Saturday, May 8, 2021

'Ilham': Recent Divine Messages- IV

[With the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Ever Merciful. Reproduced Below are Divine Revelations vouchsafed to Imam-Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam Hazrat Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim (aba) of Mauritius on Sunday, 02 May 2021~ 19 Ramadan 1442 AH. 

These revelations address a number of important themes, mainly: (1) the duty of believers to recognize, respect and esteem the Divine messenger of their times as an obligation of Faith and the latent blessings attached to such spiritual obedience; (2) the relationship between earth-shattering events in the Later Days with 'Qiyamah' and how the Destructive and Creative attributes of Allah (swt) converge in the life-cycle of secular and spiritual worlds- when one 'world'/ order gives way to another through thoroughly transformative incidents; (3) the secret of obtaining Divine knowledge from the spiritual realm. Weak and flawed as humans  are, when they embark on a journey of personal reform from the maladies and afflictions of the self, and remain in prayers with utmost determination, perseverance and steadfastness against all odds, the gates of spiritual treasures miraculously open up for such devout savants and hidden, mystical realities unveil to them through spiritual channels by the Grace, Mercy and Blessings of the Exalted, Ever-Living Lord, Alhamdulillah].  


Jinn ka naam Hazrat Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim oun ka har Mo’min matwaalaa.

All believers (sincere followers of the Khalifatullah) revere and honour their Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim.


Oun ka i’shq hé donon jahan mein rutbé barhaané waalaa.

He who loves him wholeheartedly sees himself honoured in this temporal world as well as in the hereafter.


Donon jahan mein rehmat ounki har nei’mat hé badawlat ounki.

His mercy encompasses the universe, and all divine blessing comes down by His grace.


Rab ki rozaa hé chaahat ounki jisské dil mein hé oulfat ounki..

Whoever pleases the beloved of Allah pleases Allah Himself.


Wo hé Allah waalaa… Allah-o-Akbar.

This is to say that his Creator (His Rab) is satisfied with Him. Allah is Great, Allah is Great.



Izaa zulzilatil-arzu zilzaalahaa.

When the Earth is shaken to her (utmost) convulsion.


Wa akhrajatil-‘Arzu asqaalahaa.

And the Earth throws up her burden (from within).


Wa qaalal-insaanu maa la-haa?

And man cries (distressed); what is the matter with her?


COMMENTARY: To the ordinary human observer a violent earthquake is a terrifying phenomenon, in its suddenness, in its mysterious origin, and in its power to destroy and uproot the strongest buildings and to bring up strange materials from the bowels of the earth. The Overwhelming Event which ushers in the Judgement will be a bigger and more far-reaching convulsion than any incidents of earthquakes may give us some idea of that supreme world shaking event. 

An earthquake, if accompanied by a volcanic eruption, throws up enormous boulders and lava from beneath the crust of the earth. They are thrown up as if they were a burden to the Earth personified. They may be all kinds of minerals, or treasures buried for secrecy. So, in the great and final convulsion, the dead who had been buried and forgotten will rise. Matters and motives which had been secretly hidden and metaphorically buried will be brought to the light of day, and justice will be done in the full glare of absolutely Truth. Man cries with distress. What is the matter with her? The puzzled agony suffered by the victims of a violent earthquake is nothing compared to the experience of the new and wonderful world which will then open out to the gaze of man. 

It refers to the tremendous convulsion and uprooting which will take place when the present order of the world is dissolved and the new spiritual world of justice and truth takes its place.


3. The Secret of Attaining Divine Knowledge

Medical treatment, if combined with spiritual treatment, can achieve 110% result, i.e. better than before. This is what we call a miracle. Miracles happen in accordance with the attribute of God the Greatest, firstly and preferably when (Rahmaniyat) Graciousness, and secondly and generally (Raheemiyat) Mercifulness apply. For the latter attribute, no terms and conditions are required but the former one will apply to those who seek blessing from the attribute of Graciousness of God, i.e. perfectly healed. May our dear God heal you perfectly. 

The prayer is a very sensitive and very powerful attractive object. This is the perfect treatment of everything and solution as well. The prayer is the only one source to find the God. You can find God, see God, feel God. (Al-Ma’un) 

To do this (by scientific term) we need to get (choose right way) the right amount of acid; the right formula; the right software; the accuracy of right dimension and degree; horizontal, vertical accurate symbol rate and pure high quality of receiver (heart) and decoder (brain) with knowledge. 

When all conditions (everything should be accurate according to the chemistry and physics of technology) are fulfilled, then authorisation from God will apply and you can vision God and get wisdom of knowledge from the spiritual world by spiritual channels. 

These are few words of the explanation by using scientific language. This is very personal and confidential and could be differently experienced according to the person’s personal personality of all mankind and for every living creation. To get this experience, the very first condition is prayer with terms and conditions. To achieve something, continuing hard work is required. To get anything the Question requires, the knowledge and the wisdom, is therefore admired. Some realities are hiding in knowledge. 

To find these, continuous patience and prayers with answers are required. 

O my Dear God the Greatest! Provide us real knowledge and wisdom with truth. Ameen!
