullah, political and material conditions of our societies clearly point to a world in decadence, disarray and anarchy, with much violence and bloodshed and unconscionable inequalities and rampant corruption. While capitalist social orders swear by civic freedom and liberties, and secular laws passed in people's assemblies are ostensibly for providing justice and welfare to the people, corruption and decadence have permeated every fiber of nations. Despite claims of being democracies that value freedom and liberties of people, the reality on the ground is such that much injustice and exploitation of the vulnerable take place on an everyday basis, ravaging our pretentious claims of being civilized peoples. All of these call for a just social and political order that protects the vulnerable from the 'slavery' of the 'free' (the rich and the influential).

In the reconstruction of the deeply-flawed and anarchical world order in our times, Islamic values can shine a light in ensuring freedom from slavery and other inhuman exploitation. Against this backdrop of the quest for a just world order, in his Friday Sermon of 21 May 2021~ 08 Shawwal 1442 AH Imam- Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam International Hazrat Khalifatullah Munir A. Azim (aba) of Mauritius spoke about role of Islamic Aqeedah in reimaging the world order and in the creation of another world. 

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

'Eid-ul-Fitr' Sermon 2021

Imam- Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam Hazrat Khalifatullah Al Muhyi-ud-Din Munir A. Azim (aba) delivered Eid-ul-Fitr Khutba at the historic Bai't-uz-Zikr Masjid, Mauritius on 14 May 2021~ 01 Shawwal 1442 AH. In his special Eid-ul-Fitr Discourse, Hazrat Khalifatullah (aba) spoke on the significance of inner peace and happiness as a spiritual value. Marking the end of Ramadan, Eid  is an occasion of festivities and celebration for devout Muslims busy in accomplishing deeds of sacrifice and piety throughout the fasting month. While the spiritual training of Ramadan will guard them in the Divine Path, the believer needs to recognize and adopt the culture of peace that Islam recommends for the journey of life. 

Peace is a primary virtue of a just society, and only those who are at peace with themselves can construct a civilized social order. In the absence of inner peace and contentment among individuals, social reality will bound to be riven with tensions and conflicts. Violence and mayhem that we see around can all be traced back to troubled and turbulent inner lives of people at the centre of such chaos. As against 'synthetic' happiness that is sought to be pursued through professional glory and personal relationships, true happiness depends on recognition of spiritual truths. When the believer entrusts his life and fortunes to God, and lives with full confidence in the wisdom and choices of the Almighty through following the spiritual values He (twt) approves of; such a believer enjoys inner tranquillity and pure happiness amidst the conditions obtained in everyday life. Indeed, a believer needs to become an embodiment of peace through recognizing God's commandments on just living as reflected in spiritual and moral values that promote selflessness and pure disposition in all situations of life, notes Hazrat Saheb (aba) in this sublime discourse.   

Read the Eid-ul-Fitr Sermon Below: 

Peace and Happiness

Eid-ul-Fitr is the gift of Allah (swt), so I wish to convey my warmest greetings and best wishes to all my Muslim brothers, sisters, and children, and especially all my dear and sincere disciples around the world. May Allah (swt) reward all Muslims for their endurance as well as their obedience and devotion to Him during the Holy month of Ramadan. Since fasting is obligatory on all Muslims during Ramadan, celebrating Eid today is incumbent upon all our Muslims brothers, sisters and children as a community; it is the occasion offered to us all to enjoy the divine favours upon us, to rejoice, to wear our best, to be at our best and to eat and drink what best has been prepared for it is expressly forbidden to fast on this festive day. But as always in Islam, all in the spirit of moderation! 

Saturday, May 8, 2021

'Ilham': Recent Divine Messages- IV

[With the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Ever Merciful. Reproduced Below are Divine Revelations vouchsafed to Imam-Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam Hazrat Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim (aba) of Mauritius on Sunday, 02 May 2021~ 19 Ramadan 1442 AH. 

These revelations address a number of important themes, mainly: (1) the duty of believers to recognize, respect and esteem the Divine messenger of their times as an obligation of Faith and the latent blessings attached to such spiritual obedience; (2) the relationship between earth-shattering events in the Later Days with 'Qiyamah' and how the Destructive and Creative attributes of Allah (swt) converge in the life-cycle of secular and spiritual worlds- when one 'world'/ order gives way to another through thoroughly transformative incidents; (3) the secret of obtaining Divine knowledge from the spiritual realm. Weak and flawed as humans  are, when they embark on a journey of personal reform from the maladies and afflictions of the self, and remain in prayers with utmost determination, perseverance and steadfastness against all odds, the gates of spiritual treasures miraculously open up for such devout savants and hidden, mystical realities unveil to them through spiritual channels by the Grace, Mercy and Blessings of the Exalted, Ever-Living Lord, Alhamdulillah].  


Jinn ka naam Hazrat Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim oun ka har Mo’min matwaalaa.

All believers (sincere followers of the Khalifatullah) revere and honour their Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim.


Oun ka i’shq hé donon jahan mein rutbé barhaané waalaa.

He who loves him wholeheartedly sees himself honoured in this temporal world as well as in the hereafter.


Donon jahan mein rehmat ounki har nei’mat hé badawlat ounki.

His mercy encompasses the universe, and all divine blessing comes down by His grace.


Rab ki rozaa hé chaahat ounki jisské dil mein hé oulfat ounki..

Whoever pleases the beloved of Allah pleases Allah Himself.


Wo hé Allah waalaa… Allah-o-Akbar.

This is to say that his Creator (His Rab) is satisfied with Him. Allah is Great, Allah is Great.

Saturday, May 1, 2021

'Ilham': Recent Divine Messages- III

Allah (swt), the Ever-Living Lord and Sustainer of the Worlds, spoke to His chosen servants all through human history. Every nation in the world has its own collective memory of such men of God who appeared, sometimes, one man in a generation; sometimes, several personalities in the same community- speaking in their own languages, conveying the messages from the Unseen. No wonder, the Qur'an confirms that the servants of Allah (swt) appeared in all nations and among all peoples. These messengers led exemplary spiritual lives, inviting people to shun evil and embrace the path of purity, righteousness, moral probity, and true wisdom; warning them about the trappings of transient pleasures, exhorting them in strongest terms to choose wisely the everlasting Divine favours as against temporal gains; foretelling about the looming prospect of facing the Days of God when  punishments will befall on the wicked, and also about the prospects of Blissful rewards on true humans, in this life and in the world to come. 


Alhamdulillahi Rabb'il Aalameen...Allah (swt) bestows upon His Elects in every era the favour of special communion and spiritual converse and guidance. To revive and renew the living path of the Qur'an for all mankind in our times, Allah (swt) has raised Hazrat Imam Al Khalifatullah Munir A. Azim (aba) of Mauritius. Over the last two decades, Hazrat Khalifatullah (aba) has been sharing the Divine communications he has been receiving from the Unseen- containing sublime guidance, for the benefit of all sincere seekers of Divine verities. In recent weeks, we have shared here some of the latest Divine revelations so received by Hazrat Saheb (aba), and the same can be read here

Against the backdrop of  devastating calamities tragically altering the fortunes of a large mass of humanity through Covid 19 virus and its many variants, as well as through many other heart-wrenching events around the world, the recent Divine revelations once again underscore the profound responsibility of human beings everywhere to undertake intense soul-searching and revert to individual and collective course-correction in our relations with fellow humans and the natural environment. The duty of a Divinely-inspired soul, and those who follow him, is only to act according to the clear guidance they have accepted; patiently persevering in repairing our broken societies; bringing about reforms  in personal conduct and social relations so as to put things right- regardless of the taunts and rejection of the myopic society around them. A society that rejects the sublime message and guidance of a Prophet to prefer their temporal, fleeting pleasures will eventually find its trial and punishment in both the worlds. Whereas time and history testify to the destruction and ruination of 'mighty' powers at the zenith of their excesses; the exalted wisdom of the Prophets and their mission survive and thrive in the fullness of the Divine order, Alhamdulillah, Summa Alhamdulillah.     

Reproduced Below are the latest installment of the Divine revelations vouchsafed to Hazrat Khalifatullah (aba) in the last couple of weeks: 

Saturday, 17 April 2021 after Esha & Taraweeh Prayer at 8.30 pm, I received this Divine Message:

Ash-hadu alla ilaaha illallaahu ana Khalifatullah; Ya Rabbi Habli Ummati.

I give evidence that none is worthy of divine worship except Allah. I am the Caliph of Allah (swt) [Chosen by Allah, not elected by men]. O Sustainer (of the Universe) bless me (and) those who follow me.

Monday, April 19, 2021

'Ilham': Recent Divine Messages-II

Bismillah-ir-Rahman-ir-Rahim. Recently, we have shared some of the Divine Messages received by Imam- Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam International Hazrat Muhyi-ud-Din Al Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim (aba) of Mauritius in March and early April 2021, and the same can be read here

The revealed messages received by Hazrat Khalifatullah (aba) this week- both before and after the Jumu'ah on Friday, 16 April 2021, contain within them a succinct summation of the Divine Mission being entrusted through him by Allah (swt) in this era, as well as the duties and responsibilities of the believers to follow and abide by the sublime guidance on offer. The message confirms once again that Allah (swt) has raised His Khalifa (the Khalifatullah) as the grand standard bearer of the Faith in this era, as a deputy of the Holy Prophet (sa), with a mandate to renew the Kalima Tayyibah of the Muslims in all its pristine glory: La Maqsouda Illa Allah; La Maabouda bi-Haqq Illa-Allah.

Unlike the disbelievers and hypocrites, sincere followers and disciples of a Vicegerent of God are expected to deploy their God-endowed reasoning and understanding in service of Faith and its obligations, including by standing up for personal as well as social reforms so as to remove all individual temptations and consequent social afflictions. Moreover, the message also alludes that just as the Holy Prophet of Islam (sa) escaped unhurt from all evil machinations and conspiratorial trappings of the disbelievers; the Khalifatullah (aba) of this era, destined to go through earthly trials at the hands of the opponents, shall also emerge victorious in the companionship of his true spiritual disciples and followers, in all joy and happiness, Insha-Allah, Aameen

Reproduced below are the Divine Revelations Hazrat Saheb (aba) has recently arranged to be shared with everyone, for the benefit of all discerning mindsBefore the Jumu'ah, Allah (swt) revealed to Hazrat Khalifatullah (aba) the following Revelations:


1. “You are the New Orbit”.


2. La Maqsouda Illa Allah: Turn only to Allah.


3. La Maabouda bi-Haqq Illa-Allah: Pray only Allah (one God).


After the Jumu'ah Namaz, the revelation came like this:

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

'Ilham': Recent Divine Messages

Alhamdulillahi Rabbi'l Aalameen. Reproduced below are certain Divine revelations  received by Imam- Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam Hazrat Munir Ahmad Azim Saheb (aba) of Mauritius in March-April 2021, for the benefit and attention of all Truth-seekers. These messages contain profound thoughts on Divine Mercy, and Divine favours: urging us to lead our lives in awe of God; in peace and solidarity with fellow beings, recognizing the spectrum of Divine commandments beginning with the rejection of evil. Considering that Divine Elects are the practical exemplars of the Prophetic Path;  the raising of an Elect in any era is a great favour  as it leads to certainty of faith and blessings on the believers. Likewise, willful failure to recognize a messenger is a curse on the people who evade or avoid their duties in this regard, and they are rejected at the court of God. It is only those who frequently turn to God in prayer (and offer invocations), and do not blindly follow their own desires and flawed minds, will be able to appreciate the exalted Divine messages and benefit from the superior guidance of the All-Forgiving, All- Knowing Allah (swt). 

Read the Divine Messages Below:

Message received at Noon (Tuesday, 06 March 2021) 

Allah (swt) is the embodiment of truth. Truth emanates from Him continually without His being reminded of it. How can man with his limited intellect advise Him (God)? The current of His mercy is flowing everywhere. It is taking care of us of itself. It knows what is good for us. It is present everywhere. It perceives our feelings and hears us.

Revelations: 01 April 2021 

First Revelation in Chinese (and repeated in Arabic): 

All people and especially the Muslims around the world and in Mauritius to reflect the TRUE significance of Islam and the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam are reflecting HUMAN BROTHERHOOD AND SUBMISSION TO ALLAH’S WILL. 

The Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim of this era shed its brilliant rays on a world shrouded in darkness. This special issue has in mind this objective: Reflect a broad spectrum of what verily ISLAM is; offer to people at large in an objective and unbiased approach; the ethic of life, the jurisprudence governing MUSLIM, the quintessence of our spiritual enlightenment to remove us from darkness; our undivided love for our Beloved Prophet Muhammad (saw) and our unflinching belief in the Unicity of Almighty Allah. 

Sunday, April 4, 2021

'Barkah': Revealed Prayers

With the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Ever Merciful. Reproduced below are certain prayers taught by Imam- Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam Hazrat Muhyi-ud-Din Al Khalifatullah  Munir A. Azim (aba) of Mauritius recently for the benefit of all believers in this period of special devotions ahead of the holy month of Ramadan. At a time when the Island nation is still under complete lockdown in view of the Covid-19 pandemic; these fervent invocations were Divinely- revealed to Hazrat Saheb (aba) on Sunday, 21 March 2021 at 4:25 pm soon after he delivered a speech on the true legacy of Hazrat Massih Maoud (as)].  

1.     O Allah, always preserve the Kalima Tayyibah on our tongue.  

2.     O Allah! Grant us complete Faith and always guide us.

3.     O Allah! Grant us Your blessings, light and favours in abundance during the month of Ramadan.

4.     O Allah! Send Your pity upon us, shower Your blessings upon us and grant us licit food.

5.     O Allah! Guide us in such a way as to lead us our lives completely in the religion of Islam

6.     O Allah! Let us depend totally upon You only, and not upon others.

7.     O Allah! Grant us the Lailat-ul-Qadr.

8.     O Allah! Grant us a Hajj Makboul and Makroor.